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Creativity - Creative Ideas

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Organizations |


and Trainers

Education and

Related Programs |


| Various

and Sundry


Organizations National and international

organizations of creativity and related fields.


CreativityAssociation- Information about the

American Creativity Association,newsletter, ACA

leadership, membership information, etc.Creative

Education Foundation (CEF)- a nonprofit

organization dedicated to nurturing creativity,

innovation and problemsolving in individuals in all

walks of life especially those in

business,industry,education, government and the


Institute for Creativity (DIC)- an association,

working for development of creativity inpublic and

private Danish organizations.European Association

for Creativity and Innovation (EACI)- dedicated to

contribute a better understanding, practice

andacceptance of creativity and innovation management

in Europe.International

Association of Facilitators- to promote, support

and advance the art and practice of ethical


Center fo rCreativity, Inc.- An organization

dedicated to the advancement of



of the table

Consultants and

Trainers Here are links to other organizations

that also provide consulting services. Creative Ideas is

unable to endorse any of the organizations listed.

Our newest entry: The way an individual is

neurologically equipped to receive information and to

relate to his environment not only influences his

behavior but also his perception of the world. It is for

this very reason that

TPsyMetric Solutions was created by Dr. Greg A.

Grove, , Educational Consultant and Psychometrist.

With more than 28 years of educational experience as

teacher,administrator, and college professor, Dr. Grove

is available to discuss your educational needs.


Thinking Coach The Thinking coach uses cutting

edge creative and strategic thinking ideas. We train

and coach clients to make decisions under pressure in

a progressive, clear and systematic way while helping

them to maximize their human capital resources.Advanced Practical

Thinking Training, Inc.- dedicated to advancing

worldwide the use of Dr. de Bono's


Simplex: Centerfor Research in Applied Creativity-

dedicated to get applied creativethinking technology

implemented in organizations.Blair

and Associates- trainers,presenters and

facilitators specializes in problem solving,

creativity andpersonal effectiveness.Business

Solutions- The PositiveWay- A results oriented

training and consulting organization that uses

toolssuch as Creative Problem Solving to develop

positive solutions to challenges andopportunities

helping individuals and organizations realize their

goals.Center for Creative

Leadership- an international,nonprofit educational

institution committed to enhancing the understanding

anddevelopment of leadership in an increasingly

complex and demanding world.Center

for Creative Learning, Inc.-offering publications,

training, evaluation and consulting services, research

oncreativity, Creative Problem Solving, and talent

development.Center for Research

in Applied Creativity/Centre deRecherches en

Cr'eativit'e Appliqu'ee- offering Creative Problem

Solvingfacilitation and training, and ways to assess

the creative environment andpersonal creative


for Research on Creativity and Innovation (University

of Colorado at Colorado Springs)- conducts

research onways to improve creativity of individuals

and teams in organizations.Computer

Aided Creativity- specializes inthe development

and global marketing of computer software to enhance

stimulate,and train human creativity.Creative

Aerobics-uses advanced ideation and mind-set

breaking techniques to develop powerfulconsumer

insights, innovative communication ideas, and

effective marketingstrategies.CreativeLinks-

dedicated to fostering creative talents and skills, so

that people can make positive changes in their work

environments and their communities.Creative Problem

Solving Group-Buffalo (CPS-B)- committed to

helping people in organizations understand anduse

their creative talents.Creative

Thinking Association- co-founded by Mike Vance and

Diane Deacon to encourage creative thought,stimulate

creative action, and teach "out of the box


Enchanted Mind- dedicated tocombine humor,

inspiration and special techniques to enhance

creativity. Createflexibility in your brain and mind

by expanding yourself daily with these


Quotient- aconsultant and trainer in creative

thinking and problem solving.Directed

Creativity- dedicated tothe idea that creative

thinking is a natural ability that everyone possesses,

butfew know how to use effectively; focuses on the

serious use of creativity inbusiness.DoubleDominance,

Inc.- Creative problem solving workshops, led by

Steve Grossman, help businesses apply their own

innovative potential for solving high-valuebusiness

problems.Facilitation Plus

Consulting- a consulting firm specializing in

applying creativeproblem-solving techniques, most

notably the Synectics® methodology, to theneeds,

challenges and opportunities of non-profit

organizations (includingeducational institutions),

government agencies, and small businesses.Hermann International:

