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Ive ground my teeht all my life when asleep I would think unless you have TMJ

thatits just something some do when sleeping and also was told by dentist

that its often a nervous habit that we are unaware of while sleeping, have

never seen any connetction with Chiari ever in 5 year on here donest mean its

not but dont see a connectiona t all. I think they have mouth guards or

seomthing one can wear at night who do this alot.

Peace and hugs

Dahli dawn

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Hi :

First off all, Welcome to the group !!! The group here are so nice and

understanding. I have learned soooooo much about Chiari since I joined.

When I read you post on " TEETH GRINDING, " Wow !!! I have had this problem

since teenage years, for I am 31 now.

I never even thought of asking the group about it. I am not much help to your

answer. But it is a good question.

I would like to know to. If you learn anything about it. I hope you wouldn't

mind sharing it with me ???

If I find out anything I will let you know as well. Take care and I hope you

enjoy the group !!


Newfoundland & Labrador

Atlantic Canada

" Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear the most. "


Hello to all again,

I was wandeering if grinding your teeth could stem from chiari 1?

I have done this all my life and wear a guard for my teeth at night



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Hi all,

I also grind my teeth and have pain in my left jaw constantly. I thought I

read somewhere that jaw pain is a chiari symptom? I am so new to this I just

don't know.

Take care,


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Teeth grinding can be just that & nothing more, teeth grinding!!! Lots of

people grind their teeth that don't have chiari. And there are probably

people out there with chiari that grind their teeth. There may be a

correlation but not necessarily a cause & effect. Not everything is caused

by chiari.

Warmest regards,



Hi :

First off all, Welcome to the group !!! The group here are so nice and

understanding. I have learned soooooo much about Chiari since I joined.

When I read you post on " TEETH GRINDING, " Wow !!! I have had this problem

since teenage years, for I am 31 now.

I never even thought of asking the group about it. I am not much help to

your answer. But it is a good question.

I would like to know to. If you learn anything about it. I hope you wouldn't

mind sharing it with me ???

If I find out anything I will let you know as well. Take care and I hope you

enjoy the group !!


Newfoundland & Labrador

Atlantic Canada

" Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear the most. "


Hello to all again,

I was wandeering if grinding your teeth could stem from chiari 1?

I have done this all my life and wear a guard for my teeth at night



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Teeth grinding is more a sign of stress :-)

I've done it for years and can definetly say it is NOT chiari related (in my

particular case).

We might be able to link it to Chiari if we were to say that the stress is

caused by what we have to deal with on a daily basis that is Chiari

related(back pain, headache etc.).

But then....if we were to use this type of thinking a couple of things would


1). We'd go crazy AND we'd have every ache and pain under the sun.

2). Ailments that are not Chiari related, which may be treated by more

simple means.....will be neglected.

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Sharon wrote, in part:

" ...Not everything is caused by chiari.... "

Thank you for echoing what I have said on this " list " for YEARS. Just

because a person has been diagnosed with ACM, does not mean that everything

in their life can be attributed to being caused by " it. "

As I have said in the past, as a person with ACM you have two choices....you

can either be a person who " lives with ACM " or you can become a person who

makes " ACM your life. " The choice is up to you. Personally, I prefer NOT

to let it define who I am!


Phoenix, AZ


Surgery 12/96

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My experience with this is that I had increasing muscular pain in my face

for about the last 3-4 years. Than about a year ago I started grinding my

teeth at night, as evidence to damage to my teeth. Since my March surgery,

I haven't had the pain or teeth grinding. But I have had mucho stress

dealing with a rebellious teenager. SO, I think mine was related to my

muscle spasms caused by the chiari! That's my opinion and I'm sticking to

it ! :)




> > Hello to all again,

> >

> > I was wandeering if grinding your teeth could stem from chiari 1?

> > I have done this all my life and wear a guard for my teeth at night

> > now?

> >


> >

> >

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I wouldn't mind knowing the answer to this Question also. But mainly for

Chiari in general, because I have Chiari II. Please keep this Subject on the


Take Care,

Brande, RHIT


> I was wandeering if grinding your teeth could stem from chiari 1?

> I have done this all my life and wear a guard for my teeth at night

> now?


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Hi , Debra and Brande (and anyone who is


Last week Laurie posted about jaw pain and I shared

some info then about TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint)

Dysfunction. However because so many people commented

tonight on " teeth grinding " , I thought I'd again share

some info with the group as this is something for

which I am currently undergoing treatment.

Because I currently have severe shoulder pain

and " rock hard " upper extremity muscles (like the

trapezius and other shoulder and neck muscles), I am

being seen by many health care providers to look for

answers so as to help lessen the pain. One person

that I'm seeing is a TMJ specialist because as it

turns out, TMJ Dysfunction seems to be part of what

may be contributing to my pain.

Prior to this, I knew nothing about TMJ Dysfunction,

but now have learned more about it. Teeth grinding is

thought to be the result of an improper bite and/or

stress and often accompanies a TMJ problem.

The physical therapist who is treating me for TMJ

Dysfunction suspects that many people with Chiari

malformations may also have TMJ Dysfunction because of

the complex and highly synchronized relationship that

exists between the muscles of the face, head, and

neck. Hence when there is a problem in one area, it

will affect the other area.

One of the goals in my case is to reduce the stress

and tension on the back of my neck. A TMJ problem

creates additional stress on the back of the neck. So

even though it may not be my only problem, it may be

one factor that is exacerbating my pain and

aggravating the area of my chiari malformation.

Right now I have been wearing a splint (a piece of

plastic that inserts onto my upper teeth) that is

working to re-align my jaw and therefore should ease

the stress that is being placed on the many muscles of

my face, jaw, and neck.

It's interesting that some of the symptoms of TMJ are

some of the same ones that are associated

with " chiari " . Some of the symptoms of TMJ include:

dizziness, problems with the ears (ringing and or

pressure problems), popping noises from the jaw when

opening/closing the mouth, difficulty opening the

mouth or feeling as if it is locked, pain while

chewing or talking, fullness in the sinuses, and

difficulty swallowing.

I'd certainly encourage anyone who has face, neck, and

back/shoulder pain to at least consider having an

evaluation by a TMJ specialist. A specialist is a

dentist who I believe has an additional two years of

training just on TMJ.

Hope this may be of help to someone!


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