Guest guest Posted October 31, 2011 Report Share Posted October 31, 2011 1.%% MP 9/29/11 Researchers discover 3 new genes for T1 in large DNA data analysis [27,000 subjects] The findings, add to overall knowledge about the gene networks involved in T1. A greater understanding of the fundamental biology of the disease could eventually lead to new treatments.. 2.%% MTD 9/27/11 Asthma Plus Diabetes During Childhood Linked To Poor BS Control [1,994 pts< 21 yrs]16.1% of pts with T2 also had asthma, vs 10% among those with T1. ('Blood sugar control' means the same as 'blood glucose control' or 'glycemic control'.) 15.5% of those with DM + asthma had poor BS control, vs 9% among the group without asthma. The team can't yet explain why BS control varies between the 2 groups.. Author believes obesity may play a role among the kids with T2. The reason for the link among those with T1 is biological.. Pts with poorly controlled DM have a higher risk of having problems with lung function, compared to those who control their DM properly. 3.%% ADA 10/3/11 T2 New study explains why different types of fat have different health effects Saturated fats activate a key metabolic pathway associated with development of T2, while polyunsaturated fats like omega-3s shut this pathway down which helps explain the metabolic & CV benefits of these nutrients. The findings could have significant implications for the prevention of obesity & T2 in the future. Salmon, tuna & mackerel all have very high levels of omega-3s Many plant foods, including nuts, also have a number of beneficial fats. A diet rich in these nutrients has previously been shown to reduce a pt's chances of developing T2.This study helps explain why. 4.%% ADA 10/3/11 Men develop T2 with less weight gain than women, [51,920 men;43,137women] The mean BMI at DM diagnosis in men was 31.83, but 33.69 in women & the difference was most marked at younger ages. Prof Sattar said the reasons women might develop DM later than men could be linked to fat distribution, as men carried more fat around their stomach and liver. 5.%%M 9/29/11 Help Avoid DM Complications - Diabetes Education Nearly two thirds of pts with T2 are unable to manage it successfully.. they frequently exceed recommended glucose levels, putting them at risk for serious complications such as heart disease, retinopathy, & neuropathy. These complications can be prevented if pts make lifestyle changes & tightly control their BS but doing so can be very challenging. There is a subspecialty in healthcare dedicated to helping pts learn how to self-manage DM. It's called diabetes self- management training, or diabetes education.. these specialist services are covered by Medicare & many commercial insurers... DM educators may be licensed in nursing, nutrition, pharmacy, or other medical fields. Many also are Certified DM Educator (CDE) or Board Certified in Advanced Diabetes Management (BC-ADM). 6.%%M 9/29/11 Potassium [K] & Risk of T2: Expert Commentary.. [literature review] K is a vital electrolyte - both high & low levels are associated with [includes] hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, & osteoporosis-- In observation studies, there are fairly strong assoc. between lower serum potassium & increased DM risk & a suggestion that dietary K may be associated with DM risk... their effects on diabetes risk could vary based on race.. Interventions with K supple- mentation, either dietary or by drug, should be evaluated as a potential new intervention for the prevention & treatment of diabetes, 7.%% M 9/27/11 For Diabetics Online, Lots of Networking Options Diabetics who'd like to connect to others online have a lot of choices to make -- A new study of 15 of those sites found that many have different approaches.. Social net-working sites where diabetics can post questions, participate in forums or chat with other members have memberships ranging from 3,000 to 300,000. Site administrators usually regulate forums to make sure info is accurate. Most sites don't have doctors available to answer questions or give feedback on posts. 12 of 15 networking sites take ads from or are funded by companies that make DM drugs or devices. A few sites, including; & ADA( are run on volunteer donations or foundation support. 8.%% M 9/22/11 Random Blood Glucose (RBG)Tests Identify Overt Diabetes in Pregnancy - RBG tests early in pregnancy can identify women with overt DM, team reports. " Currently, the focus has been on fasting glucose & HbA1c to look for overt DM. We would like physicians to consider the RBG when they are reviewing their screening policy. " [17,852 pts] .. 9.