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Re: Problem With Splenda

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Guest guest

, here's another one for my keepers folder and I think I'll start

tomorrow. Thanks so much.

Vicki Meizinger


> very interesting comments, I too years ago decided not to do

> artificial sweeteners. this is when they first came out and tasted

> poorly. I used to love coffee mate and found out it was loaded with

> sugar. so I started to drink coffee black. after I got used to it I

> never went back. fruit is sweet enough, and all the products they have

> now, sugar free is a sales pitch. too much of anything is not good. if

> you love yourself you just wont fall into that sales pitch. it is the

> packaging and ads that try to convince you you cant live without their

> products. and truth tells you you cant live with them. save your money

> and live better without the junk.


> Re: Problem With Splenda


> sUGa, this is the best artical I have ever read on this topic and I hafe

> read many which I didn't trust at all. This is very alarming and

> doesn't sound like scare tactics but the truth. I use splenda. A short

> time ago I tried coffee with no sweetener. After a couple of cups it

> was fine. I think I could do this all of the time. I went back to

> splenda, at the time not seeing a reason not to. But I think I'm ready

> again, to go just milk and coffee, or maybe a little sugar. I want to

> look into some more research on the topic, and if I find anything I'll

> bring it here. But just had to share my comments.

> Vicki Meizingerrs



> >

> > Can I get some feed back from this article?

> > I know a friend of mine who developed colon cancer due to splenda, and

> > her cancer doctor said " no artificial sweetners for her:

> > just curious what all of you think?

> > sugar

> >

> > Problem With Splenda

> >

> > The problem with Splenda and other artificial sweeteners

> >

> > As more and more people are becoming obese there are more people

> > looking to substitute their favorite foods with those that are not as

> > calorie packed but

> >

> > taste just as good. Many have found that artificial sweeteners are the

> > way to go, with Splenda being the latest and supposedly greatest in a

> > long line

> >

> > of products. It's true; this artificial sweetener does taste better

> > than those of the past, but is it worth it? Splenda is packaged well

> > and has been marketed

> >

> > beautifully, but there is some scientific data that suggests that

> > Splenda is not nearly as kind to your body as real, calorie packed

> > sugar is.

> >

> > Artificial Food Products

> >

> > It seemed as though Splenda was the dieter's dream and so many of us

> > are reluctant to admit that artificial sweeteners and other man made

> > products simply

> >

> > are not good for us. The problem is that the only safe foods are those

> > that actually come from the earth, not those that have to be

> > chemically produced

> >

> > or changed to create the product. In fact it appears as though

> > chemically altered substances may take a toll on our health and the

> > health of our children.

> >

> > For this reason, you should not consider Splenda, which is basically a

> > sugar free chemical substance, a product that you want to buy.

> >

> > Is Splenda Better than Aspartame?

> >

> > The availability of Splenda came on the heels of disappointment of

> > many as we found out the dangers associated with aspartame. Aspartame

> > penetrates the

> >

> > blood brain barrier, meaning it can enter the brain and create toxins

> > that can literally damage the brain. Many diet conscience people

> > turned to Splenda

> >

> > because they didn't want to experience neurological side effects that

> > aspartame can and does cause. We don't yet know what the long term

> > affects of Splenda

> >

> > usage will be, but we do know that it is not a naturally occurring

> > sugar product, in fact it is a chemical substance, and that fact

> > speaks volumes. The

> >

> > fact is we aren't sure yet if Splenda is any better for your body than

> > aspartame. The question is are you willing to take the chance?

> >

> > Splenda: To Buy or Not to Buy?

> >

> > For the longest time NutraSweet was the biggest seller of all of the

> > artificial sweeteners, but when research uncovered the data about what

> > aspartame does

> >

> > to the brain and the body on a whole many people were disgusted and

> > worried about their health. Splenda seems like a great option because

> > it is manufactured

> >

> > by a well known brand, & , and it also tastes much more

> > like sugar than anything else that has been on the market in the past.

> > Splenda is

> >

> > also marketed as being made from real sugar, making it an obvious

> > choice for those that are looking for a sugar substitute. Splenda has

> > another attractive

> >

> > feature, which is that it is heat stable, meaning people who are

> > trying to cut calories from their diet or individuals, such as

> > diabetics, can enjoy more

> >

> > of their favorite foods without the calories and carbohydrates

> > associated with real sugar.

> >

> > What Do We Already Know About Splenda?

> >

> > While we do not yet have long term studies on the side effects of

> > Splenda, we do know that Splenda and other blends of chemical

> > sweeteners appear to be

> >

> > causing problems. Those that use the substances gain weight,

> > experience sleep disturbances, have problems with sexual functions, as

> > well as an increased

> >

> > risk of cancer! In addition it appears as though Splenda and other

> > artificial sweeteners are causing an increase in Multiple Sclerosis,

> > Lupus, diabetes,

> >

> > and many different degenerative diseases. In short, Splenda and

> > similar sweeteners are hurting the very people that the product is

> > marketed toward: those

> >

> > that do not want to gain weight and those that cannot freely consume

> > real sugar!

> >

> > A lot of researchers are concerned about the chlorine in Splenda.

> > Those that created Splenda have openly stated that there is chlorine

> > in Splenda, which

> >

> > is not a big deal because chlorine is usually used in combination with

> > other elements. Chlorine is not harmful to the body because it is

> > usually absorbed

> >

> > and flushed away like everything else. The problem with Splenda is

> > that those that are in the know have admitted that only about 15% of

> > Splenda is actually

> >

> > absorbed by the body. What this means is that the creators of Splenda

> > cannot actually tell us how much chlorine has been left in the body!

> > The fact is,

> >

> > any element that is being left in the body in undetermined amounts can

> > cause problems, and there is no doubt that the chlorine that you are

> > taking in through

> >

> > Splenda is causing problems for your body.

> >

> > Don't Be Fooled by Sweetener Blends

> >

> > Many artificial sweetener users are turning away from aspartame and

> > sucralose or Splenda and are turning toward the sweetener blends that

> > they are finding

> >

> > in products, assuming that these are somehow safer. These sweetener

> > blends are simply mixtures of the harmful substances. The reason that

> > these substances

> >

> > are often used together is that they can reproduce the real sugar

> > taste better than they can alone.

> >

> > When consumers ingest these sweetener blends they are not only getting

> > the side effects of one sweeter, they are getting them from all of the

> > sweeteners

> >

> > used. In addition, who knows what sort of toxins could be produced by

> > the mixture of the products? It's already been stated that you cannot

> > excrete all

> >

> > of these sweeteners or the chemicals in them, imagine how many toxins

> > you have floating around your body right now!

> >

> > Is Anything Safe Anymore?

> >

> > Sugar is still safe, and though it does tend to pack the calories into

> > every sugary spoonful it can't cause any more weight gain than is

> > already being caused

> >

> > by the artificial sweeteners out there. The difference between sugar

> > and the artificial products is that sugar satisfies the body, but the

> > artificial sweeteners

> >

> > actually trick your body and make you hungrier, causing you to consume

> > more calories than you would have otherwise. Seems like a vicious

> > circle, doesn't

> >

> > it? Be sure when you buy sugar not to buy the altered sugar products

> > as these can be detrimental to your health.

> >

> > The sweeteners that you probably just want to scratch off of your safe

> > to use list are aspartame, acesulfame-K, neotame, sucralose, and

> > alitame. Sucralose

> >

> > and Alitame both have FDA approval pending. A sweetener known as

> > Cyclamate lost its FDA approval back in 1970, though it is currently

> > up for approval again.

