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Be Watchful of Your Words

My greetings to you in Light, in peace, in great Oneness of love

for all.

The cycles and rhythms of the universe are with you. You feel

this in the extremes of weather patterns in your various countries and also in

accumulated water masses. In some areas, there is a noticeable lack of water,

and in others the reverse, an abundance of water. It is good man is becoming

aware of Earth and her needs. Thinking outside of himself to his environment. I

urge you not to underestimate the importance of this. For without care and

foresight for the planet, where will you live? How will you survive?

Where will you find your life needs of water and food? Indeed, it is a time to

think outside of yourself. To think of others.

Further, I have noticed those who are learning the Law of

Correct Communication, those in the midst of transformation on the material


And there are many. You see as you increasingly become dissatisfied with what

you have created with your home, with your physical work path, you notice how

tired you have become.


physical body is weary, your mental body is a tangled web of thoughts with no

answers or direction.

You begin to think of rest, of peace in your lives. Before long

you are thinking of this constantly. Your mind may translate this to, " I

wish I didn't have to work, " or " I'm tired of working. " I have

observed this.

Further I tell you as this scenario unfolds, your words, your

wish, goes out - " I wish I didn't have to work, " or " I'm tired

of working. " Be assured what you are asking for will be answered, though

often not perhaps as you would think. My channel watched this very scenario

with not one, but two associates. I can tell you in both cases the universe

responded. One fell and broke her wrist, the other fell and broke her

arm, and yes, for a time neither can work, and will therefore have the rest

they desire.I can tell you further that from our perspective this will also

provide much needed quietness to review their life.

Understand this is not the universe creating discomfort - no. It

is merely answering what it has heard repeatedly, " I wish I didn't have to

work, " you see?


further, with the increased light cells penetrating your atmosphere and

creating a speeding up of your time, the universe now answers in a much faster


Indeed, as the light particles are absorbed, what you constantly

ask for will be answered. This is the beginning of instant manifestation. I

have spoken of this many times to prepare you. As I have said, to begin with,

as you adjust your speech, your thoughts, the universe will answer you. As you

become filled with more Light, what you ask for will manifest much more


You now see again the importance of being mindful of your

thought patterns and your verbal words. You now see the importance of thinking

more of unconditional love, of peace, of abundance also for your world.

Abundant trees, fertile soil, abundant food for all, abundant water, you see?

You are also in a time of thinking outside of yourself - thinking of mankind.

Do not see the color of skin, or race, no. I urge you to see the diamond Light

of their Sacred Heart. If you are having difficulty with any of these issues I

speak of, then know you need to adjust your attitude. You need to go within and

ask why you are having difficulty. For if there is an emotional issue at the

core of your difficulty, it must be healed, by understanding and release. Only

in this way can you fully overcome and absorb more Light and achieve soul


The light particles from the Photon Belt as you refer to it, is

also encouraging transformation on the emotional body, therefore many are, and

will be dealing with varied issues. Some of you have held issues within you for

lifetimes - yes, indeed. You have carried them with you because you chose to bury

certain issues deep in your consciousness and so they have not been dealt with

and remain on the emotional body - waiting to be let go of.


friend, I tell you truth, unless these old issues are dealt with, released through

understanding and love, you cannot move forward. this is why the New Light on

your planet is encouraging you to do so.

You may perceive the new energy as creating difficulty for you,

because it is urging you to look at your heart center. To deal with old

experiences of pain, unfairness and hurt that you have chosen to bury,

sometimes for more than one life time.

Just as you would nurture a child to heal, with love and

patience, we nurture you, through our love and patience and the New

Light. We see you need help with clearing your emotional body. I tell you

it is essential for your new life, as you prepare for the Golden Age before


Your emotional body contains great power. For this body and the

contents can bind you to heavy negativity and old paradigms of behavior, or it

can set you free! Further, realize this is your choice. Now.

At this time.

I ask you, " what do you choose? " For in choosing you direct your path

for your own future, for mankind, and for Earth.

I ask you again - " What do you choose? " You can no

longer procrastinate, make excuses, ignore your emotions, your feelings. You

are at a crossroad. Your time is speeding up.

" What do you choose? "

Master Kuthumi

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