%% MP 10/5/11 Kids with T1 who watch more TV have poorer blood sugar control. It's not clear why the relationship exists, & the findings do not prove that " screen time " itself worsens kids' DM control. But factors like obesity, EX habits & family income did not explain the connection, the study found. [296pts] Those who spent 4 or more hrs per day in front of a TV or computer had higher H A1C levels -- a measure of BS control over the past few months. On average, their HA1C was 9.3 %, vs about 8.5 % among their peers who spent less time in front of a screen. ,, kids who spend more time in front of the TV or computer may snack more often. So it may be more difficult to control their BS than when they stick with more-regular meals. 10.%% ADA 10/4/11 Sensor-Augmented Insulin Pump (SAP)Improves Glycemic Control Pts with T1 improved their BS control by switching from multiple daily insulin injections to SAP therapy, in a recent study This was true even for pts whose regimens had been optimized for a year before the switch. [394 pts] pts who switched to SAP reduced n A1C, from 8.0% at the switchover to 7.6% at 15 -18m. Improvements were seen in both adult & pediatric groups. Pts in the crossover group with the biggest improvements were those who wore the continuous glucose monitoring sensor more than 60% of the time. " Work continues toward the integration of SAP platforms & controller algorithms that can safely reduce hypo exposure & may someday provide fully closed-loop insulin delivery, " the team adds. study supported by [includes] Medtronic; Novo Nordisk, LifeScan, 11.%% JH 10/6/11 How to Recognize the Symptoms of Hypoglycemia There are 2 types of hypoglycemic [hypo] symptoms: Adrenergic symptoms - Sweating, heart palpitations, nervousness, hunger, faintness & weakness are the earliest signs that your BS has dropped below about 60 mg/dL. When your BS is this low, a hormone called epinephrine(adrenaline) is released into the bloodstream. Epinephrine triggers the liver to increase its glucose production & the pancreas to release glucagon, another hormone that increases BS. These unpleasant adrenergic symptoms of hypoglycemia warn you that you must immediately eat or drink something with sugar to raise your BS level. The best choices are sugars that are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, such as 4 oz of orange juice, 6 oz of nondiet soda, 5-7 hard candies, or 2-5 glucose tablets. You should always have one of these fast-acting carbs on hand to treat an episode of hypoglycemia. Neurologic symptoms of hypo. - If your BS drops below 40mg, you may develop severe neurologic symptoms such as headache, lack of coordination, double vision, slurred speech, confusion & numbness in your fingers & around your mouth. Without treatment, extreme hypo can cause seizures or coma. f you are taking insulin or an oral DM drug that can cause hypo, your MD or diabetes educator will train you ( & family or friends) on how to give a glucagon injection, which can rapidly raise blood glucose levels. If glucagon is unavailable or its use does not revive the person with diabetes, an ambulance must be called immediately. 12.%% MTD 10/3/11 Oral Health Of DM Patients Closely Linked To Heart Disease & Cancer Risk [229 pts] survey: Only 13% were aware that swollen or tender gums could be affected by the DM, or vice versa, & only 12% knew there might be a connection between the disease & loose teeth. The authors say that inflammation from gums that are swollen can increase the severity of diabetes, increase deaths from oral cancer & make CV disease worse. They also explained that DM that is longstanding & poorly controlled seems to speed up the development of gum disease which if untreated, it can lead to loss of teeth. " Dental & oral self-care tasks were rated as less important than other DM self-care tasks, such as taking prescribed medication or having regular eye checks. About one-third of pts rated daily flossing as the least important health related activity. " 13.%%SA 10/7/11 Putting Diabetes on Autopilot .. For millions of DM sufferers, life is a constant battle to keep their BS balanced, by testing their glucose levels & taking insulin throughout the day. In healthy people, the pancreas naturally produces insulin, which converts sugars & starches into energy. People with T1, however, do not produce insulin of their own, & those with T2 produce too little. All T1 & many pts with T2 have to dose themselves with insulin to keep their bodies fueled & doing so properly requires constant monitoring of BS because appropriate dosages depend on factors such as how much pts eat or EX. S. Weinzimer- Yale has devised an artificial pancreas [AP] that combines a continuous glucose monitor, which uses an under-the-skin sensor to measure BS levels every few minutes, & an insulin pump, which dispenses insulin through a tube that is also implanted under the skin. The glucose sensor sends its data wirelessly to a pocket computer a little bigger than an iPhone. The computer scans this data & directs the pump to dispense the correct amount of insulin. 