Guest guest Posted April 30, 2011 Report Share Posted April 30, 2011 mark, living with type one diabetes, i can say i would rather die early than have complications. being blind is bad enough but being legless is worse and i want quality of life. karen many articles 1.%% MP Some T1Diabetics Seem Shielded Against Complications 3/29/11 [351pts;T1 for 50yr; av A1C 7.7 %] .. 43% remained free of serious eye disease, & 87% never developed kidney disease.. " We have identified a group of people who can clearly live well with DM for a long time, " said author( Joslin).. most of them eluded complications because they manage their disease pretty well, but even in this group some developed complications, while others appeared to have some sort of protection against them. One potential reason is suggested by substances called advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which were 7.2 times more common in those with complications. AGEs develop in the body after long- term exposure to high blood sugar levels... The author of accompanying editorial noted that a receptor for AGE called sRAGE is lacking in people with complications. 2.%% MP Diabetes tied to higher Parkinson's disease [PD] risk 3/30/11 (Reuters Health) - In a study of 289,000 older adults, those with DM have a slightly increased risk of developing PD. When the team accounted for other factors - like age, weight & smoking - DM itself was linked to a 41% increase in the risk of future Parkinson's. That, however, does not prove that DM is a cause of PD- the reasons for the connection remain unknown, said the team leader ...People with DM should continue to do the things already recommended for their overall health -- eating a well-balanced diet & getting regular exercise. 3.%% MTD 3/30/11 EndoBarrier Triggers Beneficial Hormone Effects Leading To Rapid Glycemic Control, Weight Loss & Reduced Heart Disease Risk. GI Dynamics announced new results from 3 studies that demonstrate the positive effects of EndoBarrier [EB] Gastroin-testinal Liner on T2, wt loss & other metabolic factors. These data support the use of EB as a primary therapy for T2 & obesity in pts with BMI 30 + who have been unable to control their DM or lose weight through lifestyle changes & medications...1 study revealed EB offered rapid and long- lasting improvement in DM & beneficial hormonal effects similar to surgical interventions such as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. [17pt;24wks] L M. Kaplan (Harvard) commented, " The EB appears to affect the metabolic functions involved in T2 through mechanisms similar to those that make bariatric surgery such an effective therapy for DM & obesity. " EB is approved for up to12m use & is available in Europe & S. America. It is an advanced investiga tional device in the US. EB is placed in the GI tract endoscopically (via the mouth) to create a barrier between food & the wall of the intestine. Physicians believe that preventing food from coming into contact with the intestinal wall may alter the activation of hormonal signals that originate in the intestine, thus mimicking the effects of a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure without surgery. 4.%% MTD Potential New Non-Insulin Treatment For T1 3/24/11 .. Fibroblast growth factor 19 (FGF19) another hormone, has insulin-like characteristics beyond its role in bile acid synthesis. Unlike insulin, FGF19 does not cause excess glucose to turn to fat, suggesting that its activation could lead to new treatments for DM or obesity. Bile acids, produced by the liver, break down fats in the body. Utilizing ng FGF19 as an alternative to insulin Rx remains a daunting challenge .In some studies in rodents caused the liver to grow & develop cancer. 5.%% M Alerts 3/30/11 A class I recall of the ACCU-CHEK FlexLink Plus infusion set, made by Roche has been issued because a kinked or bent cannula could result in under or no delivery of insulin, (FDA) announced. " This can lead to elevated blood glucose levels (hypergly- cemia) [which] can lead to many serious health complications, including death, " .. recall applies only to ACCU-CHEK FlexLink Plus infusion sets manufactured & distributed from 11/1/10 to 2/20/11. Symptoms of hyperglycemia include nausea/vomiting, blurred vision, excessive thirst / hunger, frequent urination, fatigue/sleepiness, headache, fruity acetone breath, & abdominal pain. " If untreated hyperglycemia could lead to DM ketoacidosis, serious illnesses & in severe cases death, " company said. Customer Care , 6.%% Oph 118,4 Apr 2011 Ranibizumab Monotherapy or Combined with Laser vs Laser Monotherapy for Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) [345pts;T1 & T2;12m] randomized Conclusions:[lucentis alone] & combined with laser provided superior visual acuity gain over standard laser in pts with visual impairment due to DME. 7.%% Oph 118,4 Apr/11 Long-term Benefit of Sustained-Delivery Fluocinolone Acetonide (FA) [a steroid] Vitreous Inserts for DME [565pts;2yr] randomized subjects received study drug or sham injection. - ..FA inserts significantly improved best corrected visual acuity. This is the first pharmacologic Rx that can be administered by an outpt injection to provide substantial benefit in pts with DME. . 8.%% Elderly Diabetics at More Risk of Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy (NAION) (Reuters Health) Apr 14 - coauthor said " The annual incidence of NAION among those 68 and older is much higher than previously reported.. We found an incidence of 82 per 100,000. The higher incidence may also relate to misdiagnosis of other optic neuropathies reported by US providers. " 9.%% Oph 118,4 Apr/11 Severity of Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) & Health Related Quality of Life: To assess the impact of DR & its severity on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in a population-based sample of Latinos with T2. Conclusions - Greater severity of DR was associated with lower general & vision- -specific HRQOL. Persons with bilateral moderate [nonproliferative DR] had the most substantial decrease in quality of life compared with those with less severe DR. prevention of incident DR & its progression from unilateral to bilateral ..should be considered an important goal in management of individuals with DM. 10.%% UPI 4/2/11 Diabetes makes you older before your time Adults ages 51-70 with DM developed age-related ailments such as cognitive impairment, falls, dizziness, vision impairment & pain at a faster rate than those without diabetes. For adults age 51-60 with DM the odds of developing new geriatric conditions were nearly double those who didn't have DM, but by the time people reach 80, the disparities begin to disappear.. " Because DM affects multiple organ systems, it has the potential to contribute significantly to the development of a number of issues that we associate with aging. " study leader said 11.%% M More Data on Diabetes Risk With Statins 3/31/11 A new analysis of 3 major trials with atorvastatin (Lipitor) suggests that the risk of new-onset DM with statins appears to be dose dependent and related to the strength of cholesterol lowering achieved with the statin --ie, the more powerful the statin, the higher the risk of DM. But the authors, as well as other experts, stress that the benefits of statin treatment still clearly outweigh the risks in patients with coronary or cerebrovascular disease. 