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Re: Did you BPD parent do this?

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ly, I can't imagine that another adult (a mentally healthy one) would

listen to such hateful, venomous bilge over the phone for more than a few


Do you suppose your mother was just pretending that another person was listening

at the other end of the line; that she just wanted you to think she was on a

call for the purpose of humiliating you?

What a cruel thing to do to your own child; that's the same as public

humiliation to denigrate you and shame you to other people while you are right

there hearing it. That's just sadistic. (You'd have no way of knowing if she

was really speaking to someone or not, you were just a kid.)

Behavior like that just reinforces my gut feeling that some nadas do not love

their children. What your nada did does not have anything to do with love.

Those behaviors demonstrate resentment, hostility, perhaps jealousy, or hate,

.... NOT love.

I'm so sorry you had to experience such treatment, repeatedly. I wish some

caring adult had rescued you from that; its basically psychological torture: a

form of bullying. Jeez, Louise. How is a kid supposed to survive being bullied

by her own mother? YOu must have a core of steel.




> Am I alone in this?


> My nada used to get on the phone and talk to neighbors, other relatives, or my

father and talk bad about me. Especially if I had done something wrong or

" weird. " She would do it in front of me and the conversation would be very mean

with her using words about like I was " weird " and had " brain damage " and she

" didn't know what to do with such a bad child. " Then she'd get off the phone

and say things like, " Are you happy that MY friend think you're weird? Do you

like that people think you're idiot. " And sometimes it would go on for hours and

hours and hours.






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Hi Annie,

As I remember it, my mother mostly did it with relatives and my father and yes,

they were on the other end. My grandmother was a raging QUEEN Borderline and my

mother was her grand product. My grandmother would then say things to me when I

was around her. I was especially known in my family as a " brat " and my mother

would constantly brag in front of people that I was spoiled rotten (gag). My

aunt has recently admitted to me that it " bothered " her and even said she would

" get onto my mother " about talking bad about me. Sometimes my mother would make

it real dramatic and say things like, " I have to tell you what I am enduring

over here, " making sure I heard her and then run into the bedroom to talk in

private. Other times she would be just as dramatic and not care I was hearing.

Her favorite story to tell (which my father now admits is a lie) was that when I

was born (I was a month preemie), I went " 11 minutes without breathing. "

Anytime I did something that was even something a normal kid would do, she would

go into hysterical fits calling people and saying, " Oh My God, this is it! The

11 minutes of not breathing ARE FINALLY SHOWING UP! " Usually she followed it

with tears and begging whoever she was talking to to " help her " and " tell her

what to do. " And how she just couldn't take it and her stress was through the

roof and this was sending her into a depression. Which generally led to her

threatening suicide.

Her favorite was:

" are you happy that my friends think you're (fill in the blank with nuts, weird,

crazy, stupid, etc...)?! "

She would also go into long rants about how my behavior was so odd and why can't

I be like so-and-so down the street? How she didn't ask for a kid like me and

where could she send me back to. Then she would say things like, " Do I need to

go talk to your teacher? " Until I was a nervous wreck all the time that she was

going to show up at school and embarrass the hell out of me.

Re: Did you BPD parent do this?

ly, I can't imagine that another adult (a mentally healthy one) would

listen to such hateful, venomous bilge over the phone for more than a few


Do you suppose your mother was just pretending that another person was listening

at the other end of the line; that she just wanted you to think she was on a

call for the purpose of humiliating you?

What a cruel thing to do to your own child; that's the same as public

humiliation to denigrate you and shame you to other people while you are right

there hearing it. That's just sadistic. (You'd have no way of knowing if she was

really speaking to someone or not, you were just a kid.)

Behavior like that just reinforces my gut feeling that some nadas do not love

their children. What your nada did does not have anything to do with love. Those

behaviors demonstrate resentment, hostility, perhaps jealousy, or hate, ... NOT


I'm so sorry you had to experience such treatment, repeatedly. I wish some

caring adult had rescued you from that; its basically psychological torture: a

form of bullying. Jeez, Louise. How is a kid supposed to survive being bullied

by her own mother? YOu must have a core of steel.




> Am I alone in this?


> My nada used to get on the phone and talk to neighbors, other relatives, or my

father and talk bad about me. Especially if I had done something wrong or

" weird. " She would do it in front of me and the conversation would be very mean

with her using words about like I was " weird " and had " brain damage " and she

" didn't know what to do with such a bad child. " Then she'd get off the phone and

say things like, " Are you happy that MY friend think you're weird? Do you like

that people think you're idiot. " And sometimes it would go on for hours and

hours and hours.






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Yes ma'am, sure did. i was something to be endured. her audience was the

other ladies at the church. Often, they would come and try to talk to me

about being a better daughter after church services.

Did I mention, I was an A student, quiet, shy, etc. . . and lived in pretty

much constant terror. Dude!!!!! I think they are all bitches. My T says that

I should consider the culture and everything, but I hate every single one of

those women!!!! Oh, let me put it on the therapy list.




> Hi Annie,


> As I remember it, my mother mostly did it with relatives and my father and

> yes, they were on the other end. My grandmother was a raging QUEEN

> Borderline and my mother was her grand product. My grandmother would then

> say things to me when I was around her. I was especially known in my family

> as a " brat " and my mother would constantly brag in front of people that I

> was spoiled rotten (gag). My aunt has recently admitted to me that it

> " bothered " her and even said she would " get onto my mother " about talking

> bad about me. Sometimes my mother would make it real dramatic and say things

> like, " I have to tell you what I am enduring over here, " making sure I heard

> her and then run into the bedroom to talk in private. Other times she would

> be just as dramatic and not care I was hearing. Her favorite story to tell

> (which my father now admits is a lie) was that when I was born (I was a

> month preemie), I went " 11 minutes without breathing. " Anytime I did

> something that was even something a normal kid would do, she would go into

> hysterical fits calling people and saying, " Oh My God, this is it! The 11

> minutes of not breathing ARE FINALLY SHOWING UP! " Usually she followed it

> with tears and begging whoever she was talking to to " help her " and " tell

> her what to do. " And how she just couldn't take it and her stress was

> through the roof and this was sending her into a depression. Which generally

> led to her threatening suicide.


