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Re: Fw: Daily Devotional Wed 10/5/2011 LivePrayer.com

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very disrespectful to post this to this group as it is not relevant and

offensive to those of us who are nonbelievers. I realize I'm behind in my

emails but receiving this kind of thing almost makes me want to unsubscribe

from this list.


Daily Devotional Wed 10/5/2011 LivePrayer.com





> Daily Devotional


> What is going to happen in this nation...very soon!


> If this devotional is a blessing to you, maybe you have a

> friend or family member that would like to start receiving this daily

> word. You can forward this to them, and they can use the following link to

> subscribe.

> http://www.liveprayer.com/signup.cfm



> Make sure and take the poll at the bottom of this email. New

> polls start every Monday and run all week. Let your voice be heard!



> 3:12)



> server, the audio Devotional on the website, on I-Tunes, and over the

> phone, is once again being updated. Praise God!!!


> ***COMING***IN***NOVEMBER/DECEMBER! November 1st, Liveprayer

> will unveil a new 6 min. daily video message available on Liveprayer.com,

> as well as on any cellphone, tablet, or other portable device. This will

> be the begin in earnest the initial effort in mobilizing and adding to

> those in the Remnant, Jonah Project, and members of the Liveprayer Church

> as we lead this nation back to God and His Truth while leading lost souls

> to faith in Jesus Christ. In early December, I will be offering a new book

> titled, " Battling for a Nation's Soul, A Jonah Warning for Today! "

> subtitled, " How satan is using President Barack Hussein Obama, Mormon cult

> member Glenn Beck, the false relgion of Islam, the anti-Christian media,

> and a large percentage of churches to destroy the soul of this nation

> while leading the eternal souls of men and women to hell! " The book will

> be available for FREE...NO CHARGE! It will include action steps to

> mobilize those true followers of Jesus Christ to help lead our nation back

> to the God of the Bible, His truth, and lost souls to faith in Jesus

> Christ. The time for this grassroots effort to take our nation back for

> the God of the Bible and Biblcial Truth is upon us. Please be praying for

> the Lord's blessings and the role God will be calling YOU to play!!!


> ***BECOME PART OF THE REMNANT! God said, " I have reserved for

> myself seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal. " Friday,

> Liveprayer has launched its' most ambitious effort as we embark on our

> final work for the Lord, bringing into one solid group with one visible

> voice, " the remnant. " God's wrath and punishment on this nation for our

> gross sins and wickedness is imminent. We are out of time. It is time for

> His remnant in these last days to rise up and boldly lead this nation back

> to God and His Truth, while helping lead millions of lost souls to faith

> in Jesus Christ. Please take a moment to read this most critical message,

> forward it to every person you know, and post it on all of your social

> networking sites. http://www.liveprayer.com/ddarchive3.cfm?id=4498


> ***THE LIVEPRAYER CHURCH!!! Haven't been to church yet this

> week? Join me for this week's service at the LivePrayer Church. This

> week's relevant and applicable message is, " Forgiveness. " Please visit the

> new website and be part the worship service. Each Sunday there will be a

> new service at: 12:01am EDT at: www.liveprayerchurch.com






> FOUR YEARS AGO God spoke to my heart about what WILL HAPPEN in

> this nation one day very soon. In light of the messages God has given me

> to share with you recently, I felt this prophetic word of several years

> ago needed to be repeated today. My heart has been very heavy as of late,

> and I spent several hours in prayer last night. Here is what God confirmed

> in my spirit.


> In these last days as we watch our nation and world spiral into

> a spiritual abyss, the only real answer is seeing the lost won to Christ.

> Sharing our faith is what God has called His children to do. It doesn't

> matter who is in office, it doesn't matter what the church is doing, WE

> are the ones God has called to impact our nation and world. May we not be

> discouraged by what is happening in the world today, but be encouraged and

> faithful in fulfilling God's calling on our lives. YOU can make a

> difference!


