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Clearing the Path

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Clearing the Path

One of the

first goals in Huna practice is becoming the kind of person


Prayers are answered.

In the process of Huna prayer you carefully form the


forms you want to manifest, after you have a clear picture in your mind

of what you want you build up a surcharge of mana, do the


Ritual and send the seeds (thought forms) along your aka


to the lower self, the lower self carries these on the aka cords to the

high self and Aumakua .

If you have fear or guilt or shame or have not clearly


your intention or picture seed then the lower self may not be able to


the prayer and the high self /Aumakua may not be able to cause


effect desired .

There are many ways to clear the path so that your

prayers can be

answered. Having a Clear Path has other benefits, like ending a lot


suffering, being happy, having the three selves working together (being

whole). Being in closer contact with your Aumakua and the shedding of


and shame and hurt.

First know what you need to release and get rid of in



You might want to make some lists

1.A list what you need to remove from your life

put all the things, people and places you want to rid



First one makes a list of all the things they want to delete


their life, and prays for each thing to go on to its greater


The list helps you get rid of the clutter in your life.

Things you either throw away, or you give them


or you

sell them,

People, You bless them, let them go on to their greater


and you go on to yours. Your forgiveness list of people, places and


helps you get rid of the baggage you've been carrying around.


yourself and others for what may have happened in your life and letting

it all go on to its greater good as you go on to yours.

2.A list of what you want in your life

This list gives the low self a good picture of what you

want, you


it and refine it until its ready for the prayer work.


list is for what you do want in your life making it clear for your


of the prayer you are trying to manifest

3A list of your blessings a list of all the

benefits and blessings

you have with an expression of thanks and gratitude .counting all


blessings all of this gets the attention and cooperation of


low self.

Clearing the path is a lot of work. and it is an

ongoing process.

Once you begin the process, it is not a good idea to stop as it


and betrays the unihipili's (lower self) trust in you, the uhane



On Prayer:

Essentially, it is the conscious mind's (uhane)

responsibility to

create the prayer form (aka-mana structure) and impressing the


to send that thought form to the Aumakua along the aka cord. It

is the

responsibility of the unihipili to send it, of course, however,


unihipili must

be willing to, feel deserving of the benefit, and not be afraid to


the Aumakua.

If the unihipili feels undeserving or fear or shame or

guilt or hurt

or betrayal or any other emotion which will cause it to hide

its face

from the Aumakua, it is the uhane who must fix it - like a good


taking care of a child.

A clear Path, by definition, will have no obstructions.

An obstruction

is called a "hala" and is defined by your low self(


to be

something that prevents it from being willing to send a


form to the Aumakua. A hala can be created when one hurts

another or


another. And the hala is on bath sides of the transaction. Clearing

the Path means removing those halas.

Then you get busy with the


Huna work.

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