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On Sevenfold Protection Against Psychic Attack on All Levels

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On Sevenfold Protection Against Psychic Attack on All Levelsby Dr Stone

The first level of psychic attack is when we are being

attacked by our own negative ego. This is very common and a great many

people in the world are suffering from this in the form of the critical

parent, lack of self-love, negative ego thinking, and sabotage, to name

a few. The second level of psychic attack comes from people in the

world who attack you either in your verbal conversations with them, or

are doing this on the psychic plane without your awareness. They may do

this either consciously or unconsciously. Always remember, that since

most people on Earth have not been properly trained in how to master

their mind and emotions and transcend negative ego thinking and replace

it with Christ/Buddha/Spiritual thinking, they live in fear. Fearful

people attack. So everyone on Earth will have to deal with being

attacked and criticized at times! It is important to be able to receive

constructive criticism in life, and it is even important to learn from

people’s feedback even if they express it from their negative ego. Do

not, however, let disturbed negative, egotistical people who are

manufacturing things to attack you about, have any effect on you. Stand

solid in our truth and let their negativity slide off your Golden

Bubble of Light like “water off a duck’s back.†The third level of

psychic attack comes from some lower Astral entity, or a group of

entities, on the Inner Plane. The fourth kind of attack is from

negative Extraterrestrials. Why are so many people suffering from this

problem? The key understanding here to become invulnerable to psychic

attack on any level is that you must create a protection on seven

levels. These seven levels are the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional,

Psychic, Etheric, Physical, and Earthly Levels. The reason a great many

Lightworkers are suffering from psychic attack is they are requesting

projection, but are not doing it on all seven levels! The most

important level to prevent psychics from occurring on any level is to

learn to master your own thoughts, emotions, desires, subconscious

mind, inner child, physical body, energy, and most of all, negative ego

mind and thinking. If you do not learn how to do this, all other forms

of protection will be extremely limited in effectiveness. Most people

in this world are under psychic attack or psychological attack from

their own thoughts, emotions, inner child, and negative ego mind. When

the negative ego is programming your thoughts and emotions instead of

the Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha Mind, this will not only make you

miserable, it will also leave an opening for you to be attacked by

other people, Astral entities, or negative Extraterrestrials. If this

first level could be mastered, almost all psychic attack would stop

without doing anything else. Mastering this level takes a little time

however, and does not happen in one day. It takes great focus,

commitment, and Spiritual vigilance. So, on the Mental Level you are

going to deny all negative ego thoughts from entering your mind and you

are going to reply them with Spiritual Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha

thoughts. On an Emotional Level, you are going to only create

Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha Emotions for you are only going to think with

your Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha Mind. You realize that your thoughts

create your feelings and emotions. You take responsibility that if you

feel negatively or positively, you are creating it by how you are

interpreting the situation. Once you have focused your energies to try

and completely master the Psychological level, then it is time to call

in the Spiritual forces for protection. Do a meditation called “The

Cosmic and Spiritual Hierarchy Protection Meditation†(see Ascension

Activation Meditations of the Spiritual Hierarchy: A Compilation) which

will create a force field of protection that is so profound that

nothing will be able to get through unless you choose to allow it! It

enormously invokes the help of the Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy and

