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Re: The Energy NON-CRISIS?

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peeking in, looking round....point'n to my post just above a few

places....all the fuel you can use in unlimited amounts...available

out of thin air, sorta...kinda...if you live where explained....and

you make it...from water to compressed air...straight veggie oil

reclaimed to bio-diesel...from pedal car to electric vehicles...watcha

wanna build first? I bet a good food processor and figure out just

what a flux capacitor is, we could drive right into the future without

one gallon of gas.

Hell, jump in the wheelbarrow....how far ya going?

Can you say bikes, horses...at least in a community? Who says that

with enough people we couldn't cut holes in a bus and walk fast

anywhere we need to go....say Flintstones...yabadabbado...

Hey, bet Mennonites and the Amish haven't thought twice about gas


As far as the original post....have you heard about old dried up oil

wells being uncovered and they are full? Seems that oil is a nature

process of the earth....kind of like sweat glans. Drilling for oil

clogs the " pores " and stops up with sediments....Russia discovered

they could clear the debris from the bottom of wells and the oil comes

back faster. Natural gas is old plants and dead stuff...not oil.

Seems there is so much it would be free...can't have that now...no

profit in free...they told Tesla that after building his coil...they

people paying for it couldn't figure out where to put a meter to

charge so they had it tore down...can't have people using free

energy...can ya?

You can say that about most things too...everything is

plentiful....diamonds are pricey only because what's found is held

back...farmers get paid not to grow certain things...else they might

end up free for all.

It's funny to me how the garbage company charges to collect trash,

recycles some but buries most...then they harvest the methane to sell

back to the company that sells you natural gas....hummm...I'd at least

think I could get free garbage service...if not reduced gas prices.

All basic human needs and many comforts could be free for all shared

among all and would always be enough...and the whole idea behind the

intentional community idea seen here elsewhere.

It is the few who think profit should only be theirs...your greatest

experiences will be in sharing...what is it others have done with

profits? They seek experience and never find it...so they need more

and more to try to locate those experiences...when all the time they

had only to share...give... " and all other things will be provided to you " .

But we can never expect others to even know what the experience is

unless we first " live it " among ourselves, in communities where all

see the greater purpose of things.

Until we all begin to do differently...it will continue to be the same

and grow into more and more of the same.

You'll bitch and complain, and say someone should do something. You'll

put as much gas as you can in your vehicle, drive off to a job you may

not enjoy, to get through another week, wanting to do and be something

entirely different. Oh to be able to have some needs met where you had

the time to really shine and write that book, paint that picture,

carve that piece of art, play that new song, get lost in a garden of

things that grow and seem to respond to you...as if they

were...alive...reaching for you...did that plant really just lean over

towards me?

Imagine a world, even a place where you choose the experience you'll

have and grow...one you can change anytime...imagine just having the

time and clear mind without being stressed to do just

that...imagine...and put it into being...to create...could you create

in, maybe, EDEN?






> This seemed interesting!


> Just passing it along...


> Lindsey talks about his first hand knowledge of Alaskan oil

> reserves larger than any on earth. And he talks about how the oil

> companies and U.S. government won't send it through the pipeline for

> U.S. citizens to use.


> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3340274697167011147 & hl=en

> <http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3340274697167011147 & hl=en>

> <http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3340274697167011147 & hl=en>


> (It's a little lengthy.... but the point is made within the first few

> minutes.)


> I also discovered this weekend via my brother-in-law who is in contact

> with those who travel the globe... that those in the UK are already

> paying $10.00 per gallon of gasoline... and those in Germany... are

> paying $12.00 per gallon of gasoline. I have no doubt in my mind

> that we will be soon paying that here in the USA.


> What a shame.... so many people being made to suffer because of such a

> small group of power-hungry, greed and ego-filled human beings. I just

> don't understand...


> Forgiveness is sometimes difficult!


> ...But I do know it is necessary.


> I guess some just have to learn life lessons the HARD way!


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Yep, we here in the US have been skating for a long time on ice that has been alot thinner than the illusion we have been fed. Why do you think so many people in other countries ride bicycles, trains and buses? Only the relatively wealthy can afford to own personal vehicles.

In 1976, the price for petrol in Germany was about $1.25 per LITER. It has taken 30 years for that REALITY to come to the US. For good or bad, the reality is, those that control the supply, control the distribution, and thus, control the price. That's why I walk. It's one of the few things left that are free.

Much Love


From: tyhripplesoflove <Kerrie@...>Subject: [] The Energy NON-CRISIS? Date: Sunday, June 8, 2008, 10:02 PM

This seemed interesting!

Just passing it along...

Lindsey talks about his first hand knowledge of Alaskan oil reserves larger than any on earth. And he talks about how the oil companies and U.S. government won't send it through the pipeline for U.S. citizens to use.

http://video. google.com/ videoplay? docid=3340274697 167011147 & hl=en

(It's a little lengthy.... but the point is made within the first few minutes.)

I also discovered this weekend via my brother-in-law who is in contact with those who travel the globe... that those in the UK are already paying $10.00 per gallon of gasoline... and those in Germany... are paying $12.00 per gallon of gasoline. I have no doubt in my mind that we will be soon paying that here in the USA.

What a shame.... so many people being made to suffer because of such a small group of power-hungry, greed and ego-filled human beings. I just don't understand.. .

Forgiveness is sometimes difficult!

....But I do know it is necessary.

I guess some just have to learn life lessons the HARD way!

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Forgiveness releases the forgiver not the forgiven.

We are all eventually accountable for our actions whether to God or even our own higher selves. When we carry grudges, (non-forgiveness), it's a sickening energy. It only serves to cause illness to the grudge-bearer. When we "forgive others" we do not release them from their actions, we release the grudge & heal ourselves.

raunstar@..."Any society that would give up a little Liberty to gain a little Security deserves neither and Will Lose Both." lin

----- Original Message ----- From: tyhripplesoflove

Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2008 9:02 PM

Subject: [] The Energy NON-CRISIS?

This seemed interesting!

Just passing it along...

Lindsey talks about his first hand knowledge of Alaskan oil reserves larger than any on earth. And he talks about how the oil companies and U.S. government won't send it through the pipeline for U.S. citizens to use.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3340274697167011147 & hl=en

(It's a little lengthy.... but the point is made within the first few minutes.)

I also discovered this weekend via my brother-in-law who is in contact with those who travel the globe... that those in the UK are already paying $10.00 per gallon of gasoline... and those in Germany... are paying $12.00 per gallon of gasoline. I have no doubt in my mind that we will be soon paying that here in the USA.

What a shame.... so many people being made to suffer because of such a small group of power-hungry, greed and ego-filled human beings. I just don't understand...

Forgiveness is sometimes difficult!

....But I do know it is necessary.

I guess some just have to learn life lessons the HARD way!

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