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I'm fairly new to intuitive eating but not really all that new to the concept. I recently got rid of all my diet books and print outs and put my scale away. I've been paying good attention to my body, and I think I really understand when I am hungry and when I'm full. But I can't seem to stop myself from eating when I'm not hungry or stopping when I am full. How do you learn to do that?

Another struggle I have is that I know I should be feeding myself more veggies. But I don't. I used to love veggies. And other "healthy" foods, for that matter.

You know, it kind of feels like I'm rebelling. But I don't know how to stop.

Another thing is exercise.... I've been so tired. I keep thinking exercise will help but it doesn't. So now I don't want to exercise. I had been hoping to run 5ks this summer. It just feels like too much work.

You know what I really WANT to do? I want to sit on the couch, eating candybars and popcorn, reading, playing on the lap top and not going ANYWHERE.

lol - my whiney intro


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Alyce-So do it. Sit on the couch, eat junk and do nothing. Why not. Is anyone going to be seriously hurt if you do? No, I can't see that happening. So, if that's what you want to do, do it. You know what, you know as well as I do, that it won't take very long before your body starts to tell you that it wants you to get up and do something, that it would rather you go make a nice sandwich or salad than another tub of ice cream, so for my money (and if I didn't have two young children running round) I'd do exactly what I wanted for a little while, and I'd enjoy it and the permission I'd given myself. The power I had, not some voice in my head.Dawn RTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Sent: Sun, April 17, 2011 2:02:49 PMSubject: New here

I'm fairly new to intuitive eating but not really all that new to the concept. I recently got rid of all my diet books and print outs and put my scale away. I've been paying good attention to my body, and I think I really understand when I am hungry and when I'm full. But I can't seem to stop myself from eating when I'm not hungry or stopping when I am full. How do you learn to do that?

Another struggle I have is that I know I should be feeding myself more veggies. But I don't. I used to love veggies. And other "healthy" foods, for that matter.

You know, it kind of feels like I'm rebelling. But I don't know how to stop.

Another thing is exercise.... I've been so tired. I keep thinking exercise will help but it doesn't. So now I don't want to exercise. I had been hoping to run 5ks this summer. It just feels like too much work.

You know what I really WANT to do? I want to sit on the couch, eating candybars and popcorn, reading, playing on the lap top and not going ANYWHERE.

lol - my whiney intro


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Are you in a mild depression perhaps?  If you live in the wintery parts of the country you may be feeling the effects of too many dark days.  Or has something happened in your life that was a major incidence?  Maybe you are grieving something, anything.  Also it seems to me a good place to start might be your doctor and get some tests to see if there is a real physical cause. Blood sugar levels can also results in fatigue. When I was anemic the fatigue was terrible.  I also have low thyroid which regulates everything in the body.  I am bipolar too so I have  days when I'm really down and others when I'm really up. Glad to be reminded of this too because I forget about some of those and don't always make the connection.  I'm not a doctor and am not trying to diagnose. Just know there can be a lot of reasons. Let us know how you are doing.  Sandy


I'm fairly new to intuitive eating but not really all that new to the concept.  I recently got rid of all my diet books and print outs and put my scale away.  I've been paying good attention to my body, and I think I really understand when I am hungry and when I'm full.  But I can't seem to stop myself from eating when I'm not hungry or stopping when I am full.  How do you learn to do that?


Another struggle I have is that I know I should be feeding myself more veggies.  But I don't.   I used to love veggies.  And other " healthy " foods, for that matter. 


You know, it kind of feels like I'm rebelling.  But I don't know how to stop.


Another thing is exercise.... I've been so tired.  I keep thinking exercise will help but it doesn't.  So now I don't want to exercise.  I had been hoping to run 5ks this summer.  It just feels like too much work.


You know what I really WANT to do?  I want to sit on the couch, eating candybars and popcorn, reading, playing on the lap top and not going ANYWHERE.


lol - my whiney intro



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Oh Sandy. I don't know. I actually am on an antidepressant and was doing GREAT for a couple months. I've just been so tired the past couple. I'm terrified to stop taking it because I don't want to go back to where I was. I tried cutting back, but that didn't help either.

I was at the doc about a month ago and all of my bloodwork is darn near perfect. My D levels are just barely normal which is not surprising since I do live in a wintery part of the country. :) But I've been taking quite a bit of D.

I think the fatigue is making me want to eat junk food. But the couch time....I just want. :)

Re: New here

Are you in a mild depression perhaps? If you live in the wintery parts of the country you may be feeling the effects of too many dark days. Or has something happened in your life that was a major incidence? Maybe you are grieving something, anything. Also it seems to me a good place to start might be your doctor and get some tests to see if there is a real physical cause. Blood sugar levels can also results in fatigue. When I was anemic the fatigue was terrible. I also have low thyroid which regulates everything in the body. I am bipolar too so I have days when I'm really down and others when I'm really up. Glad to be reminded of this too because I forget about some of those and don't always make the connection. I'm not a doctor and am not trying to diagnose. Just know there can be a lot of reasons. Let us know how you are doing. Sandy

I'm fairly new to intuitive eating but not really all that new to the concept. I recently got rid of all my diet books and print outs and put my scale away. I've been paying good attention to my body, and I think I really understand when I am hungry and when I'm full. But I can't seem to stop myself from eating when I'm not hungry or stopping when I am full. How do you learn to do that?