Archangels and Faith, whose job since they are First Ray

Archangels it is to protect. On a Physical/Earthly Level you are going

to strengthen your Physical immune system through proper Physical diet,

Physical exercise, sleep habits, rest, sunshine, fresh air, positive

affirmation, positive visualization, and calling on the Inner Plane

Ascended Masters and Angels to keep your Physical Body and Etheric Body

(energy Body) in perfect radiant health. This is important because the

Physical Body can be attacked as well by bacteria, viruses, parasites,

fungus, and so on, and keeping a strong Physical immune system will

fight any potential diseases off! Keeping the Physical Body strong also

allows you to not be Physically tired and it makes it easier to remain

in your personal power, self-mastery, and joyous vigilance at all

times! On an Earthly Level, lock your car, lock your house door. You

pray to Allah but you also make sure to tie up your camel! On an

Energetic Level, the calling in of GOD, the Masters, and the Angelic

energies, as well as your own ability to shift and change the energy in

your auric field and body, will keep your Etheric Body clear, strong,

and full of energy and vitality! On a Psychic Level, do the Meditation,

practice the other levels spoken of in this paragraph, do a prayer of

protection and put on your Mental Armor, so to speak, every day and

every night. What does it mean to put on your Mental Armor? It is not

enough to just ask GOD and the Masters to protect you. You must

consciously do your part as well on the Psychic Plane. GOD helps those

who help themselves! A great many Lightworkers pray their hearts out

and can’t understand why Spirit and the Masters won’t help them. This,

of course, is a projection, for Spirit and the Masters are helping

them. However, the problem is not a Spiritual one, it is a

Psychological one. That is what is allowing the Psychic attacks to

continue! Even Spirit and the Masters cannot fully stop the Psychic

attacks if one’s psychology is not mastered. So, when you first get up

every morning, visualize in your mind’s eye claiming your sword of

power, your golden bubble of protection that you create yourself with

the power of your own mind and heart. Put on your self-love, maybe by

putting a red rose in your heart. Visualize your attunement to GOD and

the Masters by seeing your Antakarana or tube of light from your Heart

Chakra back to GOD. Put on your Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha thinking and

see yourself getting rid of all negative ego thinking. Visualize the

Three-Fold Flame of Love/Wisdom and Power burning bright in your heart!

This will keep you protected on the Psychic Plane! In conclusion, the

first type of Psychic attack is that of your own negative ego thoughts,

emotions, and inner child. You deal with it by releasing all negative

ego thoughts and only thinking with your Christed Mind. When attacked

verbally by other people, you are prepared for that, as long as you put

on your Mental Armor every morning, do your prayer of protection and do

your homework on a Psychological, Spiritual, and Physical/Earthly

Level. Why? Because if you fully own your personal power and have a

bubble of protection around you, and you have self-love and self-worth

within you and your attunement to GOD and the Masters, then other

people’s negative verbal attacks will slide off your bubble like water

off a duck’s back. You will not have allowed them to cause your

emotions or hurt you in any way! You have not reacted as a victim, you

have responded like a Spiritual Master! Look how the Master Jesus

responded when attacked and crucified. “Love your enemies,†as Jesus

put it. See On Focusing on Your Own Lessons Rather than Being Concerned

about Teaching Other People Theirs. See through the negative ego veil

they are manifesting, and give them unconditional love they are truly

asking for. People attack because they live in fear. An attack is a

call for love! Now, what do you do when attacked by a negative Astral

entity? The only way an Astral entity can remain connected with you is

if you allow yourself to be run by your negative ego, negative

thoughts, negative emotions, and you do not parent your inner child

with firmness and love. If you do these things, it is impossible for an

Astral entity to remain in your aura. What attracts the Astral entity

to you is your own negative thoughts, negative emotions, and negative

ego. In terms of attack coming from negative Extraterrestrials in the

form of negative implants and abductions, listen very closely! No one

in life is a victim! No Extraterrestrial can abduct you or place

implants within you unless you let them. GOD did not place you on this

Earth to be a victim or to be victimized. GOD placed you on this Earth

to be a Spiritual Master and the complete cause of your reality on

every level. This is your birthright as a Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha,

which is who you are. GOD is not victimized by negative ETs and neither

are you, if you claim your birthright! If you claim your 100% Personal

Power, 100% Unconditional Love, and 100% Spiritual and Psychological

Wisdom, and never let go of it, then you cannot be touched! You are

invulnerable! Ponder on this!

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Greetings Liane…thank you……..please call me today …………Mwah!