86 % of T1 pts in the study who used the AP reached target BS levels at night, whereas only 54 % of those who had to wake up to activate an insulin pump reached their target. Other similar systems are being developed at [includes] Stanford U. Some technical glitches still need to be worked out - the device occasion-ally has trouble adapting to drastic changes in glucose, such as those that occur after EX & it will have to go through large-scale pt trials before the FDA can approve it cfm?id=putting-diabetes-on-autopilot 14.%% ADA 10/7/11 FDA approves a new combination therapy for T2 Juvisync combines Januvia, which helps lower high BS levels, with simvastatin, a statin that helps lower cholesterol alongside diet & EX. About 20 million Americans have T2, & many of them also have high cholesterol levels. The conditions can lead to increased risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease & blindness, especially if poorly treated. ADA guidelines recommend statin Rx for anyone who has both DM & CV disease, regardless of cholesterol levels. They also recommend statins for anyone over 40 with DM & CV disease risk factors, such as high BP. The most common side effects of Juvisync include upper resp infection, sore throat, headache, nausea,muscle & stomach pain, & constipation . Merck will now have to conduct a post-marketing clinical trial to compare how Januvia lowers glucose alone compared to its combo with simvastatin, the FDA said. 15.%% ADA 10/7/11 The cure for DM could be sitting in our brains, researchers say. Beta cells in the pancreas produce insulin, which regulates glucose levels. The team focussed on developing methods of human stem cell differentiation, the process through which cells can be adapted to a specialized role, for use in cell replacement. The hippocampus & olfactory bulb, at the front of the brain provide an easily accessible source for cells that could be transplanted directly into the pancreas. Normally neuronal cells do not produce high levels of insulin.. However, once they had been transplanted into DM rats the cells not only started to show characteristics of pancreatic beta cells, but insulin production was increased & BS levels reduced. Removal of the transplant increased levels of BS, showing that [this procedure] could be an effective treatment for DM. 16. %% M 10/5/11 Pioglitazone [actos] - An Agent Which Reduces Stroke, Myocardial Infarction [MI] & Death is Also a Key Component of the Modern..Optimum Management of T2. There is reasonable concern that the high profile story of the demise of rosiglitazone [avandia] has led to a lower than appropriate appreciation of the potential CV benefit of Actos for T2. While the potential risk:benefit of pioglitazone needs to be acknowledged in terms of fracture risk & a possible weak risk of bladder cancer, it also needs to be recognised that pioglitazone & metformin are the only glucose-lowering agents used in T2 that have proven benefit on CV disease. T2 is more than anything a disease of people dying prematurely of CV disease. Actos should be particularly considered in pts with known vascular disease, especially MI & stroke. The risk of heart failure should be taken into account - if there is concern, lft ventricular function can be assessed with echocardiography prior to starting Rx. Even in pts who do not already have known CV disease there is an increasingly strong case developing in favour of using the combo of metformin, pioglitazone & a GLP-1 agonist management of T2. 17.%% M 10/12/11 The effect of intra-articular [joint] triamcinolone [injections] on blood glucose levels in DM pts with symptomatic osteoarthritis of the knee. [30 pts ] Intra-articular injection of either form of triamcinolone [a steroid] is associated with significantly increased BS levels in [these pts] 18.%% ADA 10/10/11 Elevated Liver Function Enzymes Tied to DM Risk Elevated liver alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and ?-glutamyl transferase (GGT) are potentially useful for predicting the risk of young adults developing T2 [1015pts] Pts with elevated baseline ALT & GGT levels were 1.16 & 1.20 times, more likely to develop T2 " These findings in younger adults suggest potential clinical utility of using ALT & GGT as biomarkers in DM risk assessment , " the authors write. 19.%% ADA 10/11/11 Glycemic Extremes Affect Brain Development in T1-A team investigated changes in brain regions depending on the degree of exposure to glycemic extremes in youth with T1, while their siblings without DM served as controls. Pts in the T1 grp with more hyperglycemia showed a significantly greater reduction in whole brain gray matter than those with less hyperglycemia. The white matter volume decreased significantly more in those who had severe hypoglycemia compared to those with no severe hypo, & compared to the controls . " Within DM, exposure to hyperglycemia & severe hypo may result in subtle deviation from normal development of the brain, " authors write. 