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Urgent prayer request!

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Dear Sandy:

I am saddened to hear about this tragic accident. This little girl should

receive hyperbaric oxygen ASAP to minimize the extent of her burn injuries

and the scars ensuing from the burns. Please relay my suggestions to her

parents. Time is of the essence to avoid permanent disfigurement and

emotional trauma for this child. There are a number of HBOT centers in

Texas. I will forward your email to various discussion groups to locate a

center near this family.


e Llorente, MD

Urgent Prayer Request!

This was sent to me from a friend - S.


A prayer request from our church:

Late Thursday night an 8-month-old little girl named Delaney pulled a

hot Fry Daddy on her body. Her Mom, Deena, pulled her out of her walker

and also burned herself.

They life-flighted the little girl to ish Rite and then to Parkland

Burn Center in Dallas. She has 40% burns on the trunk of her body. They

are going to amputate at least 3 fingers on one hand and will have to

graft skin from her Mom and Dad to help repair her.

She is in critical condition and her lungs have filled with water. They

don`t know if she will live or not. They say the next few days will


They live in Florence, Texas and have two other children. THEY NEED AS


Will you please forward this to as many prayer warriors! as you can? It

only takes a moment to say a simple prayer for this sweet baby, and

prayer is much more powerful than most people realize!

Please - t! take just a quick minute to pray for this baby girl, and

forward this request to anyone else you can. Thank you for your help and


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IAM along with TBN will list this child on our prayer list. We have teamed

with TBN to pray for our patients especially the brain injured children we

treat in our hyperbaric chambers.

May God seal and grant our request.

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  • 8 months later...
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----- Original Message -----

From: darbylinda

This is from a very good friend of mine in New Orleans...



----- Original Message -----

From: Chuck Ebeyer

I need you to pray and ask your church to pray for my nephew from Lake .

His name is Cobb. He's a young father of a two

year old boy. He went several days ago to the doctor with a severe headache and

throwing up. Well his sypmtoms got worse so he went

into the hospital last night. He was diagnosed with West Nile Virus and

Enchiphilitis. If his brain swells anymore it could kill

him. Please intercede for him and put him on your prayer list. Thank you so


Connie Ebeyer

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Of course! I added him to your name on the honor list. Let us know how

he's doing!



----- Original Message -----

From: " L. Delk " <delk@...>

> I need you to pray and ask your church to pray for my nephew from Lake

. His name is Cobb. He's a young father of a two

> year old boy. He went several days ago to the doctor with a severe

headache and throwing up. Well his sypmtoms got worse so he went

> into the hospital last night. He was diagnosed with West Nile Virus and

Enchiphilitis. If his brain swells anymore it could kill

> him. Please intercede for him and put him on your prayer list. Thank you

so much!

> Connie Ebeyer

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  • 4 years later...

...She is Graciela Melendez reategui my best friend's mother who lives in Peru . She is very sad because her mom has terminal illness called " cirrosis Hepatica" so please i request your help by praying together for her .To my dearest friends who have prayers groups, my beautiful monks friends,lightworkers .... please help me with ur love and compassion.I love ya everyone.Mari

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