> >

> > There is and probably always will be more sweeteners in various stages

> > of development as well as FDA approval.

> >

> > In addition to sugar you can also safely consume saccharin and stevia.

> > Saccharin is actually a complex sugar extract that comes from a plant

> > that originated

> >

> > in China. The FDA has reported that neither saccharine or stevia has

> > ever caused cancer! This is more like it!

> >

> > Weight Gain and Ceasing the Use of Artificial Sweeteners

> >

> > If you consume artificial sweeteners because you want to lose weight,

> > you might want to know that researches cannot find any evidence that

> > the sugar substitutes

> >

> > actually help consumer's lose weight. These chemicals, in many

> > circumstances, often stimulate the appetite so it could be working

> > against you. Simply limit

> >

> > the amount of food that you are taking in and making better food

> > choices will be a more straight forward way to lose weight and

> > healthier, too!

> >

> > When you stop using these sweeteners you will probably notice a huge

> > change. Children are often the most noticeably different when

> > artificial sweeteners

> >

> > are pulled from their diet. Many depressed and aggressive children

> > become more balanced and enjoyable to be around. Many researchers also

> > attribute many

> >

> > mental illnesses or behavioral problems to the over use of chemicals

> > in our diets.

> >

> > The way to identify what does and does not have Splenda or any other

> > artificial sweeteners is to read labels. When you get in the habit of

> > checking labels

> >

> > you can better your life and the lives of all of your family members.

> > Even diabetics can find better ways to eat and drink rather than take

> > in these harmful

> >

> > chemicals, it's simply about making better food choices for everyone.

> >

> > With more than 3,000 products on the market today with just Splenda in

> > them, reading labels will really help you cease using these products.

> > While we don't

> >

> > know for sure what long term use of Splenda will mean, it's better to

> > quit while you're ahead than wait and see based on initial research

> > and the case

> >

> > histories associated with similar products.

> >

> > 'Real tears are not those that fall from your eyes and cover your face,

> > but that fall from your heart and cover your soul.'

> > ~Be Blessed, Sugar

> >

> >

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Guest guest

, here's another one for my keepers folder and I think I'll start

tomorrow. Thanks so much.

Vicki Meizinger


> very interesting comments, I too years ago decided not to do

> artificial sweeteners. this is when they first came out and tasted

> poorly. I used to love coffee mate and found out it was loaded with

> sugar. so I started to drink coffee black. after I got used to it I

> never went back. fruit is sweet enough, and all the products they have

> now, sugar free is a sales pitch. too much of anything is not good. if

> you love yourself you just wont fall into that sales pitch. it is the

> packaging and ads that try to convince you you cant live without their

> products. and truth tells you you cant live with them. save your money

> and live better without the junk.


> Re: Problem With Splenda


> sUGa, this is the best artical I have ever read on this topic and I hafe

> read many which I didn't trust at all. This is very alarming and

> doesn't sound like scare tactics but the truth. I use splenda. A short

> time ago I tried coffee with no sweetener. After a couple of cups it

> was fine. I think I could do this all of the time. I went back to

> splenda, at the time not seeing a reason not to. But I think I'm ready

> again, to go just milk and coffee, or maybe a little sugar. I want to

> look into some more research on the topic, and if I find anything I'll

> bring it here. But just had to share my comments.

> Vicki Meizingerrs



> >

> > Can I get some feed back from this article?

> > I know a friend of mine who developed colon cancer due to splenda, and

> > her cancer doctor said " no artificial sweetners for her:

> > just curious what all of you think?

> > sugar

> >

> > Problem With Splenda

> >

> > The problem with Splenda and other artificial sweeteners

> >

> > As more and more people are becoming obese there are more people

> > looking to substitute their favorite foods with those that are not as

> > calorie packed but

> >

> > taste just as good. Many have found that artificial sweeteners are the

> > way to go, with Splenda being the latest and supposedly greatest in a

> > long line

> >

> > of products. It's true; this artificial sweetener does taste better

> > than those of the past, but is it worth it? Splenda is packaged well

> > and has been marketed

> >

> > beautifully, but there is some scientific data that suggests that

> > Splenda is not nearly as kind to your body as real, calorie packed

> > sugar is.

> >

> > Artificial Food Products

> >

> > It seemed as though Splenda was the dieter's dream and so many of us

> > are reluctant to admit that artificial sweeteners and other man made

> > products simply

> >

> > are not good for us. The problem is that the only safe foods are those

> > that actually come from the earth, not those that have to be

> > chemically produced

> >

> > or changed to create the product. In fact it appears as though

> > chemically altered substances may take a toll on our health and the

> > health of our children.

> >

> > For this reason, you should not consider Splenda, which is basically a

> > sugar free chemical substance, a product that you want to buy.

> >

> > Is Splenda Better than Aspartame?

> >

> > The availability of Splenda came on the heels of disappointment of

> > many as we found out the dangers associated with aspartame. Aspartame

> > penetrates the

> >

> > blood brain barrier, meaning it can enter the brain and create toxins

> > that can literally damage the brain. Many diet conscience people

> > turned to Splenda

> >

> > because they didn't want to experience neurological side effects that

> > aspartame can and does cause. We don't yet know what the long term

> > affects of Splenda

> >

> > usage will be, but we do know that it is not a naturally occurring

> > sugar product, in fact it is a chemical substance, and that fact

> > speaks volumes. The

> >

> > fact is we aren't sure yet if Splenda is any better for your body than

> > aspartame. The question is are you willing to take the chance?

> >

> > Splenda: To Buy or Not to Buy?

> >

> > For the longest time NutraSweet was the biggest seller of all of the

> > artificial sweeteners, but when research uncovered the data about what

> > aspartame does

> >

> > to the brain and the body on a whole many people were disgusted and

> > worried about their health. Splenda seems like a great option because

> > it is manufactured

> >

> > by a well known brand, & , and it also tastes much more

> > like sugar than anything else that has been on the market in the past.

> > Splenda is

> >

> > also marketed as being made from real sugar, making it an obvious

> > choice for those that are looking for a sugar substitute. Splenda has

> > another attractive

> >

> > feature, which is that it is heat stable, meaning people who are

> > trying to cut calories from their diet or individuals, such as

> > diabetics, can enjoy more

> >

> > of their favorite foods without the calories and carbohydrates

> > associated with real sugar.

> >

> > What Do We Already Know About Splenda?

> >

> > While we do not yet have long term studies on the side effects of

> > Splenda, we do know that Splenda and other blends of chemical

> > sweeteners appear to be

> >

> > causing problems. Those that use the substances gain weight,

> > experience sleep disturbances, have problems with sexual functions, as

> > well as an increased

> >

> > risk of cancer! In addition it appears as though Splenda and other

> > artificial sweeteners are causing an increase in Multiple Sclerosis,

> > Lupus, diabetes,

> >

> > and many different degenerative diseases. In short, Splenda and

> > similar sweeteners are hurting the very people that the product is

> > marketed toward: those

> >

> > that do not want to gain weight and those that cannot freely consume

> > real sugar!

> >

> > A lot of researchers are concerned about the chlorine in Splenda.

> > Those that created Splenda have openly stated that there is chlorine

> > in Splenda, which

> >

> > is not a big deal because chlorine is usually used in combination with

> > other elements. Chlorine is not harmful to the body because it is

> > usually absorbed

> >

> > and flushed away like everything else. The problem with Splenda is

> > that those that are in the know have admitted that only about 15% of

> > Splenda is actually

> >

> > absorbed by the body. What this means is that the creators of Splenda

> > cannot actually tell us how much chlorine has been left in the body!