12.%% M 4/28/11 CBT for Depressed Diabetes Patients Improves Overall Health Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) targeting depression in patients with DM is associated with improvements in overall health but not in glycemic control, according to the results of a randomized trial " Depression is a common, treatable issue for many people who have diabetes, " said lead author " This study shows that telephone-delivered counseling can improve patients' access to effective depression care, improve their CV health and get them moving again. " [291 pts] randomly assigned to receive usual care or a manualized telephone CBT program delivered weekly by nurses for 12 weeks, followed by 9 monthly booster sessions. Limitations of this study include duration of follow-up limited to 12 months, limited generalizability because only 16% of participants were racial/ethnic minorities, In addition, 31% of patients contacted refused participation. NIH 13.%% Nature Med Apr/2011 Metabolite profiles & risk of developing DM Emerging technologies allow profiling of metabolic status from a blood specimen (metabolomics). [2,422 normoglycemic subjects;12yr] Amino acids & other metabolites were profiled by liquid chromato-graphy-tandem mass spectrometry . A combination of 3 amino acids predicted future diabetes (with a more than fivefold higher risk for individuals in top [quarter]). These findings underscore the potential key role of amino acid metabolism early in pathogenesis of DM & suggest that amino acid profiles could aid in DM risk assessment. 14.%% MAP 4/2011 Long-term effects [5yr] of intensive glucose lowering on cardiovascular outcomes. We randomly assigned pts with T2 & CVD or additional CV risk factors to receive intensive therapy (targeting a glycated hemoglobin level below 6.0%)or standard Rx (7-7.9%). Conclusions: As compared with standard Rx, the use of intensive therapy [as above] reduced 5-yr nonfatal MI but increased 5-year mortality. Such a strategy cannot be recom mended for high- risk pts with advanced T2. Nat Heart, Lg & Blood Institute 15.%% MAP 4/11 Functional variants of the HMGA1 gene & T2DM. High- mobility group A1 (HMGA1) protein is a key regulator of insulin receptor gene expression..Case-control study [3278 pts;] The most frequent functional HMGA1 variant.. was present in 7- 8% of pts with T2. Conclusions: Compared with healthy controls, the presence of functional HMGA1 gene variants in individuals of white European ancestry was associated with T2. 16.%%MAP 4/11 Racial differences in glycemic markers: Although differences between black & white pts in hemoglobin A(1c)(HbA (1c)) values are well established, recent studies suggest this might not reflect differences in glycemia. [376 control;343DM] Conclusion: Differences between black & white persons in glycated albumin .. & fructosamine levels parallel differences between these groups in HbA(1c) values. Racial differences in hemoglobin glycation and erythrocyte [red blood cell] turnover cannot explain racial disparities in these serum markers. The possibility that black persons have systematically higher levels of nonfasting glycemia warrants further study. 17.%% HD Certain Diabetes Drugs Better for Heart Health, 4/7/11 In a study that included more than 100,000 subjects taking metformin or another group of oral DM medications called insulin secretagogues , (IS] researchers found that metformin & the IS drugs gliclazide & repaglinide had the lowest risk of CVD & death. an accompanying editorial said the findings are likely an indication that metformin, gliclazide & repaglinide are protective. They cautioned that people shouldn't stop taking any type of DM drug on their own. If you're concerned, " have a discussion with your care provider. " 18.%% Nurs. Times Poor sleep for diabetes patients linked to eye disease 4/10/11 T2 patients with sleep problems are at higher risk of eye disease, foot problems & amputation [231;148 with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)]. They found 48% with severe retinopathy in the OSA group & 20% in the non OSA group. authors said: " Our results suggest that OSA is not an innocent bystander in patients with T2 & might contribute to morbidities associated with this condition. " 19.%% MTA 4/25/11 Early Warning That A Child Will Develop DM May Be Possible By Monitoring Protein Levels Scientists are looking at blood levels of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) in children being closely followed because their genes put them at risk for T1. They also are looking at DM mice missing IL-1ra to see how its deficiency affects immune function & destruction of insulin-producing islet beta cells. " We want to know if we can use IL-1ra levels to identify children who will soon develop DM, then use IL-1 inhibitors to prevent it, " said team leader. [see #30] 20.%% delete 21.%% M 1 4/6/11 Intensive glycemic therapy reduces the risk of erectile dysfunction (ED) in young men with T1 no matter where he falls on the spectrum of glucose control, " there is a benefit to tight control, namely a lower risk of ED, " said lead author [600 pts; 6.5yr] 23% reported ED. In those with some microvascular manifestations, tightly controlled pts had 12.8% rate vs 30.8% of ED in those managed with non-intensive therapy. Higher (Hb)A1c was significantly assoc. with ED risk in both cohorts. Other risk factors were age, peripheral neuropathy and lower urinary tract symptoms. 22.%% MP Spot Warning Signs of Low Blood Sugar 4/8/11 -- Hypoglycemia [hypo] is the medical term for low blood glucose, common among people with DM. It can occur even when you're trying hard to manage your blood sugar levels. ADA says while you can't always prevent hypo, you can take steps to treat it if you know the warning signs: . Sweating or turning pale. . Feeling dizzy or shaking. . Developing a headache.. Feeling hungry.. Showing moodiness, or rapid behavior changes. . Moving awkwardly or clumsily. . Having a seizure.. Acting confused, or having problems paying attention. . Having a tingly feeling around the mouth. 23.%% HD Nasal Insulin Induces Immune Tolerance of Injected Insulin 4/13/11 [52 pts;12m] were randomly allocated to receive nasal insulin or a nasal placebo " Our finding that the antibody response to subcutaneous insulin was suppressed by prior treatment with nasal insulin is the first evidence for immune tolerance induction to an autoantigen demonstrated by rechallenge in humans, " they write. 24.%% MTD Link Found Between High-Fat Diet & T2 4/12/11 People who acquire T2 are typically obese & are resistant to insulin, the hormone that removes sugar from the blood and stores it as energy. A new study finds that saturated fatty acids but not the unsaturated type can activate immune cells to produce an inflammatory protein, called interleukin-1beta. " Interleukin-1beta then acts on tissues and organs such as the liver, muscle & fat (adipose) to turn off their response to insulin, making them insulin resistant to develop T2. supported in part by NIH 25.