> Her favorite was:

> " are you happy that my friends think you're (fill in the blank with nuts,

> weird, crazy, stupid, etc...)?! "


> She would also go into long rants about how my behavior was so odd and why

> can't I be like so-and-so down the street? How she didn't ask for a kid like

> me and where could she send me back to. Then she would say things like, " Do

> I need to go talk to your teacher? " Until I was a nervous wreck all the time

> that she was going to show up at school and embarrass the hell out of me.





> Re: Did you BPD parent do this?


> ly, I can't imagine that another adult (a mentally healthy one) would

> listen to such hateful, venomous bilge over the phone for more than a few

> moments.


> Do you suppose your mother was just pretending that another person was

> listening at the other end of the line; that she just wanted you to think

> she was on a call for the purpose of humiliating you?


> What a cruel thing to do to your own child; that's the same as public

> humiliation to denigrate you and shame you to other people while you are

> right there hearing it. That's just sadistic. (You'd have no way of knowing

> if she was really speaking to someone or not, you were just a kid.)


> Behavior like that just reinforces my gut feeling that some nadas do not

> love their children. What your nada did does not have anything to do with

> love. Those behaviors demonstrate resentment, hostility, perhaps jealousy,

> or hate, ... NOT love.


> I'm so sorry you had to experience such treatment, repeatedly. I wish some

> caring adult had rescued you from that; its basically psychological torture:

> a form of bullying. Jeez, Louise. How is a kid supposed to survive being

> bullied by her own mother? YOu must have a core of steel.


> -Annie



> >

> >

> > Am I alone in this?

> >

> > My nada used to get on the phone and talk to neighbors, other relatives,

> or my father and talk bad about me. Especially if I had done something wrong

> or " weird. " She would do it in front of me and the conversation would be

> very mean with her using words about like I was " weird " and had " brain

> damage " and she " didn't know what to do with such a bad child. " Then she'd

> get off the phone and say things like, " Are you happy that MY friend think

> you're weird? Do you like that people think you're idiot. " And sometimes it

> would go on for hours and hours and hours.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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My whole " family " does this, I don't have even one relative left who isn't sided

against me or trying to manipulate me... And how many times have I had the cops

called on me when I was in high school? Cops, doctors, counselors, church

members, family members, friends... Not to mention nada's dramatic acts of

really loud prayer where she asks for me to be healed and etc etc. Bleh, just

thinking about it makes me feel so upset I can't elaborate any more :/ I wish I

could just be rid of it all.




> Am I alone in this?


> My nada used to get on the phone and talk to neighbors, other relatives, or my

father and talk bad about me. Especially if I had done something wrong or

" weird. " She would do it in front of me and the conversation would be very mean

with her using words about like I was " weird " and had " brain damage " and she

" didn't know what to do with such a bad child. " Then she'd get off the phone

and say things like, " Are you happy that MY friend think you're weird? Do you

like that people think you're idiot. " And sometimes it would go on for hours and

hours and hours.






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You're not alone -

My nada said horrible stuff about me to her friends, to the rest of our very

small family -

My reaction as a child to her screaming, yelling, alcoholic rages, physical,

sexual and emotional abuse was to scream back, and occasionally to hit

back. And afterwards, it was weird, but I'd like forget the details of what

had happened - only that I felt sick and disgusted inside, and like the most

evil person in the world. And I'd wonder why at school and with my friends

I was always quiet, peaceful, good-natured and well-behaved. My nada - and

dishrag father - would tell me what an evil phony I was, and that how you

acted at home was how you REALLY were inside, and they would threaten

constantly to call my favorite teacher and/or good friends and/or the boy I

liked and/or anyone and everyone I liked and let them know what I was REALLY

like, and how if they knew, they would hate me. My parents would say WE'RE

the only ones who could and will ever love you, because we love you despite

your evilness, spoiled-ness, selfishness, stupidity, dishonesty ugliness,

etc. And I was so messed up and confused over what " love " meant because the

way they seemed to feel about me was NOT the way I felt about the teachers

or friends I adored. I don't know if they ever called any of the people

they threatened to call, but I was in constant fear that they would. I do

know my nada ranted and raged about me to my aunt, uncle and cousin, who I

loved, and they listened to her and believed her. I only have one family

member left - my cousin - who I still love - and who wants nothing to do

with me, because he believes I am a drug addict (I've always been

drug-free), that the major depression I've suffered from since childhood is

just an act, that the eating disorder I struggled with for decades (and am

still amazed I overcame, especially with the complete lack of outside

support I received) was a sign of my weak character. And three years ago

when I dared to call him (it's difficult staying away from him completely

because he's a public figure and I see him on TV and in the news and stuff,

which breaks my heart, cause I see him on the screen and I love him and miss

him and know he doesn't want to be my family) and thought maybe NOW he'll

listen to what really happened - well, I started to tell him and he breaks

in, saying, " I'm sure you THINK that's what happened. " And he didn't want to

hear one word more.

What he DID say was that I obviously had the wrong psychiatrist (I had

wonderful, high-quality therapy) who " brainwashed " me and that I should see

the therapist who helped HIM when he was going through some confusion about

his " non-Leave-It-To-Beaver " parents. (who, by the way, were gently

eccentric 1950s bohemians who kept a messy house, who never lifted a hand

to him, encouraged his considerable talents in every way, and treated him

with lots of love and good humor).