> > The fact is,

> >

> > any element that is being left in the body in undetermined amounts can

> > cause problems, and there is no doubt that the chlorine that you are

> > taking in through

> >

> > Splenda is causing problems for your body.

> >

> > Don't Be Fooled by Sweetener Blends

> >

> > Many artificial sweetener users are turning away from aspartame and

> > sucralose or Splenda and are turning toward the sweetener blends that

> > they are finding

> >

> > in products, assuming that these are somehow safer. These sweetener

> > blends are simply mixtures of the harmful substances. The reason that

> > these substances

> >

> > are often used together is that they can reproduce the real sugar

> > taste better than they can alone.

> >

> > When consumers ingest these sweetener blends they are not only getting

> > the side effects of one sweeter, they are getting them from all of the

> > sweeteners

> >

> > used. In addition, who knows what sort of toxins could be produced by

> > the mixture of the products? It's already been stated that you cannot

> > excrete all

> >

> > of these sweeteners or the chemicals in them, imagine how many toxins

> > you have floating around your body right now!

> >

> > Is Anything Safe Anymore?

> >

> > Sugar is still safe, and though it does tend to pack the calories into

> > every sugary spoonful it can't cause any more weight gain than is

> > already being caused

> >

> > by the artificial sweeteners out there. The difference between sugar

> > and the artificial products is that sugar satisfies the body, but the

> > artificial sweeteners

> >

> > actually trick your body and make you hungrier, causing you to consume

> > more calories than you would have otherwise. Seems like a vicious

> > circle, doesn't

> >

> > it? Be sure when you buy sugar not to buy the altered sugar products

> > as these can be detrimental to your health.

> >

> > The sweeteners that you probably just want to scratch off of your safe

> > to use list are aspartame, acesulfame-K, neotame, sucralose, and

> > alitame. Sucralose

> >

> > and Alitame both have FDA approval pending. A sweetener known as

> > Cyclamate lost its FDA approval back in 1970, though it is currently

> > up for approval again.

> >

> > There is and probably always will be more sweeteners in various stages

> > of development as well as FDA approval.

> >

> > In addition to sugar you can also safely consume saccharin and stevia.

> > Saccharin is actually a complex sugar extract that comes from a plant

> > that originated

> >

> > in China. The FDA has reported that neither saccharine or stevia has

> > ever caused cancer! This is more like it!

> >

> > Weight Gain and Ceasing the Use of Artificial Sweeteners

> >

> > If you consume artificial sweeteners because you want to lose weight,

> > you might want to know that researches cannot find any evidence that

> > the sugar substitutes

> >

> > actually help consumer's lose weight. These chemicals, in many

> > circumstances, often stimulate the appetite so it could be working

> > against you. Simply limit

> >

> > the amount of food that you are taking in and making better food

> > choices will be a more straight forward way to lose weight and

> > healthier, too!

> >

> > When you stop using these sweeteners you will probably notice a huge

> > change. Children are often the most noticeably different when

> > artificial sweeteners

> >

> > are pulled from their diet. Many depressed and aggressive children

> > become more balanced and enjoyable to be around. Many researchers also

> > attribute many

> >

> > mental illnesses or behavioral problems to the over use of chemicals

> > in our diets.

> >

> > The way to identify what does and does not have Splenda or any other

> > artificial sweeteners is to read labels. When you get in the habit of

> > checking labels

> >

> > you can better your life and the lives of all of your family members.

> > Even diabetics can find better ways to eat and drink rather than take

> > in these harmful

> >

> > chemicals, it's simply about making better food choices for everyone.

> >

> > With more than 3,000 products on the market today with just Splenda in

> > them, reading labels will really help you cease using these products.

> > While we don't

> >

> > know for sure what long term use of Splenda will mean, it's better to

> > quit while you're ahead than wait and see based on initial research

> > and the case

> >

> > histories associated with similar products.

> >

> > 'Real tears are not those that fall from your eyes and cover your face,

> > but that fall from your heart and cover your soul.'

> > ~Be Blessed, Sugar

> >

> >

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Guest guest

, here's another one for my keepers folder and I think I'll start

tomorrow. Thanks so much.

Vicki Meizinger


> very interesting comments, I too years ago decided not to do

> artificial sweeteners. this is when they first came out and tasted

> poorly. I used to love coffee mate and found out it was loaded with

> sugar. so I started to drink coffee black. after I got used to it I

> never went back. fruit is sweet enough, and all the products they have

> now, sugar free is a sales pitch. too much of anything is not good. if

> you love yourself you just wont fall into that sales pitch. it is the

> packaging and ads that try to convince you you cant live without their

> products. and truth tells you you cant live with them. save your money

> and live better without the junk.


> Re: Problem With Splenda


> sUGa, this is the best artical I have ever read on this topic and I hafe

> read many which I didn't trust at all. This is very alarming and

> doesn't sound like scare tactics but the truth. I use splenda. A short

> time ago I tried coffee with no sweetener. After a couple of cups it

> was fine. I think I could do this all of the time. I went back to

> splenda, at the time not seeing a reason not to. But I think I'm ready

> again, to go just milk and coffee, or maybe a little sugar. I want to

> look into some more research on the topic, and if I find anything I'll

> bring it here. But just had to share my comments.

> Vicki Meizingerrs



> >

> > Can I get some feed back from this article?

> > I know a friend of mine who developed colon cancer due to splenda, and

> > her cancer doctor said " no artificial sweetners for her:

> > just curious what all of you think?

> > sugar

> >

> > Problem With Splenda

> >

> > The problem with Splenda and other artificial sweeteners

> >

> > As more and more people are becoming obese there are more people

> > looking to substitute their favorite foods with those that are not as

> > calorie packed but

> >

> > taste just as good. Many have found that artificial sweeteners are the

> > way to go, with Splenda being the latest and supposedly greatest in a

> > long line

> >

> > of products. It's true; this artificial sweetener does taste better

> > than those of the past, but is it worth it? Splenda is packaged well

> > and has been marketed

> >

> > beautifully, but there is some scientific data that suggests that

> > Splenda is not nearly as kind to your body as real, calorie packed

> > sugar is.

> >

> > Artificial Food Products

> >

> > It seemed as though Splenda was the dieter's dream and so many of us

> > are reluctant to admit that artificial sweeteners and other man made

> > products simply

> >

> > are not good for us. The problem is that the only safe foods are those

> > that actually come from the earth, not those that have to be

> > chemically produced

> >

> > or changed to create the product. In fact it appears as though

> > chemically altered substances may take a toll on our health and the

> > health of our children.

> >

> > For this reason, you should not consider Splenda, which is basically a

> > sugar free chemical substance, a product that you want to buy.

> >

> > Is Splenda Better than Aspartame?

> >

> > The availability of Splenda came on the heels of disappointment of

> > many as we found out the dangers associated with aspartame. Aspartame

> > penetrates the

> >

> > blood brain barrier, meaning it can enter the brain and create toxins

> > that can literally damage the brain. Many diet conscience people

> > turned to Splenda

> >

> > because they didn't want to experience neurological side effects that

> > aspartame can and does cause. We don't yet know what the long term

> > affects of Splenda

> >

> > usage will be, but we do know that it is not a naturally occurring

> > sugar product, in fact it is a chemical substance, and that fact

> > speaks volumes. The

> >

> > fact is we aren't sure yet if Splenda is any better for your body than

> > aspartame. The question is are you willing to take the chance?