Another struggle I have is that I know I should be feeding myself more veggies. But I don't. I used to love veggies. And other "healthy" foods, for that matter.

You know, it kind of feels like I'm rebelling. But I don't know how to stop.

Another thing is exercise.... I've been so tired. I keep thinking exercise will help but it doesn't. So now I don't want to exercise. I had been hoping to run 5ks this summer. It just feels like too much work.

You know what I really WANT to do? I want to sit on the couch, eating candybars and popcorn, reading, playing on the lap top and not going ANYWHERE.

lol - my whiney intro


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I'm kind of afraid I could get used to this....sitting on the couch, being antisocial, and eating lots of junk food.

I'm swirling....not sure what to do first....what to work for first....

New here

I'm fairly new to intuitive eating but not really all that new to the concept. I recently got rid of all my diet books and print outs and put my scale away. I've been paying good attention to my body, and I think I really understand when I am hungry and when I'm full. But I can't seem to stop myself from eating when I'm not hungry or stopping when I am full. How do you learn to do that?

Another struggle I have is that I know I should be feeding myself more veggies. But I don't. I used to love veggies. And other "healthy" foods, for that matter.

You know, it kind of feels like I'm rebelling. But I don't know how to stop.

Another thing is exercise.... I've been so tired. I keep thinking exercise will help but it doesn't. So now I don't want to exercise. I had been hoping to run 5ks this summer. It just feels like too much work.

You know what I really WANT to do? I want to sit on the couch, eating candybars and popcorn, reading, playing on the lap top and not going ANYWHERE.

lol - my whiney intro


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Thank you, Katcha! Rebelling might be a good choice! I'm such a rule follower. I think that's why the diets have hit me so hard. If I do let myself rebel against all my shoulds, it might help truly cast off the diet mentality.

I thought I really wanted to start running 5ks. And I was kind of enjoying the training. I was following a plan that I found on the internet. And, as I mentioned, I'm a really good rule follower.... Well, the other day was "supposed" to be a training day. I chose not to. :) If I want to run, I can pick up where I left off. I recorded a bunch of exercise programs on tv. Yesterday I did belly dancing! It was fun! It was not particularly taxing, but I was moving and it felt good.

I think learning to stop when I'm full is going to take a long while. I'm so far removed from listening to my body. Sometimes I stop because I think I am full and am hungry in a half hour. I'm terrified of being hungry! What I've been doing the past few days is recognizing that I am full even if I do choose to eat more. Just being conscious. I think it's a good start.

Re: New here

Welcome Alyce. I can relate to your intro, it sounds much like how I felt with IE at first and sometimes still do. Unlearning eating habits built over many years does take time and patience on our parts. Its one of the reasons its strongly suggested that we be gentle with ourselves - we are works in process ;-) Another long established habit is 'shoulds'. I find shoulding to be a EXternal misdirection what masks or over rides my own INternal body messages/signals so do all I can to ignore and remove 'should' type thinking. Rebeling is sooooo normal! In fact I honor it as the last line of defense for my dear body. If we didn't rebel we would probably be a blob of misery. Some members here like to say that IE stands for Intuitive Exercise as well as Intuitive Eating. Listening and honoring our bodies includes movement - if you aren't feeling like 5K don't! I do bet that you will feel like some movement sooner or later. And the $64,000 question about not eating when full and stopping when so is . . . something YOU will discover as you go. I still don't do that faithfully, but that's a reflection on me, not IE. I will tell you that I have made progress on being able to tune in and listening to my body to the point that I STUFFing myself seldom happens any more. And my 'over' eating is more in the few bites than binge category. Baby steps worked better for me than trying huge leaps at once, hang in here, whine as much as you need to and do crow about any success you make. We all hear ya!!KatchaIEing since March 2007>> I'm fairly new to intuitive eating but not really all that new to the concept. I recently got rid of all my diet books and print outs and put my scale away. I've been paying good attention to my body, and I think I really understand when I am hungry and when I'm full. But I can't seem to stop myself from eating when I'm not hungry or stopping when I am full. How do you learn to do that?> > Another struggle I have is that I know I should be feeding myself more veggies. But I don't. I used to love veggies. And other "healthy" foods, for that matter. > > You know, it kind of feels like I'm rebelling. But I don't know how to stop.> > Another thing is exercise.... I've been so tired. I keep thinking exercise will help but it doesn't. So now I don't want to exercise. I had been hoping to run 5ks this summer. It just feels like too much work.> > You know what I really WANT to do? I want to sit on the couch, eating candybars and popcorn, reading, playing on the lap top and not going ANYWHERE.> > lol - my whiney intro> > Alyce>

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