[mailto: ] On

Behalf Of

Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2008 9:23 AM

Subject: [] On Sevenfold Protection Against Psychic

Attack on All Levels


Sevenfold Protection Against Psychic Attack on All Levels

by Dr Stone


first level of psychic attack is when we are being attacked by our own negative

ego. This is very common and a great many people in the world are suffering

from this in the form of the critical parent, lack of self-love, negative ego

thinking, and sabotage, to name a few. The second level of psychic attack comes

from people in the world who attack you either in your verbal conversations

with them, or are doing this on the psychic plane without your awareness. They

may do this either consciously or unconsciously. Always remember, that since

most people on Earth have not been properly trained in how to master their mind

and emotions and transcend negative ego thinking and replace it with

Christ/Buddha/Spiritual thinking, they live in fear. Fearful people attack.


everyone on Earth will have to deal with being attacked and criticized at

times! It is important to be able to receive constructive criticism in life,

and it is even important to learn from people’s feedback even if they express

it from their negative ego. Do not, however, let disturbed negative,

egotistical people who are manufacturing things to attack you about, have any

effect on you. Stand solid in our truth and let their negativity slide off your

Golden Bubble of Light like “water off a duck’s back.†The third level of

psychic attack comes from some lower Astral entity, or a group of entities, on

the Inner Plane. The fourth kind of attack is from negative Extraterrestrials.

Why are so many people suffering from this problem? The key understanding here

to become invulnerable to psychic attack on any level is that you must create a

protection on seven levels. These seven levels are the Spiritual, Mental,

Emotional, Psychic, Etheric, Physical, and Earthly Levels. The reason a great

many Lightworkers are suffering from psychic attack is they are requesting

projection, but are not doing it on all seven levels! The most important level

to prevent psychics from occurring on any level is to learn to master your own

thoughts, emotions, desires, subconscious mind, inner child, physical body,

energy, and most of all, negative ego mind and thinking. If you do not learn

how to do this, all other forms of protection will be extremely limited in

effectiveness. Most people in this world are under psychic attack or

psychological attack from their own thoughts, emotions, inner child, and

negative ego mind.


the negative ego is programming your thoughts and emotions instead of the

Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha Mind, this will not only make you miserable, it will

also leave an opening for you to be attacked by other people, Astral entities,

or negative Extraterrestrials. If this first level could be mastered, almost

all psychic attack would stop without doing anything else. Mastering this level

takes a little time however, and does not happen in one day. It takes great

focus, commitment, and Spiritual vigilance. So, on the Mental Level you are

going to deny all negative ego thoughts from entering your mind and you are

going to reply them with Spiritual Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha thoughts. On an

Emotional Level, you are going to only create Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha

Emotions for you are only going to think with your Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha

Mind. You realize that your thoughts create your feelings and emotions. You

take responsibility that if you feel negatively or positively, you are creating

it by how you are interpreting the situation. Once you have focused your

energies to try and completely master the Psychological level, then it is time

to call in the Spiritual forces for protection.


a meditation called “The Cosmic and Spiritual Hierarchy Protection

Meditation†(see Ascension Activation Meditations of the Spiritual Hierarchy:

A Compilation) which will create a force field of protection that is so

profound that nothing will be able to get through unless you choose to allow

it! It enormously invokes the help of the Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy and

Archangels and Faith, whose job since they are First Ray Archangels it

is to protect. On a Physical/Earthly Level you are going to strengthen your

Physical immune system through proper Physical diet, Physical exercise, sleep

habits, rest, sunshine, fresh air, positive affirmation, positive

visualization, and calling on the Inner Plane Ascended Masters and Angels to

keep your Physical Body and Etheric Body (energy Body) in perfect radiant

health. This is important because the Physical Body can be attacked as well by

bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungus, and so on, and keeping a strong Physical

immune system will fight any potential diseases off! Keeping the Physical Body

strong also allows you to not be Physically tired and it makes it easier to

remain in your personal power, self-mastery, and joyous vigilance at all times!

