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The Truth

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Hello Beautiful Ones, I received this in an e-mail, and found it to be touching, on a profound level. I hope you may find it, touching, also. Many Blessings, Mark

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THANK YOU FOR SHARING THE TRUTH. Love & Light Anoudi "God I ask from You the well-being, and to be grateful for the well-being"

From: maya_vidhyadharan@...Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 23:07:23 +0000Subject: [] The Truth

This is a word that has caused a lot of confusion in your minds. The truth is one that sets you free from holding on to your beliefs, ideas and opinions about anything and anyone. The truth is the vehicle through which the divine moves through you. It is clear and concise in its communication, and you will never be in doubt of its message, as long as you are centered and completely in line with this movement inside you. The way to be in alignment is to stop questioning your inner guidance. Even when you make a mistake, its okay, everything is bringing greater clarity to all light workers. Everyone has access to this truth; even the one caught in darkness. They are also listening to a movement within themselves when not blocked by fear. You chose to ignore the message since you did not want to give up what you `thought' precious, like your false values and beliefs! You need to know that once something is written in stone it is no longer in the flow of life. A truth at one point may change at another point in time. You may be asked to create at one point and rest at another. There is no book written on the truth as it is not a constant. However, the following guidelines will help you stay open to receiving the truth:

Utmost honesty with self at all times, even at the cost of losing what you hold as valuable.

Never to ever give in to baser instincts for personal gain. Even if you do, remember no one is judging you.

Utmost awareness of every movement inside and outside of you without judgment. Awareness opens your heart center to receive messages of greater subtlety.

Measure your progress by the amount of peace in your life.

As you become more and more aware, your shadows will be revealed to you – own them and release them. Own the pain it has caused you and release it back to the source.

Be a child at all times – open and innocent to the glory around you.

Always be a student and realize that you know nothing. When you have this attitude the resistance within you will fall away and the simplest and most profound teachings will be made visible to you every waking moment. This is how the divine talks to you. It is not always the big bang catastrophic incident that raises your awareness.

When in doubt about a teaching, let it go completely from yourself into the light. Release it and ask the Father to bring more clarity and openness. If there is truth in the teaching it will be given back to you in a way you will know for sure. Sometimes, we deny the truth, which is ok. Denial is giving you time to recuperate from past hurts. When you are ready, you will hear it. Pray for readiness and all fears to be removed from you knowing you are in divine hands.

The movement of truth is clearest in its reception when your body is clear of toxins, your intestines are clear and you are breathing deep into your lower abdomen so all the cells receive precious oxygen. Eliminate food which does not suit you.

Surrender to life every moment. Surrender to the force that is in you, outside of you and beyond your mind as you know of it. Surrender to God.

When life becomes overwhelming, take a break. Break free from everything that is causing you distress. There is a time to create and there is a time to rest. When you ignore the messages from your body, you can manifest a physical ailment so that you are forced to take the rest you could have taken earlier. Everyone needs a holiday to replenish the mind, body and soul. When you are constantly on the go, life passes you by and one morning you will wake up feeling depleted. Life is so much more than what you think. Play is forgotten in your worldly and spiritual pursuits. Play is essential to opening your heart to be receptive to the truth that is `really' happening around you – not what you want to be true. Play relaxes the heart muscles, improves the blood flow to your body and releases toxins. These toxins prevent reception of messages from above. Laugh in abandonment. Read Dilbert!

Channeled teachings from Ascended Masters called Frodham. Taken from the book The Power of Illusion by Maya Vidhyadharam


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