What really hurts and galls me right now - and maybe it's a sign of my

selfish nature...I don't know - is that when my father died, and my nada was

alone, and I hadn't been in contact with them at all, my cousin (who is a

multimillionaire at least) supported my nada, who wasn't his blood relative.

My father was my cousin's blood relative. But my nada convinced him, I

guess, that she had been screwed over and abused by her thieving, lying,

sociopathic daughter.. and everyone else, for that matter - and my cousin,

for whatever reason, made her comfortable, hired people to take care of her

personal business, made sure she wanted for nothing.

And a bit of whining here - I am struggling alone here - no family members

whatsoever - never received any sort of inheritance - never married (due

to incredibly poor choices on my part - I zeroed right in on alcoholics and

drug addicts, and they zeroed right in on me), no children, failing health,

work has been slow for two years - Medicare and health insurance doesn't

nearly cover the medications I need - can't get the pair of glasses I

desperately need, can't get my cavities filled - yes, I am horribly

depressed and don't know how to get out of it right now. Even though I know

my nada was manipulative and, well, nuts, and my father wasn't much better,

I DO think that I must indeed be evil and bad and terribly lacking because

wouldn't I have ended up in a better place by now? I mean - damn - my

parents were right - I've ended up completely alone at the age of 60...

Sorry to whine so much -

I'm just feeling so awful...




> Am I alone in this?


> My nada used to get on the phone and talk to neighbors, other relatives, or

> my father and talk bad about me. Especially if I had done something wrong or

> " weird. " She would do it in front of me and the conversation would be very

> mean with her using words about like I was " weird " and had " brain damage "

> and she " didn't know what to do with such a bad child. " Then she'd get off

> the phone and say things like, " Are you happy that MY friend think you're

> weird? Do you like that people think you're idiot. " And sometimes it would

> go on for hours and hours and hours.





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My nada seems to have turned one of my sons against me with her lies and smear

campaigns. Now my other son is spending a lot of time with her and fada and I'm

sure nada is leading up to hoovering him as well. He still speaks to me, so

far, so I spoke to him today to tell him I'd like to explain to him why I no

longer go visit nada and fada. He agreed to listen, so whenever he shows up,

I'll be happy to fill him in.

Tonight I had dinner with a hs friend. I told her I don't see my parents much

anymore, she started to hint that I'm their only child and its my obligation.

During dinner I shared with her 8-10 nada stories spanning 50 years of time,

then told her I really don't want to deal with nada anymore. After listening to

my stories, she said she could see why. I told her it was all true, that I

didn't make any of it up. Her comment was that the stories I told her were too

bizarre to be made up.

Last night I finished a 25 week program on domestic abuse. I learned a whole

lot about my childhood there, validating that I wasn't wrong in thinking this

was all bizarre. I also learned that forgiveness does not require me to be

reconciled to abusive people, enabling or rescuing them.

I can forgive for my own sanity so I don't carry around this toxicity any

longer, but I don't have to keep going back for more. I've stepped back from

nada and fada little by little over the last 20 months, and in doing so, I'm

beginning to find peace and serenity. Amazing how happy I'm starting to feel

now that I no longer subject myself to nada's vexacious behavior.

Here's my analogy: For years I've been trudging thru a thorn-infested overgrown

briar patch looking for ripened fruit. Once in a while I find a ripe berry, but

mostly I end up worse for wear. Finally I've found my way to the paved sidewalk

where I can walk freely, without risking cuts, scratches or being torn to

shreds...and now that I'm here, I have no desire whatsoever to return. The few

berries in that old briar patch are not worth all the cuts and scrapes. I'd

rather do without.


To: WTOAdultChildren1

Sent: Wed, October 13, 2010 10:33:32 PM

Subject: Re: Did you BPD parent do this?

You're not alone -

My nada said horrible stuff about me to her friends, to the rest of our very

small family -

My reaction as a child to her screaming, yelling, alcoholic rages, physical,

sexual and emotional abuse was to scream back, and occasionally to hit

back. And afterwards, it was weird, but I'd like forget the details of what

had happened - only that I felt sick and disgusted inside, and like the most

evil person in the world. And I'd wonder why at school and with my friends

I was always quiet, peaceful, good-natured and well-behaved. My nada - and

dishrag father - would tell me what an evil phony I was, and that how you

acted at home was how you REALLY were inside, and they would threaten

constantly to call my favorite teacher and/or good friends and/or the boy I

liked and/or anyone and everyone I liked and let them know what I was REALLY

like, and how if they knew, they would hate me. My parents would say WE'RE

the only ones who could and will ever love you, because we love you despite

your evilness, spoiled-ness, selfishness, stupidity, dishonesty ugliness,

etc. And I was so messed up and confused over what " love " meant because the

way they seemed to feel about me was NOT the way I felt about the teachers

or friends I adored. I don't know if they ever called any of the people

they threatened to call, but I was in constant fear that they would. I do

know my nada ranted and raged about me to my aunt, uncle and cousin, who I

loved, and they listened to her and believed her. I only have one family

member left - my cousin - who I still love - and who wants nothing to do

with me, because he believes I am a drug addict (I've always been

drug-free), that the major depression I've suffered from since childhood is

just an act, that the eating disorder I struggled with for decades (and am

still amazed I overcame, especially with the complete lack of outside

support I received) was a sign of my weak character. And three years ago

when I dared to call him (it's difficult staying away from him completely

because he's a public figure and I see him on TV and in the news and stuff,

which breaks my heart, cause I see him on the screen and I love him and miss

him and know he doesn't want to be my family) and thought maybe NOW he'll

listen to what really happened - well, I started to tell him and he breaks

in, saying, " I'm sure you THINK that's what happened. " And he didn't want to

hear one word more.