20.%% MTD 10/9/11 DM Susceptibility Gene Identified:Tomosyn -2 Regulates Insulin Secretion This gene confers DM susceptibility in obese mice & its protein tomosyn-2 acts as a brake on insulin secretion by the pancreas. Author says " the concept of negative regulation is one of the most interesting things to come out of this study & that very likely applies to humans. " In a properly tuned system, insulin secreted into the blood after eating helps maintain BS at a safe level. Too little insulin (T1) or insulin resistance (T2) leads to high blood sugar & DM symptoms. Though DM is unlikely to be caused by a single gene, identifying important biological pathways can suggest clinically useful targets. 21.%% 10/5/11 People with a good vitamin D supply are at lower risk of developing T2 than those with lower concentrations in their blood. This effect could be attributable to the anti-inflammatory effect of vit D. The human body can produce its own vit D if it has enough exposure to sunlight. UVB radiation in natural daylight splits the precursor of vitD in the skin & forms provitamin D3. Further vitamin D synthesis occurs in the liver & kidneys. The supply can also be improved by eating oily fish, eggs & milk products, or by taking vit D supplements. 22.%% ADA 10/12/11 Stroke Risk Surges After 10 Years with Diabetes [3,298 pts;9yr] in this study the risk of ischemic stroke was elevated 70% among pts with DM for 5 yrs or less, 80% for those with a 5-10 yr history of diabetes, & 3.3-fold for those with at least a 10-year history. The majority of pts in the study had T2, " Diabetes, like hypertension and all of the other risk factors for CV disease, takes a while to really cause big damage, " The author said that warning DM pts of impending problems with their eyes, hearts, or extremities does not always seem to get their attention. Perhaps it would be more sobering to tell them that they have 10 yrs to get the disease under control, or face a tripling of their risk of a potentially fatal or disabling stroke. 23.%% Sci.Daily 10/7/11 Natural Compound Helps Reverse DM in Mice nicotinamide mononucleotide, or NMN, plays a vital role in how cells use energy. " After giving NMN, glucose tolerance goes back to normal in female DM mice, " said team leader. " In males, we see a milder effect .. All cells in the body make NMN in a chain of reactions leading to production of NAD, a vital molecule that harvests energy from nutrients & puts it into a form cells can use...aging & eating a high-fat diet reduce production of NMN, slowing production of NAD & leading to abnormal metabolic conditions such as DM... " Once we can get a grade of NMN that humans can take, we would like to launch a pilot human study. " 24.%% NIH 10/15/11 Frequency of fundus [back of eye-macula,retina, optic disk etc] pathology related to patients' dissatisfaction after phaco-emulsification [phaco] cataract surgery. [397 pts] Best Corrected Visual Acuity was measured before & after surgery & pts' satifacationthe result of the surgery was also recorded. Macular disease, diabetic retinopathy & glaucoma were the main factors limiting the final visual result after phaco surgery. It is very important for the pts to be fully aware preop of the presence of the above pathology & to be warned about the predicted visual outcome after cataract surgery. 25.%% ADA 10/14/11 Hypoglycemic Brain Function Different in T1 -- During hypo, pts with T1 who perform a working- memory task have more activation of brain regions & less deactivation of the default- mode network than control subjects - Harvard ..Brain activation responses were compared during normal & low BS periods using blood oxygen level-dependent functional MRI. [32pts] The percentage of correct responses was used to assess behavioral performance. .. The higher level of brain activation required by T1 subjects to attain the same level of cognitive performance as control subjects suggests reduced cerebral efficiency in T1, " the authors write. 26.