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Expanding Your Field of Possibilities, Part 4 By DL Zeta

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The Art of Conscious Decisionmaking

We have discussed the importance of programming your intentions in the

direction of your deepest desires. Now we will take you step further.

That is to follow up on your intentions with conscious decisions.

We have observed how many of you set intentions that do not bring you

the results you are seeking. Often this is because an intention is

more open-ended in terms of future actions. And that is just the

point -- an intention is often viewed as a " possible future action. "

In reality, the future of this possible action sometimes does not arrive.

This is why we are introducing a more definite, immediate course of

action - making a conscious decision. A decision is a resolute

statement that does not leave room for indecisive thoughts and

feelings to arise and run contradictory to the intentions you have

set. A decision says that you intend to take action within the moment

- not some vague moment in the distant future.

Clarity, Inner Unification and Spiritual Alignment

We will explore here some cornerstones of conscious decisionmaking.

One cornerstone is entering a place of clear-seeing and stillness

prior to making a decision. This allows you to make a conscious

decision from a clear place. Next, it is important for all aspects of

your self to be on board with your decision. In other words, there

are no parts of your self pulling in the opposite direction,

dissipating the energy of your desired creation. Your decisions come

from a unified place when all your aspects are in agreement.

Another aspect is spiritual alignment. When a decision is conscious,

it is aligned with your spirit. A spiritually aligned decision excites

you at all levels -- conscious, subconscious and super conscious.

Spiritually aligned, conscious decisions are points of focused

empowerment. It is much easier to build a trust and belief in a

conscious decision because it is aligned with your spirit.

Maintenancing Your Conscious Decisions

It is important to maintenance your conscious decisions with

purposeful actions. This is a simple process of allowing as

purposeful actions naturally flow from spiritually aligned, conscious


When you take the first step in acting on your conscious decisions,

the next step is revealed to you. As a next step is revealed to you

and you trust and take action on this step, you are effectively

maintenancing your decision to follow your chosen course. When you

maintenance your decisions, you are tracking the seeds you have

planted into a future where you harvest their fruits. In this way,

each day becomes a joyful " next step " in affirming and maintenancing

your commitment to your highest vision.

For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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