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Exploring the New Realities an Identity Shift Brings By DL Zeta

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Exploring the New Realities an Identity Shift Brings

When you shift to a new identity, you begin to attract new realities

through the Law of Attraction. We will explain here the mechanics of

how this works.

Whenever you create an internal change, this changes your vibrational

frequency. As you " broadcast " a new frequency, you begin to attract

new energies. You will find your self drawn to new people, new ideas

and experiences. It is important to allow your new " focus self " to

explore these new ideas and energies. This exploration is part of the

identity shift process.

Here is an example of the process of an identity shift.

Imagine a person who has some physical challenges. This person is

approaching middle age and has heretofore lived their life from an

intellectual perspective. They are healthy and relatively fit, but

could stand to make some improvements in how they approach their

physical being. This person listens to guidance and is fairly

intuitive. One day they receive images from their guides that there is

a need to transform their physical being. There are different reasons

why this might occur. Often a major spiritual shift is preceded by an

" upgrade " to the physical system.

As this person pays attention to their guidance, more pictures arrive

in their mind. They see themselves as super fit, athletic and

physically active. These images may be contrary to what this person

has seen for themselves in the past, yet they trust that there is a

reason they are receiving these images and a reason for creating such

changes. Furthermore, this person finds they are excited by the new

vision of themselves. They say yes to this change and adopt this new

identity, though they aren't yet sure how it will come about.

Once they adopt this new identity, they begin to see things

differently. Literally, one morning they wake up and begin to notice

changes. This person begins to notice fitness books at the library.

They become curious about forms of fitness training such as tai chi,

yoga, resistance training, and heart-rate training. They find

themselves at the store buying workout clothes. They begin getting

bodywork to get themselves into shape so they can begin to work out.

They discover there are natural supplements they can take to improve

their joints. They buy fitness workout videos. They begin working

out as best they can though it's slow. They persist in spite of the

newness and the awkwardness of it because this is who they are now.

They can't not do this. This is their passion, their excitement. They

begin to dream about their new self, seeing themselves going about

their life as this new person.

In time, they begin to notice slight changes in their body and are

encouraged. One day they realize further aspects of this identity

shift -- they are drawn to new clothes, new accessories, new

hairstyles, changes in their home and other alterations that better

suit their new " self. "

They are drawn to others who share a similar enthusiasm. The changes

continue to mushroom. Soon their physical system comes into a new

vibrational level capable of handling more powerful spiritual energies

-- in other words, capable of actively engaging with more of the

high-vibrational aspects of their being. In this way, they anchor

more of heaven (their higher self) to earth. This is an example of an

identity shift and the new realities it can bring into one's life.

As you move further into an identity shift, you will receive images of

your new self in dreams. You can also ask your spiritual guidance to

bring you conscious images and close-ups of any areas of your new

identity that remain unclear. When you allow the wisdom of your new

focus self to shine through, you find new levels of meaning and

purpose showing up to lead you easily and effortlessly into the next

phase of your be-ing.

For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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