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Shifting to a New Probable Reality By DL Zeta

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Shifting to a New Probable Reality

In past discussions, we have spoken of " probable realities " that exist

within your field of possibility. These probable realities exist

parallel to your present-moment reality. We emphasize these realities

are " probable, " which means they are closer to your present-moment

than realities that are only " possible. "

All things are in fact possible. We define a probability as a

possibility that is a close energetic match to your present moment. It

therefore has a greater likelihood of becoming the chosen reality of a

future moment in your life experience. When you feel within your self

it is time to take the next step of your journey, you are able (even

if it has not seemed so in the past) to consciously choose this next

step from your field of probabilities.

If you have held a secretarial position for a number of years and now

you see your self becoming a spiritual counselor, this is a shift to a

new probability. This new reality may have become a " probable

reality " over the years as you advanced on your spiritual path and

came to be considered a wise source of advise by friends and family.

At this point, change may only be a matter of making the decision to

shift to this new probable reality. It is this decision and how you

think of it, how you word it to your self, that we wish to speak to

you about.

Complete with Your Present Reality Before Shifting to a New One

In making a transition from one reality to another, it is important to

hold in your mind the blessings you have received in your present

reality. Express gratitude for all that has been here, for the

experiences, the learning opportunities and the sharing. Affirm to

your self that everything happened perfectly and all is now complete.

Expressing gratitude for the reality you are leaving helps you to

release even the hint of a nuance that you are seeking to leave or

" run away from " the reality that you are presently experiencing.

Understand since you contain it all -- each and every reality you have

ever experienced – the idea that it is possible to " leave behind " a

reality is illusory. If you feel you are seeking to " get away from " a

reality, you will carry thoughtforms about what you " don't want " into

your new reality and begin re-creating them there.

Before shifting into a new reality, bring closure to any unresolved

emotional energy and heal your experiences into a place of gratitude.

Bring the essence of this " old " reality into a bright light and hold

it in a place of love.

When you are able to feel love and gratitude for all that has been,

you are ready to begin energizing the new probability. When you make

the decision to begin this shift, affirm your decision by wording it

in terms of what you want rather than what you no longer want.

Release any thoughts of who you have been, who you no longer wish to

be, and simply step into the identity of who you are now -- who you

choose to be.

By strongly identifying with the self who is experiencing your chosen

probable reality, you make it your present-moment reality. By

bringing your complete focus to your new reality, you are moving

toward who you now choose to be, which naturally creates distance from

any past realities and carries you into the full experience of a

reality aligned with the new vision of your present moment and your


For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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