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Flouride effects

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For years I had suffered from panic attacks and general ill feeling

and bad health.

One time I had narrowed it down to the water. So I started researching

what could be in water to make me feel so blah and found all my

problems the irritable bowel syndrome the sleeplessness the anger

spurts the depression the skin numbness the inability to think clearly

and restless leg syndrome the severe pms the headaches the nauseau was

all from the flouride. Well I called a water company and asked if they

had flouride free water. they did and I have delivery now and a

cooler. I take baths in baking soda two tablespoons half a cup epsom

salts and a half a cup of green clay several times a week. This all

draws out metals out of your skin and I feel my skin now. I am realy

sensitive and I sleep so much better.

I changed my diet too to include taking calcium and magnesium this

helps to flush metals out including aluminum which flouride is a by

product of.

Well I take melatonin several times a week to. I take garlic oil

supplements and alpha lipoic acid which helps to flush out mercury

from the brain and oat bran.

Let me tell ya. I have not ever felt better I can remember ever

feeling good.

Till now.

I see so many others getting mad at simple things. Like a boss telling

somebody that they should work this way. then those people get all

angry over something that was not meant to be horrible. Nor was it

meant to be a cut down. However I see it all around me. I am

astounded. I remember feeling that way too. Now I just sit back and am

amazed at how badly flouride realy is.

I hear all the time flouride is good for your teeth. Well I had no

idea it actually strips your bones of essentials and can make them

weak. I have exrays of my feet with metal in the bone. imagine that.

I never had surgery to put metal in my bones. The years of drinking

tap water with its multitude of metals and flouride is the culprit.

My feet used to hurt so bad I thought it was old age.

Till I started drinking and cooking with only flouride free water and

taking the bath above mentioned did the pains in my feet go away. I

have not had a recent exray to see if the metal in my bones have gone

way but I am sure it is.

Anyways. That is my thoughts on the subject.

Oh ya. The free antibiotics that publix gives to people main

ingredients is flouride. Cipro is mainly flouride. imagine. SSRI

antidepressants like paxil and zoloft is half flouride. that is why I

felt like crud when I was on paxil. I would drink the tap water and

feel even more speeded up. I always hated that. Explained alot.

Anyways. got to go.

Hugs to all.

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