%% M 10/7/11 No Cognitive Benefit Seen in Intensive Blood Glucose Lowering. Persons older than 70 with T2 are twice as likely as those without DM to go on to have cognitive impairment & brain atrophy. Vascular.. & neurodegenerative processes may all play some role in the development of these brain disorders. The underlying mechanisms may include inflammation, oxidative stress, energy imbalance, protein misfolding.. & genetic factors...However, it is too early to abandon the approach of targeting abnormal BS levels to prevent cognitive decline in pts with DM, said author. " .. people with DM should follow whatever the recommendations are now until we do further research. " Pts were randomly assigned to receive either intensive glycemic Rx targeting HbA1c < 6.0% or standard BS Rx targeting HbA1c levels of 7.0- 7.9% If it is not lack of glycemic control that is accelerating cognitive decline, what else could be doing this? People with DM often have other disorders, including high BP, micro- & macrovascular disease, all of which can contribute to cognitive decline. study supported by NIH 27.%% ADA 10/17/11 Badly controlled diabetes found to affect bones The study showed that too much BS in people with T2 could mean bone marrow cells start moving next to nerve & other tissue cells & fusing into them which results in the cells dying off early..Activation of a specific enzyme is known to be a major determinant for development of DM neuropathy. The team transplanted bone marrow from mice that were susceptible to DM neuropathy into mice resistant to the neuropathy - this made those mice also susceptible. 28.%% M 10/12/11 Guidelines Address (CGM) Continuous Glucose Monitoring CGM assists people with DMin maintaining target blood glucose levels, according to an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline [see below] " There are still concerns about the high costs of CGM & the accuracy of the various systems available. However, the new guideline shows that CGM can be a beneficial tool to help maintain target levels of glycemia & limit the risk of hypoglycemia. " CGM, using various devices, measures BS in interstitial fluid; the intended use is for pts with T1 or T2 to use that info to make decisions about food, medicines, & EX. The goals of CGM are to maintain target levels of glycemia & to limit the risk for hypo .. J Clin Endocrinol Metabol. 2011;96: Abstract 29.%% M 10/12/11 Significance of LDL-C Lowering Therapy in DM Diabetes is considered to be a risk factor equivalent of pre-existing coronary heart disease for the development of future MI & CV death. In a meta-analysis [91140 ptp] Statin Rx was associated with a slightly increased risk of getting DM. However, the risk was low both in absolute terms & when compared with the reduction in coronary events. Conclusion - The relationship between hyperglycemia & incidence of chronic vascular complications in DM has been clearly established. However, a good control of glycemia is not enough to significantly reduce CVD because lipid abnormalities play an important role in raising cardiovascular risk in diabetics. Most guidelines recommend an LDL-C target <100 mg/dl in primary prevention & <70 mg/dl n secondary prevention in people with DM the lipid-lowering Rx of choice in DM are statins with an adequate dose to achieve target levels of LDL-C. If this is not achieved with a potent statin, other lipid-lowering drugs could be added. Ezetimibe is a useful therapeutic option.. Bile acid sequestrants are useful to reduce LDL-C. - they also lower plasma glucose & glycosylated hemoglobin. A combination of statins with other lipid- lowering drugs could be useful to reduce CV disease in high-risk diabetics . Clin Lipidology. 2011;6(4): 30.%% M 10/18/11 Changes in altitude cause unintended insulin delivery from insulin pumps: mechanisms & implications. Children & adults with T1 who use insulin pump therapy have reported hypo during air travel. We studied the effects of atmospheric pressure on insulin pump delivery. 10 insulin pumps were connected to capillary tubes. During a flight, excess insulin delivery of 0.623% of the cartridge volume occurred Conclusions: Atmospheric pressure reduction causes predictable, unintended insulin delivery in pumps by bubble formation and expansion of existing bubbles. 31.%% MP 10/18/11 Women & Diabetes - Medicines Booklet available DM can make it hard to control how much sugar ( glucose) is in your blood. This booklet gives some basic facts about the medicines used to treat people with T2. see 32.%% M 10/20/11 Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Diabetes Care? Results from a study examining a nationally representative sample of people with DM indicate that racial & ethnic minority pts continue to receive lower-quality care than their white counterparts. [2452 pts;2005-07] Prev Chronic Dis. 2011;8:A142. 33.%% MP 10/20/11 More breast cancer diagnosed in women with DM ...the findings also hint that at least part of the reason why doctors find more breast cancer in diabetics is because they're looking harder & not necessarily because DM itself raises a woman's cancer risk. " When a new diagnosis of diabetes is made, people undergo a lot of tests & exams. " That may include breast cancer screening the author added. Previous studies found that people with DM have a higher risk of colorectal, liver & pancreatic cancers, along with breast cancer. [170,000 pts] the main message for women is still to cut out behaviors such as smoking that increase disease risks, & to get breast cancer screening as recommended. 