The Ned Hermann Group- learnmore about how your

brain and mind function, and how you interact with

otherpeople and situations, why you are successful or

satisfied at work and how tobecome more


innovation management and communications consultants

focusing onhelping organizations grow their top line

revenue, bottom line profit, andemployee commitment

and morale.Innovation

Systems Group- a consultingand training

organization dedicated to helping the people in your

organizationapply their creativity to create

extraordinary results.Kirton

Adaption Innovation Web Site- dedicated to

improving problem solving forgroups, management teams,

organizations and individuals

throughAdaption-Innovation (A-I) Theory and the

accompanying psychometric instrument, Kirton

Adaption-Innovation Inventory (KAI).Leadership 2000,

Inc.- provides facilitation andtechnology that

helps people make collaborative, creative and positive

change onan on-going basis rather than by simply

reacting to change.New

& Improved - a training andconsulting firm

that works with people to help them create New and

Improved Stuff(people, products, processes).

Michalko/CreativeThinking creative- thinking

workshops, seminars, and think-tank sessions

forclients around the world.Saunders

International Eureka! Ranch- dedicated to helping

people inspire andcommunicate wicked good ideas that


Black- programs offerparticipants

immediately usable workplace and personal techniques

that willincrease their creativeness and leadership

abilities straightaway, improving boththeir

organization's top and bottom lines, while improving

morale, loyalty andcommitment. von

Oech aninternationally recognized leader in

stimulating creativity and innovation.Scientific

Method- IncreaseYour Earnings through Learning The

Complete Method of Creative Problem-Solving & Decision-MakingSynectics®-

a world leader in the management of innovation and


Innovation Center- one of thepremier companies

providing TRIZ training, consulting and publishing


Innovations-provides organizational planning,

process consultation, problem solving, andhuman

resource development through training.


of the table

Educational and Related Programs Creative Ideas

believes that education is important in developing

self awareness. Here are Internet sites promoting

creativite education.Alden B.

Dow Creativity Center (NorthwoodUniversity)- to

encourage creativity in individuals and to preserve

the worksand philosophy of Alden Dow.Centerfor

Creative Studies (Gwynedd-Mercy College)- provides

cross-disciplinaryprograms and services for the

development of thinking skills, especially theskills

of creativity and creative leadership.Delft

School ofTechnology (The Netherlands)- Delft

Creativity and InnovationFuture Problem

Solving Program- teach students creative problem

solving processes through competitive and

non-competitiveinstructional programs so they learn to

work with others in designing positivefutures.Future Problem

Solving ofVirginia- follow the progress of the

Virginia Future Problem Solving teams.Innovations

inAmerican Government (Taubman Center for State and

Local Government, F.Kennedy School of Government,

Harvard University)- strives to identify

andcelebrate outstanding examples of creative

problem-solving in the public sector.Leo

V. Center for Creativity and Innovation (De

University)- helps organizations

enhanceperformance through creative discovery and

innovative problem-solving.Mind

Module (Collegeof Agricultural, Consumer and

Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois

atUrbana-Chapaign)- part of Discovery System Online,

this module is designed todevelop thinking

skills.New Hampshire

Odysseyof the Mind (NHOM)- information about the

New Hampshire Odyssey of the Mindprogram.Odyssey of the

Mind- aworld-wide program that promotes creative

team-based problem solving for kidsfrom kindergarten

through college.South

Dakota Odyssey of the Mind (OM)- follow events in

South Dakota's Odyssey of the Mind program.Universidade

deSantiago de Compostela- International masters

program in comprehensiveapplied creativity.Critical

and Creative Thinking (CCT) at the University of

Massachusetts Boston- CCT's programs of study and

otheractivities are directed towards "developing

reflective practice and changing ourschools,

workplaces, and lives."Phi Delta

Kappa- Buffalo State Chapter 165 Phi Delta Kappais

a professional fraternity in education,the chief

purpose of which shall be topromote free public

education as essential to the development and

maintenance ofa democracy through the continuing

interpretation of the ideals of research, service, and

leadership and the translation ofthese ideals into a

program of action appropriate to the needs of


Torrance Center for Creative Studies The Torrance

Center for Creative Studies is a research and

instructional center concerned with the identification

and development of creative potential, and with gifted

and future studies.


of the table


Pragmatic creativity to us means invention. Here

are several sites with information for or about



Federation of Inventors Association- dedicated to

improve the status of inventors at national

andinternational levels, and to promote cooperation

between inventor associations.PYTHAGORAS


B/C is an experimental measure of verbal and nonverbal

creativity created by Dr.

