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Entering the Portal of Self-Awareness By DL Zeta

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Entering the Portal of Self-Awareness

It may seem at times you are operating in your earthly life with only

part of the facts. This explains why some things that occur are

difficult to understand. We can explain this in simple terms. It is

because there are parts of your self you don't know.

Each person has many different facets or " aspects. " At any given

time, you operate through a focus self that is influenced by other

aspects operating in the background. What is most familiar to you is

your conscious focus self. By the time most people are middle-aged,

they have experienced many different facets of their conscious

personality. Yet the subconscious and superconscious selves remain a

mystery to many. These are aspects of your self that exist beyond the

physical realm. You may refer to these aspects as your " higher self "

or " inner knowing. " These aspects regularly appear on the stage of

your nightly dreams, acting out scripts in the universal language of

symbols. These scripts are designed to reveal to you the state of

your connection to your spirit, and the purpose and meaning of your

earthly existence.

Uniting All Your Aspects in the Light of Self-awareness

Those who have forged a union of their conscious, subconscious and

superconscious minds live in the light of self-awareness. They

understand the purpose of their present life in the context of an arc

of past and future life selves and are within any moment able to call

upon the understandings gained in other lives, past and future. These

beings live beyond the confines of limitations and are therefore not

susceptible to the types of lessons experienced by those who view life

from a purely physical perspective.

Self-awareness Transforms Your Destiny

It is possible to move beyond a limited life experience by stating the

intention to do so. Intention powered by attention, will and action

has the power to effectively activate your internal four-wheel-drive

and free you from many ruts and pitfalls. There are steps you can take

to activate this internal propulsion system and enter the Portal of

Self-Awareness. Discovering and re-membering the many aspects of your

self greatly expands your field of possibilities by helping you access

the knowledge and understanding of your other " selves. "

You may have heard that humans only use a portion of their brains.

The unused portion mirrors in the physical world the vast, untapped

resources of the subconscious and superconscious minds. As above, so

below. As you learn to re-engage these other dimensions of your self,

you begin to use a greater percentage of your brain. It is this

otherwise unused portion of the brain that is designed to work with

spiritual dimensions. All parts of your self united and functioning

effectively restructures your DNA and transforms your destiny.

Learning to Step Outside Time and Space

In order to unite unknown parts of your self, you will need to learn

how to step outside of time and space. We offer here some steps that

can help you transcend time and space. These include working with

dreams - decoding the symbols of your sleeping and waking dreams -

learning to still your mind through concentration exercises, meeting

with your higher mind through meditation, asking for, opening to

receive, and acting upon spiritual guidance, and enlivening your

earthly existence with increased life force energy. Life force energy

is quickened through following your passion and excitement and by

honoring and nurturing your physical body. These are some steps that

can help you to learn to exist outside the confines of time and space.

Once outside these confines, you are free to travel to the past or

future and meet previously unknown aspects of your self.

Embracing the Many Diverse Aspects of Your Self

Perceiving your many aspects help place your present life in the

context of many. This deeper understanding of who you are across time

creates awareness of the many influences and aspects you are

experiencing within this lifetime. This self-awareness translates

into a deeper understanding of every thought, every encounter, every

situation, and every feeling.

Re-membering Your Selves Unites You with Your Higher Self

When you know all your selves, you have a more direct experience of

all-that-is. You are more at peace and more aware of the divine being

that you are. You are able to see the divine heart of all others and

step into the " big picture " of every situation you encounter. In your

daily life, you understand that through the Law of Attraction, you

draw to you those energies that are resonant with your own.

By entering the Portal of Self-awareness, you are able to unite with

all your aspects. As you unite with these other " selves, " you are able

to access the gifts of their knowledge and wisdom. As you learn to

step outside time and space, you are able to remember who you are

throughout time and bring this infinite nature of your being into

every experience of your present moment.

For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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