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1024 Shamballa Attunements

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1024 Shamballa Attunements - source: http://www.erwachendesherzens.com/englischgeschenk.htm

- a gift ot the Divine Ones -

facilitated by Fredaricka

Hi everyone, three additional energies/attunements * are being offered with the 1024 Shamballa attunements, this is a gift from the Divine Ones, there is no charge. The energies of the 1024 Shamballa attunements are all about divine completion of the self. All work is done direct with the Divine Ones. Assistance is given with all our bodies in adapting to the continuous pouring forth of the higher frequencies being grounded on precious Mother Earth. Assistance is given in assimilating past lives and bringing all into harmony of the now. Healing is given as well as upgrades of the various lightbodies until one has reached the stage of the diamond lightbody with all colors/rays activated therein, simultaneously activation of the various DNA strands take place. Continuous movement forward of the expansion of consciousness and the knowing of our higher selves and our part in the divine plan. Those who are already busy on their tasks doing planetary work may wish to consider availing to this gift as one can during the attunements while receiving upgrades to the bodies, work with the divine ones on your planetary tasks as co-creators I know that they would be most happy to work with you as co-creators. This is what I do, work as one with the divine ones on my planetary tasks as co-creators. Herebelow are the three new energies being offered, information I have taken from the various places which to me ring true. The attunements can now be availed at any time on the Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays as per mentioned below.

Trust you will find it of an interest.

Hi everyone, during one of my private attunements I received just over a year ago this most precious gift direct from most precious God Thoth and have since offered it to lists I belong to and other lists and sites. No attunment is identical. This gift in fact was brought forth by most precious Lord Sanat Kumara.

These symbols are placed in our etheric body. Those who wish to receive this gift will then be the keepers of these symbols which will also be of much assistance in internalizing the new frequencies being brought forth to precious mother earth. There is a group of divine light beings from Sirius who are the guides/supporting this work and those accepting the gift after the attunements and wish to do healing work can then ask who their guide is, as it is team work with your guide. Further information brought forth advised us that this energy is the energy of the Ark of the Covenant. When in divine completion we shall be one with the divine symbols which are made up of the divine aspects and divine attributes of the entire spectrum of the rainbow rays of divinity.

The attunements will be running three times a week for the coming months*. What I AM seeing during the attunements are those brothers and sisters being lifted out of a dark liquid, standing up and having their wings dusted off, I have seen those who have beautiful pink wings, emerald green wings, blue wings and other amazing colors (this is all that is being shared with me), this is precisely what had happened to me during my rainbow ray attunements with precious Reniyah (this posting is posted on her site) and most precious Lord Metatron whereby my wings which are white in color were uncovered and dusted off.

There is no charge for this gift from the divine beings of light. There is no need to tell me you wish to receive the attunement only to tell yourself or your precious higher self that you wish to receive the 1024 Shamballa attunement, and this to state one or two days before lying down for the attunement as there are some who receive preparatory work prior to the attunement. The attunements are to be done with a series of two attunements with at least a three day interval as it is the same energy unfolding/working for the three days and then due to the powerful energies involved one is to take a minimum two week break and another set of two attunements with the three day interval in between attunements and so on for as long as one wishes to avail to these gifts given to us.

Most precious Lord Metatron is in charge of this work. Those who did not feel anything during the first attunement this might be due to not having stated you wish to receive the 1024 Shamballa attunement or it could be blockages of fear or anger still held in the various bodies from previous lifetimes that were of a traumatic nature. One thing that can be promised is after receiving these attunements there will be no such thing as blockages of any nature, and the sooner we all stand in our full Masterhood the sooner the shift will take place for the ALL.

Should you wish to avail to these gifts then I would ask you to allign your energies to the following when lying down for the attunement which can be anywhere between 30 -90 minutes, and a good tip I received is to be in divine allowance, divine surrender and divine receptivity, I always state this for my attunements.

To intend alligning with: most precious Lord Metatron, most precious Lord Melchizadek, most precious Lord Maitreya, most precious Lord Soltec, most precious God Thoth, most precious Lord Saint Germain, most precious Lord Ishtar, most precious Lord Kuthumi, most precious Lord Sanat Kumara, most precious Lord El Morya, most precious Lord Sananda, most precious Goddess Nina, most precious Mother , most precious Mother Gaia, most precious ArchAngel , most precious Magdalena, most precious Lord Atrum, most precious Lord Zarei, most precious Mother Sehkmet, most precious Mother Venus, most precious Lord Merlin, most precious Lord Alcyone, most precious Lord Posiedon, most precious Lord Hatonn, the precious Melchizadek Order of Light, the precious Mahatma energies, the precious Arcturians, the precious Lemurians, the precious Ancient Ones of Light (Pleiadians, Andromedans and Sirians) and the full spectrum of the precious Rainbow Rays of Divinity .

