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Re: Energy Alert?

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The What's Up On Planet Earth?

February 23 , 2008



In this energy alert:

Why there is so much suffering now present on the planet;

Why everything is in divine and perfect order even though it may seem

the world has gone mad;

Where we are in the transition;

What we can do to ease any discomfort we may be experiencing;

And examples of the transition process unfolding in a beautiful and

perfect way.

We are basically in the same space as we were during the last energy

alert, even though there have been a few minor movements which placed

us in an even more secure position in readiness for the new. On

February 20th we experienced a lunar eclipse, which brought a very

definite end to the clearing and purging stage. You might have had

significant dreams during this time which indicated that the purging

was complete, or perhaps experienced other indicators in your life.

The Mercury retrograde phase is now over as well, so then the going

back and purging phases are now complete.

Minor movements are occurring as we are still adjusting and aligning

before the big tidal wave of new energy arrives. We are much more

intact than we were even a week ago, as the " pressure " is subsiding

and much more has taken a foothold now. This means that we are over

the hump and the new energies should be arriving very soon indeed.

This can manifest as a laziness or very relaxed state while we are

waiting for the last finishing touches to take place.

Everything on the planet is literally being turned inside out, as each

and every thing which embodies energy needs to find its new location

or home. Several times in the past few weeks, and especially in the

past few days, we have had interesting occurrences with our

electronics here where we live. Our cell phones and our satellite

television have been unable to locate their " homes. " For several days

we had no phone service as our phones could not seem to locate their

towers, and our television has been " lost " and unable to connect to

the transmitting satellite.

And this is what is occurring on a massive global level as well. Each

and every living thing is in the process of re-connecting to a higher

vibration and to a higher version or reality of their places in the

new reality.

This takes time as it is vitally important that everyone and

everything has an opportunity to be on board when the grand surge of

new energy arrives.

If you are one who is already aligned to the energies of the new, you

will most likely feel as though you have hit a brick wall with an

inability to move forward. You may feel jammed up with no room to

breathe, or perhaps stuck and suffocating. There is indeed an energy

wall present, and those of us who are most sensitive can feel it to a

great degree. (I will list some possible ways for relief further on in

this energy alert.)

We cannot continue to line up with the old energies of a lower

dimension or a lower vibrating reality, thus, we are stuck or

immovable for a time until the wall is removed. This, again, will

occur when each and every living thing on the planet has had enough

time to make adjustments and to line up with their own unique " new. "

I personally know individuals who are greatly benefiting from this

aligning time we are being given. One individual had decided that

after 8 years of a challenging marriage, it was finally time to move

on. No question was in her mind…she had decided with complete

certainty and was extremely happy and actually ecstatic about her new

beginning…and a new beginning was indeed arriving for her.

As she announced her decision to her husband and began to make her

plans, she had a reading, which also confirmed for her that her

husband was now out of the picture and very far behind her. Then very

suddenly, changes were made within her husband, as well as other

changes within her family structure. And now they are moving ahead

together; a total and complete surprise. And this is how it is for

many of us.

Small but significant changes are indeed occurring even though we may

be " waiting. "

There are many scenarios unfolding which are awesome to behold, as it

is so very evident that changes need to be made within each and every

one of us. And when they are made, magic occurs and we are then

aligned with the new reality. And this is also why there is so much

suffering occurring now on the planet. Suffering is occurring to

support individuals into making a change. When we are extremely

miserable, we are more inclined to be open to doing things

differently, or perhaps inclined to let go of internal patterns that

have continued to cause us misery for a very long time. And as most of

us know, we are the ones who cause ourselves misery, and in this way,

we are then empowered to make change, as changing ourselves is what

creates the change on the outside as well, and then the ball is in our

own court.

It can be difficult and very challenging to watch all this suffering

around us. Our hearts go out to those involved. We deeply care. It can

at times seem as though the world has gone mad. But we must also

remember that each and every one of us is on our own unique journey,

and our journeys are what create the needed changes.

This is why it is best that we do not meddle in the fall. If we were

to interfere and " hold up " what needs to fall, we would go down with

it, as well as serve to create a fall that lasts much longer than it

needs to. Another's journey is just that. At times we can only watch

with compassion and concern. But know as well, that during this

miraculous time, many miracles are occurring. Situations which seemed

horrific are finding beautiful resolutions, and this is when the magic

occurs…it is through the suffering. This is many times the doorway to

the higher realms. (Yes, at certain times we need to meddle and

support, but this is not what I am referring to here.)