%% MTD Latest Findings On The Effects Of Caffeine In Diabetes 4/8/11 A growing body of research suggests that caffeine disrupts glucose metabolism and may contribute to the development & poor control of T2 ..contradicting earlier studies suggesting a protective effect of caffeine. .numerous studies that have shown caffeine's potential for increasing insulin resistance (impaired glucose tolerance) in adults that do not have DM, an effect that could make susceptible individuals more likely to develop the disease. In adults with T2, studies have shown that the increase in blood glucose levels that occurs after they eat carbohydrates is exaggerated if they also consume a caffeinated beverage such as coffee. The new review of the topic gives the clearest account to date of what we know,.. 26.%% MP Latest Artificial Pancreas Trials Reduce Risk of Low Blood Sugar 4/14/11-- An artificial pancreas combines insulin pumps & continuous glucose monitors with a computer algorithm that tells these devices what to do when blood sugar levels are rising or falling. The closed loop insulin delivery system, computes insulin doses & administers them according to glucose levels detected by a sensor. The hope is that an artificial pancreas will closely mimic the way the human pancreas normally releases insulin in response to food or stress. .in a 24-hour period, the average person with T1 spends about 10 hours with blood sugar levels too high, & about an hour a day with blood sugar levels too low, an accompanying editorial noted that the artificial pancreas is still " in its infancy, " but some experts were cheered by the findings. " This study [24 pts] is more good news, and we're seeing an evolution of more and more sophistication in this closed loop study, " said Kowalski. 27.%% M 3/15/11 Only Long-Term Diabetes Is a 'CHD Risk Equivalent' In a study of more than 4000 middle-aged men, a diagnosis of DM in pts 60 & older, with a mean diabetes duration of 5 yrs, had a CHD risk half that of patients who were diagnosed with DM before age 60 & who had DM for more than 16 years. In the early- onset diabetes pts, the risk of death & vascular events was equivalent to patients with a prior MI. The results suggest " that a longer duration of diabetes may be necessary to raise risks toward a CHD risk equivalent. " writes study author. 28.%% MP 4/17/11 Do Immune System Ills Help Drive Type 2 ? Findings from mouse, human research suggest new insights.. " The main point of this study is trying to shift the emphasis in thinking of T2 as a purely metabolic disease, & instead emphasize the role of the immune system said study co-author. The team has identified immune system antibodies in people who are obese & insulin- resistant that aren't present in people who are obese without insulin resistance. Nearly 26 mil Americans have DM 90-95% have T2 where the body doesn't use insulin efficiently, so the pancreas must make increasing amounts & eventually, it stops making enough insulin to meet the increased demand. T1 occurs when the immune system mistakenly destroys the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. This type of DM is considered an auto-immune disease, & isn't linked to how much a person weighs. .. excess weight has been linked to inflammation.. As visceral fat (abdominal fat) expands, it eventually runs out of room. At that point, the fat cells may become stressed, inflamed, & eventually die. When that happens, immune system cells -macrophages- come to sweep up the mess. Other immune system cells-T-cells & B-cells, also respond to the stressed or dying cells. But, these cells are the ones that create specific antibodies to remember a threat to the body such as a certain flu virus. In this case, however, instead of creating antibodies against a foreign substance, immune system cells create antibodies against fat cells; attacking them, making them insulin resistant & hindering their ability to process fatty acids. In addition to T2, this onslaught against the fat cells is associated with fatty liver disease, high cholesterol & high BP, according to the team. [32 obese humans] the mice & human volunteers were all male, so it's not clear if these findings are applicable to women. 29.%% Nat Reviews Endocrinology 7, 248 (May 2011) Pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus: does glutamate have a role? Glial glutamate transporter 1 (GLT1) is expressed in pancreatic ß cells and acts as a critical regulator of extracellular glutamate levels, which in turn promotes ß-cell survival,...To read this article in full.. 30.%% ADA 4/26/11 New study describes molecular process that causes T1 A team has identified a gr of previously unknown immune system cells that may play a major role in development of T1. These findings could lead to the creation of new drugs to suppress these cells & help people avoid the condition. The team showed that a previously unknown subset of CD4+ T cells produce proteins called chemokine receptor 9 (CCR9) & interleukin 21 (IL-21). Both of these proteins have been shown to play active roles in the ability of another immune cell known as CD8+ to cause inflammation in tissues of the gastrointestinal tract. When pancreatic tissue becomes inflamed, insulin-producing islet cells are killed, resulting in T1.[see #19] 31.%% M 4/14/11 Diet Drug Orlistat Linked to Kidney, Pancreas Injuries A review of patients taking orlistat (Xenical/Alli,) show a 2% increase in acute kidney injuries within one year of starting the drug . in May 2010, the FDA issued a warning about the risks of severe liver injury with orlistat use.. Thursday, GlaxoKline, which sells over -the-counter orlistat (Alli) in the US, announced that it is one of the products to be dropped in 2011 32.%% M Patients With DM Lack Knowledge About Hypoglycemia 4/14/11 A national survey [2530 adults with T2] in the US reveals that many pts remain uneducated about the risks for hypo 42% had experienced low blood sugar symptoms while working, 26% while exercising, & 19% while driving. 27% did not know that the leading causes of hypo..included skipping meals. 35% did not know that some DM meds may enhance the risk for hypo. some did not know that the most common symptoms are dizziness & shakiness & 39% incorrectly thought that thirst was the primary symptom. " The survey shows that it's important to inform pts about the causes, symptoms, & how to address hypoglycemia, " one presenter said. Amer College of Endo. recently launched Blood Sugar Basics, an educational program with a Web site that includes fact pages on how pts with DM can best manage their blood sugar levels. 33.%% MAP 4/20/11 Effects of obesity & T2 on cardiac structure and function in adolescents & young adults. Results: Adolescents with obesity & obesity-related T2 were found to have abnormal cardiac geometry compared with lean controls..our findings suggest that adolescents with obesity- related T2 may be at increased risk of progressing to early heart failure compared with their obese & lean counterparts. 34.%% MAP 4/20/11 HbA(1c) levels in schoolchildren with T1 are seasonally variable & dependent on weather conditions. [589pt] The lowest HbA(1c) levels were observed in late summer & highest in winter months- differences exceeding 0.44%. Conclusions: Seasonal changes of HbA(1c) levels in schoolchildren with T1 are a significant phenomenon & should be considered in pt ed & DM management 35.%% MAP 4/20/11Low serum potassium levels and risk of type 2 [4409 Japanese men;5yr] Conclusions: Mild to moderately low serum potassium levels, within the normal range & could be predictive of T2. 36.