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Thank you Chris. I think I just needed to be reminded. Thanks to everyone else who responded also.

In Lak'ech Ala K'in, Cheryl(translation: In Lak'ech Ala K'in -You Are My Other Self)In Lak'ech Ala K'in - the Living Code of the Heart | Spirit Libraryvisit me at: www.myspace.com/senegaladyMay we learn to benefit the life of Earth with peace, humble in our needs,

and generous in our giving.Joanne Sunshower

In a message dated 5/11/2008 4:26:32 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, cbaldwinbuck@... writes:

asked an excellent question: "Why do we allow this war to continue?". Your responses have been great! I am proud to be a part of this Group.Here are some of my thoughts on the subject:Peace cannot be imposed from without. That tactic has been tried throughout history and it has always failed. At best you can impose a temporary cessation of open hostility, but that just drives the anger and the hatred below the surface where it will fester and grow until it once more erupts.Peace cannot be imposed from without. Peace has to begin from within. The way to achieve Peace is to live Peace. As Ghandi said, "Be the change you want to see in the world." Each of us needs to make a Personal Commitment to Peace.Remember...governments make treaties, but individuals make Peace.So what does that mean, Make a Personal Commitment to Peace? Paint a peace sign on your cheek and stick flowers in the barrels of guns? Hold hands and sing "Kumbaya" to prevent the tanks from rolling?Uhm……no. Neither of those will accomplish much, although the Kumbaya People verses the Tank would get a lot of hits on YouTube.Making a Personal Commitment to Peace is both much simpler and much more profound. It is nothing more than two things: changing your outlook and making positive action part of your daily routine.Changing your outlook involves embracing the Three Pillars of Peace: Compassion, Tolerance and Forgiveness.These thoughts are from the beginning of a speech I am putting together for the Pro-Peace March in Washington, DC in August. You will see more on the March (we are hoping to have a large HH group walking together) and other events and items in the coming months as Humanity Healing continues to develop the Personal Commitment to Peace initiative. Part of that initiative is the petition we have on Care2. If you haven't signed it, you can either link to it from the website, www..net, or by putting the following in your browser:http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/I-BELIEVE-Peace-Will-PrevailWe have a lot of signatures to go, so please join us and sign!Much Metta,ChrisPS...if you want the clickable link for "Make a Personal Commitment to Peace" banner for MySpace, Facebook or other networking sites, please write me at christopher.buck@... Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family favorites at AOL Food.

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asked an excellent question: "Why do we allow this war to continue?". Your responses have been great! I am proud to be a part of this Group.Here are some of my thoughts on the subject:Peace cannot be imposed from without. That tactic has been tried throughout history and it has always failed. At best you can impose a temporary cessation of open hostility, but that just drives the anger and the hatred below the surface where it will fester and grow until it once more erupts.Peace cannot be imposed from without. Peace has to begin from within. The way to achieve Peace is to live Peace. As Ghandi said, "Be the change you want to see in the world." Each of us needs to make a Personal Commitment to Peace.Remember...governments make treaties, but individuals make Peace.So what does that mean, Make a Personal Commitment to Peace? Paint a peace sign on your cheek and stick flowers in the barrels of guns? Hold hands and sing "Kumbaya" to prevent the tanks from rolling?Uhm……no. Neither of those will accomplish much, although the Kumbaya People verses the Tank would get a lot of hits on YouTube.Making a Personal Commitment to Peace is both much simpler and much more profound. It is nothing more than two things: changing your outlook and making positive action part of your daily routine.Changing your outlook involves embracing the Three Pillars of Peace: Compassion, Tolerance and Forgiveness.These thoughts are from the beginning of a speech I am putting together for the Pro-Peace March in Washington, DC in August. You will see more on the March (we are hoping to have a large HH group walking together) and other events and items in the coming months as Humanity Healing continues to develop the Personal Commitment to Peace initiative. Part of that initiative is the petition we have on Care2. If you haven't signed it, you can either link to it from the website, www..net, or by putting the following in your browser:http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/I-BELIEVE-Peace-Will-PrevailWe have a lot of signatures to go, so please join us and sign!Much Metta,ChrisPS...if you want the clickable link for "Make a Personal Commitment to Peace" banner for MySpace, Facebook or other networking sites, please write me at christopher.buck@...

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