What he DID say was that I obviously had the wrong psychiatrist (I had

wonderful, high-quality therapy) who " brainwashed " me and that I should see

the therapist who helped HIM when he was going through some confusion about

his " non-Leave-It-To-Beaver " parents. (who, by the way, were gently

eccentric 1950s bohemians who kept a messy house, who never lifted a hand

to him, encouraged his considerable talents in every way, and treated him

with lots of love and good humor).

What really hurts and galls me right now - and maybe it's a sign of my

selfish nature...I don't know - is that when my father died, and my nada was

alone, and I hadn't been in contact with them at all, my cousin (who is a

multimillionaire at least) supported my nada, who wasn't his blood relative.

My father was my cousin's blood relative. But my nada convinced him, I

guess, that she had been screwed over and abused by her thieving, lying,

sociopathic daughter.. and everyone else, for that matter - and my cousin,

for whatever reason, made her comfortable, hired people to take care of her

personal business, made sure she wanted for nothing.

And a bit of whining here - I am struggling alone here - no family members

whatsoever - never received any sort of inheritance - never married (due

to incredibly poor choices on my part - I zeroed right in on alcoholics and

drug addicts, and they zeroed right in on me), no children, failing health,

work has been slow for two years - Medicare and health insurance doesn't

nearly cover the medications I need - can't get the pair of glasses I

desperately need, can't get my cavities filled - yes, I am horribly

depressed and don't know how to get out of it right now. Even though I know

my nada was manipulative and, well, nuts, and my father wasn't much better,

I DO think that I must indeed be evil and bad and terribly lacking because

wouldn't I have ended up in a better place by now? I mean - damn - my

parents were right - I've ended up completely alone at the age of 60...

Sorry to whine so much -

I'm just feeling so awful...




> Am I alone in this?


> My nada used to get on the phone and talk to neighbors, other relatives, or

> my father and talk bad about me. Especially if I had done something wrong or

> " weird. " She would do it in front of me and the conversation would be very

> mean with her using words about like I was " weird " and had " brain damage "

> and she " didn't know what to do with such a bad child. " Then she'd get off

> the phone and say things like, " Are you happy that MY friend think you're

> weird? Do you like that people think you're idiot. " And sometimes it would

> go on for hours and hours and hours.





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Oh honey, hugs to you. I am so sorry. Am sending you supportive thoughts.



> >

> >

> >

> > Am I alone in this?

> >

> > My nada used to get on the phone and talk to neighbors, other relatives, or

> > my father and talk bad about me. Especially if I had done something wrong or

> > " weird. " She would do it in front of me and the conversation would be very

> > mean with her using words about like I was " weird " and had " brain damage "

> > and she " didn't know what to do with such a bad child. " Then she'd get off

> > the phone and say things like, " Are you happy that MY friend think you're

> > weird? Do you like that people think you're idiot. " And sometimes it would

> > go on for hours and hours and hours.

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Mum still does this. What used to really break my heart as a kid was when she

would force us kids (about 6-10 at the time) to ring our older sisters and

brother and tell them that we didnt love them, that we hated the way they

treated out mother, and how terrible they were and that we didnt want to see

them again. We would be crying, saying it because there was a open hand and

snarling face in front of us. I still remember my brother gently saying " its ok

honey, just say what she wants, we know what she is doing " which just made me

cry harder.

I still cant believe their father let that rubbish happen. Let alone mt

stepfather who was always on the sidelines cheering mum on. uuugh.

It made us love our older siblings even more - so it backfired on her I guess.



> Am I alone in this?


> My nada used to get on the phone and talk to neighbors, other relatives, or my

father and talk bad about me. Especially if I had done something wrong or

" weird. " She would do it in front of me and the conversation would be very mean

with her using words about like I was " weird " and had " brain damage " and she

" didn't know what to do with such a bad child. " Then she'd get off the phone

and say things like, " Are you happy that MY friend think you're weird? Do you

like that people think you're idiot. " And sometimes it would go on for hours and

hours and hours.






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Oh my God. That is just so abusive I can't get over it. Its... your own mother

committing defamation of character against you, deliberately ruining your good

name, smearing you, making you appear to be insane or evil, or criminal *to

other adults who might be able to help you*, destroying your reputation... when


I was traumatized by my nada's false accusations and name-calling and

denigrations of my character, but at least she only did that to me in private.

My nada had to preserve this illusion of perfection in front of her friends and

family, thank God.

If she had raked me over the coals like that, humiliated me in front of some

other adult I think I would have died of shame right on the spot, or probably I

would have become suicidal. I just don't have any inner core of strength to

withstand that kind of attack; I think that's probably why I ended up becoming

so enmeshed with her. I had no courage or strength to stand up to her, so I

just merged with her instead. The only part of me that I owned, that was me,

myself, was my anger. I held onto my anger but it was very repressed and hidden

down deep.

Its like the personality-disordered nada takes a chisel and hammer and slowly

chips away the original shape and form of her child's psyche with that kind of

abuse, the shaming and humiliating, until what's left doesn't look much like a

normal child anymore.


> >

> >

> > Am I alone in this?

> >

> > My nada used to get on the phone and talk to neighbors, other relatives, or

my father and talk bad about me. Especially if I had done something wrong or

" weird. " She would do it in front of me and the conversation would be very mean

with her using words about like I was " weird " and had " brain damage " and she

" didn't know what to do with such a bad child. " Then she'd get off the phone and

say things like, " Are you happy that MY friend think you're weird? Do you like

that people think you're idiot. " And sometimes it would go on for hours and

hours and hours.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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That's just evil, what she did. It ought to be considered criminal emotional

abuse. Its torture. I hope there's a special little nook in the slum section

of the Afterlife for people who deliberately torture their own children like



> >

> >

> > Am I alone in this?

