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Entering the Portal of Spiritual Awareness

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Entering the Portal of Spiritual AwarenessWe want to take you once more "behind the scenes" of your inner worldto give you a glimpse of the role played by your higher self and itscomplement of "past and future life selves" in your present-momentexistence.Before we proceed with this discussion, we will explain how past andfuture lives operate in general. The merging of the conscious selfwith the higher self is generally a slow process over time, but due tothe shifting currents within your world, there is now a "fasttracking" of growth for many awakening souls. This is a process thatcan throw the conscious existence into something akin to a physical"detox" state.The Role of Your Higher SelfYour higher self is your council of advisers. This council iscomprised of all the "selves" you have been or will be with all thewisdom, knowledge and experience they have amassed. Your higher selfresides in the realm of your subconscious mind. To be able to accessyour inner council at will, you must learn to navigate the emotionallevel that bridges conscious and subconscious minds. For many in yourworld, crossing this bridge from conscious to subconscious mind is anarduous task. This task may feel to some along the lines of a lifelongcity dweller who travels alone through a dense jungle. This journeyinevitably calls forth many deep-seated fears of unknown dangers andlife-threatening encounters. Many of these fears reside withincellular memory and collective consciousness.In order to navigate the emotional level at will, you will need towork through unresolved emotional issues. Once you navigate thejungle of unresolved emotions, you can reliably travel into yoursubconscious mind to commune with your higher self. As you come intogreater communion with your higher self, you are able to access thewisdom of your inner council of past and future selves.The Gifts of Spiritual CommunionCommuning with your higher self also helps you access the talents,skills and abilities of your other "selves." It is when an individualjoins forces with their "selves" across time that an Einstein or aMozart is born. Each soul is unto themselves an entire spiritualcommunity comprised of all the selves that make up their past andfuture incarnations. When the "self" who is currently incarnatedbecomes over-identified with physical reality, they tend to lose touchwith the spiritual community of their inner homeland. This is muchlike the individual who migrates to a country far from where they wereborn and loses touch with his or her family of origin. For theseindividuals, life is burdened with a sense of loss and longing thatover time can erode the flow of life force energy.The greatest joy an awakening soul experiences is when they begin toreceive spontaneous communications from their other selves. There isan immediate recognition akin to receiving a long letter from homeafter years of isolation and silence. This is what happens when theemotions are cleared sufficiently to allow communication with thehigher self. This is the essence of a spiritual awakening experiencethat dramatically changes the present-moment life and begins to attuneconsciousness with the spiritual destiny for the current lifetime.Understanding Past and Future LivesBefore we move on in our discussion, we want to clear up the issue ofpast and future life selves. While many are familiar with the conceptof past life selves, there is often less understanding of future lifeselves. Both past and future life entities exist beyond theboundaries of linear time. As present-life "veils" are removed, youare able to access both past and future selves to the degree that suchaccess facilitates your spiritual growth. Both past and future selveshave valuable information to share with you, but you will not be ableto access this information until you come into resonance with it.Your Present Moment is Holographic to All IncarnationsWe now return to your present life, which is holographic in nature. Asingle life is to the arc of lifetimes as a drop of water is to theocean. In this way, there is much you can learn about your past andfuture life selves by developing awareness of the various parts ofyour self that play a dominant role in your current life. At anygiven time, according to your current needs and life circumstances, an"aspect" of your higher self is informing and advising your conscious,present-moment self. Many who are incarnated are not aware when thesechangeovers in spiritual advisers take place, but they are often awarewhen a sudden "change of heart" and change in direction takes place intheir lives.If the present-moment consciousness is deeply identified with thephysical life and the aspect of self that is currently in charge ofthe life, these changeovers in spiritual guidance can be dramatic.This rigidity and resistance to change slows spiritual progress. Overtime, one of two scenarios takes place in a given life. In onescenario, the conscious mind expands its spiritual awareness to morereadily adapt to these changeovers, surrendering to the need forspiritual growth and communion. In the second scenario, the consciousmind becomes increasingly resistant to spiritual progression. In thisinstance, the soul begins to "phase out" the incarnation by slowlycutting off the flow of life force to the body. This is why anindividual faced with a life-threatening illness sometimes awakens tothe need for spiritual growth and begins progressing again. At thispoint, the soul often chooses to "re-instate" life force to theincarnation. This is when remissions and "miracles" occur.Embracing "Changeovers" in Spiritual GuidanceTo be able to fulfill your life purpose of spiritual growth, it isimportant to set your intention to welcome and embrace each new aspectof "self" that comes into your life to guide and assist you to yournext stage of growth. You can begin a dialogue with each new guidingentity to learn more about this past or future self's lifetime andwhere they reside. These advising selves are aspects of your innerspiritual community for the present lifetime, just as your past andfuture life selves represent the spiritual community of your soul.Each life mirrors all other lifetimes and contains within it thepossibility for inner communion and homecoming.By entering the Portal of Spiritual Awareness, you are able to expandyour present-moment consciousness to welcome and embrace each aspectof your higher self that arises in your life to guide you to the nextphase of spiritual understanding. In time, this intention to welcomeand embrace spiritual awareness bridges your present-momentconsciousness with your higher self, bringing you into directcommunion with your selves across all-time and all-that-is.For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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