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A mistaken idea has taken possession of the minds of some of the

students of occultism which should be eradicated before regret and

disappointment intervene between their most earnest desires and the

objects of those desires. I refer to the identification of a member of the

Inner Orders of the Temple, or any other similar body, with other

bodies of like nature under different teachers. It must be understood

that this mistake would not occur as a result of mere identification

with other bodies from the standpoint of the physical plane alone.

Such action may be even desirable from that single [TT 566]

standpoint, but the laws of occultism by pledged chelas of an

inner degree of the Temple, is based upon the well known electrical

action of crossed currents. The magnetic currents between one teacher

and another may be in sheer opposition, while the two personalities

may be mentally and physically companionable and in accord on

exterior lines. The cross currents set up in the magnetic fields may

react each upon the other, or even nullify the action of the energy

seeking expression and dam up the magnetic flow from one or both,

and even act adversely on all who are in close and intimate association

with either one or both of the teachers of the separate bodies and so

inhibit the action of still higher forces.

The magnetic rapport necessary between Master and chela may

thus be greatly interfered with if not cut off entirely, without the

volition of either, and even despite their utmost efforts toward

harmonious relations. The Master is not only acting as the Father of a

family, he IS that Father to the chela if both are parts of the one Group

Soul, and no more than the child can supplant his own physical father

by delegating the functions of a father to some other man, can the

disciple, even temporarily and unconsciously, supplant the Master by

delegating the functions of that Master-Father to another, by accepting

the admonition, directions or advice of that other intent would prevent

the action of the lave which prohibits unnatural relation, and such

identification would be unnatural from the standpoint of the Group

Soul. This may seem a far-fetched ides to those who cannot perceive

the action of interior forces, but it is nevertheless so true that with the

best intentions many chelas have entirely lost place and power, and

been self-relegated to the ranks of the outer degrees of the Lodge

temporarily, by trying to serve two Masters of opposing degrees

before they had reached the point of intelligent choice.

Fire and Flame are both valuable, but Flame may eat up a

substance in which higher form of Fire is concealed.

A chela should be able to know intuitively, if not by outer means,

when he has reached the point of demarcation . the point of division .

between one Group Soul and another, if his previous instruction has

from a reliable source. The preliminary instructions issued by all true

Agents of the Lodge watt be almost identical in scope and purport,

although the phraseology and language may be dissimilar, until the

degree of fulfillment of the Great White Lodge is entered. From that

period until the disciple has passed beyond the necessity for oral or

written instruction, there is a change in the method of instruction, the

disciple passes more immediately under the personal direction

[TT 567] of the Master . the Father . of that division of the Group

Soul to which he karmically belongs. The magnetic currents of the

latter may be higher or lower vibrations according to the position such

a Group Soul occupies in the scale of life, but in any case they are

different and that difference is the essential thing to the disciple who is

on the eve of the change from negative to positive identification with

the Master.


" If five percent of the people work for peace, there will be peace "

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