On an Earthly Level, lock your car, lock your house door. You pray to Allah but

you also make sure to tie up your camel! On an Energetic Level, the calling in

of GOD, the Masters, and the Angelic energies, as well as your own ability to

shift and change the energy in your auric field and body, will keep your

Etheric Body clear, strong, and full of energy and vitality! On a Psychic

Level, do the Meditation, practice the other levels spoken of in this

paragraph, do a prayer of protection and put on your Mental Armor, so to speak,

every day and every night. What does it mean to put on your Mental Armor? It is

not enough to just ask GOD and the Masters to protect you. You must consciously

do your part as well on the Psychic Plane. GOD helps those who help themselves!

A great many Lightworkers pray their hearts out and can’t understand why

Spirit and the Masters won’t help them. This, of course, is a projection, for

Spirit and the Masters are helping them. However, the problem is not a

Spiritual one, it is a Psychological one. That is what is allowing the Psychic

attacks to continue! Even Spirit and the Masters cannot fully stop the Psychic

attacks if one’s psychology is not mastered. So, when you first get up every

morning, visualize in your mind’s eye claiming your sword of power, your

golden bubble of protection that you create yourself with the power of your own

mind and heart. Put on your self-love, maybe by putting a red rose in your



your attunement to GOD and the Masters by seeing your Antakarana or tube

of light from your Heart Chakra back to GOD. Put on your Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha

thinking and see yourself getting rid of all negative ego thinking. Visualize

the Three-Fold Flame of Love/Wisdom and Power burning bright in your heart!

This will keep you protected on the Psychic Plane! In conclusion, the first

type of Psychic attack is that of your own negative ego thoughts, emotions, and

inner child. You deal with it by releasing all negative ego thoughts and only

thinking with your Christed Mind. When attacked verbally by other people, you

are prepared for that, as long as you put on your Mental Armor every morning,

do your prayer of protection and do your homework on a Psychological,

Spiritual, and Physical/Earthly Level. Why? Because if you fully own your

personal power and have a bubble of protection around you, and you have

self-love and self-worth within you and your attunement to GOD and the Masters,

then other people’s negative verbal attacks will slide off your bubble like

water off a duck’s back.


will not have allowed them to cause your emotions or hurt you in any way! You

have not reacted as a victim, you have responded like a Spiritual Master! Look

how the Master Jesus responded when attacked and crucified. “Love your

enemies,†as Jesus put it. See On Focusing on Your Own Lessons Rather than

Being Concerned about Teaching Other People Theirs. See through the negative

ego veil they are manifesting, and give them unconditional love they are truly

asking for. People attack because they live in fear. An attack is a call for

love! Now, what do you do when attacked by a negative Astral entity? The only

way an Astral entity can remain connected with you is if you allow yourself to

be run by your negative ego, negative thoughts, negative emotions, and you do

not parent your inner child with firmness and love. If you do these things, it

is impossible for an Astral entity to remain in your aura. What attracts the

Astral entity to you is your own negative thoughts, negative emotions, and

negative ego. In terms of attack coming from negative Extraterrestrials in the

form of negative implants and abductions, listen very closely! No one in life

is a victim! No Extraterrestrial can abduct you or place implants within you

unless you let them.

GOD did not place you on this Earth to be a victim or to be

victimized. GOD placed you on this Earth to be a Spiritual Master and the complete

cause of your reality on every level.

This is your birthright as a Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha, which is who you are.

GOD is not victimized by negative ETs and neither are you, if you claim your

birthright! If you claim your 100% Personal Power, 100% Unconditional Love, and

100% Spiritual and Psychological Wisdom, and never let go of it, then you

cannot be touched! You are invulnerable! Ponder on this!