> >

> > My nada used to get on the phone and talk to neighbors, other relatives, or

my father and talk bad about me. Especially if I had done something wrong or

" weird. " She would do it in front of me and the conversation would be very mean

with her using words about like I was " weird " and had " brain damage " and she

" didn't know what to do with such a bad child. " Then she'd get off the phone

and say things like, " Are you happy that MY friend think you're weird? Do you

like that people think you're idiot. " And sometimes it would go on for hours and

hours and hours.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I'm sorry you are hurting like this.You were subjected to a terrible

campaign of scapegoating and abuse---screaming back/hitting back is *self

defense*--and it sounds to me that your right of self defense was not only

denied to you but used as a weapon against you to batter you with when you were

growing up.Your parents used the batterer's sick ploy of: We are the only ones

who could love you/tolerate you in order to control you--then repeatedly

threatened to abandon you by having you publically shamed to the people you

knew.And then did just that by turning your immediate family against you with

their sick lies and distortions.

They inflicted grave injuries on you; they hurt you and they injured

you.You are *not* evil or bad or lacking in something--you were gravely injured

during the most vulnerable part of anyone's life,the years you were developing

and your psyche was forming.You suffered a severe assault on your sense of self.

I don't think it's a sign of your selfish nature at all to feel galled

and hurt that your abuser was cared for,catered to,tended to,when she was in

need while from the sounds of it you were vilified for exercising your natural

right of self protection by staying out of contact with a disturbed and

dangerous person (your nada) who had so badly injured you.And from the sounds of

it,additionally devalued by your cousin for continuing to speak the truth--how

dare he say, " I'm sure you THINK that's what happened " !!! What the h*ll does he

know? Is he God? Was he there?

Feeling hurt,galled--and angry--that your abuser was supported while

you were left to deal with the aftermath of being injured by her unsupported by

your own family isn't selfish.It's sane--it's a normal reaction.You have

received neither mercy nor justice from your family although you were gravely

wronged.You are certainly justified in feeling hurt and galled by that!

Sadly it sounds like your cousin isn't going to get it.

That you are still suffering now isn't an indication of a defect in

your own character but evidence of how deeply wounded you were by abuse you

didn't deserve or cause.Your parents sound severely dysfunctional and

disordered--you had every right to want to hit back against that as a child.You

had every right to remove yourself from it as an adult.You should have been

rescued from it while it was ongoing--and you have a right now as the survivor

of abuse not to be told that the person you've gone to for help,your

therapist,is " brain washing " you.Instead,you are to be commended for taking care

of yourself.And for overcoming your eating disorder--that is *awesome* :)

I'm sorry you're struggling and feeling so awful right now.The

wounding of child abuse runs so deep and tragically continues to affect our

lives so many years after the fact.There is fallout and consequences that

diminish our quality of life while so often our abusers get off scot free.Please

know that you,also,are not alone.We're here,we will listen and hear you.


Take care,


> You're not alone -

> My nada said horrible stuff about me to her friends, to the rest of our very

> small family -

> My reaction as a child to her screaming, yelling, alcoholic rages, physical,

> sexual and emotional abuse was to scream back, and occasionally to hit

> back. And afterwards, it was weird, but I'd like forget the details of what

> had happened - only that I felt sick and disgusted inside, and like the most

> evil person in the world. And I'd wonder why at school and with my friends

> I was always quiet, peaceful, good-natured and well-behaved. My nada - and

> dishrag father - would tell me what an evil phony I was, and that how you

> acted at home was how you REALLY were inside, and they would threaten

> constantly to call my favorite teacher and/or good friends and/or the boy I

> liked and/or anyone and everyone I liked and let them know what I was REALLY

> like, and how if they knew, they would hate me. My parents would say WE'RE

> the only ones who could and will ever love you, because we love you despite

> your evilness, spoiled-ness, selfishness, stupidity, dishonesty ugliness,

> etc. And I was so messed up and confused over what " love " meant because the

> way they seemed to feel about me was NOT the way I felt about the teachers

> or friends I adored. I don't know if they ever called any of the people

> they threatened to call, but I was in constant fear that they would. I do

> know my nada ranted and raged about me to my aunt, uncle and cousin, who I

> loved, and they listened to her and believed her. I only have one family

> member left - my cousin - who I still love - and who wants nothing to do

> with me, because he believes I am a drug addict (I've always been

> drug-free), that the major depression I've suffered from since childhood is

> just an act, that the eating disorder I struggled with for decades (and am

> still amazed I overcame, especially with the complete lack of outside

> support I received) was a sign of my weak character. And three years ago

> when I dared to call him (it's difficult staying away from him completely

> because he's a public figure and I see him on TV and in the news and stuff,

> which breaks my heart, cause I see him on the screen and I love him and miss

> him and know he doesn't want to be my family) and thought maybe NOW he'll

> listen to what really happened - well, I started to tell him and he breaks

> in, saying, " I'm sure you THINK that's what happened. " And he didn't want to

> hear one word more.

> What he DID say was that I obviously had the wrong psychiatrist (I had

> wonderful, high-quality therapy) who " brainwashed " me and that I should see

> the therapist who helped HIM when he was going through some confusion about

> his " non-Leave-It-To-Beaver " parents. (who, by the way, were gently

> eccentric 1950s bohemians who kept a messy house, who never lifted a hand

> to him, encouraged his considerable talents in every way, and treated him

> with lots of love and good humor).

> What really hurts and galls me right now - and maybe it's a sign of my

> selfish nature...I don't know - is that when my father died, and my nada was

> alone, and I hadn't been in contact with them at all, my cousin (who is a

> multimillionaire at least) supported my nada, who wasn't his blood relative.

