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Good Morning (or Good Night) Glenda & anyone else that might be awake!

I'm having another sleepless night here and I've even taken a

sleeping pill. (Maybe it was a placebo!! LOL) Anyway I was thinking

about you. It's nearly 4am so I thought I'd sent you a note. Hope

you are starting to feel a little better. These doctors have got to

find something to help you with your suffering. It's just been going

on too long! I know you had a miserable vacation but at least you

had a little more time to post to us!!!LOL I sure do miss your

frequent posts. They are always so supportive and funny. You are

sure a wonderful asset to this group!! I just wish I had a tenth of

your energy, stamina and positive outlook.

For the past few days I've been a little under the weather. Not sure

why... but don't feel like doing anything. Maybe it's the higher

dose of Cytoxan I got last week that's draining my energy. Sometimes

I don't know whether I get more discouraged with this damn RP or with

the powerful, dangerous drugs we have to take!! Oh well, I just wish

I could get my old energy and zest for life back. Lately I've only

been having one or two days a week that I feel pretty good. I guess

that's better that none!! And now that I have all of this free time

since I'm out of work, I wish I could take advantage of it and feel

like doing some fun things. I never thought that being out of work

would be so difficult emotionally. Since I live alone, I guess I

really miss the daily stimulating interaction with my coworkers.

I'm going to have to work with my counselor and try to come up with

some pleasurable things to do before I die of boredom. Well, I guess

that's enough of a pity party for now. I'm sorry to have to unload

this on all of you. I am so thankful for finding this group and all

of you new friends.

Take care everyone!!

Love you,


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Have missed your posts. Hope you get to feeling better. As for the

pity party we all need one somedays. I can't sleep either and the

email is not coming to me in my mail box so I thought I would come

here to find out what was going on.

I wish I would have know that you were up I would have come to pester

you!LOL I bet it is hard to not work and then not feel like doing

anything. Especially if you don't get out. You really should be

posting more to the group and they will keep you busy.LOL

I just love the group and the way they make you feel right at home.

Look at me I am the biggest pain in the ____ here and they all still

like me!LOL

Thank you for all those kind words but I am sure you will want to

take them back one of these days!LOL

Keep your chin up and just keep on going! We will get there from

here one way or the other. If we don't at least we are never alone

with this group. Feel fortunate that you don't have to work you

could be like me and have to no matter what! I hate working and if I

stoped it would probably drive me crazy for awhile! But you know I

think I have enough irons in the fire to keep me busy for awhile!

Think of things that you like to do and do them. Life is too short

and you might as well live it the way you like. Even if we can't do

it like we used to we can still do it! At least I try anyway! Sure

I get frustrated with this RP sometimes but I aint going to let it

get the best of me! Must be that German in me!

Connie know that I love you and that I am here for you anytime. Just

post me and we will see what kind of mischief we can think up!LOL

Lots of Love and good thoughts your way!!!!


> Good Morning (or Good Night) Glenda & anyone else that might be



> I'm having another sleepless night here and I've even taken a

> sleeping pill. (Maybe it was a placebo!! LOL) Anyway I was


> about you. It's nearly 4am so I thought I'd sent you a note. Hope

> you are starting to feel a little better. These doctors have got


> find something to help you with your suffering. It's just been


> on too long! I know you had a miserable vacation but at least you

> had a little more time to post to us!!!LOL I sure do miss your

> frequent posts. They are always so supportive and funny. You are

> sure a wonderful asset to this group!! I just wish I had a tenth


> your energy, stamina and positive outlook.


> For the past few days I've been a little under the weather. Not


> why... but don't feel like doing anything. Maybe it's the higher

> dose of Cytoxan I got last week that's draining my energy.


> I don't know whether I get more discouraged with this damn RP or


> the powerful, dangerous drugs we have to take!! Oh well, I just


> I could get my old energy and zest for life back. Lately I've only

> been having one or two days a week that I feel pretty good. I


> that's better that none!! And now that I have all of this free


> since I'm out of work, I wish I could take advantage of it and feel

> like doing some fun things. I never thought that being out of work

> would be so difficult emotionally. Since I live alone, I guess I

> really miss the daily stimulating interaction with my coworkers.

> I'm going to have to work with my counselor and try to come up with

> some pleasurable things to do before I die of boredom. Well, I


> that's enough of a pity party for now. I'm sorry to have to unload

> this on all of you. I am so thankful for finding this group and


> of you new friends.


> Take care everyone!!


> Love you,

> Connie

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In a message dated 10/12/00 1:15:04 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

richac4@... writes:

<< Oh well, I just wish

I could get my old energy and zest for life back. >>

Connie, seems like I haven't been part of the nite owl sessions. For some

reason I have been sleeping. (of course, I have a sleep study scheduled for

the 1st. I'll probably sleep like a baby)LOL

I know what you mean about the energy level. Just can't get it back. Don't

know if it is the metho increase or what. Might be the weather change. I

have been out of work for 4 years and still miss it terribly. Always thought

I'd love to be home, but it is no fun when you feel like crap. I miss being

around co workers and the clients I worked for. (I worked as an admin. asst.

for the mentally disabled) I just loved the interaction with the clients.

In fact when I left, I asked Rich if we could adopt 2 of them. Yeah, like I

could take care of them. I still miss them. They taught me soo much. (even

sign language).

Well, looks like I'm the one doing the whinning huh? Sorry. I have a list

a mile long and don't want to do any of it. Bet ya I don't get too much

done today. LOL It's cold here and foggy and seems like a good day to curl

up and read.

Hope you get to feeling better soon. I miss Glendas posts too. She kept my

spirits up (and created a lot of mail for me to read and answer)LOL

Have a good day Connie and know that I'm thinking of you.


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