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Clearings of the Self and Protection

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There is one topic many do not like to discuss, it is spirit clearing and everyone thinks they are clear and clean. This world is full of dark energies , programming and invisible dark spirits that attack a person when the become under the influence of anger, rage, drunken, drug induced stupor, hate, obssesions, controlling attitudes, jealousy and envy. This allows the vibrations to lower and these lower energy forms enter the aura at various points with further slow down the vibrations of the energy body and aura. Everyone is not fully clear, it is something you have work on all the time.

The murders are increasing at an exponential rate for many reasons.

Thoughts are very powerful and are transported faster that the speed of light almost instantly in every and omnidirectional point into all the universes and as they travel they pierce through and leave the traces to certain individuals that are not protected by a strong tight aura shield.

In American we area being bombarded with TV / Radio negative broad casts and we now have made enemies by the millions that are in a constant state of hate directed to us. This is causing people to carry out acts they would not other wise do. When they land into the prisons most do not had much account of why they felt they needed to kill when they could have let the kids out and the mothers would gladly give up the car and hand them the keys. They are taken over by demonic programming by default, it started with the killings by school children against their own school mates.

America has more murders than any country in the world and had enacted to commit more acts of aggression on other countries soil that any other country in the world. We have the most violence in TV programming for children at age 2 to 8 that is unheard of that depicts killing and has very evil forces that children can play station the bad guy or the good guy.

It does not program any rational thinging but just to kill, either way. So we are creating our own problem by attacking other countries at will and not demanding better toy themes for you kids electronic games. Further, school and after school sports are only geared for more WIN aggression at the expense of the kids, not just for fun but they have to win or it is not fun.

The parents get in arguments and fights which sends the same programming to the kids that aggression is ok.

No one in the administration levels in the institutional levels now are able to do anything because the parents are not willing to sign a paper that will allow strict enforcement of rule and everyone one wants special treatment for everything.

I was in the military. Unfortunately the kids are thinking there will some glory when they come home because the tell someone they were in the Army or a Marine. But, really no one cares on even wants to know, because I know and have heard it said.

As people we will have to take prayers, meditation, money and mix it together with cohesive steady action to make changes in our policies and stop aggression.

Laws are needed but Government restraint and allowing communities to do the right thing is more important. A family should have the right to do what they need to ensure their children are able to receive the right type of guidance and discipline needed and spiritual guidance to ensure their protection and rights from Governmental dominance. We are not far from Facism now.

I send Love light Blessing and healing energies to all that have read this and the abilities to understand what I see from people, teens that are date raped while others look on and nothing is done. Molestation, beatings and control is rampant and yet the Police system is just as corrupt.




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So, were you going to give us some methods for clearing and protection?

GaiaThoughts are things...what are you manifesting for yourself?Need a new ride? Check out the largest site for U.S. used car listings at AOL Autos.

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