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Basic Questions on Spiritual Healing

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Basic Questions on Spiritual Healing What is a spiritual healer?

A spiritual healer is a person who allows himself or herself to be used

as a channel for the flow of healing light and energy. This can be done

for the benefit of self and others...What is the source of healing?

All healing comes from God, plain and simple. A spiritual healer acts

as a channel for this healing energy; not its source. Even if the

healer works in conscious cooperation with healing guides, in Spirit,

they all work, together, as a unified channel for God's healing...Who can become a healing channel?

Anyone can become a healing channel. We are all Spirit; God is Spirit;

God's Healing is spiritual in nature; therefore, so long as the one's

intent is to help and to work with God's healing Light, that person can

become a healing channel...Can spiritual healing work in cooperation with other forms of healing?

Yes, it can. Many healing channels work with Spirit guides and

companions. Some work with the aura, with the chakras, and with color.

So long as the healing channel understands what he or she is working

with, in conjunction with basic spiritual healing, it can all work

together, as a harmonious and whole healing experience...How does prayer relate to spiritual healing?

Prayer represents a means whereby we talk with God and express our

wishes to God. In healing, prayer becomes important, in that it

acknowledges that there is a power, beyond the self, at work. Prayer

helps focus the healing work. Prayer and healing work hand-in-hand...

The real power of prayer lies in the faith behind the prayer. When we

pray for healing, we should present our healing requests to God and,

then, allow God to respond to the needs of the individual. Very often,

spiritual healers tend to tell God what THEY want to see happen, rather

than allow God to manifest what He knows the individual needs to have

happen... Finally, prayer must always be complemented with

meditation. Remember: prayer is our speaking to God; meditation is our

being silent and listening to God's response... Love~All~Ways~Karma

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