> >

> > Splenda: To Buy or Not to Buy?

> >

> > For the longest time NutraSweet was the biggest seller of all of the

> > artificial sweeteners, but when research uncovered the data about what

> > aspartame does

> >

> > to the brain and the body on a whole many people were disgusted and

> > worried about their health. Splenda seems like a great option because

> > it is manufactured

> >

> > by a well known brand, & , and it also tastes much more

> > like sugar than anything else that has been on the market in the past.

> > Splenda is

> >

> > also marketed as being made from real sugar, making it an obvious

> > choice for those that are looking for a sugar substitute. Splenda has

> > another attractive

> >

> > feature, which is that it is heat stable, meaning people who are

> > trying to cut calories from their diet or individuals, such as

> > diabetics, can enjoy more

> >

> > of their favorite foods without the calories and carbohydrates

> > associated with real sugar.

> >

> > What Do We Already Know About Splenda?

> >

> > While we do not yet have long term studies on the side effects of

> > Splenda, we do know that Splenda and other blends of chemical

> > sweeteners appear to be

> >

> > causing problems. Those that use the substances gain weight,

> > experience sleep disturbances, have problems with sexual functions, as

> > well as an increased

> >

> > risk of cancer! In addition it appears as though Splenda and other

> > artificial sweeteners are causing an increase in Multiple Sclerosis,

> > Lupus, diabetes,

> >

> > and many different degenerative diseases. In short, Splenda and

> > similar sweeteners are hurting the very people that the product is

> > marketed toward: those

> >

> > that do not want to gain weight and those that cannot freely consume

> > real sugar!

> >

> > A lot of researchers are concerned about the chlorine in Splenda.

> > Those that created Splenda have openly stated that there is chlorine

> > in Splenda, which

> >

> > is not a big deal because chlorine is usually used in combination with

> > other elements. Chlorine is not harmful to the body because it is

> > usually absorbed

> >

> > and flushed away like everything else. The problem with Splenda is

> > that those that are in the know have admitted that only about 15% of

> > Splenda is actually

> >

> > absorbed by the body. What this means is that the creators of Splenda

> > cannot actually tell us how much chlorine has been left in the body!

> > The fact is,

> >

> > any element that is being left in the body in undetermined amounts can

> > cause problems, and there is no doubt that the chlorine that you are

> > taking in through

> >

> > Splenda is causing problems for your body.

> >

> > Don't Be Fooled by Sweetener Blends

> >

> > Many artificial sweetener users are turning away from aspartame and

> > sucralose or Splenda and are turning toward the sweetener blends that

> > they are finding

> >

> > in products, assuming that these are somehow safer. These sweetener

> > blends are simply mixtures of the harmful substances. The reason that

> > these substances

> >

> > are often used together is that they can reproduce the real sugar

> > taste better than they can alone.

> >

> > When consumers ingest these sweetener blends they are not only getting

> > the side effects of one sweeter, they are getting them from all of the

> > sweeteners

> >

> > used. In addition, who knows what sort of toxins could be produced by

> > the mixture of the products? It's already been stated that you cannot

> > excrete all

> >

> > of these sweeteners or the chemicals in them, imagine how many toxins

> > you have floating around your body right now!

> >

> > Is Anything Safe Anymore?

> >

> > Sugar is still safe, and though it does tend to pack the calories into

> > every sugary spoonful it can't cause any more weight gain than is

> > already being caused

> >

> > by the artificial sweeteners out there. The difference between sugar

> > and the artificial products is that sugar satisfies the body, but the

> > artificial sweeteners

> >

> > actually trick your body and make you hungrier, causing you to consume

> > more calories than you would have otherwise. Seems like a vicious

> > circle, doesn't

> >

> > it? Be sure when you buy sugar not to buy the altered sugar products

> > as these can be detrimental to your health.

> >

> > The sweeteners that you probably just want to scratch off of your safe

> > to use list are aspartame, acesulfame-K, neotame, sucralose, and

> > alitame. Sucralose

> >

> > and Alitame both have FDA approval pending. A sweetener known as

> > Cyclamate lost its FDA approval back in 1970, though it is currently

> > up for approval again.

> >

> > There is and probably always will be more sweeteners in various stages

> > of development as well as FDA approval.

> >

> > In addition to sugar you can also safely consume saccharin and stevia.

> > Saccharin is actually a complex sugar extract that comes from a plant

> > that originated

> >

> > in China. The FDA has reported that neither saccharine or stevia has

> > ever caused cancer! This is more like it!

> >

> > Weight Gain and Ceasing the Use of Artificial Sweeteners

> >

> > If you consume artificial sweeteners because you want to lose weight,

> > you might want to know that researches cannot find any evidence that

> > the sugar substitutes

> >

> > actually help consumer's lose weight. These chemicals, in many

> > circumstances, often stimulate the appetite so it could be working

> > against you. Simply limit

> >

> > the amount of food that you are taking in and making better food

> > choices will be a more straight forward way to lose weight and

> > healthier, too!

> >

> > When you stop using these sweeteners you will probably notice a huge

> > change. Children are often the most noticeably different when

> > artificial sweeteners

> >

> > are pulled from their diet. Many depressed and aggressive children

> > become more balanced and enjoyable to be around. Many researchers also

> > attribute many

> >

> > mental illnesses or behavioral problems to the over use of chemicals

> > in our diets.

> >

> > The way to identify what does and does not have Splenda or any other

> > artificial sweeteners is to read labels. When you get in the habit of

> > checking labels

> >

> > you can better your life and the lives of all of your family members.

> > Even diabetics can find better ways to eat and drink rather than take

> > in these harmful

> >

> > chemicals, it's simply about making better food choices for everyone.

> >

> > With more than 3,000 products on the market today with just Splenda in

> > them, reading labels will really help you cease using these products.

> > While we don't

> >

> > know for sure what long term use of Splenda will mean, it's better to

> > quit while you're ahead than wait and see based on initial research

> > and the case

> >

> > histories associated with similar products.

> >

> > 'Real tears are not those that fall from your eyes and cover your face,

> > but that fall from your heart and cover your soul.'

> > ~Be Blessed, Sugar

> >

> >

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Guest guest


Re: Problem With Splenda

sUGa, this is the best artical I have ever read on this topic and I hafe

read many which I didn't trust at all. This is very alarming and

doesn't sound like scare tactics but the truth. I use splenda. A short

time ago I tried coffee with no sweetener. After a couple of cups it

was fine. I think I could do this all of the time. I went back to

splenda, at the time not seeing a reason not to. But I think I'm ready

again, to go just milk and coffee, or maybe a little sugar. I want to

look into some more research on the topic, and if I find anything I'll

bring it here. But just had to share my comments.

Vicki Meizingerrs


> Can I get some feed back from this article?

> I know a friend of mine who developed colon cancer due to splenda, and

> her cancer doctor said " no artificial sweetners for her:

> just curious what all of you think?

> sugar


> Problem With Splenda


> The problem with Splenda and other artificial sweeteners


> As more and more people are becoming obese there are more people

> looking to substitute their favorite foods with those that are not as

> calorie packed but


> taste just as good. Many have found that artificial sweeteners are the

> way to go, with Splenda being the latest and supposedly greatest in a

> long line


> of products. It's true; this artificial sweetener does taste better

> than those of the past, but is it worth it? Splenda is packaged well

> and has been marketed


> beautifully, but there is some scientific data that suggests that

> Splenda is not nearly as kind to your body as real, calorie packed

> sugar is.