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Guest guest

This is the greatest. any more on this kind of thing is always

welcome. I am a healer that has been doing work for 1 year but many

times come to a block because of missing info to move ahead and this

is alot of whats going on. Mostly the unseen control,program, weapons

etc. kudos

--- In , " " <liane@...>



> On Sevenfold Protection Against Psychic Attack on All Levelsby Dr

> Stone

> The first level of psychic attack is when we are being attacked by


> own negative ego. This is very common and a great many people in the

> world are suffering from this in the form of the critical parent,


> of self-love, negative ego thinking, and sabotage, to name a few.


> second level of psychic attack comes from people in the world who


> you either in your verbal conversations with them, or are doing

this on

> the psychic plane without your awareness. They may do this either

> consciously or unconsciously. Always remember, that since most

people on

> Earth have not been properly trained in how to master their mind and

> emotions and transcend negative ego thinking and replace it with

> Christ/Buddha/Spiritual thinking, they live in fear. Fearful people

> attack.






> So everyone on Earth will have to deal with being attacked and

> criticized at times! It is important to be able to receive


> criticism in life, and it is even important to learn from

> people’s feedback even if they express it from their negative

> ego. Do not, however, let disturbed negative, egotistical people

who are

> manufacturing things to attack you about, have any effect on you.


> solid in our truth and let their negativity slide off your Golden


> of Light like “water off a duck’s back.†The third

> level of psychic attack comes from some lower Astral entity, or a


> of entities, on the Inner Plane. The fourth kind of attack is from

> negative Extraterrestrials. Why are so many people suffering from


> problem? The key understanding here to become invulnerable to


> attack on any level is that you must create a protection on seven

> levels. These seven levels are the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional,

> Psychic, Etheric, Physical, and Earthly Levels. The reason a great


> Lightworkers are suffering from psychic attack is they are


> projection, but are not doing it on all seven levels! The most


> level to prevent psychics from occurring on any level is to learn to

> master your own thoughts, emotions, desires, subconscious mind,


> child, physical body, energy, and most of all, negative ego mind and

> thinking. If you do not learn how to do this, all other forms of

> protection will be extremely limited in effectiveness. Most people


> this world are under psychic attack or psychological attack from


> own thoughts, emotions, inner child, and negative ego mind.





> When the negative ego is programming your thoughts and emotions


> of the Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha Mind, this will not only make you

> miserable, it will also leave an opening for you to be attacked by


> people, Astral entities, or negative Extraterrestrials. If this


> level could be mastered, almost all psychic attack would stop


> doing anything else. Mastering this level takes a little time


> and does not happen in one day. It takes great focus, commitment,


> Spiritual vigilance. So, on the Mental Level you are going to deny


> negative ego thoughts from entering your mind and you are going to


> them with Spiritual Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha thoughts. On an


> Level, you are going to only create Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha


> for you are only going to think with your Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha

> Mind. You realize that your thoughts create your feelings and


> You take responsibility that if you feel negatively or positively,


> are creating it by how you are interpreting the situation. Once you


> focused your energies to try and completely master the Psychological

> level, then it is time to call in the Spiritual forces for



> Do a meditation called “The Cosmic and Spiritual Hierarchy

> Protection Meditation†(see Ascension Activation Meditations of

> the Spiritual Hierarchy: A Compilation) which will create a force


> of protection that is so profound that nothing will be able to get

> through unless you choose to allow it! It enormously invokes the

help of

> the Cosmic and Planetary Hierarchy and Archangels and Faith,

> whose job since they are First Ray Archangels it is to protect. On a

> Physical/Earthly Level you are going to strengthen your Physical


> system through proper Physical diet, Physical exercise, sleep


> rest, sunshine, fresh air, positive affirmation, positive


> and calling on the Inner Plane Ascended Masters and Angels to keep


> Physical Body and Etheric Body (energy Body) in perfect radiant


> This is important because the Physical Body can be attacked as well


> bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungus, and so on, and keeping a


> Physical immune system will fight any potential diseases off!