%% MAP 4/20/11 effect of high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets in the treatment of T2: [99pt;12 m] randomised to..high protein or high carbo diet. HbA(1c) decreased in both groups over time as did weight serum triacylglycerol, total cholesterol, and increases in HDL. results suggest that there is no superior long-term metabolic benefit of a high-protein diet over a high-carbo in the management of T2. 37.%% M 4/18/11 Metformin vs. Other Sulfonylureas: CV Risk Most sulfonylureas used by a cohort of adults with T2 raised clinical risk compared with metformin , regardless of MI history..[107,000 pts] 38.%% MP Many kids with T1 have other immune diseases 4/21/11 [491pts] Researchers measured blood levels of " autoantibodies " that serve as markers of certain conditions. Autoantibodies are immune system proteins directed against the body's own cells. T1 is known as an autoimmune disease, where the immune system launches a misguided attack on the body's own tissue. In the case of DM, the assault kills off cells in the pancreas that make the blood-sugar regulating hormone insulin. ADA recommends that children with T1 be tested for thyroid disease & celiac disease at the time of their DM diagnosis. The study leader says parents should pay attention to their children's growth & physical development, & keep track of problems they are having with episodes of low blood sugar, abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea. It's estimated that 15 -30% of people with T1 have autoimmune thyroid disease, 4-9 % have celiac disease, and less than 1% have 's. 39.%% JH 4/21/11 Importance of Vitamin D in Diabetes Management ..until recently, vitD hasn't been considered an important factor in controlling diabetes. A growing amount of research links a deficiency of vitD to an increased risk of developing T2 or its complications. Vitamin D's main role in the body is to help with calcium absorption, which, in turn, promotes bone strength & maintains healthy bones & teeth. VitD also strengthens the immune system. Researchers are discovering that vitD also plays a role in regulating blood glucose levels. In people who have DM, vitD has been shown to increase insulin production by regulating blood levels of calcium & improving pancreatic beta-cell function. Low vitamin D levels are also known to nearly double the risk of CVD in people with DM and to increase the risk of heart attack and stroke... more research needs to be done to prove that attaining adequate levels through sun exposure, food intake or supplements will lower risk. Still, it's important to meet your daily vit D requirements. It's also a good idea to ask your doctor about a blood test to measure your vitamin D levels. 40.%% M Bromocriptine: A Sympatholytic, D2-dopamine Agonist for the Treatment of T2 Diabetes 4/19/11 .. bromocriptine taken within 2 h of awakening is believed to augment low dopamine levels..resulting in increased suppression of liver glucose production. Addition of bromocriptine to poorly controlled T2 pts treated with diet alone, metformin, sulfonylureas, or thiazolidinediones produces a 0.5-0.7 decrease in HbA1c, fasting & postmeal plasma free fatty acid & triglycerides. [52pt] double- blind, placebo-controlled study. 41.%% M 4/19/11 Nocturnal Hypoglycemia Common in Pediatric T1 As many as two-thirds of children and adolescents with T1 have nocturnal hypoglycemia,(NH) a pilot study suggests. [25pt] Those with NH were significantly older (mean, 12.8 years) than those without NH (mean, 9.4 years; .. 42.%% MAP Relationship Between Sleep-Disordered Breathing and Iris and/or Angle Neovascularization in Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (PDR) Am J Oph 2011 [151pt] Conclusions In pts with PDR, nocturnal intermittent hypoxia/reoxygenation resulting from sleep-disordered breathing may be a risk factor for iris & /or angle neovascularization. [growth of abnormal new vessels] 43.%% MP 4/28/11- Weight loss surgery appears to change the body's metabolism in a way that dieting alone cannot, helping to explain why T2 often disappears after the surgery even before much weight is lost. The team found that unlike dieting, gastric bypass [Roux-en-Y] changes a person's metabolism by significantly reducing levels of circulating amino acids -- compounds linked with obesity, DM & insulin resistance. They are now looking to discover ways to develop drugs that could replicate this effect. Abbreviations: fup-follow up; pt - patients; DM - diabetes Mellitus; T1DM - type 1 diabetes mellitus T2DM - type 2; DME - diabetic macular edema;DR - diabetic retinopathy; FPG - fasting plasma glucose; BP - blood pressure; GI- gastrointestinal tract;NV- neovascularization; CVD - cardiovascular disease; MI -myocardial infarction/ heart attack ; OCT - optical coherence tomography; BCVA - best corrected visual acuity ;ADA - Am Diab Ass & ADA Prof; HD -HealthDay; M- Medscape Web MD; MAP- Medline Abstract & Plus; MTD- Med News Today;NEI - Nat Eye Institute; Definitions via online Medical dictionaries. Disclaimer, I am a BSN RN but not a diabetic or diabetic educator. Reports are excerpted unless otherwise noted. [translations, explanations by thl] This project is done as a courtesy to the blind/visually impaired and diabetic communities. Dawn Wilcox RN BSN Coordinator The Health Library at Vista Center; an affiliate of the Stanford Hospital Health Library. contact above e-mail or thl@... 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Guest guest Posted December 27, 2011 Report Share Posted December 27, 2011 1.%% M 11/30/11 In Diabetes With Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Moderate Glycemic Control May Be Ideal - In patients with DM & CKD, HbA1c targets that fall between 7% - 9% may be associated with decreased risk for adverse outcomes, whereas levels either above or below this range may increase this risk,according to a new study. [21,155 pts;3.8 yrs] for stage 3 & 4 of CKD, HbA1c levels above 9% were associated with significantly higher all-cause mortality than HbA1c levels below 7%. 2.%% ADA 12/1 Liquid cinnamon extract helps control BS levels A Meta-analysis of pts with T2 & /or pre-DM concluded cinnamon extract & /or cinn. helps lower BS levels. " Consuming cinnamon..does produce a modest but statistically significant lowering in fasting blood glucose, " said author UC. published in the J of Medicinal Foods 3.%% M11/29 T2DM Risk Variants & Colorectal Cancer Risk [8060pts] 9 single nucleotide repeats (SNPs) associated with T2 were tested in a case-control study. Summary- results suggest that established T2 risk variants contribute to the risk of colorectal cancer. This finding builds upon previous studies showing an association between DM & colorectal cancer, & provides new info on the complexity of the pathways shared between these 2 diseases. 4.