> Artificial Food Products


> It seemed as though Splenda was the dieter's dream and so many of us

> are reluctant to admit that artificial sweeteners and other man made

> products simply


> are not good for us. The problem is that the only safe foods are those

> that actually come from the earth, not those that have to be

> chemically produced


> or changed to create the product. In fact it appears as though

> chemically altered substances may take a toll on our health and the

> health of our children.


> For this reason, you should not consider Splenda, which is basically a

> sugar free chemical substance, a product that you want to buy.


> Is Splenda Better than Aspartame?


> The availability of Splenda came on the heels of disappointment of

> many as we found out the dangers associated with aspartame. Aspartame

> penetrates the


> blood brain barrier, meaning it can enter the brain and create toxins

> that can literally damage the brain. Many diet conscience people

> turned to Splenda


> because they didn't want to experience neurological side effects that

> aspartame can and does cause. We don't yet know what the long term

> affects of Splenda


> usage will be, but we do know that it is not a naturally occurring

> sugar product, in fact it is a chemical substance, and that fact

> speaks volumes. The


> fact is we aren't sure yet if Splenda is any better for your body than

> aspartame. The question is are you willing to take the chance?


> Splenda: To Buy or Not to Buy?


> For the longest time NutraSweet was the biggest seller of all of the

> artificial sweeteners, but when research uncovered the data about what

> aspartame does


> to the brain and the body on a whole many people were disgusted and

> worried about their health. Splenda seems like a great option because

> it is manufactured


> by a well known brand, & , and it also tastes much more

> like sugar than anything else that has been on the market in the past.

> Splenda is


> also marketed as being made from real sugar, making it an obvious

> choice for those that are looking for a sugar substitute. Splenda has

> another attractive


> feature, which is that it is heat stable, meaning people who are

> trying to cut calories from their diet or individuals, such as

> diabetics, can enjoy more


> of their favorite foods without the calories and carbohydrates

> associated with real sugar.


> What Do We Already Know About Splenda?


> While we do not yet have long term studies on the side effects of

> Splenda, we do know that Splenda and other blends of chemical

> sweeteners appear to be


> causing problems. Those that use the substances gain weight,

> experience sleep disturbances, have problems with sexual functions, as

> well as an increased


> risk of cancer! In addition it appears as though Splenda and other

> artificial sweeteners are causing an increase in Multiple Sclerosis,

> Lupus, diabetes,


> and many different degenerative diseases. In short, Splenda and

> similar sweeteners are hurting the very people that the product is

> marketed toward: those


> that do not want to gain weight and those that cannot freely consume

> real sugar!


> A lot of researchers are concerned about the chlorine in Splenda.

> Those that created Splenda have openly stated that there is chlorine

> in Splenda, which


> is not a big deal because chlorine is usually used in combination with

> other elements. Chlorine is not harmful to the body because it is

> usually absorbed


> and flushed away like everything else. The problem with Splenda is

> that those that are in the know have admitted that only about 15% of

> Splenda is actually


> absorbed by the body. What this means is that the creators of Splenda

> cannot actually tell us how much chlorine has been left in the body!

> The fact is,


> any element that is being left in the body in undetermined amounts can

> cause problems, and there is no doubt that the chlorine that you are

> taking in through


> Splenda is causing problems for your body.


> Don't Be Fooled by Sweetener Blends


> Many artificial sweetener users are turning away from aspartame and

> sucralose or Splenda and are turning toward the sweetener blends that

> they are finding


> in products, assuming that these are somehow safer. These sweetener

> blends are simply mixtures of the harmful substances. The reason that

> these substances


> are often used together is that they can reproduce the real sugar

> taste better than they can alone.


> When consumers ingest these sweetener blends they are not only getting

> the side effects of one sweeter, they are getting them from all of the

> sweeteners


> used. In addition, who knows what sort of toxins could be produced by

> the mixture of the products? It's already been stated that you cannot

> excrete all


> of these sweeteners or the chemicals in them, imagine how many toxins

> you have floating around your body right now!


> Is Anything Safe Anymore?


> Sugar is still safe, and though it does tend to pack the calories into

> every sugary spoonful it can't cause any more weight gain than is

> already being caused


> by the artificial sweeteners out there. The difference between sugar

> and the artificial products is that sugar satisfies the body, but the

> artificial sweeteners


> actually trick your body and make you hungrier, causing you to consume

> more calories than you would have otherwise. Seems like a vicious

> circle, doesn't


> it? Be sure when you buy sugar not to buy the altered sugar products

> as these can be detrimental to your health.


> The sweeteners that you probably just want to scratch off of your safe

> to use list are aspartame, acesulfame-K, neotame, sucralose, and

> alitame. Sucralose


> and Alitame both have FDA approval pending. A sweetener known as

> Cyclamate lost its FDA approval back in 1970, though it is currently

> up for approval again.


> There is and probably always will be more sweeteners in various stages

> of development as well as FDA approval.


> In addition to sugar you can also safely consume saccharin and stevia.

> Saccharin is actually a complex sugar extract that comes from a plant

> that originated


> in China. The FDA has reported that neither saccharine or stevia has

> ever caused cancer! This is more like it!


> Weight Gain and Ceasing the Use of Artificial Sweeteners


> If you consume artificial sweeteners because you want to lose weight,

> you might want to know that researches cannot find any evidence that

> the sugar substitutes


> actually help consumer's lose weight. These chemicals, in many

> circumstances, often stimulate the appetite so it could be working

> against you. Simply limit


> the amount of food that you are taking in and making better food

> choices will be a more straight forward way to lose weight and

> healthier, too!


> When you stop using these sweeteners you will probably notice a huge

> change. Children are often the most noticeably different when

> artificial sweeteners


> are pulled from their diet. Many depressed and aggressive children

> become more balanced and enjoyable to be around. Many researchers also

> attribute many


> mental illnesses or behavioral problems to the over use of chemicals

> in our diets.


> The way to identify what does and does not have Splenda or any other

> artificial sweeteners is to read labels. When you get in the habit of

> checking labels


> you can better your life and the lives of all of your family members.

> Even diabetics can find better ways to eat and drink rather than take

> in these harmful


> chemicals, it's simply about making better food choices for everyone.


> With more than 3,000 products on the market today with just Splenda in

> them, reading labels will really help you cease using these products.

> While we don't


> know for sure what long term use of Splenda will mean, it's better to

> quit while you're ahead than wait and see based on initial research

> and the case


> histories associated with similar products.


> 'Real tears are not those that fall from your eyes and cover your face,

> but that fall from your heart and cover your soul.'

> ~Be Blessed, Sugar



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Guest guest


Re: Problem With Splenda

sUGa, this is the best artical I have ever read on this topic and I hafe

read many which I didn't trust at all. This is very alarming and

doesn't sound like scare tactics but the truth. I use splenda. A short

time ago I tried coffee with no sweetener. After a couple of cups it

was fine. I think I could do this all of the time. I went back to

splenda, at the time not seeing a reason not to. But I think I'm ready

again, to go just milk and coffee, or maybe a little sugar. I want to

look into some more research on the topic, and if I find anything I'll

bring it here. But just had to share my comments.

Vicki Meizingerrs


> Can I get some feed back from this article?

> I know a friend of mine who developed colon cancer due to splenda, and

> her cancer doctor said " no artificial sweetners for her:

> just curious what all of you think?

