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Entering the Portal of Time Travel to Release Energetic Bookmarks By DL Zeta

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Entering the Portal of Time Travel to Release Energetic BookmarksIt is possible to enter the Portal of Time Travel in order to travelback into your past and release old energetic bookmarks. Whentraumatic or difficult moments happen in your life, you create thesebookmarks so you can later return and release them. Over time, yourconscious understandings grow. Your new conscious perspective willknow intuitively how to release past bookmarks.When these bookmarks are released, it completes an understanding youwere seeking to gain by creating situations in the first place. Mostpeople have dozens of energetic bookmarks and in some cases, hundredsand even thousands, all waiting to be released when the time is right.When a significant amount of energy is being held in the past in theform of energetic bookmarks, it becomes difficult to hold one'sattention in the present moment. Your attention is constantly drawnto these areas that need resolution. Ask your guides to bring yourattention to situations where energetic bookmarks reside. You can alsogain awareness of energetic bookmarks by writing your autobiographyand paying attention to any scenarios around which you are stillholding energy.Once you have a list of energetic bookmarks, you are ready to travelinto the past to release them. It is important to note that it is notnecessary to journey back to each bookmark because often a number ofbookmarks are based on the need to gain a single understanding. Oncethis understanding is complete, all the bookmarks having to do withthe lesson are released. Bookmarks may have been created in verydifferent periods of your life even though they are based on the samelesson.Guided Meditation: Journeying Back in Time to Release Energetic BookmarksImagine yourself surrounded by frequencies of light. Thesefrequencies appear like floating orbs of light all around you. Eachorb of light is a portal capable of carrying you into a past situationwhere an energetic bookmark is held. Ask your guides to bring yourattention to an orb that can take you into a past moment that isimportant for you to visit at this time. Allow your attention to begently guided to this orb. Bring your entire focus to the orb'slight, sensing its frequency and vibration. See your consciousnessslowly merging with it. Once this is complete, you are ready totravel inside this orb.Once inside this orb, you experience it as a tunnel of space and time.Inside this tunnel, a sparkling energy pulses around you and throughyou.  You begin moving quickly now, faster and faster, spinning back through the years of your life. As you travel through this tunnel, you may glimpse in your mind's eye people and moments from your past. Don't attempt to grasp onto these, just observe and release them as they move past. Keep your attention focused in the present momentwhere your energy is spinning and weaving patterns with the sparklingenergies inside the orb. Finally you start to spin more slowly. The color green appears at the end of the tunnel, inviting you to come explore outside the orb.Soon you come to a complete stop and slip out of the tunnel intothe green space. The orb and its spinning tunnel of time hover aboveyou as you explore the scenery around you. You are in a wooded arealush with trees and vines. You hear a gentle stream murmuring nearby.You move toward the sound of the stream until you are standing at itsedge looking down into the shimmering water. As you stand there, astone walkway appears before you.You follow the walkway across the stream. On the other side, you seeyour guide beaconing to you. Your guide appears in human form but itsfeatures are illuminated with a brilliant light. You follow yourguide through a wooded area. As you move along, you are aware of thedeep blue sky overhead. There are a few clouds drifting across thesky. The woods are silent except for the sound of your footsteps moving along the path. After several minutes, you enter a clearing. Inside this clearing, you see a younger version of yourself waiting to greet you. This younger self may be very young, or it may be you at any momentfrom your past. This "you" is from a moment in which you experienced a trauma or other overwhelming event.As you stand facing this self, it tells you telepathically it hassomething to show you. You follow your younger self to a beautifulgreen expanse of thick grass and you sit down together. As you sitthere, a scene from your past begins to play in the field before youlike a movie on a screen. On the screen, you see your self as youwere at a moment in your past. In this moment, something is occurringthat is being held energetically inside you in the form of anenergetic bookmark. It is not necessary to allow yourself to becaught up in the energy of the scene before you. Just view it from theperspective of a detached observer. There is a moment when the energyof what is happening in the scene entered your cellular memory. Yourattention is directed to this moment. When you find it, rewind themovie several frames. Stop the movie and freeze the frame inside themoment before the situation entered cellular memory. Now, step intothe scene as your present-moment consciousness and allow your self toexperience all that is happening there. See this old situation withthe light of a different consciousness. Inside this moment, you seethe higher purpose for creating the situation. You see how thissituation relates to other situations in your life. All thesesituations were created to help you gain an important understanding.This understanding holds the key to the next step of your spiritualgrowth and frees your energy to move more fully into the joyfulrealization of your purpose for this lifetime.When you understand the purpose of what was created, merge yourconsciousness with that of your younger self. Allow your pastself to view this situation as it is happening through the light andwisdom of your higher consciousness. As this version of youunderstands why this situation is occurring, fear and negative energy arereleased before they enter cellular memory. See the energy of thesituation leaving the cells of your body in the form of bubbles movingup toward the deep blue sky. These bubbles drift up and away from you,higher and higher into the sky until they disappear from sight.It is time now to thank all those who helped you create the situationyou have just released. Know this situation was created with theintention to further your soul's growth and purpose for this lifetime.Express gratitude for the lesson. Release any judgment, blame,resentment or other negative emotion you may have felt at a time inthe past when you didn't understand how the situation was helping you.As you express gratitude, observe how all the energetic bookmarksassociated with this lesson begin slowly dissolving throughout time.This situation and all situations that carry the same energeticsignature are now released from cellular memory. Notice how light andjoyful you feel!Blend your energy once more with your younger self, loving and reassuringthis self that it can always call upon you when guidance and lovingassistance are needed. Say good-bye to this self for now, allowing yourenergy to center once more in your present-moment self. Your guideleads you from the clearing back through the woods to the stream.Thank your guide for assisting you in releasing the energeticbookmarks. You are now ready to begin the journey back to your presentmoment. Your guide waves to you as you cross the stone walkway tothe other side of the stream where you once more merge with the brightorb of light and enter the tunnel of time. In just a few seconds, youtravel forward in time, quickly arriving back in the present momentwhere you open your eyes and feel yourself free and energized.For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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