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Messages from the Future, Part Two By DL Zeta

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Messages from the Future, Part Two: The Gifts of Uniting with Your Future SelfCommunion with your future self is always created from the intentionof greater alignment with your spirit and the desire to understandyour self as a wise and infinite being. Both of these allow you towield a brighter light on the Earth plane and assist an ever greaternumber of beings.You would never seek to create this communion with your future self asa means of "peering into the future" for purely physical motivations.An example of this would be scoping out future investment prospectsto create personal wealth and gain. It is unlikely your spirit wouldever direct you to use such avenues for manifesting resources tofulfill your spiritual path. You are always able to manifest theresources needed within the moment by direct and holistic means.There is an illusion in the physical world that it is possible torealize powerful supernatural abilities without being spirituallyaligned. This is not the case. For short periods of time, anindividual who is not spiritually aligned may step into a seeminglypowerful role on the world's stage, but this kind of power isfleeting, illusory and always achieved at great personal cost. Truepower is always derived through direct communion with your spirit andthe perfect wisdom and design of the purpose for your life.The Gifts of Uniting with Your Future SelfYour future self provides one of the most valuable forms of feedbackyou can receive. If your future self is able to connect with you inconsciousness, this is proof you are taking steps in your presentmoment to develop a wise and advanced future "you." This future "you"is able to offer guidance and reassurance that the steps you aretaking in your present moment are aligned with your spiritual purpose.In this way, your future self is a wise source of comfort and assurance.In addition to providing important feedback, your future self is ableto bring you information and guidance for your present moment. Muchof this information arrives in the form of "channeled" information.Channeled information is received into your consciousness as"energetic downloads" that your conscious mind over time learns totranslate into words, images, concepts and inventions. You mayexperience these downloads as moments of sudden insight andinspiration, or as the arrival of previously unknown information intoyour consciousness. This information may arrive through different"channels," including automatic writing, conscious or unconsciousverbal "trance" channeling visionary art and energy healing. These arejust a few ways in which you might experience these downloads.Those who receive channeled information often identify the source ofthe material as coming from beyond themselves. However, in manycases, channeled information arrives in one's consciousness as thedirect result of bringing one's energetic vibration into resonancewith an advanced future aspect of one's being. This communion withyour future self might take place on the subconscious level - or ifyour conscious mind and that of your future self are aware and awake,you will both consciously recognize the exchange that is taking place.It is important to note that these downloads and exchanges can takeplace whether you are consciously aware of them are not. If yourconscious mind or ego is firmly in control, it will claim credit forthe ideas and information you receive from your other "selves." Ifyour ego believes itself to be limited in terms of its capabilities,it may choose to identify this channeled information as coming from anentity or being totally outside the self. If your ego is in a state ofsurrender to your spiritual purpose, it will humbly recognize theguidance and assistance it receives from other aspects of your being.Your Future Self and the Akashic RecordsOne of the gifts you can receive through conscious communion with yourfuture self is greater access to the "future Akashics." The AkashicRecords are the etheric library that houses knowledge of all that everhas been or will be. This library contains all events and responsesconcerning consciousness in all realities that exist within the universe.Whenever you align with aspects of your self that exist in otherlocations within the time/space continuum, you become more powerfullyfocused in consciousness. This powerful focus allows greater accessto the knowledge contained within the Universal or Cosmic Mind. It isthis access to the records of all time that make clairvoyance and allforms of psychic perception possible.Your Future Self Holds the Key to Your Life PurposeYour future self holds the "roadmap" for the path of spiritualdevelopment that stretches before you. By tuning into your own futureconsciousness, you are able to download this map, which provides youwith the next step on your spiritual path.This self can help you see how events unfolding in your present momentare helping you grow and expand. Because your future self has alreadytraveled the stretch of life experience you are presently traveling,it can help you better understand your life purpose as it is unfoldingwithin your present moment even though they may feel challenging anddifficult at the moment. As a wise guide and mentor, your future selfcan help guide you to each new step on your journey of becoming. Itcan help you attune to the higher vision of each person, event andsituation that arrives in your life.Discovering the Causes of Dis-ease Before They ManifestAnother way your future self can assist you is by alerting you tofuture health challenges that are energetically developing within yourpresent moment. This awareness allows you to begin taking steps towardhealing the causes of these challenges before they manifest inphysical reality.This is particularly true if you are planting seeds in your garden ofnow that will eventually manifest in your physical reality as diseaseand illness. By gaining awareness of any seeds of illness you arecurrently planting through your habits, patterns, beliefs, attitudesand emotions, you are able to "stem the energetic tide" of thesepotential realities by ceasing the habits and choices that will leadto their manifesting within your physical reality.Your Future Self as Mentor for Future CreationsIf you are receiving guidance to create a book, a work of art or othercreation as part of your life purpose, your future self can teach youthe steps needed to bring about these future creations. In yourfuture, there is a "you" who has already birthed into physical realitythe visions you are just beginning to receive within the moment.As you take the first steps to creating the visions you are receiving,you come into greater resonance with this future "you" that hasalready completed this creation. By choosing to align yourconsciousness with that of your future self, you are able to learn thesteps of your creation. It is in this way that all your creations andgifts to the world arrive easily and effortlessly in your physicalreality.In addition to helping you cultivate existing talents and abilities,your future self can help you become aware of potentials you may notbe aware of. Most everyone has within their field of possibilityunrealized talents that lie latent and waiting to be discovered. Byuniting your consciousness with that of an advanced future self, youare able to glimpse (and temporarily experience) future realities youcan begin cultivating within your present moment.These are just a few of the benefits you are able to experience byuniting with your future self for the purpose of assisting your selfand all others. Next week we will outline ways you will need to expandyour beliefs to allow your future self to play a greater role in yourpresent moment.For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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