%%M12/11 FDA Plan for Developing Artificial Pancreas[AP] Pleases Critics Spurred on by DM advocacy grps & politicians to pick up its regulatory speed,FDA issued preliminary recommendations to help, not hinder, researchers & manufacturers in their pursuit of the AP. AP consists of an insulin pump & a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) connected to a sensor placed under the skin of a pt with T1. The system automatically doses the right amount of insulin based on the pt's glucose levels. An ultimate form of the system called " treat-to- target " would set a desired level for BS & try to maintain it at all times, as opposed to merely staving off highs & lows.. Such a fully automated device would allow people with T1, to lead active lives without having to constantly check their glucose levels. Right now, US researchers are testing the AP in inpatient clinical trials. At issue is how quickly the research can reach the stage of outpatient trials, which are already underway in other countries. Groups such as the JDRF(formerly the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) & ADA contend that an overly cautious FDA has prevented life-saving technology from reaching pts in a timely manner. More info on the draft guidance on FDA Web site 5.%% ADA 12/2 Video shows diabetes cell processes A team at La Jolla Institute created videos showing immune system T-cells attacking insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas of mice.. " In the past, scientists would remove a pancreas & make sections of it. That gave you a snapshot of cellular destruction. But the videos let you see it happening.. " 2011/12/02/Video- shows-diabetes-cell-processes/UPI-70301322850997/?spt=hs & or=sn 6.%% M 11/25 Moderate Drinking Tied to Lower DM Risk [80,000pts;26 yrs] the team found that those who ate a diet high in refined carbs had a 30% lower risk of developing DM than women with similar eating habits who didn't drink alcohol. Previous research linked mod. drinking with lower DM risk, but this study looked at women with high-glycemic diets. " If you eat a high carb diet without drinking alcohol, your risk of developing DM is increased by 30%, " said author [moderate- typically 0.8 oz of alcohol a day, about two drinks per wk.] Dr. Hu isn't encouraging people to start drinking alcohol as a means of DM prevention, but he does think the study reveals an interesting interaction between alcohol & carbs. Am J Clin Nutr 2011. 7.%% M 12/9 Double-blind, Randomized, Multicentre,..Investigation of the Effect Of Pioglitazone [actos] Metformin, & Combination of Both on CV Risk in Pts With T2 Receiving Stable Basal Insulin Therapy Hanefeld et al; Cardiovasc Diabetol.2011;10(65) [121 pts] Conclusions - In pts with long term T2 & suboptimal stable insulin Rx the addition of [actos] but not metformin reduced the level of inflammatory biomarkers & increased insulin sensitivity & adiponectin The combo of pioglitazone with metformin resulted in better HbA1C & lipid control without added effect on inflammation, fibrinolysis, & renal function. No serious side effects were observed but pioglitazone Rx was assoc with more edema & weight gain as expected. Controlled clinical trials measuring CV endpoints are needed to compare risk benefit of individual add-on treatment with oral antidiabetic drugs to basal insulin, a question which is of high clinical relevance. 8.%%MNT12/8 Women On Rotating Night-Shifts At Increased Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes, Weight Gain In women, there is a strong association between rotating night shift work and the risk of T2 . Long hours of shift work, is also associated with greater weight gain. These findings by Hu of Harvard School of Public Health This public health finding is representative since a large proportion of the working population is involved in some kind of permanent night shift work. Using statistical models, it was found that the risks of women developing T2, increased with the numbers of years working rotating shifts. The associations were slightly weaker after other factors were taken into consideration. The findings show that preventative strategies, in rotating night shift workers, should be considered. Since we exist in an increasingly '24/7' society, and the option to eradicate shift working is not realistic, it has been determined that rotating shift work among T2 diabetes shift workers through promotion of healthy life styles, weight control, early identification with treatment of pre-diabetic and diabetic employees is needed. 9.%% M 12/5 New Criteria for Gestational Diabetes (GDM) Increase Diagnoses The use of more stringent criteria for diagnosing GDM is associated with a 137% increase in prevalence. The new criteria, proposed by the Internat Assoc of DM & Pregnancy Study Groups have been endorsed by ADA but not by the Am College of Ob & Gyne-cologists. The new criteria call for the diagnosis of GDM after a single abnormal fasting plasma glucose result of 92-126 mg/dL at the first prenatal visit or, if the initial test is normal, an abnormal oral glucose tolerance test at 24 -28 wks of gestation... [660 pts] using the new criteria, were compared with a historic cohort that had been evaluated using the old criteria. The dramatic increase in GDM diagnosis seen with the proposed criteria have been the subject of much discussion... 10.%% M 12/5 Depression Doubles Dementia Risk in Diabetic Patients A large study [19,000 pts] showed those who also had depression had a 2-fold higher risk of developing dementia over 5yrs compared with their counterparts who did not have depression. In addition, younger pts with depression also had a significantly higher risk for dementia vs those who were older, whereas those who took insulin had a significantly lower risk compared with those were not on insulin. " .., future studies are needed to further evaluate whether effective depression interventions reduce the risk of dementia and identify the mechanisms that may explain our observation, " say investigators.. 11.%% ADA 12/7 Fructose No Substitute for Glucose in Diabetes Although it negates the dumping of glucose directly into the blood-stream, fructose may not be an ideal sweetener for DM. Its links with hypertension,[fat tissue] & increased uric acid levels could potentially outweigh its immediate BS benefits, especially among DM pts who already have or are at risk for such [problems] Fructose, the main sugar found in fruits, is a monosaccharide, like glucose. But unlike glucose, which requires insulin to move it into the body's muscle tissue where it's processed into energy, fructose is metabolized by the liver. There, it's changed into glycogen, a starch, & lipids, author said-Boston U. Some studies show that fructose intake is linked with higher levels of triglycerides, potentially contributing to weight gain. It's also been tied to increased levels of uric acid- which situation has been linked with atherosclerosis, (hardening of the arteries) a known complication of DM itself. The same problems could be assoc. with high-fructose corn syrup, a polysaccharide that's chemically similar to plain table sugar (sucrose.) It is half fructose & half glucose Thus, diabetics get the initial dumping of blood glucose, plus the liver hit of fructose. ADA doesn't recommend fructose as a substitute sweetener for glucose. It does recommend fruit intake as part of a healthy diet -- the amount of fructose in fruits is hardly enough to contribute significantly to obesity. 12.