> When they padlock the doors of the churches in the United

> States! Impossible you say? That day is closer than you think my friend.

> If you would have told someone just 50 years ago, that there would no

> longer be prayer in our schools, they would have called you crazy. If you

> would have told someone 50 years ago, that crosses and manger scenes would

> be banned from public buildings, they would have called you crazy. If you

> would have told someone 50 years ago, that it would be illegal to display

> the 10 commandments in a courthouse, they would have called you crazy. If

> you would have told someone 50 years ago, that there would be major

> efforts to take " under God " out of the Pledge of Allegiance and " In God

> We Trust " off of our money, they would have called you crazy. However, 50

> years later, these are all a reality!


> Here is some more reality for you. Things are NOT going to get

> any better. I am thankful for all of those who love God and work so

> diligently in the public arena. We MUST continue to fight for the issues

> that support God's Word. We must never vacate the political arena, and

> support those who are in public office that support the agenda of God. We

> have to maintain that voice. But here is the problem. Despite the numbers

> that Barna puts out, this nation is becoming more Godless every single

> day! It happened in Europe, it happened in Canada, and it is happening

> right before our very eyes here in the United States. We are fast becoming

> a Godless society.


> There is now a large percentage of two full generations in our

> nation that do not go to church. The generation that is in their 20's and

> 30's has a large percentage that has never been to church. They grew up in

> homes void of God. They are now having children that are growing up in

> homes void of God, which means the coming generation will also grow up in

> homes void of God. On top of that, the vast majority of those in these two

> generations that DO go to church, are NOT in a committed 24/7 relationship

> with Christ. They range from the Christmas/Easter churchgoers, to those

> who simply put in their " hour " each week. Their day in and day out lives

> really are no different than those who don't go to church at all.


> So what is next for our nation? The false religions will

> continue to grow. The false religions are based on the writings of men and

> prey on the fact people are looking for God, but use man's sinful

> condition to lead them into deception. They tell them they can buy their

> way into Heaven, they will have sex with virgins, they can work to become

> a god, and numerous other lies. Perverting the things of God that we used

> to honor will continue to get worse. Marriage has already become little

> more than a legal date to most people. Sex with people you are not married

> to, with the same sex, are now the mainstream norm. This will continue to

> destroy the family and simply create more generations of people totally

> void of God in their life, meaning the nation will adopt their Godless

> values and view of life.







> The answer my friend is this. We still enjoy amazing freedoms

> in this nation to share the Word of God. WE MUST TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT!

> Jesus said that we had to work while it was still light because the night

> was coming.


> We have got to stop playing games and get serious, because we

> have a very real enemy who is deadly serious. Oh how I wish the church was

> as committed to building the lives of people, to building the Kingdom of

> God, as it is in building great structures of brick and mortar. It is

> amazing how a church can find 20 million dollars to build a new building,

> but not $200 to help pay someone's rent! It is time for pastors to stop

> worrying about being politically correct and start being Biblically

> correct! Churches need to take out the theater seating and make people

> stand up in the presence of God. God's church was never supposed to be a

> place where people are entertained, but a place where they are trained up

> to do the work of God.


> I love you and care about you so much. I sense in my Spirit a

> great sense of urgency, that the time is truly very short now. Jesus is

> coming back at any moment for His church. We are living in a very evil and

> dark world. This nation has rapidly deteriorated spiritually right before

> our very eyes over the past 40 years. BUT GOD HAS ALWAYS HAD A PEOPLE! GOD

> HAS ALWAYS HAD A REMNANT! I pray today that you will be part of that

> remnant God will use to bring in this last great harvest.


> Now more than ever, those who refuse to bow their knee to Baal

> need to stand up and be counted. The Bible proclaims that the gates of

> hell shall not prevail against the church. That is because the church is

> not a building, it is all those people that have accepted Jesus Christ as

> their Lord and Savior and will follow Him to their death. THAT is the true

> church, and that is why they can padlock the doors of a building, but they

> will never stop the work of God!!! GOD WILL HAVE THE LAST WORD!!!