34.%% ADA 10/21/11 Young adults who were born very prematurely have higher BP & more fat despite a normal body weight, both signs that may point to an increased risk of health problems [23 pt born at 33 wks or less] These traits are associated with T2 & heart disease the team said. " Preterm men & women might be at greater risk of CV & metabolic diseases but if we look out for the warning signs, we can help them to stay healthy with lifestyle interventions, & Rx where appropriate. " Currently more than 90 % of infants born before 33 wks will survive. But few studies have examined the long-term health effects of premature birth. 35.%%ADA 10/24/11 Tighter Glycemic Control Linked to Lower Prevalence of Retinopathy in Adolescents with T1 A trend to more intensively manage BS in adolescents with T2 over the past two decades has been linked to a corresponding decrease in retinopathy for this age group. [1,604pts;20yr fup] pts were treated with Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII) or Multiple Daily Injections (MDI) of insulin; observational trial. Retinopathy was found in approximately half of adolescents who had T1 in the early 1990s, compared with only 12 % in recent years (2005-2009), as 23 % achieved the target A1C range of 7.5 %. The study also found some evidence suggesting that those treated with CSII were at reduced risk for retinopathy compared with those treated with MDI, even though there was no difference in A1C between the groups. This suggests that the reduced risk level stems from reduced glycemic variability, the authors hypothesized. 36.%%M 10/26/11 ACIP Recommends HBV Vaccine in Patients With Diabetes Vaccination against hepatitis B virus (HBV) in pts with DM who are younger than 60 years is now recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. The panel also recommended wording stating that pts with DM older than 60 " may " get the vaccine. This recommendation was supported by data indicating that pts < 60 have about twice the risk of being infected with HBV compared with those without DM. Diabetics may be especially at risk of contracting HBV in settings where pts are receiving assisted monitoring of BS, such as in assisted-living facilities. studies found no significant increase of HBV incidence in diabetics >60 yrs. 37.%% MP 10/26/11 Hemoglobin A1c predicts healing rate in DM wounds. Lower-extremity wounds are a major complication of diabetes. HbA1c reflects glycemia over 2-3 months. [183 pts] Mean HbA1c was 8.0% & there were 2.3 wounds per pt. Of all measures assessed, only HbA1c was significantly associated with wound-area healing rate. for each 1.0% point increase in HbA1c, the daily wound- area healing rate decreased by 0.028 cm(2) per day 38.%% MP 10/26/11 Can a muffin help doctors diagnose diabetes? Tests for DM & its precursor, impaired glucose tolerance, check how well the body uses glucose, a type of sugar. In an oral glucose tolerance test, a pt fasts overnight & then drinks a sugary solution while doctors monitor how the body reacts & how much sugar sticks around in the blood. A team member said " A muffin more closely resembles what someone really eats.. " But an outside expert said " Getting a standardized muffin across the US ..would be challenging, " Glucose solutions have a longer shelf-life. We know exactly what's in them. " [73 pts;local muffin] %% Abbreviations-acronyms fup-follow up; pt - patient; DM - diabetes Mellitus; T1- type 1 DM;T2 - type 2; DME - diabetic macular edema;DR - diabetic retinopathy; BS - blood sugar or glucose;HbA1C, glycated hemoglobin A1C; BP - blood pressure; NV- neovascular-ization; CVD - cardiovascular disease; CHD -coronary heart disease; MI -myocardial infarction/ heart attack ; OCT - optical coherence tomography; BCVA - best corrected visual acuity ;ADA - Am Diab Ass ; M- Medscape Web MD; MP- Medline Abstract, Medline Plus; MTD- Med News Today;NEI - Nat Eye Institute;SA-Scientific American Definitions via online Medical dictionaries. Disclaimer, I am a BSN RN but not a diabetic or diabetic educator. Reports are excerpted unless otherwise noted. [translations, explanations by thl] This project is done as a courtesy to the blind/visually impaired & diabetic communities. Dawn Wilcox RN BSN Coordinator The Health Library at Vista Center; an affiliate of the Stanford Hospital Health Library. contact above e-mail or thl@... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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