%% JH 12/8 Diabetes & the Glycemic Index [GI] The GI is the amount that a particular carbohydrate raises the blood glucose levels [bS] level as compared with a slice of white bread, a reference point with a GI of 100. Foods with a GI higher than 100, (instant rice), cause a faster & greater surge in BS. Kidney beans score low at 38 - glucose jumps much less after eating them. Because foods with a low GI (whole grains & most fruits & vegs) do not produce as rapid an increase in BS levels when eaten,proponents of these diets claim that they are more healthful than foods with a high index. The GI can encourage better carb choices, such as eating more fiber & fewer high-sugar foods, but it may also lead to worse choices, such as avoiding carbs altogether & eating fattier foods. There are certain limitations to the GI- For instance, it considers the effect only of the carb & not the other foods you are putting in your stomach at the same time.. In our opinion, Choosing healthy carbs is certainly beneficial, but this does not have to be done with a careful glycemic index calculation. 13.%% 12/8 ADA Adding dapagliflozin to sulfonylurea improved HbA1c in T2 Study results demonstrate that when added to sulfonylurea therapy, dapagliflozin reduced HbA1c at 24 weeks vs. placebo plus sulfonylurea in pts with T2. The reduction was maintained at 48wks..[452pts;48wks] EndocrineToday 14.%% MP 12/6 Diabetes, Obesity After 60 May Drive Up Breast Cancer Risk-- [2700pts developed breast CA out of 20,500 total pts; 10yr] Obesity after age 60 boosted breast cancer risk by 55%. Up to 4yr after a DM diagnosis, women of any age had a 37% higher risk of developing breast CA. There was also a link between abnormally low levels of blood lipids or fats, & a 25% higher risk. Glargine (Lantus) was linked with a nearly doubled risk of breast cancer. However, metformin (Glucophage) was linked with a slightly lower risk. 15.%% Eye 25 Dec 2011 Regression of early diabetic macular oedema (DMO) is associated with prevention of dark adaptation [34pts] with mild non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy [DR] & early, untreated non-sight-threatening DMO slept for 6months wearing masks that illuminated the eyelid of one closed eye. Conclusions Sleeping in dim light that can keep rods light adapted may reverse the changes of DMO. Editorial same source: Arden et al have tested the hypothesis that keeping an eye with mild DR light adapted during sleep will substantially reduce rod oxygen consumption, & thus will have remedial effects on the disease by making the retina less hypoxic. In the dark, rods maintain the phototransduction dark current, & the result is that oxygen consumption by rods in the dark is greater than any other cell in the retina. In studies by Okawa et al, bright light decreased retinal O2 consumption in the mouse by 40-60%..mostly due to a drop in ATP consumption by the rods. To read in full... 16.%% MP12/8 DM Type 2:Insulin treatment T2 occurs when the pancreas (an organ in the abdomen) produces insufficient amounts of the hormone insulin & /or the body's tissues become resistant to normal or even high levels of insulin. This causes high blood glucose (sugar) [bS] levels, which can lead to a number of complications. Treatment includes lifestyle adjustments, self-care measures, & medications, which can minimize the risk of DM-related & CV compli-cations (heart attacks/strokes). Keeping BS levels in control is one way to decrease the risk of complications. Heart disease a macro-vascular disease is the most common complication of T2. Macro- means large, & vascular means vessels. Also at increased risk of developing micro vascular(small vessel) disease are the eyes, nerves, & kidneys, which can result in blindness, foot ulcers/amputation, kidney diseases & impotence in men. Micro & macrovascular comp-lications usually occur after many years of DM & are related to elevated levels of BS over time. However, these conditions may be present when T2 is first diagnosed due to a delay in getting the diagnosis. Blood sugar control can be measured with a blood test called A1C that measures the average BS during the past 2-3 months. The goal A1C for most people with T2 is less than 7%. However, goal A1C levels in Pts with T2 should be tailored to the individual- the A1C goal should be set some what higher (8 %) for frail older pts & those with a limited life expectancy. T2 Treatment Options: Most people who are newly diagnosed with T2 are treated with a combination of diet, EX, & an oral medication ( pills) Some oral medications (eg, metformin) improve the body's response to insulin. Other meds cause the body to produce more insulin. A second medication may be added within the first 2-3 months if BS control is not adequate. Insulin may be recommended early if the A1C remains elevated despite lifestyle changes & DM pills. T2 typically progresses over time, causing the body to produce less insulin & resist the action of insulin that is produced. In addition, it can be difficult for some people to follow the recommended diet, EX or Rx plan. Some people will need to add insulin or another injectable med. because their BS levels are not controlled... Nat Institute DM & Digestive & Kidney Diseases ( ADA ( topic updated: Sept 20, 2011 17.%%MP 12/22 Hepatitis B Vaccine Recommended for Adults With DM -- Hepatitis B vaccination is recommended for all unvaccinated adults with T1 & T2 aged 19 to 59, say new guidelines from the U.S. Advisory Com on Immunization Practices (ACIP). The vaccination should be done as soon as possible after adults in this age group are diagnosed with DM. Those who are older than 59 can receive hepatitis B vaccination at the discretion of their doctor. Between 700,000 & 1.4 mil people in the US are infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV) More than 15 % of adults with chronic HBV infection develop cirrhosis & liver cancer, authors noted. Diabetics are at increased risk for HBV infection, which can occur through exposure to small, even invisible, amounts of blood from an infected person who earlier used a shared medical or glucose-monitoring device, the article states. HBV can survive outside the body and is easily transmitted. 18.%%ADA 12/12 UK research into a rare genetic disorder (pancreatic agenesis) may speed up progress towards stem cell treatments for T1. In pancreatic agenesis, the body is unable to produce a pancreas, which plays an essential role regulating BS levels. " What is it that programmes cells to become pancreatic beta cells? Our study suggests that a gene GATA6 plays a very important role in this process & we hope this will help the crucial work to try & make beta cells for pts with T1. " team leader said. T1, or insulin dependent DM is an auto-immune disease in which the body's own defences attack & destroy pancreatic beta cells. Pub - Nature Genetics. 19.%% Am J Oph 153 Jan 2012 Panretinal Photocoagulation for Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (PDR): Pattern Scan Laser Versus Argon Laser Purpose - To evaluate the efficacy of the pattern scan laser(PASCAL)in treating newly diagnosed high-risk PDR [82eyes;6m] Conclusions - When using traditional laser settings, PASCAL is less effective than that performed with traditional argon laser in obtaining lasting regression of retinal neovascularization in previously untreated high-risk PDR. Physicians may need to change Rx regime when using PASCAL pattern laser therapy for high-risk PDR. 20.%% Am J Oph 153 Jan 2012 Retinal Arteriolar Tortuosity [twisting] is Associated With Retinopathy & Early Kidney Dysfunction in T1 [1159 pts;12yrs] Conclusions-Greater retinal arteriolar twisting was independently assoc with retinopathy & early nephropathy in T1. These findings may offer the potential of measurement of retinal vessel tortuosity for diabetic complication risk assessment. 