Grove.Inventure Place:

National Inventors Hall of Fame- dedicated to the

creative process, its a museum and more, its

alaboratory where you can explore your curiosity and

creativity.National Collegiate

Inventors and InnovatorsAlliance- nurturing a new

generation of innovators by promoting

curriculadesigned to teach creativity, invention and


Inventive Thinking Association (NITA)- a nonprofit

organization of educators, business leadersand

government representatives who believe that creative

and inventive thinkingcan provide limitless

opportunities for the nation and its


Hampshire Inventors AssistanceProgram- designed to

encourage and assist inventors in making

informedinnovation decisions.

J.Riley's Kid's Inventor Resources- J.

Riley's Kid's Inventor ResourcesSurfing

the Net withKids- "the best invention web sites

for kids, teens, teachers, and parents."


of the table

Various and Sundry

These are some other creativity related sites.

Center for

Applicationsof Psychological Type (CAPT)- a

non-profit organization concerned with theconstructive

use of differences.CREATE-L-

Creativity and Creative Problem Solving listserver

e-mail discussion groupCreativity

Based Information Resources(CBIR)- the largest

searchable literature database of creativity


Resources for Creativity and InnovationCreative Center

of the Universe- A globalcollaboration of creative

people from all walks of life

developingground-breaking ideas and winning strategies

for fun and profit. de

Bono's Authorized Website- relatesto most of Dr.

de Bono's work in the teaching of 'thinking tools',

lateralthinking and the communications framework- Six

Thinking Hats.HUMOR

Project- the first organization inthe world to

focus full-time on the positive power of humor.Imagination

Engines- artificialintelligence patent that called

the "Creativity Machine Paradigm."Improving

Your CreativeThinking SkillsThe

InnovationJournal- an independent Internet-based

journal devoted to sharing ideas anddiscussion of

public sector innovation; includes both peer reviewed

and non-peerreviewed material.Innovation

Tools- designed to help busy executives to be more

innovative in their businesses.Learn more about the

tools, strategies and techniques you can use to be

more creative in your businessThe Keirsey

Temperament Sorter and Keirsey Temperament Theory

- The Web Site for the Keirsey Temperament Sorter

and Keirsey Temperament TheoryInnovation

Network- a dynamic group ofpeople dedicated to

improving their organizations through the powerful use

ofinnovation, creativity and collaboration


Innovation Center (OiC)- a not-for-profit

corporation funded by area businesses, public sources,

andentrepreneurs to help technology-based start-ups


Design Skills: Creative Thinking- a complete

course in creativethinking and design for


a methodology for creativeengineering design.Vantage

Quest:Enhance creativity, relaxation, meditation, and

self-healing- launchesaltered consciousness states

that enhance the creative process,

relaxation,meditation, stress reduction, and healing

without eye strain, or expensive mindmachines.World Wide

Brain Club- opento anyone with a brain who wants

to learn how to use it!InventNET

- An international inventors organization helping

inventors with their new ideas & new


Mind - Combining humor, inspiration and special

techniques to enhance creativity.Brainstorming

- For all your brainstorming needs including free


City - Resources for developing, protecting and

marketing inventions and new ideas.Inventors'

Net - The invention one-stop shop. Resources for

the serious inventor.Creativity

for Life - A guide to living your life creatively,

every day.Creativity

Web - Resources for creativity and


Creative Pages - Tips, suggestions and software to

help you have more and better ideas.Advantage

Innovations - Inventions, top science &

technology and more revolutionary sites.Akademos'

Garden - Network supporting creativity in work,

education & community projects.Innovation

Tools - A collection of tools, ideas and

creativity resources for busy executives.Avant-Gardening:

Creative Organic Gardening - "You Can Grow" using

sustainable organic gardening as a medium for creative

expression and spiritual growth.Adventures

in Creativity Inc. - Develop the innovative

potential of individuals & organizations.Tera's

Wish - Creativity for everyone.The

Other Side of Creativity - Exploring and

encouraging creativity.Quantum

Creativity Seminars - Seminars on innovative

solutions and creative collaboration.How

Much Joy Can You Stand? - For people who have a

dream they need a little help with.Creativity

Workshop - Creative writing, drawing, storytelling

and personal memoir.Creative

Ideas - A free resource for exploring creativity

& innovation within business and society.Axon

Idea Processor - A versatile tool for generating

and organizing your ideas.MindManager

Infocentre - A visualization and organizational

tool that increases your creativity.Creativity

Portal - Explore your creativity through arts,

crafts, music, and writing, and creativity.InnovationTools

- Providing creative people with resources on

innovation, creativity and brainstorming.


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