> sugar


> Problem With Splenda


> The problem with Splenda and other artificial sweeteners


> As more and more people are becoming obese there are more people

> looking to substitute their favorite foods with those that are not as

> calorie packed but


> taste just as good. Many have found that artificial sweeteners are the

> way to go, with Splenda being the latest and supposedly greatest in a

> long line


> of products. It's true; this artificial sweetener does taste better

> than those of the past, but is it worth it? Splenda is packaged well

> and has been marketed


> beautifully, but there is some scientific data that suggests that

> Splenda is not nearly as kind to your body as real, calorie packed

> sugar is.


> Artificial Food Products


> It seemed as though Splenda was the dieter's dream and so many of us

> are reluctant to admit that artificial sweeteners and other man made

> products simply


> are not good for us. The problem is that the only safe foods are those

> that actually come from the earth, not those that have to be

> chemically produced


> or changed to create the product. In fact it appears as though

> chemically altered substances may take a toll on our health and the

> health of our children.


> For this reason, you should not consider Splenda, which is basically a

> sugar free chemical substance, a product that you want to buy.


> Is Splenda Better than Aspartame?


> The availability of Splenda came on the heels of disappointment of

> many as we found out the dangers associated with aspartame. Aspartame

> penetrates the


> blood brain barrier, meaning it can enter the brain and create toxins

> that can literally damage the brain. Many diet conscience people

> turned to Splenda


> because they didn't want to experience neurological side effects that

> aspartame can and does cause. We don't yet know what the long term

> affects of Splenda


> usage will be, but we do know that it is not a naturally occurring

> sugar product, in fact it is a chemical substance, and that fact

> speaks volumes. The


> fact is we aren't sure yet if Splenda is any better for your body than

> aspartame. The question is are you willing to take the chance?


> Splenda: To Buy or Not to Buy?


> For the longest time NutraSweet was the biggest seller of all of the

> artificial sweeteners, but when research uncovered the data about what

> aspartame does


> to the brain and the body on a whole many people were disgusted and

> worried about their health. Splenda seems like a great option because

> it is manufactured


> by a well known brand, & , and it also tastes much more

> like sugar than anything else that has been on the market in the past.

> Splenda is


> also marketed as being made from real sugar, making it an obvious

> choice for those that are looking for a sugar substitute. Splenda has

> another attractive


> feature, which is that it is heat stable, meaning people who are

> trying to cut calories from their diet or individuals, such as

> diabetics, can enjoy more


> of their favorite foods without the calories and carbohydrates

> associated with real sugar.


> What Do We Already Know About Splenda?


> While we do not yet have long term studies on the side effects of

> Splenda, we do know that Splenda and other blends of chemical

> sweeteners appear to be


> causing problems. Those that use the substances gain weight,

> experience sleep disturbances, have problems with sexual functions, as

> well as an increased


> risk of cancer! In addition it appears as though Splenda and other

> artificial sweeteners are causing an increase in Multiple Sclerosis,

> Lupus, diabetes,


> and many different degenerative diseases. In short, Splenda and

> similar sweeteners are hurting the very people that the product is

> marketed toward: those


> that do not want to gain weight and those that cannot freely consume

> real sugar!


> A lot of researchers are concerned about the chlorine in Splenda.

> Those that created Splenda have openly stated that there is chlorine

> in Splenda, which


> is not a big deal because chlorine is usually used in combination with

> other elements. Chlorine is not harmful to the body because it is

> usually absorbed


> and flushed away like everything else. The problem with Splenda is

> that those that are in the know have admitted that only about 15% of

> Splenda is actually


> absorbed by the body. What this means is that the creators of Splenda

> cannot actually tell us how much chlorine has been left in the body!

> The fact is,


> any element that is being left in the body in undetermined amounts can

> cause problems, and there is no doubt that the chlorine that you are

> taking in through


> Splenda is causing problems for your body.


> Don't Be Fooled by Sweetener Blends


> Many artificial sweetener users are turning away from aspartame and

> sucralose or Splenda and are turning toward the sweetener blends that

> they are finding


> in products, assuming that these are somehow safer. These sweetener

> blends are simply mixtures of the harmful substances. The reason that

> these substances


> are often used together is that they can reproduce the real sugar

> taste better than they can alone.


> When consumers ingest these sweetener blends they are not only getting

> the side effects of one sweeter, they are getting them from all of the

> sweeteners


> used. In addition, who knows what sort of toxins could be produced by

> the mixture of the products? It's already been stated that you cannot

> excrete all


> of these sweeteners or the chemicals in them, imagine how many toxins

> you have floating around your body right now!


> Is Anything Safe Anymore?


> Sugar is still safe, and though it does tend to pack the calories into

> every sugary spoonful it can't cause any more weight gain than is

> already being caused


> by the artificial sweeteners out there. The difference between sugar

> and the artificial products is that sugar satisfies the body, but the

> artificial sweeteners


> actually trick your body and make you hungrier, causing you to consume

> more calories than you would have otherwise. Seems like a vicious

> circle, doesn't


> it? Be sure when you buy sugar not to buy the altered sugar products

> as these can be detrimental to your health.


> The sweeteners that you probably just want to scratch off of your safe

> to use list are aspartame, acesulfame-K, neotame, sucralose, and

> alitame. Sucralose


> and Alitame both have FDA approval pending. A sweetener known as

> Cyclamate lost its FDA approval back in 1970, though it is currently

> up for approval again.


> There is and probably always will be more sweeteners in various stages

> of development as well as FDA approval.


> In addition to sugar you can also safely consume saccharin and stevia.

> Saccharin is actually a complex sugar extract that comes from a plant

> that originated


> in China. The FDA has reported that neither saccharine or stevia has

> ever caused cancer! This is more like it!


> Weight Gain and Ceasing the Use of Artificial Sweeteners


> If you consume artificial sweeteners because you want to lose weight,

> you might want to know that researches cannot find any evidence that

> the sugar substitutes


> actually help consumer's lose weight. These chemicals, in many

> circumstances, often stimulate the appetite so it could be working

> against you. Simply limit


> the amount of food that you are taking in and making better food

> choices will be a more straight forward way to lose weight and

> healthier, too!


> When you stop using these sweeteners you will probably notice a huge

> change. Children are often the most noticeably different when

> artificial sweeteners


> are pulled from their diet. Many depressed and aggressive children

> become more balanced and enjoyable to be around. Many researchers also

> attribute many


> mental illnesses or behavioral problems to the over use of chemicals

> in our diets.


> The way to identify what does and does not have Splenda or any other

> artificial sweeteners is to read labels. When you get in the habit of

> checking labels


> you can better your life and the lives of all of your family members.

> Even diabetics can find better ways to eat and drink rather than take

> in these harmful


> chemicals, it's simply about making better food choices for everyone.


> With more than 3,000 products on the market today with just Splenda in

> them, reading labels will really help you cease using these products.

> While we don't


> know for sure what long term use of Splenda will mean, it's better to

> quit while you're ahead than wait and see based on initial research

> and the case


> histories associated with similar products.


> 'Real tears are not those that fall from your eyes and cover your face,

> but that fall from your heart and cover your soul.'

> ~Be Blessed, Sugar



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Guest guest


Re: Problem With Splenda

sUGa, this is the best artical I have ever read on this topic and I hafe

read many which I didn't trust at all. This is very alarming and

doesn't sound like scare tactics but the truth. I use splenda. A short

time ago I tried coffee with no sweetener. After a couple of cups it

was fine. I think I could do this all of the time. I went back to

splenda, at the time not seeing a reason not to. But I think I'm ready

again, to go just milk and coffee, or maybe a little sugar. I want to

look into some more research on the topic, and if I find anything I'll

bring it here. But just had to share my comments.

