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Re: Flouride effects

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> For years I had suffered from panic attacks and general ill feeling

> and bad health.


> One time I had narrowed it down to the water. So I started researching

> what could be in water to make me feel so blah and found all my

> problems the irritable bowel syndrome the sleeplessness the anger

> spurts the depression the skin numbness the inability to think clearly

> and restless leg syndrome the severe pms the headaches the nauseau was

> all from the flouride. Well I called a water company and asked if they

> had flouride free water. they did and I have delivery now and a

> cooler. I take baths in baking soda two tablespoons half a cup epsom

> salts and a half a cup of green clay several times a week. This all

> draws out metals out of your skin and I feel my skin now. I am realy

> sensitive and I sleep so much better.


> I changed my diet too to include taking calcium and magnesium this

> helps to flush metals out including aluminum which flouride is a by

> product of.

> Well I take melatonin several times a week to. I take garlic oil

> supplements and alpha lipoic acid which helps to flush out mercury

> from the brain and oat bran.


> Let me tell ya. I have not ever felt better I can remember ever

> feeling good.

> Till now.


> I see so many others getting mad at simple things. Like a boss telling

> somebody that they should work this way. then those people get all

> angry over something that was not meant to be horrible. Nor was it

> meant to be a cut down. However I see it all around me. I am

> astounded. I remember feeling that way too. Now I just sit back and am

> amazed at how badly flouride realy is.


> I hear all the time flouride is good for your teeth. Well I had no

> idea it actually strips your bones of essentials and can make them

> weak. I have exrays of my feet with metal in the bone. imagine that.

> I never had surgery to put metal in my bones. The years of drinking

> tap water with its multitude of metals and flouride is the culprit.

> My feet used to hurt so bad I thought it was old age.

> Till I started drinking and cooking with only flouride free water and

> taking the bath above mentioned did the pains in my feet go away. I

> have not had a recent exray to see if the metal in my bones have gone

> way but I am sure it is.


> Anyways. That is my thoughts on the subject.


> Oh ya. The free antibiotics that publix gives to people main

> ingredients is flouride. Cipro is mainly flouride. imagine. SSRI

> antidepressants like paxil and zoloft is half flouride. that is why I

> felt like crud when I was on paxil. I would drink the tap water and

> feel even more speeded up. I always hated that. Explained alot.


> Anyways. got to go.


> Hugs to all.


I can only reiterate all that you have said. I have not so much as had

a cold since I stopped fluoride. It also interferes with your natural

psychic abilities. It has been 2 years since I went to spring water

and alternative toothpastes along with saying goodbye to the

antidepressants, anti-anxiety and the other meds for the stomach, head

and all the other side effects. I feel much better and think much more


As far as antibiotics go, I only use colloidal silver these days.

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In respose here is a link on fluoride http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/sepp/2006/12/30/fluoride_accumulates_in_pineal_gland.htm

This is one of many articles that I have on this chemical that was used as a WMD in WWII. The pineal gland is the dream gland and some call it the seat of the soul. Fluoride will calcify this gland. Anyway read the article and I have more I can post (time permitting :) ). Namaste to allDebra >> > For years I had suffered from panic attacks and general ill feeling> and bad health. > > One time I had narrowed it down to the water. So I started researching> what could be in water to make me feel so blah and found all my> problems the irritable bowel syndrome the sleeplessness the anger> spurts the depression the skin numbness the inability to think clearly> and restless leg syndrome the severe pms the headaches the nauseau was> all from the flouride. Well I called a water company and asked if they> had flouride free water. they did and I have delivery now and a> cooler. I take baths in baking soda two tablespoons half a cup epsom> salts and a half a cup of green clay several times a week. This all> draws out metals out of your skin and I feel my skin now. I am realy> sensitive and I sleep so much better.> > I changed my diet too to include taking calcium and magnesium this> helps to flush metals out including aluminum which flouride is a by> product of.> Well I take melatonin several times a week to. I take garlic oil> supplements and alpha lipoic acid which helps to flush out mercury> from the brain and oat bran.> > Let me tell ya. I have not ever felt better I can remember ever> feeling good.> Till now.> > I see so many others getting mad at simple things. Like a boss telling> somebody that they should work this way. then those people get all> angry over something that was not meant to be horrible. Nor was it> meant to be a cut down. However I see it all around me. I am> astounded. I remember feeling that way too. Now I just sit back and am> amazed at how badly flouride realy is.> > I hear all the time flouride is good for your teeth. Well I had no> idea it actually strips your bones of essentials and can make them> weak. I have exrays of my feet with metal in the bone. imagine that. > I never had surgery to put metal in my bones. The years of drinking> tap water with its multitude of metals and flouride is the culprit.> My feet used to hurt so bad I thought it was old age.> Till I started drinking and cooking with only flouride free water and> taking the bath above mentioned did the pains in my feet go away. I> have not had a recent exray to see if the metal in my bones have gone> way but I am sure it is.> > Anyways. That is my thoughts on the subject.> > Oh ya. The free antibiotics that publix gives to people main> ingredients is flouride. Cipro is mainly flouride. imagine. SSRI> antidepressants like paxil and zoloft is half flouride. that is why I> felt like crud when I was on paxil. I would drink the tap water and> feel even more speeded up. I always hated that. Explained alot.> > Anyways. got to go.> > Hugs to all.>