These are those whom I AM alligned with for my attunements, also as the attunements continue so more names get added. Also should you wish to allign your energies with mine and of course anyone else you may wish to allign with. I AM of the opinion that this will be of great assistance to our future work. Anyone wishing to forward this to other lists it will be absolutely wonderful. Also anyone wishing to share their experience after the attunement with me or with their list, this too would be absolutely wonderful. I AM not privvy to that with which takes place during the attunement as I mentioned this is a direct gift from the Divine Ones.

The days are Sundays, Tuesdays & Thursdays at any time that is convenient for you and can be choosed also in an changed time-modus. For this, please have a look at update Nr. 1 and 2.

contactadress: Fredaricka, fyarom@...

* Please have a look to the Updates Nr. 1 and 2 with new times for applying, which are more comfortabel in this "now-time" sources in other languages:

English: http://loveandempowerment.com/1024_p1Hebrew: http://ahava.netfirms.com/Shamballa_Attunements_1024.htm

* The other three Shamballa gifts are called: "Blue Saphire - The Blue-Diamond Energy" by Mother , "Gypsum" – Activation Codes for the Adam Admon Body by Magdalene and the "Golden Healer - Lord Atrum" – and the blueprint of the golden age – Shamballa doorway energies, which you find as description at http://loveandempowerment.com/1024_p1


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[There is no need to tell me you wish to receive the attunement, also there is no charge for this gift is from the divine beings of light.]

The direction is for you to tell yourself or your precious higher self [your I AM Presence - Godself or appeal to God as you wish] your request to receive the 1024 Shamballa attunement. Attunements can be availed at any time on the Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays . Also, make your request one or two days before lying down for the attunement as there are some who require preparatory work prior to the attunement.

The attunements are to be done with a series of two attunements over a three day interval followed by a 2 week break or rest [as it is the same energy unfolding/working for the three days and then due to the powerful energies involved one is to take a minimum two week break ]. When this cycle is completed and you can request another set of two attunements to be given over the three day interval in between attunements followed by a 2 week break or rest and so on for as long as one wishes to avail to these gifts given to us.

Most precious Lord Metatron is in charge of this work. Those who did not feel anything during the first attunement this might be due to not having stated you wish to receive the 1024 Shamballa attunement or it could be blockages of fear or anger still held in the various bodies from previous lifetimes that were of a traumatic nature.

One thing that can be promised is after receiving these attunements there will be no such thing as blockages of any nature, and the sooner we all stand in our full Masterhood the sooner the shift will take place for the ALL.

Should you wish to avail to these gifts then I would ask you to allign your energies with the following invocation before lying down for the attunement which can be anywhere between 30 -90 minutes. and a good tip I received is to be in divine allowance, divine surrender and divine receptivity, I always state this before I lie down for my attunements.

My Beloved Mighty I AM,

I call to you and in divine allowance, divine surrender and divine receptivity, I intend alignment with most precious Lord Metatron, most precious Lord Melchizadek, most precious Lord Maitreya, most precious Lord Soltec, most precious God Thoth, most precious Lord Saint Germain, most precious Lord Ishtar, most precious Lord Kuthumi, most precious Lord Sanat Kumara, most precious Lord El Morya, most precious Lord Sananda, most precious Goddess Nina, most precious Mother , most precious Mother Gaia, most precious ArchAngel , most precious Magdalena, most precious Lord Atrum, most precious Lord Zarei, most precious Mother Sehkmet, most precious Mother Venus, most precious Lord Merlin, most precious Lord Alcyone, most precious Lord Posiedon, most precious Lord Hatonn, the precious Melchizadek Order of Light, the precious Mahatma energies, the precious Arcturians, the precious Lemurians, the precious Ancient Ones of Light (Pleiadians, Andromedans and Sirians) and the full spectrum of the precious Rainbow Rays of Divinity. I request that I now be given the first/two attunements of the 1024 Shamballa Attunements.

I thank you it is done,

Beloved I AM


Then continue with the second/two attunements of the 1024 Shamballa Attunements and so on...

----- Original Message -----

From: Abrinaus ..


Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2008 7:29 AM

Subject: Re:1024 Shamballa Attunements

Could I please be added for the attunments?



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