> In the coming months, we will be introducing two new

> instruments to begin driving the masses to Liveprayer, and add to the

> ranks of those who are already part of the Jonah Project, the Remnant, and

> the Liveprayer Church.


> On November 1st, Liveprayer will unveil a new 6 min. daily

> video message available on Liveprayer.com, as well as on any cellphone,

> tablet, or other portable device. This video will be a daily message from

> myself on the issues of the day from a Biblical worldview, but also a call

> to action for that day.


> No one man has been responsible for the spiritual decline in

> this nation, and no one man can salvage the soul of this nation. However,

> it only took a few sold out men and women after our Lord's crucifixion to

> impact the world of their day for Christ, and by mobilizing Christians in

> one group, with one voice, we can have a similar impact on this nation and

> the world of our day!!!


> The second new instrument will be a book available on December

> 1st. The title of the book is, " Battling for a Nation's Soul, A Jonah

> Warning for Today! " subtitled, " How satan is using President Barack

> Hussein Obama, Mormon cult member Glenn Beck, the false relgion of Islam,

> the anti-Christian media, and a large percentage of churches to destroy

> the soul of this nation while leading the eternal souls of men and women

> to hell! "


> The book will be available for FREE...NO CHARGE! It will be

> given away for free at and Noble, Christian bookstores, as well as

> online thru Amazon and other outlets. The incentive for these commercial

> outlets is the traffic that will be generated from people looking for our

> free book, and the opportunity to sell them something else.


> We will also be setting up a special section of the

> Liveprayer.com website for the book, making it available in E-book form so

> people can get it online as well. The book will also include action steps

> to mobilize those true followers of Jesus Christ to help lead our nation

> back to the God of the Bible, His truth, and lost souls to faith in Jesus

> Christ.


> The time for this grassroots effort to take our nation back for

> the God of the Bible and Biblcial Truth is upon us. Please be praying for

> me and for the Lord's blessings as we move out to take our stand. No doubt

> satan will be there to attack us each step of the way, since He knows the

> impact Liveprayer has had on tens of millions of lives and that I will

> never compromise the Truth or be bought off. My only goal is to fulfill

> God's plan for my life, and that is satan's worst nightmare!


> I will be praying for you as well and the role God will be

> calling YOU to play in the coming months as part of this great effort. At

> the end of the day, we know satan will be in the Lake of Fire for

> eternity. Only God will be standing. We also have the promise from God

> Himself that those who put their faith in the Jesus of the Bible will be

> forever with Him in Glory!!!






> In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,


> Bill Keller


> If I can help you in any way you can contact me through my

> personal email at: bkeller@...



> is you will die one day. At that moment, you will either spend eternity

> with the Lord or be cast into everlasting darkness forever separated from

> God your creator. To know for certain you will be forever with Jesus, go

> to: http://www.liveprayer.com/bdy_salvatn.cfm


> ***I am excited to let you know that the Liveprayer Daily

> Devotional is now available via AUDIO each day. Simply go to

> http://www.liveprayer.com/Audio.cfm Also, you can now listen to the Daily

> Devotional by phone by calling, 1-.


> ***TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit

> card on our secure server at: www.liveprayer.com under the DONATION link,

> you can give using your PayPal account using my email address:

> bkeller@... , or you can mail your gift to:


> Liveprayer

> 6660 46th Ave. North

> St. sburg, Fl 33709


> All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.



> © Copyright 2011, LivePrayer Church, Inc. All rights

> reserved.






> Do you share your faith in Christ with at least one person a

> week?



> Click below and let me know how you feel.













> This email was sent to: cjoyinternetradio@...


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This is a diabetic list not a religious one.


Daily Devotional Wed 10/5/2011 LivePrayer.com





>> Daily Devotional


>> What is going to happen in this nation...very soon!