> My father was my cousin's blood relative. But my nada convinced him, I

> guess, that she had been screwed over and abused by her thieving, lying,

> sociopathic daughter.. and everyone else, for that matter - and my cousin,

> for whatever reason, made her comfortable, hired people to take care of her

> personal business, made sure she wanted for nothing.

> And a bit of whining here - I am struggling alone here - no family members

> whatsoever - never received any sort of inheritance - never married (due

> to incredibly poor choices on my part - I zeroed right in on alcoholics and

> drug addicts, and they zeroed right in on me), no children, failing health,

> work has been slow for two years - Medicare and health insurance doesn't

> nearly cover the medications I need - can't get the pair of glasses I

> desperately need, can't get my cavities filled - yes, I am horribly

> depressed and don't know how to get out of it right now. Even though I know

> my nada was manipulative and, well, nuts, and my father wasn't much better,

> I DO think that I must indeed be evil and bad and terribly lacking because

> wouldn't I have ended up in a better place by now? I mean - damn - my

> parents were right - I've ended up completely alone at the age of 60...

> Sorry to whine so much -

> I'm just feeling so awful...



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,your nada put you through such suffocating and constant projection and

drama.And to brag that you were spoiled rotten??? Double gag!!!!

You know,what's especially outrageous (to me--and *all* of this behavior

from your nada is outrageous) is how she used her fixed delusion about you " not

breathing for 11 minutes " as a newborn to both smear you to others and to try to

gain attention for herself.Because even if it was true (although it wasn't) not

breathing as a newborn is something that would have been *entirely* beyond your

control to prevent so it's like she was torturing you with the after affects of

something you could not ever have prevented anyway--while she is in hysterics of

helplessness *and* basically blaming you for things even a normal kid would

do.Wow,that is profoundly sick and just incredibly suffocating psychologically.



> Hi Annie,


> As I remember it, my mother mostly did it with relatives and my father and

yes, they were on the other end. My grandmother was a raging QUEEN Borderline

and my mother was her grand product. My grandmother would then say things to me

when I was around her. I was especially known in my family as a " brat " and my

mother would constantly brag in front of people that I was spoiled rotten (gag).

My aunt has recently admitted to me that it " bothered " her and even said she

would " get onto my mother " about talking bad about me. Sometimes my mother

would make it real dramatic and say things like, " I have to tell you what I am

enduring over here, " making sure I heard her and then run into the bedroom to

talk in private. Other times she would be just as dramatic and not care I was

hearing. Her favorite story to tell (which my father now admits is a lie) was

that when I was born (I was a month preemie), I went " 11 minutes without

breathing. " Anytime I did something that was even something a normal kid would

do, she would go into hysterical fits calling people and saying, " Oh My God,

this is it! The 11 minutes of not breathing ARE FINALLY SHOWING UP! " Usually

she followed it with tears and begging whoever she was talking to to " help her "

and " tell her what to do. " And how she just couldn't take it and her stress was

through the roof and this was sending her into a depression. Which generally led

to her threatening suicide.


> Her favorite was:

> " are you happy that my friends think you're (fill in the blank with nuts,

weird, crazy, stupid, etc...)?! "


> She would also go into long rants about how my behavior was so odd and why

can't I be like so-and-so down the street? How she didn't ask for a kid like me

and where could she send me back to. Then she would say things like, " Do I need

to go talk to your teacher? " Until I was a nervous wreck all the time that she

was going to show up at school and embarrass the hell out of me.



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My mother did this ALL the time!! She would call my aunt..my aunt would say

how you feeling and she would say something to the affect. I'd be better if

I didn't have to put up with Stefanie. How could she be so insensitive to

my condition. She doesn't care that I'm not feeling well. Here I am in

pain sand she is just sitting around watching TV..the house is a mess (it

wasn't) and she hasn't done a thing. I have all this work to do and no one

to help me. I have a daughter and she is so lazy...here I am so sick..why

did I have to end up with such a lazy careless kid....do you see how so and

soo kid helps her? not mine....some days it would be a story about how I

did something wrong and then I would be an idiot...then I would be a fat pig

if she went shopping for me and things didn't fit. It wasn't just one phone

call..it was many thru out that day. becouse she told me she needed to


Some days everyone that called she complained about me always finding

something I did. Sometimes I would hear people stick up for me..she would

say things to make me look bad...other times she would say oh you think she

grow out of it..I hope so.

B*TCH!..sorry..but remembering how I just stood there while she lied and

said things about me and my character that were not true..or twisted

versions of the truth..just pisses me off.

She still does it today!...she also calls me (when we spoke) to tell me so

and so said this about you can you believe it!..she tells the same story

over and over again roating diffrent stories people said about me. One day

I asked you...after she repeated the same story..hmm mom I wonder why they

would think they can say such horrible things to someones mother. she

didn't answer..B*tch....





> Am I alone in this?


> My nada used to get on the phone and talk to neighbors, other relatives, or

> my father and talk bad about me. Especially if I had done something wrong or

> " weird. " She would do it in front of me and the conversation would be very

> mean with her using words about like I was " weird " and had " brain damage "

> and she " didn't know what to do with such a bad child. " Then she'd get off

> the phone and say things like, " Are you happy that MY friend think you're

> weird? Do you like that people think you're idiot. " And sometimes it would

> go on for hours and hours and hours.





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Oh lordy - screw these bitchy women!!!!!! I'd like to punch em all in the


On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 7:55 AM, Stefanie Low wrote:

> ,

> My mother did this ALL the time!! She would call my aunt..my aunt would

> say

> how you feeling and she would say something to the affect. I'd be better

> if

> I didn't have to put up with Stefanie. How could she be so insensitive to

> my condition. She doesn't care that I'm not feeling well. Here I am in

> pain sand she is just sitting around watching TV..the house is a mess (it

> wasn't) and she hasn't done a thing. I have all this work to do and no one

> to help me. I have a daughter and she is so lazy...here I am so sick..why

> did I have to end up with such a lazy careless kid....do you see how so and

> soo kid helps her? not mine....some days it would be a story about how I

> did something wrong and then I would be an idiot...then I would be a fat

> pig

> if she went shopping for me and things didn't fit. It wasn't just one

> phone

> call..it was many thru out that day. becouse she told me she needed to

> vernt..