Vicki Meizingerrs


> Can I get some feed back from this article?

> I know a friend of mine who developed colon cancer due to splenda, and

> her cancer doctor said " no artificial sweetners for her:

> just curious what all of you think?

> sugar


> Problem With Splenda


> The problem with Splenda and other artificial sweeteners


> As more and more people are becoming obese there are more people

> looking to substitute their favorite foods with those that are not as

> calorie packed but


> taste just as good. Many have found that artificial sweeteners are the

> way to go, with Splenda being the latest and supposedly greatest in a

> long line


> of products. It's true; this artificial sweetener does taste better

> than those of the past, but is it worth it? Splenda is packaged well

> and has been marketed


> beautifully, but there is some scientific data that suggests that

> Splenda is not nearly as kind to your body as real, calorie packed

> sugar is.


> Artificial Food Products


> It seemed as though Splenda was the dieter's dream and so many of us

> are reluctant to admit that artificial sweeteners and other man made

> products simply


> are not good for us. The problem is that the only safe foods are those

> that actually come from the earth, not those that have to be

> chemically produced


> or changed to create the product. In fact it appears as though

> chemically altered substances may take a toll on our health and the

> health of our children.


> For this reason, you should not consider Splenda, which is basically a

> sugar free chemical substance, a product that you want to buy.


> Is Splenda Better than Aspartame?


> The availability of Splenda came on the heels of disappointment of

> many as we found out the dangers associated with aspartame. Aspartame

> penetrates the


> blood brain barrier, meaning it can enter the brain and create toxins

> that can literally damage the brain. Many diet conscience people

> turned to Splenda


> because they didn't want to experience neurological side effects that

> aspartame can and does cause. We don't yet know what the long term

> affects of Splenda


> usage will be, but we do know that it is not a naturally occurring

> sugar product, in fact it is a chemical substance, and that fact

> speaks volumes. The


> fact is we aren't sure yet if Splenda is any better for your body than

> aspartame. The question is are you willing to take the chance?


> Splenda: To Buy or Not to Buy?


> For the longest time NutraSweet was the biggest seller of all of the

> artificial sweeteners, but when research uncovered the data about what

> aspartame does


> to the brain and the body on a whole many people were disgusted and

> worried about their health. Splenda seems like a great option because

> it is manufactured


> by a well known brand, & , and it also tastes much more

> like sugar than anything else that has been on the market in the past.

> Splenda is


> also marketed as being made from real sugar, making it an obvious

> choice for those that are looking for a sugar substitute. Splenda has

> another attractive


> feature, which is that it is heat stable, meaning people who are

> trying to cut calories from their diet or individuals, such as

> diabetics, can enjoy more


> of their favorite foods without the calories and carbohydrates

> associated with real sugar.


> What Do We Already Know About Splenda?


> While we do not yet have long term studies on the side effects of

> Splenda, we do know that Splenda and other blends of chemical

> sweeteners appear to be


> causing problems. Those that use the substances gain weight,

> experience sleep disturbances, have problems with sexual functions, as

> well as an increased


> risk of cancer! In addition it appears as though Splenda and other

> artificial sweeteners are causing an increase in Multiple Sclerosis,

> Lupus, diabetes,


> and many different degenerative diseases. In short, Splenda and

> similar sweeteners are hurting the very people that the product is

> marketed toward: those


> that do not want to gain weight and those that cannot freely consume

> real sugar!


> A lot of researchers are concerned about the chlorine in Splenda.

> Those that created Splenda have openly stated that there is chlorine

> in Splenda, which


> is not a big deal because chlorine is usually used in combination with

> other elements. Chlorine is not harmful to the body because it is

> usually absorbed


> and flushed away like everything else. The problem with Splenda is

> that those that are in the know have admitted that only about 15% of

> Splenda is actually


> absorbed by the body. What this means is that the creators of Splenda

> cannot actually tell us how much chlorine has been left in the body!

> The fact is,


> any element that is being left in the body in undetermined amounts can

> cause problems, and there is no doubt that the chlorine that you are

> taking in through


> Splenda is causing problems for your body.


> Don't Be Fooled by Sweetener Blends


> Many artificial sweetener users are turning away from aspartame and

> sucralose or Splenda and are turning toward the sweetener blends that

> they are finding


> in products, assuming that these are somehow safer. These sweetener

> blends are simply mixtures of the harmful substances. The reason that

> these substances


> are often used together is that they can reproduce the real sugar

> taste better than they can alone.


> When consumers ingest these sweetener blends they are not only getting

> the side effects of one sweeter, they are getting them from all of the

> sweeteners


> used. In addition, who knows what sort of toxins could be produced by

> the mixture of the products? It's already been stated that you cannot

> excrete all


> of these sweeteners or the chemicals in them, imagine how many toxins

> you have floating around your body right now!


> Is Anything Safe Anymore?


> Sugar is still safe, and though it does tend to pack the calories into

> every sugary spoonful it can't cause any more weight gain than is

> already being caused


> by the artificial sweeteners out there. The difference between sugar

> and the artificial products is that sugar satisfies the body, but the

> artificial sweeteners


> actually trick your body and make you hungrier, causing you to consume

> more calories than you would have otherwise. Seems like a vicious

> circle, doesn't


> it? Be sure when you buy sugar not to buy the altered sugar products

> as these can be detrimental to your health.


> The sweeteners that you probably just want to scratch off of your safe

> to use list are aspartame, acesulfame-K, neotame, sucralose, and

> alitame. Sucralose


> and Alitame both have FDA approval pending. A sweetener known as

> Cyclamate lost its FDA approval back in 1970, though it is currently

> up for approval again.


> There is and probably always will be more sweeteners in various stages

> of development as well as FDA approval.


> In addition to sugar you can also safely consume saccharin and stevia.

> Saccharin is actually a complex sugar extract that comes from a plant

> that originated


> in China. The FDA has reported that neither saccharine or stevia has

> ever caused cancer! This is more like it!


> Weight Gain and Ceasing the Use of Artificial Sweeteners


> If you consume artificial sweeteners because you want to lose weight,

> you might want to know that researches cannot find any evidence that

> the sugar substitutes


> actually help consumer's lose weight. These chemicals, in many

> circumstances, often stimulate the appetite so it could be working

> against you. Simply limit


> the amount of food that you are taking in and making better food

> choices will be a more straight forward way to lose weight and

> healthier, too!


> When you stop using these sweeteners you will probably notice a huge

> change. Children are often the most noticeably different when

> artificial sweeteners


> are pulled from their diet. Many depressed and aggressive children

> become more balanced and enjoyable to be around. Many researchers also

> attribute many


> mental illnesses or behavioral problems to the over use of chemicals

> in our diets.


> The way to identify what does and does not have Splenda or any other

> artificial sweeteners is to read labels. When you get in the habit of

> checking labels


> you can better your life and the lives of all of your family members.

> Even diabetics can find better ways to eat and drink rather than take

> in these harmful


> chemicals, it's simply about making better food choices for everyone.


> With more than 3,000 products on the market today with just Splenda in

> them, reading labels will really help you cease using these products.

> While we don't


> know for sure what long term use of Splenda will mean, it's better to

> quit while you're ahead than wait and see based on initial research

> and the case


> histories associated with similar products.


> 'Real tears are not those that fall from your eyes and cover your face,

> but that fall from your heart and cover your soul.'