>> If this devotional is a blessing to you, maybe you have a

>> friend or family member that would like to start receiving this daily

>> word. You can forward this to them, and they can use the following link

>> to

>> subscribe.

>> http://www.liveprayer.com/signup.cfm



>> Make sure and take the poll at the bottom of this email. New

>> polls start every Monday and run all week. Let your voice be heard!



>> 1

>> 3:12)



>> server, the audio Devotional on the website, on I-Tunes, and over the

>> phone, is once again being updated. Praise God!!!


>> ***COMING***IN***NOVEMBER/DECEMBER! November 1st, Liveprayer

>> will unveil a new 6 min. daily video message available on Liveprayer.com,

>> as well as on any cellphone, tablet, or other portable device. This will

>> be the begin in earnest the initial effort in mobilizing and adding to

>> those in the Remnant, Jonah Project, and members of the Liveprayer Church

>> as we lead this nation back to God and His Truth while leading lost souls

>> to faith in Jesus Christ. In early December, I will be offering a new

>> book

>> titled, " Battling for a Nation's Soul, A Jonah Warning for Today! "

>> subtitled, " How satan is using President Barack Hussein Obama, Mormon

>> cult

>> member Glenn Beck, the false relgion of Islam, the anti-Christian media,

>> and a large percentage of churches to destroy the soul of this nation

>> while leading the eternal souls of men and women to hell! " The book will

>> be available for FREE...NO CHARGE! It will include action steps to

>> mobilize those true followers of Jesus Christ to help lead our nation

>> back

>> to the God of the Bible, His truth, and lost souls to faith in Jesus

>> Christ. The time for this grassroots effort to take our nation back for

>> the God of the Bible and Biblcial Truth is upon us. Please be praying for

>> the Lord's blessings and the role God will be calling YOU to play!!!


>> ***BECOME PART OF THE REMNANT! God said, " I have reserved for

>> myself seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal. " Friday,

>> Liveprayer has launched its' most ambitious effort as we embark on our

>> final work for the Lord, bringing into one solid group with one visible

>> voice, " the remnant. " God's wrath and punishment on this nation for our

>> gross sins and wickedness is imminent. We are out of time. It is time for

>> His remnant in these last days to rise up and boldly lead this nation

>> back

>> to God and His Truth, while helping lead millions of lost souls to faith

>> in Jesus Christ. Please take a moment to read this most critical message,

>> forward it to every person you know, and post it on all of your social

>> networking sites. http://www.liveprayer.com/ddarchive3.cfm?id=4498


>> ***THE LIVEPRAYER CHURCH!!! Haven't been to church yet this

>> week? Join me for this week's service at the LivePrayer Church. This

>> week's relevant and applicable message is, " Forgiveness. " Please visit

>> the

>> new website and be part the worship service. Each Sunday there will be a

>> new service at: 12:01am EDT at: www.liveprayerchurch.com






>> FOUR YEARS AGO God spoke to my heart about what WILL HAPPEN in

>> this nation one day very soon. In light of the messages God has given me

>> to share with you recently, I felt this prophetic word of several years

>> ago needed to be repeated today. My heart has been very heavy as of late,

>> and I spent several hours in prayer last night. Here is what God

>> confirmed

>> in my spirit.


>> In these last days as we watch our nation and world spiral

>> into

>> a spiritual abyss, the only real answer is seeing the lost won to Christ.

>> Sharing our faith is what God has called His children to do. It doesn't

>> matter who is in office, it doesn't matter what the church is doing, WE

>> are the ones God has called to impact our nation and world. May we not be

>> discouraged by what is happening in the world today, but be encouraged

>> and

>> faithful in fulfilling God's calling on our lives. YOU can make a

>> difference!


>> When they padlock the doors of the churches in the United

>> States! Impossible you say? That day is closer than you think my friend.

