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TO SELF ATTUNE OR NOT(Interesting Point of View)

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From: Sheree Rainbolt-Kren <slivermoon22@...>Date: Sun, May 11, 2008 at 11:49 AMSubject: TO SELF ATTUNE OR NOT

TO SELF ATTUNE OR NOT Sheree Rainbolt-Kren I may be in a minority of Reiki practitioners who believe one can Self Attune to the Usui System of *natural* healing. That's ok with me. I am strong. :-)

I have had some tell me that if I Self Attune, I am not really attuning to the energy called Reiki. This is such an odd thing to say. Take a look at the definition of Reiki. I AM Reiki. I am simply reminding myself that I am part of the vast Universal Life Force and a breath of fresh air. If someone wishes to tell me I am not already those things, they can, but it's incorrect. There are some that will then say, " Well, yes, technically, you are Reiki. BUT, when you Self Attune, you are not really taping into the system known as Reiki, as founded by Usui. " That does not make sense to me. In fact it is counter intuitive.

Did you come across Reiki randomly? Or were you pushed. Did someone drag your sorry ass to a Reiki Share and make you touch people against your will? Or, did it just happen to breeze by a window in your consciousness one day? Did you resonate with it? Do you like it? Then, it's yours, period. Now, go enjoy it.

Dr. Usui, who I use as one of my Healing and Spiritual Guides on a regular basis did not invent Universal Life Force, or Ki. Like all other inventions, he brought a new light of his own to bear on what is widely known to be Hands On Healing, which was practiced in ancient Greece, long before even Master Jesus brought front and center. There are many other reasons Dr. Usui was able to tap the healing streams as he did, and much of that is impossible to know. We all have unique missions. But, hands on healing is a Universal Principal. It has been used since the first organized civilizations.

You can call it what you want. Words are powerful. But, when you wall off a word, and tell someone that they do not have the power to be part of it, unless they be part of it a certain way, then you are actually going against another Universal Principal called Love. Love does not discern. Ever. Love is delighted to see you using Reiki and calling it Reiki, or any other name you like.

There is a strong and curious desire to build a brick wall around the word and ritual known as Reiki. In my opinion, nothing could be further removed from the original intentions of Universal Life Force than a wall and it's inherent distinctions that serve only to separate and specialize for those who wish to feel special.

Not only can you Self Attune to Reiki, or any other healing system, it is actually a beautiful thing to do. :-) Try it. You can always find yourself a Reiki Master to do this for you if

your prefer. Please remember that Dr. Usui was not attuned by a human. If we are going to walk in his footsteps, then I would imagine it is worth pondering. I posit that it is indeed one of the very elements of Usui's amazing mystical experience that was to be handed down. The reminder of what is possible for all of us.

Yes, attuning through another human (some call them Masters) can be a lovely thing. I have given some very special attunements to people. But, it's very different to say, " Try it, you might like it, or try it, it might shake things up for you, or try it, and see where it takes you " .....than the statement - YOU MUST BE ATTUNED BY A REIKI MASTER. These are two totally different sound and light vibrations. Which one *feels* right? Use your inner voice, your gut and ask the question. If you still believe that another human being is your Power, then party on with that. That's not to say they can't be AT they party mind you. :-)

There would be

things play out in latter days that trace back to the question of WHY USUI, Why Japan and Why at that point in time and space. 1922 plays a very big role in our Earth Grid, as does the Asian continent. You may have noticed what is happening to Buddhist Monks in Myanmar - and the people of these areas. An agenda is underway, and certain kinds of signatures must be cleared in order for that agenda to move forward. I won't go into that right now, but please understand that there is much we do not know about the why of anything.

Your purest Reiki attunement is a Self Attunement. If you feel a strong urge to be attuned by someone charging you money for a attunement, then the signature of money will become a part of the energy exchange. If you are attuned by a close friend or relative, whose energy is fairly well balanced, then you are fine. If you attune with a complete stranger, you are taking a big risk. But, perhaps, that is what is called for. We just don't know. You

are led on purpose.I reject, in whole, that the hands on healing I do is not called Reiki. I was led to Reiki (by word) through my pendulum, from a being calling itself Angel Raphael. I did not learn of Reiki by word of another human being. Neither did Dr. Usui, neither did Jesus, neither did God, or the Universe (or any other name). I am here to make that known. Now, the ball is on your altar.

I did buy a book once called REIKI- which was actually a journal. I bought it for the journaling and had no idea what Reiki was. I didn't learn about Reiki until Raphael said it would SAVE OUR SHIP. I began using Reiki before being attuned. Am I the special One? No. I am one who knows and believes in what she is.

As far as I am concerned, I AM REIKI, and so are you, and so is every living thing. Your decision to use this word, the rituals, the symbols, or whatever- is your own decision. Do not let others poke their hungry fingers

in your soul in the name of Reiki Righteousness. Thank them, smile and move along. Many honestly believe that you must be formally attuned by a human being in order to be Reiki, use Reiki, or get your license to call it Reiki. Others have different intentions. That's another blog.

Sheree feel free to share this

-- " Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark. " Rabindranath Tagore

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