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WOW thank you for this information....I suffer from many of thes symptoms that you describe but I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia/chronc fatigue syndrome. I understand that flouride is also disasterous for that as well. I dont know how we can completely avoid flouride. I noticed that since i moved to florida, I have gotten worse. I have a filter on my frig. but I wonder how well it filters. I want to try that holistic bath remedy you described here. I nver heard of "green clay". Where do I get that?

----- Original Message ----From: Debra <debra09@...> Sent: Thursday, February 7, 2008 9:07:06 AMSubject: [] Re: Flouride effects

In respose here is a link on fluoride http://www.newmedia explorer. org/sepp/ 2006/12/30/ fluoride_ accumulates_ in_pineal_ gland.htm This is one of many articles that I have on this chemical that was used as a WMD in WWII. The pineal gland is the dream gland and some call it the seat of the soul. Fluoride will calcify this gland. Anyway read the article and I have more I can post (time permitting :) ). Namaste to allDebra >> > For years I had suffered from panic attacks and general ill feeling> and bad health. > > One time I had narrowed it down to the water. So I started

researching> what could be in water to make me feel so blah and found all my> problems the irritable bowel syndrome the sleeplessness the anger> spurts the depression the skin numbness the inability to think clearly> and restless leg syndrome the severe pms the headaches the nauseau was> all from the flouride. Well I called a water company and asked if they> had flouride free water. they did and I have delivery now and a> cooler. I take baths in baking soda two tablespoons half a cup epsom> salts and a half a cup of green clay several times a week. This all> draws out metals out of your skin and I feel my skin now. I am realy> sensitive and I sleep so much better.> > I changed my diet too to include taking calcium and magnesium this> helps to flush metals out including aluminum which flouride is a by> product of.> Well I take melatonin several times

a week to. I take garlic oil> supplements and alpha lipoic acid which helps to flush out mercury> from the brain and oat bran.> > Let me tell ya. I have not ever felt better I can remember ever> feeling good.> Till now.> > I see so many others getting mad at simple things. Like a boss telling> somebody that they should work this way. then those people get all> angry over something that was not meant to be horrible. Nor was it> meant to be a cut down. However I see it all around me. I am> astounded. I remember feeling that way too. Now I just sit back and am> amazed at how badly flouride realy is.> > I hear all the time flouride is good for your teeth. Well I had no> idea it actually strips your bones of essentials and can make them> weak. I have exrays of my feet with metal in the bone. imagine that. > I never had surgery to put

metal in my bones. The years of drinking> tap water with its multitude of metals and flouride is the culprit.> My feet used to hurt so bad I thought it was old age.> Till I started drinking and cooking with only flouride free water and> taking the bath above mentioned did the pains in my feet go away. I> have not had a recent exray to see if the metal in my bones have gone> way but I am sure it is.> > Anyways. That is my thoughts on the subject.> > Oh ya. The free antibiotics that publix gives to people main> ingredients is flouride. Cipro is mainly flouride. imagine. SSRI> antidepressants like paxil and zoloft is half flouride. that is why I> felt like crud when I was on paxil. I would drink the tap water and> feel even more speeded up. I always hated that. Explained alot.> > Anyways. got to go.> > Hugs to


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