> Some days everyone that called she complained about me always finding

> something I did. Sometimes I would hear people stick up for me..she would

> say things to make me look bad...other times she would say oh you think she

> grow out of it..I hope so.


> B*TCH!..sorry..but remembering how I just stood there while she lied and

> said things about me and my character that were not true..or twisted

> versions of the truth..just pisses me off.


> She still does it today!...she also calls me (when we spoke) to tell me so

> and so said this about you can you believe it!..she tells the same story

> over and over again roating diffrent stories people said about me. One day

> I asked you...after she repeated the same story..hmm mom I wonder why they

> would think they can say such horrible things to someones mother. she

> didn't answer..B*tch....


> Stefanie





> >

> >

> >

> > Am I alone in this?

> >

> > My nada used to get on the phone and talk to neighbors, other relatives,

> or

> > my father and talk bad about me. Especially if I had done something wrong

> or

> > " weird. " She would do it in front of me and the conversation would be

> very

> > mean with her using words about like I was " weird " and had " brain damage "

> > and she " didn't know what to do with such a bad child. " Then she'd get

> off

> > the phone and say things like, " Are you happy that MY friend think you're

> > weird? Do you like that people think you're idiot. " And sometimes it

> would

> > go on for hours and hours and hours.

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I was always considered to be the emotionally " strong " one between my sister and

I because my sister was the one who would cry if you looked at her wrong. My

mother could beat me black and blue and I swear, I'd stand there and say, " that

doesn't hurt " . I would not shed a tear in front of her. Then when I got older,

I ended up being the one in therapy and who attempted suicide (which was really

not an 'attempt' as I fully intended that it would work at the time). Anyway,

I'm not so strong. I wasn't then and I'm not now. I just dissociated easily and

hid things very well.

I remember lying to my friends about what a wonderful mother i had. I wanted an

emotionally healthy mother SO BAD and basically, I just made one up in my head.

Re: Did you BPD parent do this?

Oh my God. That is just so abusive I can't get over it. Its... your own mother

committing defamation of character against you, deliberately ruining your good

name, smearing you, making you appear to be insane or evil, or criminal *to

other adults who might be able to help you*, destroying your reputation... when


I was traumatized by my nada's false accusations and name-calling and

denigrations of my character, but at least she only did that to me in private.

My nada had to preserve this illusion of perfection in front of her friends and

family, thank God.

If she had raked me over the coals like that, humiliated me in front of some

other adult I think I would have died of shame right on the spot, or probably I

would have become suicidal. I just don't have any inner core of strength to

withstand that kind of attack; I think that's probably why I ended up becoming

so enmeshed with her. I had no courage or strength to stand up to her, so I just

merged with her instead. The only part of me that I owned, that was me, myself,

was my anger. I held onto my anger but it was very repressed and hidden down


Its like the personality-disordered nada takes a chisel and hammer and slowly

chips away the original shape and form of her child's psyche with that kind of

abuse, the shaming and humiliating, until what's left doesn't look much like a

normal child anymore.


> >

> >

> > Am I alone in this?

> >

> > My nada used to get on the phone and talk to neighbors, other relatives, or

my father and talk bad about me. Especially if I had done something wrong or

" weird. " She would do it in front of me and the conversation would be very mean

with her using words about like I was " weird " and had " brain damage " and she

" didn't know what to do with such a bad child. " Then she'd get off the phone and

say things like, " Are you happy that MY friend think you're weird? Do you like

that people think you're idiot. " And sometimes it would go on for hours and

hours and hours.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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They are truly nuts.

I have a mild physical disability and my mother put me in ballet one time.

Well, it was more obvious that I had a disability (you can't tell so much now

that I'm grown) when I was wearing tights and a tutu and my legs and feet were

showing. Anyway, I hardly ever went to the practices and for whatever reason, I

still got to be in this one recital (which was the only extra curricular

activity I did in my entire life). Apparently some man in the audience (whether

this is true, who knows) made a comment and said, " Who put THAT child up there.

She shouldn't be there " -- referring to me. I was about 6 years old at the most

and I remember it well. My mother told me about it and then told everyone we

know and talked about it for YEARS. It just continually made me feel horrible.

I now have a disabled child and never EVER would I let him know it if I

overheard something like that. Of course, we'd probably have a hard time

explaining why his mommy was in jail because I'd be the living sh** out of any

grown man that said that about my son, but whatever. :)

Re: Did you BPD parent do this?


y mother did this ALL the time!! She would call my aunt..my aunt would say

ow you feeling and she would say something to the affect. I'd be better if

didn't have to put up with Stefanie. How could she be so insensitive to

y condition. She doesn't care that I'm not feeling well. Here I am in

ain sand she is just sitting around watching TV..the house is a mess (it

asn't) and she hasn't done a thing. I have all this work to do and no one

o help me. I have a daughter and she is so lazy...here I am so sick..why

id I have to end up with such a lazy careless kid....do you see how so and

oo kid helps her? not mine....some days it would be a story about how I

id something wrong and then I would be an idiot...then I would be a fat pig

f she went shopping for me and things didn't fit. It wasn't just one phone

all..it was many thru out that day. becouse she told me she needed to


Some days everyone that called she complained about me always finding

omething I did. Sometimes I would hear people stick up for me..she would

ay things to make me look bad...other times she would say oh you think she

row out of it..I hope so.