21.%%ADA12/9 Glycemic Control Linked to Brain Structure & Function An accelerated decline in brain function is an important risk that needs to be examined further in relation to glycemic control in older people with long-standing DM. At a mean age of 62, pts in MIND study (Memory in DM) were " already experiencing an annual decline of total brain volume in a range reported for pts 15 yrs older... " said Dir of neuroepidemiology -NIH " MIND pts are at an age when disease processes in the brain begin to accelerate, eventually leading to double the risk of dementia in pts with T2 compared to people without this disorder, " she said at IDF. [2977pts;40m] 1 group had intensive BS control; the 2nd-standard Rx -HbA1c 7-7.9%. Total brain volume was assessed with MRI in a subset of 503 pts.. total brain volume in cognitively stable non-DM people in their mid-70s declines by about 0.4% per year, vs 0.8% in those who eventually convert to mild cognitive impairment or dementia. Expert - USC said " It is likely that the cause for the impairment in cognitive function in DM is multifact- orial & includes dyslipidemia,hypertension, & inflammation " 22.%% M 12/13 # 1 of the Top 10 Articles for Endocrinologists in 2011 FDA Approves New Drug for T2 The FDA (5/2- approved linagliptin (Tradjenta) for improving blood glucose control in adults with T2, as a stand-alone or in combo with other therapies. Tradjenta Linagliptin, (tablet) boosts the level of hormones that stimulate the release of insulin after a meal by blocking an enzyme - dipeptidyl peptidase-4. 8 double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials showed that the drug is safe & effective in pts with T2. It has been studied as a stand-alone Rx & in combo with other T2 Rx, such as metformin, glimepiride & (Actos). However, the combination of linagliptin & insulin has not been studied. Clinicians should not prescribe linagliptin for pts with T1 or those who have DM ketoacidosis. The drug's most common adverse effects are upper resp tract infection, stuffy or runny nose, sore throat, muscle pain, & headache. 23.%% MP 12/14 Relationship between early-onset T2 and retinopathy severity, premature development & risk factors Res Clin Pract. 2011; 94(2): cross sectional approach [2,516 pts;10yr fup] Conclusions: Early-onset T2 subjects are at risk of developing premature retinopathy caused by hypertension & prolonged suboptimal DM control. 24.%% MP Glucagon-like peptide analogues for T2. Cochrane System Rev.2011;(10): Glucagon-like peptide analogues are a new class of drugs used in the Rx of Type 2 that mimic the endogenous hormone glucagon-like peptide1 (GLP-1) which is an incretin, a gastrointestinal [GI] hormone that is released into circulation in response to a meal. [it] regulates glucose levels by stimulating insulin secretion.. by suppressing glucagon secretion, delayed gastric emptying & increasing satiety. [random.control;6899pts;fup 26 wks] all GLP-1 agonists reduced HbA1c levels by about 1%. Exenatide & liraglutide reduced it by 0.20% & 0.24% respectively more than insulin glargine. Both [of these]led to greater wt loss than most active comparators. Hypoglycaemia occurred more frequently in pts who were also on sulphonylurea. GLP-1 agonists caused GI adverse effects, mainly nausea. Conclusions:GLP-1 agonists are effective in improving glycaemic control. 25.%% ADA 12/15 Needle-free, test being introduced to help Diabetics reduce their risk for serious complications. Young or old, any ethnic background, diabetes can hit anyone at anytime. A new tool is being tested to help identify the disease in record time. Right now, 7 million diabetics are undiagnosed in the US.. Pediatric endocrinologist Dr. S. Chalews says the new tool uses light instead of an invasive skin biopsy to measure abnormal proteins in the skin associated with DM complications...Two pts with the same BS may have very different levels of glycated proteins. This new system is being tested as a way to quickly screen large numbers of diabetics without the need for drawing blood. The new device is restricted to investigational use in the U.S. But it could get FDA approval by 2013. In other related news, USC neuroscientists have found the missing link on how the brain regulates BS. They identified the exact enzymes that lead to the release of glucose-controlling hormones. Understanding how the body naturally corrects for high or low blood sugar could change the way DM is treated. Eyewitness News LA (KABC) -- 26.%% MP Changes in ..autoantibodies (GADA & IA-2A) during progression to T1..Conclusions: IA-2A titers increase during the years before the diagnosis of T1D, even among those positive for IA-2A. In contrast GADA titers tend to decline during those years. 27.%% MP Insulin sensitizers may reduce lean mass loss in older men with DM. DiabCare.2011;34(11):Lee CG et al;[3,752pts;age 65; 3.5yr fup] Insulin sensitizer meds (metformin & /or thiazolidinediones) Conclusions - Skeletal muscle loss was accelerated in men with impaired fasting glucose & DM except when they were treated with insulin sensitizers. These findings suggest that these drugs may reduce muscle loss. 28.%% M12/5 Preserving Vision in Patients With DM J. B. Saaddine- medical epidemiologist CDC Video.. People with DM often develop eye problems, including diabetic retinopathy [DR], cataracts, & glaucoma. In addition, diabetics also have sharp increases & drops in blood glucose that can change the shape of the lens inside the eye & cause blurred vision.. DR causes gradual damage to small blood vessels in the retina. It leads to vision loss in 2 ways: proliferative DR, where new blood vessels grow along the retina & the surface of the vitreous gel that fills the inside of the eye; & macular edema, when fluid leaks into the center of the macula making it swell. Early diagnosis & timely treatment can prevent 50%-90% of severe vision loss related to DM. Vision loss from DR can be prevented in several ways. The first step is maintaining good control of blood glucose, BP & lipids. Early detection through screening is also important, since DR has no early warning signs. Pts with diabetes should have a dilated eye exam given by an eye care provider at least once a year, or more often if they have the advanced stage of diabetic retinopathy. Depending on the condition, laser therapy or other surgery may be options. Focal laser therapy, which is used to treat macular edema, slows leakage & reduces the amount of fluid in the retina. Scattered laser therapy shrinks abnormal blood vessels, but may cause a loss of some peripheral vision. If bleeding is severe, patients might need vitrectomy. Additional treatment options include medications such as ranibizumab or bevacizumab. These medications are injected in the eye several times a year, for life. Risk factors for diabetic retinopathy include high HA1c levels, long duration of DM, & no recent eye exam. 29.