>> If you would have told someone just 50 years ago, that there would no

>> longer be prayer in our schools, they would have called you crazy. If you

>> would have told someone 50 years ago, that crosses and manger scenes

>> would

>> be banned from public buildings, they would have called you crazy. If you

>> would have told someone 50 years ago, that it would be illegal to display

>> the 10 commandments in a courthouse, they would have called you crazy. If

>> you would have told someone 50 years ago, that there would be major

>> efforts to take " under God " out of the Pledge of Allegiance and " In God

>> We Trust " off of our money, they would have called you crazy. However, 50

>> years later, these are all a reality!


>> Here is some more reality for you. Things are NOT going to get

>> any better. I am thankful for all of those who love God and work so

>> diligently in the public arena. We MUST continue to fight for the issues

>> that support God's Word. We must never vacate the political arena, and

>> support those who are in public office that support the agenda of God. We

>> have to maintain that voice. But here is the problem. Despite the numbers

>> that Barna puts out, this nation is becoming more Godless every single

>> day! It happened in Europe, it happened in Canada, and it is happening

>> right before our very eyes here in the United States. We are fast

>> becoming

>> a Godless society.


>> There is now a large percentage of two full generations in our

>> nation that do not go to church. The generation that is in their 20's and

>> 30's has a large percentage that has never been to church. They grew up

>> in

>> homes void of God. They are now having children that are growing up in

>> homes void of God, which means the coming generation will also grow up in

>> homes void of God. On top of that, the vast majority of those in these

>> two

>> generations that DO go to church, are NOT in a committed 24/7

>> relationship

>> with Christ. They range from the Christmas/Easter churchgoers, to those

>> who simply put in their " hour " each week. Their day in and day out lives

>> really are no different than those who don't go to church at all.


>> So what is next for our nation? The false religions will

>> continue to grow. The false religions are based on the writings of men

>> and

>> prey on the fact people are looking for God, but use man's sinful

>> condition to lead them into deception. They tell them they can buy their

>> way into Heaven, they will have sex with virgins, they can work to become

>> a god, and numerous other lies. Perverting the things of God that we used

>> to honor will continue to get worse. Marriage has already become little

>> more than a legal date to most people. Sex with people you are not

>> married

>> to, with the same sex, are now the mainstream norm. This will continue to

>> destroy the family and simply create more generations of people totally

>> void of God in their life, meaning the nation will adopt their Godless

>> values and view of life.



>> IF






>> The answer my friend is this. We still enjoy amazing freedoms

>> in this nation to share the Word of God. WE MUST TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT!

>> Jesus said that we had to work while it was still light because the night

>> was coming.


>> We have got to stop playing games and get serious, because we

>> have a very real enemy who is deadly serious. Oh how I wish the church

>> was

>> as committed to building the lives of people, to building the Kingdom of

>> God, as it is in building great structures of brick and mortar. It is

>> amazing how a church can find 20 million dollars to build a new building,

>> but not $200 to help pay someone's rent! It is time for pastors to stop

>> worrying about being politically correct and start being Biblically

>> correct! Churches need to take out the theater seating and make people

>> stand up in the presence of God. God's church was never supposed to be a

>> place where people are entertained, but a place where they are trained up

>> to do the work of God.


>> I love you and care about you so much. I sense in my Spirit a

>> great sense of urgency, that the time is truly very short now. Jesus is

>> coming back at any moment for His church. We are living in a very evil

>> and

>> dark world. This nation has rapidly deteriorated spiritually right before

>> our very eyes over the past 40 years. BUT GOD HAS ALWAYS HAD A PEOPLE!

>> GOD

>> HAS ALWAYS HAD A REMNANT! I pray today that you will be part of that

>> remnant God will use to bring in this last great harvest.


>> Now more than ever, those who refuse to bow their knee to Baal

>> need to stand up and be counted. The Bible proclaims that the gates of

>> hell shall not prevail against the church. That is because the church is

>> not a building, it is all those people that have accepted Jesus Christ as

>> their Lord and Savior and will follow Him to their death. THAT is the

>> true

>> church, and that is why they can padlock the doors of a building, but

>> they

>> will never stop the work of God!!! GOD WILL HAVE THE LAST WORD!!!