> ~Be Blessed, Sugar



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

I personally don't use any artificial sweeteners as I have trouble with side

effectds such as nausea when used. I just limit my sugar intake as much as

possible. I also can't drink diet soda as I have trouble with the aspartame

irritating my stomach.


Problem With Splenda

> Can I get some feed back from this article?

> I know a friend of mine who developed colon cancer due to splenda, and her

> cancer doctor said " no artificial sweetners for her:

> just curious what all of you think?

> sugar


> Problem With Splenda


> The problem with Splenda and other artificial sweeteners




> As more and more people are becoming obese there are more people looking

> to substitute their favorite foods with those that are not as calorie

> packed but


> taste just as good. Many have found that artificial sweeteners are the way

> to go, with Splenda being the latest and supposedly greatest in a long

> line


> of products. It's true; this artificial sweetener does taste better than

> those of the past, but is it worth it? Splenda is packaged well and has

> been marketed


> beautifully, but there is some scientific data that suggests that Splenda

> is not nearly as kind to your body as real, calorie packed sugar is.




> Artificial Food Products




> It seemed as though Splenda was the dieter's dream and so many of us are

> reluctant to admit that artificial sweeteners and other man made products

> simply


> are not good for us. The problem is that the only safe foods are those

> that actually come from the earth, not those that have to be chemically

> produced


> or changed to create the product. In fact it appears as though chemically

> altered substances may take a toll on our health and the health of our

> children.


> For this reason, you should not consider Splenda, which is basically a

> sugar free chemical substance, a product that you want to buy.




> Is Splenda Better than Aspartame?




> The availability of Splenda came on the heels of disappointment of many as

> we found out the dangers associated with aspartame. Aspartame penetrates

> the


> blood brain barrier, meaning it can enter the brain and create toxins that

> can literally damage the brain. Many diet conscience people turned to

> Splenda


> because they didn't want to experience neurological side effects that

> aspartame can and does cause. We don't yet know what the long term affects

> of Splenda


> usage will be, but we do know that it is not a naturally occurring sugar

> product, in fact it is a chemical substance, and that fact speaks volumes.

> The


> fact is we aren't sure yet if Splenda is any better for your body than

> aspartame. The question is are you willing to take the chance?




> Splenda: To Buy or Not to Buy?




> For the longest time NutraSweet was the biggest seller of all of the

> artificial sweeteners, but when research uncovered the data about what

> aspartame does


> to the brain and the body on a whole many people were disgusted and

> worried about their health. Splenda seems like a great option because it

> is manufactured


> by a well known brand, & , and it also tastes much more

> like sugar than anything else that has been on the market in the past.

> Splenda is


> also marketed as being made from real sugar, making it an obvious choice

> for those that are looking for a sugar substitute. Splenda has another

> attractive


> feature, which is that it is heat stable, meaning people who are trying to

> cut calories from their diet or individuals, such as diabetics, can enjoy

> more


> of their favorite foods without the calories and carbohydrates associated

> with real sugar.




> What Do We Already Know About Splenda?




> While we do not yet have long term studies on the side effects of Splenda,

> we do know that Splenda and other blends of chemical sweeteners appear to

> be


> causing problems. Those that use the substances gain weight, experience

> sleep disturbances, have problems with sexual functions, as well as an

> increased


> risk of cancer! In addition it appears as though Splenda and other

> artificial sweeteners are causing an increase in Multiple Sclerosis,

> Lupus, diabetes,


> and many different degenerative diseases. In short, Splenda and similar

> sweeteners are hurting the very people that the product is marketed

> toward: those


> that do not want to gain weight and those that cannot freely consume real

> sugar!




> A lot of researchers are concerned about the chlorine in Splenda. Those

> that created Splenda have openly stated that there is chlorine in Splenda,

> which


> is not a big deal because chlorine is usually used in combination with

> other elements. Chlorine is not harmful to the body because it is usually

> absorbed


> and flushed away like everything else. The problem with Splenda is that

> those that are in the know have admitted that only about 15% of Splenda is

> actually


> absorbed by the body. What this means is that the creators of Splenda

> cannot actually tell us how much chlorine has been left in the body! The

> fact is,


> any element that is being left in the body in undetermined amounts can

> cause problems, and there is no doubt that the chlorine that you are

> taking in through


> Splenda is causing problems for your body.




> Don't Be Fooled by Sweetener Blends




> Many artificial sweetener users are turning away from aspartame and

> sucralose or Splenda and are turning toward the sweetener blends that they

> are finding


> in products, assuming that these are somehow safer. These sweetener blends

> are simply mixtures of the harmful substances. The reason that these

> substances


> are often used together is that they can reproduce the real sugar taste

> better than they can alone.




> When consumers ingest these sweetener blends they are not only getting the

> side effects of one sweeter, they are getting them from all of the

> sweeteners


> used. In addition, who knows what sort of toxins could be produced by the

> mixture of the products? It's already been stated that you cannot excrete

> all


> of these sweeteners or the chemicals in them, imagine how many toxins you

> have floating around your body right now!




> Is Anything Safe Anymore?




> Sugar is still safe, and though it does tend to pack the calories into

> every sugary spoonful it can't cause any more weight gain than is already

> being caused


> by the artificial sweeteners out there. The difference between sugar and

> the artificial products is that sugar satisfies the body, but the

> artificial sweeteners


> actually trick your body and make you hungrier, causing you to consume

> more calories than you would have otherwise. Seems like a vicious circle,

> doesn't


> it? Be sure when you buy sugar not to buy the altered sugar products as

> these can be detrimental to your health.




> The sweeteners that you probably just want to scratch off of your safe to

> use list are aspartame, acesulfame-K, neotame, sucralose, and alitame.

> Sucralose


> and Alitame both have FDA approval pending. A sweetener known as Cyclamate

> lost its FDA approval back in 1970, though it is currently up for approval

> again.


> There is and probably always will be more sweeteners in various stages of

> development as well as FDA approval.




> In addition to sugar you can also safely consume saccharin and stevia.

> Saccharin is actually a complex sugar extract that comes from a plant that

> originated


> in China. The FDA has reported that neither saccharine or stevia has ever

> caused cancer! This is more like it!




> Weight Gain and Ceasing the Use of Artificial Sweeteners




> If you consume artificial sweeteners because you want to lose weight, you

> might want to know that researches cannot find any evidence that the sugar

> substitutes


> actually help consumer's lose weight. These chemicals, in many

> circumstances, often stimulate the appetite so it could be working against

> you. Simply limit


> the amount of food that you are taking in and making better food choices

> will be a more straight forward way to lose weight and healthier, too!




> When you stop using these sweeteners you will probably notice a huge

> change. Children are often the most noticeably different when artificial

> sweeteners


> are pulled from their diet. Many depressed and aggressive children become

> more balanced and enjoyable to be around. Many researchers also attribute

> many


> mental illnesses or behavioral problems to the over use of chemicals in

> our diets.




> The way to identify what does and does not have Splenda or any other

> artificial sweeteners is to read labels. When you get in the habit of

> checking labels


> you can better your life and the lives of all of your family members. Even

> diabetics can find better ways to eat and drink rather than take in these

> harmful


> chemicals, it's simply about making better food choices for everyone.




> With more than 3,000 products on the market today with just Splenda in

> them, reading labels will really help you cease using these products.

> While we don't


> know for sure what long term use of Splenda will mean, it's better to quit

> while you're ahead than wait and see based on initial research and the

> case


> histories associated with similar products.







> 'Real tears are not those that fall from your eyes and cover your face,

> but that fall from your heart and cover your soul.'

> ~Be Blessed, Sugar







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