> the Physical Body strong also allows you to not be Physically tired


> it makes it easier to remain in your personal power, self-mastery,


> joyous vigilance at all times! On an Earthly Level, lock your car,


> your house door. You pray to Allah but you also make sure to tie up


> camel! On an Energetic Level, the calling in of GOD, the Masters,


> the Angelic energies, as well as your own ability to shift and


> the energy in your auric field and body, will keep your Etheric Body

> clear, strong, and full of energy and vitality! On a Psychic Level,


> the Meditation, practice the other levels spoken of in this


> do a prayer of protection and put on your Mental Armor, so to speak,

> every day and every night. What does it mean to put on your Mental

> Armor? It is not enough to just ask GOD and the Masters to protect


> You must consciously do your part as well on the Psychic Plane. GOD

> helps those who help themselves! A great many Lightworkers pray


> hearts out and can’t understand why Spirit and the Masters

> won’t help them. This, of course, is a projection, for Spirit and

> the Masters are helping them. However, the problem is not a


> one, it is a Psychological one. That is what is allowing the Psychic

> attacks to continue! Even Spirit and the Masters cannot fully stop


> Psychic attacks if one’s psychology is not mastered. So, when you

> first get up every morning, visualize in your mind’s eye claiming

> your sword of power, your golden bubble of protection that you


> yourself with the power of your own mind and heart. Put on your

> self-love, maybe by putting a red rose in your heart.






> Visualize your attunement to GOD and the Masters by seeing your

> Antakarana or tube of light from your Heart Chakra back to GOD. Put


> your Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha thinking and see yourself getting

rid of

> all negative ego thinking. Visualize the Three-Fold Flame of


> and Power burning bright in your heart! This will keep you

protected on

> the Psychic Plane! In conclusion, the first type of Psychic attack


> that of your own negative ego thoughts, emotions, and inner child.


> deal with it by releasing all negative ego thoughts and only


> with your Christed Mind. When attacked verbally by other people,

you are

> prepared for that, as long as you put on your Mental Armor every

> morning, do your prayer of protection and do your homework on a

> Psychological, Spiritual, and Physical/Earthly Level. Why? Because


> you fully own your personal power and have a bubble of protection


> you, and you have self-love and self-worth within you and your

> attunement to GOD and the Masters, then other people’s negative

> verbal attacks will slide off your bubble like water off a duck’s

> back.



> You will not have allowed them to cause your emotions or hurt you

in any

> way! You have not reacted as a victim, you have responded like a

> Spiritual Master! Look how the Master Jesus responded when attacked


> crucified. “Love your enemies,†as Jesus put it. See On

> Focusing on Your Own Lessons Rather than Being Concerned about


> Other People Theirs. See through the negative ego veil they are

> manifesting, and give them unconditional love they are truly asking


> People attack because they live in fear. An attack is a call for


> Now, what do you do when attacked by a negative Astral entity? The


> way an Astral entity can remain connected with you is if you allow

> yourself to be run by your negative ego, negative thoughts, negative

> emotions, and you do not parent your inner child with firmness and


> If you do these things, it is impossible for an Astral entity to


> in your aura. What attracts the Astral entity to you is your own

> negative thoughts, negative emotions, and negative ego. In terms of

> attack coming from negative Extraterrestrials in the form of


> implants and abductions, listen very closely! No one in life is a

> victim! No Extraterrestrial can abduct you or place implants within


> unless you let them.



> GOD did not place you on this Earth to be a victim or to be


> GOD placed you on this Earth to be a Spiritual Master and the


> cause of your reality on every level. This is your birthright as a

> Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha, which is who you are. GOD is not


> by negative ETs and neither are you, if you claim your birthright!


> you claim your 100% Personal Power, 100% Unconditional Love, and


> Spiritual and Psychological Wisdom, and never let go of it, then you

> cannot be touched! You are invulnerable! Ponder on this!


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