%% ADA 12/15 Intense Exercise Lowers Blood Sugar T2 diabetics use glucose more efficiently many hours after each activity Serena Gordon Health Day A new study by M. Gibala, PhD -McMaster U. & J. Zonszein,M.D. Dir. Clinical DM Center, Montefiore MedCenter, has found that 30 minutes of high-intensity exercise a week resulting in a total exercise time of 75 min a week can lower blood sugar [bS] levels for 24 hrs after exercise [EX]. This helps prevent post- meal BS spikes in people with T2 . Muscles use glucose as a fuel & EX helps the body use insulin more efficiently. Recommendations from ADA suggest diabetics should try to get at least 150 min of moderate to vigorous EX/week. [8 pts;av age 63;BMI 32] a level considered obese.For 2wks, they completed 6 sessions of high-intensity training. For one minute, the EX was intense, followed by a minute of rest. The intense exercise was done to get the heart rate to 90% of their maximal heart rate. It was found that BS levels dropped from 137 mg per deciliter(mg/dL) to 119 mg/dL. BS levels after meals were reduced long after training sessions were complete. Biopsies from the thigh muscles showed increased skeletal mitochondrial capacity, which showed improved metabolic health. Glucose-transports proteins in the blood after EX, & these transporters move glucose into the muscles. This study showed short bouts of EX can help the body better use glucose, but that more exercise is better. C 2011 HealthDay 30.%% ADA 12/19 Diabetic Pancreases Sending Mixed Signals For the first time in humans, researchers have shown that insulin signaling is changed in the pancreas of people with T2. These faulty signals affect both the quantity & quality of beta cells (the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin). In most organs throughout the body, except the central nervous system, a dead cell is replaced by a new cell that does the same job. Drs. Folli & Kulkarni study findings show that the beta cells try to reproduce themselves but fail because of the changed insulin signals. The inability of beta cells to replicate them- selves leads to a huge problem with insulin secretion in later stages of T2. The team also found that beta cell receptors (molecules that receive signals from hormones) are extremely important for maintaining a healthy number of beta cells. pub in PLoS ONE. 31.%% IDF 12/16 Diabetes Reversed With Investigational Weight Loss Drug - Slightly more than a year of treatment with an investigational obesity drug (Qnexa) that the FDA rejected for approval last year, reversed T2 in 15% of subjects, The drug is a controlled-release combo of phentermine, an appetite suppressant, & topiramate, an anticonvulsant. [146pts;1yr] pts were randomized to receive placebo, a half or a full dose daily of the drug. Results pts on the low-dose had a wt loss of 6.6%;those on the high dose a12.1% loss;placebo group 2.8%. " Fasting BS & HA1c showed statistically significant changes from baseline at the full dose, " presenter said although she did not elaborate. Resolution of DM - absence of clinical & lab signs of DM was seen in 1.7% of pts on placebo, 8.3% on half dose & 15.4% of those on the full dose. The most common adverse events included constipation, paresthesia, insomnia, dry mouth, headache, & dysgeusia [distortion of taste]. In the FDA's response letter rejecting the company's New Drug App, teratogenicity [abnormal fetal develop ment] was mentioned as a major concern, as was elevated heart rate. Metabolic acidosis, sleep disorders, & depression. Cognitive disorders, including attention, memory, & language have been mentioned. The question is: Will they be able to show enough safety so the FDA will be comfortable enough to approve it? The hope is that they will, " said expert at USC.. 32.%% ADA12/20 Driving Isn't An Issue for Most People With Diabetes The biggest concern about drivers with DM stems from the risk of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), which can cause confusion & disorient-ation. While an episode of hypo. can affect driving ability, the ADA says such incidences are rare. An analysis of 15 previous studies found that, people with DM have between a 12-19 % increased risk of a motor vehicle accident compared to the general driving population. But, society tolerates riskier driving situations all the time. People with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) have about four times the car accident risk of the general public, while those with sleep apnea are about 2.4 times more likely to crash. ..The ADA recommends that people who take insulin test their BS before driving and retest at regular intervals if they're driving for longer than 1 hour. " Pts with T1 are really normal these days. There's no reason to restrict their driving ability, " said Dr. J.Zonszein, Montefiore Med Center " Pts are very smart today, & have more technology to help them manage their diabetes & avoid hypoglycemia. " The ADA also recommends having a fast-acting source of carbs (fruit juice, hard candy or dextrose tablets) to quickly raise BS available in the car & to keep an extra snack, such as cheese crackers, handy, too. Other factors related to DM that could affect driving include diabetic eye & nerve disease (peripheral neuropathy). Retinopathy can affect vision & neuropathy can impair the ability to feel the gas and brake pedals. ADA recommends that people with DM who may pose a risk while driving be evaluated by a doctor familiar with diabetes. The bottom line for people with diabetes, is to " know what your sugar is before you start to drive, and don't drive if you're below 70 mg/dL. " 33.%% MND 12/23 Can Nerve Growth Factor Gene Therapy Prevent Diabetic Heart Disease? DM can reduce blood supply to the heart tissue & damage cardiac cells, resulting in heart failure. Research U Bristol, has studied if nerve growth factor (NGF) gene therapy can prevent DM heart failure & small vascular disease in mice. The critical finding from our research is that DM reduces cardiac level of NGF. .. engineering the DM heart with AAVs (adeno-associated viral vectors) to make it produce NGF can prevent heart failure. said team leader. Before this gene therapy approach can be trialled in pts additional pre-clinical studies need to be done to verify not only the efficiency & safety of AAVs-mediated NGF in T1, but also to find the most efficient AAV serotype, optimal dose and delivery route to be used. IDF International Diabetes Federation World Diabetes Congress 2011. %% Abbreviations-acronyms fup-follow up; pt - patient or participant ; DM - diabetes Mellitus; T1- type 1 DM;T2 - type 2; DME - diabetic macular edema;DR - diabetic retinopathy; BS - blood sugar/ glucose; HbA1C- glycated hemoglobin A1C; BP - blood pressure; NV- neovas cularization; CVD - cardiovascular disease; CHD -coronary heart disease; MI -myocardial infarction/heart attack;OCT-optical coherence tomography; BCVA - best corrected visual acuity ;ADA - Am Diab Ass ; M- Medscape Web MD; MP- Medline Abstract, Medline Plus; MNT- Med News Today;NEI - Nat Eye Institute;SciA-Scientific American Definitions via online Medical dictionaries. Disclaimer, I am a BSN RN but not a diabetic or diabetic educator. Assistant Editor: Cam Acker, 50yr Diabetes survivor. Reports are excerpted unless otherwise noted. [translations, explanations by thl] This project is done as a courtesy to the blind/visually impaired & diabetic communities. Dawn Wilcox RN BSN Coordinator The Health Library at Vista Center; an affiliate of the Stanford Hospital Health Library. contact above e-mail or thl@... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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