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Thank you Tess. I have been in bed all day.

Still running a temp. Everything is closed down

here in Ohio where I am, we are still on a level 3, not

to be out only in an extreme emergency, only

emergency vehicles. Tonight we are having freezing

rain on top of the 16-18 inches of snow we have.

Please continue to pray for me. Thank you and

God bless,



[ ] Joy

Dear Joy...keeping you in my heart & in my prayers. There are some

brutal bugs going around...please check with your doctor.



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I hope the antibiotics kick in quickly and make you feel better soon.

Bronchitis is no fun!


> Hi Tess,

> THank you for the prayers. I went to see my doctor

> this morning and she does I have bronchitis. She gave

> me cough syrup and put me on an antibiotic and told me to

> rest and take it easy.

> God bless...Joy




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Hi a,

Thank you so much...I feel a bit better tonight.

Taking the day off tomorrow so maybe that will

help to get some rest.


Re: [ ] Joy


I hope the antibiotics kick in quickly and make you feel better soon.

Bronchitis is no fun!


> Hi Tess,

> THank you for the prayers. I went to see my doctor

> this morning and she does I have bronchitis. She gave

> me cough syrup and put me on an antibiotic and told me to

> rest and take it easy.

> God bless...Joy




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  • 1 month later...
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on 3/25/03 10:27 PM, Joy at jhooper@... wrote:

> I am in a terrible flare and have been since the weekend.

> I came home from work early tonight, took a pain pill and

> am in bed at this time. I took a vioxx earlier. Is anyone

> else in terrible pain at this time? I hope this does not

> go on much longer, it is hard to deal with.


You and I are in the same boat. My left hand is my most painful part right

now. Funny thing is, the worst pain is not in a joint but in my hand between

my wrist and fingers. I'm just thankful it's not my right hand. It doesn't

seem to let up, though. So I truly sympathize with you. Here's hoping the

pain soon subsides.


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Thank you ,


Re: [ ] Re: Elaine

> Hi Elaine,

> Thank you so much for writing and sharing with me.

> I sometimes wonder how I can still be nice to my husband,

> but I know it is only by the grace of God that I am able to,otherwise

> I am sure I would hate him. I care what happens to him, how can

> I not he was my husband for 33 years. I just do not know sometimes

> what I think anymore. It is very hard. I know I want the dissolution

> I filed for as I cannot trust him. Someone please help me to


> all of this..Joy

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi June,

Thank you so much for sharing with me.

I have made my decision and feel good about it,

It just made me feel that maybe I was in the wrong but

do not feel I am in my heart.

God bless,


[ ] Joy

Just got back on line and read your message. You are a much better person

then I will ever be. I would not forgive my husband the first time.let

alone a second. I don't think anyone, even a preacher should even ask you to

even consider the possibility of taking him back. This is a personal

decision that only you can make. Personally, I think you have lost more than

enough being with this man and you should try to get on with your life and

never see him or listen to anyone speaking for him again. You deserve much

more from life.

Please know this is just my opinion but since you asked for advice I have

given my take on the subject. I just pray you make the right decision.




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  • 2 months later...
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I'm so sorry to hear of all the trials you have been facing,

particularly the loss of your job. Please accept a

(((((((((((((((((((((((big hug))))))))))))))))))))))))) and prayers for

a bright future.

Love and hugs,


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  • 4 years later...

Joy of Existence Sunday, 7:18 PMThere is a joy, and it is the joy of existence—not what is happening in existence. They are two different things. There is the joy of existence, and then there is the joy of what is happening in existence.What is happening in existence we try to control and manipulate.Sometimes things go our way. Sometimes they don't.But then there is another joy. That joy has been there through all the years of your life, waiting to be discovered. And that joy will be there for as long as you live. It is the simple, simple joy of being alive.In my life, there are good days and there are bad days. The days I call good are the days when everything goes according to my plan. The days when things do not go according to my plan, I call bad.Yet every day that I have been given is above and beyond being good and bad. Each one has its own meaning and its own beauty. And I can get in touch with that beauty.My plans will change. Sometimes the days I call bad actually end up being good. And some days when everything looks like it is going according to my plan turn out to be a disaster.Good and bad. Life is not just about good and bad—it is beyond that. When we begin to understand that, we begin to understand that it is a privilege to be alive. It is a privilege for which this heart needs to be filled with gratitude. What we have been given is far more precious than all the good and the bad put together. All of that is transitory.We can know that which isn't transitory, that which will be here as long as we are alive. That is our solace. That is our harbor. That is where we need to be when the storms come.- Mahara ji

-- " Love heals everyone . . . both those that receive it andthose that give it. " ~ de Mello S.J.~www.bullfrogsongs@...

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  • 4 months later...
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Thank you, Kay.

The presentation really helped to calm me down.  I'm going through a very

stressful time right now, trying to change our housing situation.  It's been

two very difficult months.  If anyone out there is trying to buy or sell a home

right now, you know what I mean.  I was supposed to have information yesterday,

which was then promised by noon today, and still nothing.  As I sit here

waiting, frustration level growing, I decided to read through my CMT messages,

which I've neglected for several weeks.  I'm very glad I did.  I felt my

breathing relax & deepen and stress less me immediately upon watching the


Thank you.


Hello Everyone ;-)

I wanted to share this music presentation with you.

After reading, " A New Earth " by Eckhart Tolle, and a willingness to become

aware of my thoughts...I now have very little drama in my life. Instead I

have more moments of joy, peace and love! I highly recommend this book!

As we know stress is a killer, and living in a stressful world isn't easy.

Anyway, this music presentation is just one way to relax in the moment, and

to fill your mind with positive thoughts!

To view this message as a picture and music presentation, click on the link


http://greatday. com/v.html? 2032m07HMcqp

Hope you are enjoying day!


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Hi Kay,

I am reading " A New Earth " now. I started in January but my husband took off

with it. I finally got it back Saturday. I like the book but at times it is hard

to follow. I have to really think about what he is saying. Apparently my husband

had to think about it along along time.

In a message dated 7/22/2008 10:48:25 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

omega@... writes:

After reading, " A New Earth " by Eckhart Tolle, and a willingness to become

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