Many of us are at different stages now in regard to being lined up for

the new reality. This is why it is so vitally important that we are

willing to wait for everyone to catch up. What is creating these

unpleasant scenarios on the planet is the fact that we are in an

energy lull right now. Basically, there is a diminished level of

energy around us, or hitting the planet, or in other words, not much

to connect to or to support us. This lack of energy then, is what is

creating the scenarios of suffering.

This can manifest as exhaustion, no drive, apathy, crying jags, empty

gas tanks and dead batteries, a feeling of no support, nothing

manifesting very well, or even hopelessness. But this energy lull is

serving the purpose of allowing each and every thing on the planet to

more readily identify what it is that is really and truly important to

us. When we seem to have much of nothing (which is an illusion), then

we tend to be grateful for the most important things in our lives. And

it is these things that we want to hold onto and pay more attention to.

Yes, this is a time when most of everything is being turned inside out

as all is re-aligning. As mentioned in the past few energy alerts, it

begins as the seeming underdog now rising to the place of recognized

power. What were seeming underdogs in the past, or those that carried

higher energies whose time had not yet arrived, are now being placed

into positions of power. The latest manifestation of this is the

situation with Kosovo. " Underdogs " are rising up.

This progresses then, as the " old " or household energies which

contained the power in the past, now losing their foothold. The

elections here in the US are manifestations of this scenario. But as

the progression continues, those losing their foothold begin to

suffer, and thus, they are then given the opportunity to change,

adjust, be more of who they really and truly are, or their authentic

and higher vibrating selves, and the scenario again shifts as more and

more living things become aligned to the new reality. So in this way,

much is rockin' and rollin' with new surprises at every moment!

With this movement into the higher realms being so massive, the

challenges and confusion can be great. But know that at higher levels,

everything is absolutely as it should be and everything is right on

track. It can be tempting at times to desire an immediate change, or

perhaps a change in our already decided upon direction, as we may feel

that there has been some mistake.

Here where Phil and I live in the high desert canyon lands of the

southern end of the Rocky Mountains in the US Southwest, we are in the

middle of yet another snowstorm which dropped about 10 inches. For the

past few days we were experiencing temperatures in the 50's, the mud

was dissipating, and our hiking experiences were getting back to a

more enjoyable level. And then boom! As Phil says, " We have to start

all over again… " It is then that we may be tempted to relocate to a

different area of better " climate, " but an awesome climate is due to

arrive very soon if we just hold on awhile longer.

And this is how some of us may be feeling now. Not yet, not yet, not

yet, but soon…We can know that there is indeed an end to the

transition, and indeed there is. And when enough of us are aligned to

the new, there will arrive a massive shift in the energies. The wall

will come down, we will all pass through into a higher vibrating

reality, and we will easily forget the stage we currently find

ourselves in.

I was speaking to my mother the other day, and we were commenting as

we always do during times of climate discomfort, that we will hardly

remember how cold it was when we are hot and sweaty this summer! And

vice versa for those of you in the southern hemisphere. After hours of

labor during a birth, we easily forget the pain when the new baby

arrives, or we would probably never give birth again. The new arrival

is always worth the discomfort, and this new arrival will be like no

other. We need to hold on for awhile longer in order for this unity to

be complete.

What can we do to ease the discomfort? Being that there is much less

energy present now, we may feel empty and drained. A hug from someone

can work wonders. If you do not have a someone to hug you or to hug

back, our animal companions can work wonders. No animal companions or

human huggers? Hugging a tree can really fill us up. No trees where

you reside? Simply lie on the earth…it can be truly awesome and can

serve to really connect us to the higher realms. Remember, we ascend

through the earth herself. If the weather deters you from lying on the

earth, place a tarp or some plastic down, dress very warmly, and enjoy

your connection! Our little ones are also great connectors to the

higher realms. I used to go to my granddaughter's pre-school when she

was three and play with all the kids, sliding down slides, digging in

the sand, and running. It greatly helped.

In addition, there is a continual pattern when we are in the

discomforts of transition which involves an every other day scenario.

The universe does not want us to become totally lost and discouraged,

so at times we seem to experience one good day, then a challenging

one, then another good one. This is the see-saw effect of our

ascension process at work.

In addition, the more removed from the mainstream you are, the less

you will experience the discomforts of the fall. And knowing what is

really going on, and that we are still in the transition, can also

enable us to let go and relax, as we know with complete certainty that

the new reality is right on the horizon. If we can detach as much as

we can from what is occurring around us, connect to our creativity and

to our loved ones in a loving way, or perhaps spend as much time as

possible in nature, we can remain safe and sound during this time. And

nature feels very good again, as the purging stage is over!


Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles

in your life in these miraculous times...

Until next time,





> Has anyone been able to get to the new Energy Alert by

Bishop? All I

> can get to is the February 14th one. If you have it, will you

please post

> it. Thanks.





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