>> In the coming months, we will be introducing two new

>> instruments to begin driving the masses to Liveprayer, and add to the

>> ranks of those who are already part of the Jonah Project, the Remnant,

>> and

>> the Liveprayer Church.


>> On November 1st, Liveprayer will unveil a new 6 min. daily

>> video message available on Liveprayer.com, as well as on any cellphone,

>> tablet, or other portable device. This video will be a daily message from

>> myself on the issues of the day from a Biblical worldview, but also a

>> call

>> to action for that day.


>> No one man has been responsible for the spiritual decline in

>> this nation, and no one man can salvage the soul of this nation. However,

>> it only took a few sold out men and women after our Lord's crucifixion to

>> impact the world of their day for Christ, and by mobilizing Christians in

>> one group, with one voice, we can have a similar impact on this nation

>> and

>> the world of our day!!!


>> The second new instrument will be a book available on December

>> 1st. The title of the book is, " Battling for a Nation's Soul, A Jonah

>> Warning for Today! " subtitled, " How satan is using President Barack

>> Hussein Obama, Mormon cult member Glenn Beck, the false relgion of Islam,

>> the anti-Christian media, and a large percentage of churches to destroy

>> the soul of this nation while leading the eternal souls of men and women

>> to hell! "


>> The book will be available for FREE...NO CHARGE! It will be

>> given away for free at and Noble, Christian bookstores, as well as

>> online thru Amazon and other outlets. The incentive for these commercial

>> outlets is the traffic that will be generated from people looking for our

>> free book, and the opportunity to sell them something else.


>> We will also be setting up a special section of the

>> Liveprayer.com website for the book, making it available in E-book form

>> so

>> people can get it online as well. The book will also include action steps

>> to mobilize those true followers of Jesus Christ to help lead our nation

>> back to the God of the Bible, His truth, and lost souls to faith in Jesus

>> Christ.


>> The time for this grassroots effort to take our nation back

>> for

>> the God of the Bible and Biblcial Truth is upon us. Please be praying for

>> me and for the Lord's blessings as we move out to take our stand. No

>> doubt

>> satan will be there to attack us each step of the way, since He knows the

>> impact Liveprayer has had on tens of millions of lives and that I will

>> never compromise the Truth or be bought off. My only goal is to fulfill

>> God's plan for my life, and that is satan's worst nightmare!


>> I will be praying for you as well and the role God will be

>> calling YOU to play in the coming months as part of this great effort. At

>> the end of the day, we know satan will be in the Lake of Fire for

>> eternity. Only God will be standing. We also have the promise from God

>> Himself that those who put their faith in the Jesus of the Bible will be

>> forever with Him in Glory!!!






>> In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,


>> Bill Keller


>> If I can help you in any way you can contact me through my

>> personal email at: bkeller@...



>> fact

>> is you will die one day. At that moment, you will either spend eternity

>> with the Lord or be cast into everlasting darkness forever separated from

>> God your creator. To know for certain you will be forever with Jesus, go

>> to: http://www.liveprayer.com/bdy_salvatn.cfm


>> ***I am excited to let you know that the Liveprayer Daily

>> Devotional is now available via AUDIO each day. Simply go to

>> http://www.liveprayer.com/Audio.cfm Also, you can now listen to the Daily

>> Devotional by phone by calling, 1-.


>> ***TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit

>> card on our secure server at: www.liveprayer.com under the DONATION link,

>> you can give using your PayPal account using my email address:

>> bkeller@... , or you can mail your gift to:


>> Liveprayer

>> 6660 46th Ave. North

>> St. sburg, Fl 33709


>> All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.



>> © Copyright 2011, LivePrayer Church, Inc. All rights

>> reserved.






>> Do you share your faith in Christ with at least one person a

>> week?



>> Click below and let me know how you feel.













>> This email was sent to: cjoyinternetradio@...


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