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Myths Surrounding Karma

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Karma is not a law of punishment or revenge; it is a law of natural consequence. No one escapes the effects of the Law of Karma.

Myths Surrounding Karma

There are many myths surrounding karma. Let us now dispel a few of them.

Karma is not a form of divine punishment. Karma is simply the law. There is no punishment here, nor is there reward; there is merely consequence. How we live our lives today will determine, to a great degree, what our future will be like; it is as simple as that.

So, we must never look at karma as retribution for the deeds of the past. To do so would be to look at life in a very negative way. If errors need to be corrected, we should attempt to correct them. This is the responsibility which comes with freedom of choice.

Karma should not be equated to negativity. People love talking about their bad karma and how they are suffering, today, for the deeds of the past. Again, karma is the law. There is neither good karma nor bad karma; there is only karma! The consequences of our past deeds may be very unpleasant, or they may be very rewarding. We determine that, not karma. Karma is what makes it all come about. Karma can be equated to atomic energy. In its raw state, atomic energy has great, but silent, potential. Once we tap into it, we can use it either to solve our energy problems or to destroy the planet upon which we live. So it is with karma. In itself, it is neutral; once we engage it, it takes on character, and we usually label it as good or bad.

Karma must never be looked at in terms of "an eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth." If we injure an individual, we do not necessarily have to be injured by that same person. We must deal with the fact that we injured another soul. How we deal with that is up to us. Those involved will very likely work out a strategy of karmic compensation. But karma should not be looked at as a means of revenge for the injustices committed by others. This perverted attitude concerning karma results only in one thing: a continuation of a vicious cycle of inflicting one injustice upon another because of what a person may have done to us. This solves nothing.

Karmic relationships between people are complex and involve many different aspects, more than we generally realize. The problem arises when we constantly look at the people with whom we are involved and ask: what karma am I working out with you? You may not be working out any karma with that person. The question to ask is: what can I do to make myself a better and more loving person? If we worry too much about the "karma" of things, we fall victim to living our lives under the assumption that if we do all the right things, we shall free ourselves from karma's debt. This can be a selfish and self-centered attitude.

What are we attempting to say here? Very simply this: we should be fully aware of karma and its many implications and then leave it at that. We should strive to live our lives in light, love, and goodness, not because it will help wipe out karmic debts, but because we know that this is the way we should be. If we do selfless things for selfish reasons, our motives becomes selfish, and there will be karmic consequences to this.

Finally, we must never judge another person based on his or her life. Too often, we tend to look at the "lowly" and downtrodden as people who are having to suffer because of past deeds. Why a person chooses a particular earthly life is between that person and God and should not be subject to judgment. We must never equate bodily health and material comfort as indications of spiritual growth or achievement.

Degrees of Karma

As individual

souls, we are subject to varying degrees of karma:

INDIVIDUAL KARMA is that which involves us as individuals; that which we are dealing with and working through on a personal level.

FAMILY KARMA involves the family with which we grow up. We come to the Earth plane with certain parents and siblings; not by accident, but because we have chosen to live and work with these people for a number of reasons.

GROUP KARMA involves the over-all group to which we may belong. This can be based upon sex, color, ethnic heritage, religion, etc. Today there is a definite evolution of understanding between the sexes. A person chooses to come onto the earth as a male or female for specific reasons, but his or her life will also be influenced by whatever his or her sexual group does. So it is with racial, ethnic, religious, and other groups.

NATIONAL KARMA influences those living within a certain country. Nations are subject to the laws of karma, as are people. United States citizens are influenced by the karma of this country. So it is with citizens of all countries.

HUMAN KARMA involves the karma of the human family as a whole. As members of the human race, we are each subject to that which influences this great group of spirits. The general human struggle affects each of us, and it is unwise to feel that the actions of a group of people thousands of miles away have no bearing upon us. We are all members of the human family, and we affect each other on many levels.

