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Scorpio (Blue) Full Moon 2008 ( a must read)

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From: Pagano

Date: 5/12/2008 10:38:14 PM

Subject: Scorpio (Blue) Full Moon 2008

Scorpio Full Blue Moon, May 19-20, 2008 " I am inclined to fantasize the gods, the heroes, the mythic protagonists, gathered in occluded shadow around the zodiacal wheel, behind the planets. Where a particular myth can find a congenial home, then that myth will enter a person's life, and cling to him throughout his life as his daimon (guiding spirit). "

Liz Greene, The Astrology of FateWelcome to the Scorpio Blue Moon! Again!Don't miss this 'once in a blue moon' chance to shift your priorities to the deep values rooted in your soul which will release the fear, anxiety and helplessness which hold you back from living mindfully - choosing a life that has meaning for you. The other side of fear is hope, of anxiety is love and of helplessness is power. It's time for you to re-connect (and you'll have that chance when Mercury goes retrograde this month) to your wisdom and worth. It's time to take yourself seriously and engage the mythic imagination to discover how to live divinely or die mythically. Sound extreme. That's Taurus and Scorpio for you! Extreme in power, passion, stubbornness and wisdom.

With this second Scorpio Full Moon occurring in the 29th degrees of Taurus and Scorpio, we will be tested on the lessons of these elements – stabilize your 'Earth' by recognizing and releasing the emotions that de-stabilize you. How have you mastered the Taurus lesson of discovering your values? What are the talents you were born with and how are you using them? Are you a good steward of the Earth, responsible for creating a personal sustainable lifestyle? Do you listen to and trust your senses? Practice extending your senses 360 degrees around you – what do you hear, see, smell, taste and sense? What is life telling you? Exercising these muscles will strengthen your instincts again.

What in Life is worth living and dying for? That is the question the two Scorpio Full Moons are bouncing around between them. What have you been concerned about since the first Scorpio Full Moon on April 20th? What new life did you invoke on May 5th at the Taurus New Moon? Did you feel the 'gods and heroes' circling around you, urging you to do the very thing that you've been putting off for . . . how long? A few years? A whole lifetime? Other lifetimes? Your 'once in a blue moon' chance to change things is here!

Do you know what mythic story wants to live itself out in you? We are still living in mythic times. " ...the figures of myth are the active and dynamic aspect of our fate, the daimones, and we draw the outer world into our own mythys at the points where the outer world's myths touch our own. Thus we, as vessels for myth, create our fate. " (Liz Green)

Character is fate. Be open to discovering (especially with Mercury and Neptune going regtrograde within a half hour of each other on May 26th ) exactly which mythical/archetypal energies – which stories - are at play in the cosmos right now. How you tune into these big energies is determined by your own mythic characters as shown in your birth chart – your character. If you have any planets or angles around 29 degrees of fixed signs, you are going to be majorly engaged in the story of this Full Moon. When you name yourself and your story, you can find a way to fit your personal story into the collective story. You create your own fate by living your character fully.

Another way to access the mythic realm is through dreams, and it is a dream I had in December as Pluto and Jupiter conjoined near the Galactic Center that I want to share you for this Blue Moon. The Sun at 29 degrees Taurus will be conjoined with the constellation of the Pleiades, the Seven Sisters, during this full moon. The Pleiades bring spring rain, abundance, renewal and spiritual power. One of the stars, Alcyone, was once believed to be the galaxy's central Sun. The belief was that our solar system is pulled toward Alcyone; she attracts us just as spirit attracts and animates Matter.

The Pleiades were considered sacred in many traditions – from the religions of the Book to Native American traditions. Many mythic traditions speak of our ancestors coming from these stars. The Pleiades are located at an inter-dimensional doorway – a 'stargate' - between the galactic and super-galactic planes in the cosmos. ( Austin, MA, Ap./May 2008). Sun on the Pleiades indicates that we need to stretch ourselves and open to spiritual insights and major revelations during this time. Dig deep, stretch high.

My dream: I am in a building high up in the sky. A woman's voice says, " Look out the window. There's the Pleiades! " I turn to my left and look out a window and see the Pleiades – shining brightly in a clear blue, sunlit sky! They are awe-inspiring! After looking out at it for a while, I turn back inside and go into a room like a kitchen. There's a dry sink there whose drain is open and looking down it, I see clouds. Two of my grandchildren are playing in the room and I have to help them in some way – to play or to stop an argument? When I finish with them I look out another window and see other constellations, and one of them explodes like fireworks and its sparkles drip down through the sky.


Enjoy May while it lasts! Blessings & Beauty, Pagano

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