From this, we can see that karma, together with its implications and influences upon our lives, is a bit more complex than we might think. We are subject to varying influences, from varying sources. Once again, we repeat: the secret to successful living is to live our lives as loving and caring people. Peace on earth begins by achieving peace within the individual. Harmony on earth begins with inner harmony. Racial, sexual, and ethnic barriers begin to break down with the breaking down of barriers from within. It all starts with the individual. From there, it expands outward, gradually encompassing more and more of the whole.


clarification on the difference between Spirit and Soul, you may

wish to read an article on the Spirit-Soul-Body


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(-:Thank you, so true, karma is neither good nor bad, it just is. Take care, be well, blessings & best wishes:-) <butterflygris@...> wrote: Karma is not a law of punishment or revenge; it is a law of natural consequence. No one escapes the effects of the Law of Karma. Myths Surrounding Karma There are many myths surrounding karma. Let us now dispel a few of them. Karma is not a form of divine punishment. Karma is simply the law. There is no punishment here, nor is there reward; there is merely consequence. How we live our lives today will determine, to a great degree, what our future will be like; it is as simple as that. So, we must never look at karma as retribution for the deeds of the past. To do so would be to look at life in a very negative way. If errors need to be corrected, we should attempt to correct them. This is the responsibility which comes with freedom of choice. Karma should not be equated to negativity. People love talking about their bad karma and how they are suffering, today, for the deeds of the past. Again, karma is the law. There is neither good karma nor bad karma; there is only karma! The consequences of our past deeds may be very unpleasant, or they may be very rewarding. We determine that, not karma. Karma is what makes it all come about. Karma can be equated to atomic energy. In its raw state, atomic energy has great, but silent, potential. Once we tap into it, we can use it either to solve our energy problems or to destroy the planet upon which we live. So it is with karma. In itself, it is neutral; once we engage it, it takes on character, and we usually label it as good or bad. Karma must never be looked at in

terms of "an eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth." If we injure an individual, we do not necessarily have to be injured by that same person. We must deal with the fact that we injured another soul. How we deal with that is up to us. Those involved will very likely work out a strategy of karmic compensation. But karma should not be looked at as a means of revenge for the injustices committed by others. This perverted attitude concerning karma results only in one thing: a continuation of a vicious cycle of inflicting one injustice upon another because of what a person may have done to us. This solves nothing. Karmic relationships between people are complex and involve many different aspects, more than we generally realize. The problem arises when we constantly look at the people with whom we are involved and ask: what karma am I working out with you? You may not be working out

any karma with that person. The question to ask is: what can I do to make myself a better and more loving person? If we worry too much about the "karma" of things, we fall victim to living our lives under the assumption that if we do all the right things, we shall free ourselves from karma's debt. This can be a selfish and self-centered attitude. What are we attempting to say here? Very simply this: we should be fully aware of karma and its many implications and then leave it at that. We should strive to live our lives in light, love, and goodness, not because it will help wipe out karmic debts, but because we know that this is the way we should be. If we do selfless things for selfish reasons, our motives becomes selfish, and there will be karmic consequences to this. Finally, we must never judge

another person based on his or her life. Too often, we tend to look at the "lowly" and downtrodden as people who are having to suffer because of past deeds. Why a person chooses a particular earthly life is between that person and God and should not be subject to judgment. We must never equate bodily health and material comfort as indications of spiritual growth or achievement. Degrees of Karma As individual souls, we are subject to varying degrees of karma: INDIVIDUAL KARMA is that which involves us as individuals; that which we are dealing with and working through on a personal level. FAMILY KARMA involves the family with which we grow up. We come to the Earth plane with certain parents and siblings; not by accident, but because we have chosen to live and work with these people for a number of reasons. GROUP KARMA involves the over-all group to which we may belong. This can be based upon sex, color, ethnic heritage, religion, etc. Today there is a definite evolution of understanding between the sexes. A person chooses to come onto the earth as a male or female for specific reasons, but his or her life will also be influenced by whatever his or her sexual group does. So it is with racial, ethnic, religious, and other groups. NATIONAL KARMA influences those living within a certain country. Nations are subject to

the laws of karma, as are people. United States citizens are influenced by the karma of this country. So it is with citizens of all countries. HUMAN KARMA involves the karma of the human family as a whole. As members of the human race, we are each subject to that which influences this great group of spirits. The general human struggle affects each of us, and it is unwise to feel that the actions of a group of people thousands of miles away have no bearing upon us. We are all members of the human family, and we affect each other on many levels. From this, we can see that karma, together with its implications and influences upon our lives, is a bit more complex than we might think. We are subject to varying influences, from varying sources. Once again, we repeat: the

secret to successful living is to live our lives as loving and caring people. Peace on earth begins by achieving peace within the individual. Harmony on earth begins with inner harmony. Racial, sexual, and ethnic barriers begin to break down with the breaking down of barriers from within. It all starts with the individual. From there, it expands outward, gradually encompassing more and more of the whole. For clarification on the difference between Spirit and Soul, you may wish to read an article on the Spirit-Soul-Body trinity. "Enlightenment must come little by little -- otherwise it would overwhelm." -- Idries Shah

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