B*TCH!..sorry..but remembering how I just stood there while she lied and

aid things about me and my character that were not true..or twisted

ersions of the truth..just pisses me off.

She still does it today!...she also calls me (when we spoke) to tell me so

nd so said this about you can you believe it!..she tells the same story

ver and over again roating diffrent stories people said about me. One day

asked you...after she repeated the same story..hmm mom I wonder why they

ould think they can say such horrible things to someones mother. she

idn't answer..B*tch....


n Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 4:35 PM, wrote:


Am I alone in this?

My nada used to get on the phone and talk to neighbors, other relatives, or

my father and talk bad about me. Especially if I had done something wrong or

" weird. " She would do it in front of me and the conversation would be very

mean with her using words about like I was " weird " and had " brain damage "

and she " didn't know what to do with such a bad child. " Then she'd get off

the phone and say things like, " Are you happy that MY friend think you're

weird? Do you like that people think you're idiot. " And sometimes it would

go on for hours and hours and hours.

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christine, that is exactly what it is -- suffocating you psychologically. I

guess the whole crazy-making part of it is because she would then turn around

and play victim and come across like she was doing everything possible and was

such a wonderful mother. It was sickening, confusing, scary....everything

negative imaginable.

Re: Did you BPD parent do this?

,your nada put you through such suffocating and constant projection and

drama.And to brag that you were spoiled rotten??? Double gag!!!!

You know,what's especially outrageous (to me--and *all* of this behavior from

your nada is outrageous) is how she used her fixed delusion about you " not

breathing for 11 minutes " as a newborn to both smear you to others and to try to

gain attention for herself.Because even if it was true (although it wasn't) not

breathing as a newborn is something that would have been *entirely* beyond your

control to prevent so it's like she was torturing you with the after affects of

something you could not ever have prevented anyway--while she is in hysterics of

helplessness *and* basically blaming you for things even a normal kid would

do.Wow,that is profoundly sick and just incredibly suffocating psychologically.



> Hi Annie,


> As I remember it, my mother mostly did it with relatives and my father and

yes, they were on the other end. My grandmother was a raging QUEEN Borderline

and my mother was her grand product. My grandmother would then say things to me

when I was around her. I was especially known in my family as a " brat " and my

mother would constantly brag in front of people that I was spoiled rotten (gag).

My aunt has recently admitted to me that it " bothered " her and even said she

would " get onto my mother " about talking bad about me. Sometimes my mother would

make it real dramatic and say things like, " I have to tell you what I am

enduring over here, " making sure I heard her and then run into the bedroom to

talk in private. Other times she would be just as dramatic and not care I was

hearing. Her favorite story to tell (which my father now admits is a lie) was

that when I was born (I was a month preemie), I went " 11 minutes without brea

thing. " Anytime I did something that was even something a normal kid would do,

she would go into hysterical fits calling people and saying, " Oh My God, this is

it! The 11 minutes of not breathing ARE FINALLY SHOWING UP! " Usually she

followed it with tears and begging whoever she was talking to to " help her " and

" tell her what to do. " And how she just couldn't take it and her stress was

through the roof and this was sending her into a depression. Which generally led

to her threatening suicide.


> Her favorite was:

> " are you happy that my friends think you're (fill in the blank with nuts,

weird, crazy, stupid, etc...)?! "


> She would also go into long rants about how my behavior was so odd and why

can't I be like so-and-so down the street? How she didn't ask for a kid like me

and where could she send me back to. Then she would say things like, " Do I need

to go talk to your teacher? " Until I was a nervous wreck all the time that she

was going to show up at school and embarrass the hell out of me.



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This is what makes us non's right? The ability not to do to our kids what was

done to us. I have in fact gone to the extreme probably too much to protect my

kids from hurt. I think in reaction to what I experienced growing up. And to

what is still done. I couldn't imagine putting blame on my children if I could

take it for them. My NADA actually blamed me for not attending to my father when

he was dying even though she and my BADA lived 20 minutes away. I lived 8 hours

away. I had a 4 year old with autism hospitalized and my now ex BP couldn't stay

with her alone. I actually had the audacity to suggest that she or my BADA could

have checked on him. When I did, she unleashed on me. Saying why didn't I come

up and help? I thought to myself how could a mother do that to their child? I

could never do that to my children. In fact, if I could make them feel better by

assuming such : " blame " then I would. But not mine. Nothing is ever her fault. It

is mine and

never BADAs either. 


Am I alone in this?

My nada used to get on the phone and talk to neighbors, other relatives, or

my father and talk bad about me. Especially if I had done something wrong or

" weird. " She would do it in front of me and the conversation would be very

mean with her using words about like I was " weird " and had " brain damage "

and she " didn't know what to do with such a bad child. " Then she'd get off

the phone and say things like, " Are you happy that MY friend think you're

weird? Do you like that people think you're idiot. " And sometimes it would

go on for hours and hours and hours.

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I think that's a good description of what being a " non " is; we have personal

insight, we can be objective about our own behaviors and we try to be as unlike

our bpd parent as possible.



> This is what makes us non's right? The ability not to do to our kids what was

done to us. I have in fact gone to the extreme probably too much to protect my

kids from hurt. I think in reaction to what I experienced growing up. And to

what is still done. I couldn't imagine putting blame on my children if I could

take it for them. My NADA actually blamed me for not attending to my father when

he was dying even though she and my BADA lived 20 minutes away. I lived 8 hours

away. I had a 4 year old with autism hospitalized and my now ex BP couldn't stay

with her alone. I actually had the audacity to suggest that she or my BADA could

have checked on him. When I did, she unleashed on me. Saying why didn't I come

up and help? I thought to myself how could a mother do that to their child? I

could never do that to my children. In fact, if I could make them feel better by

assuming such : " blame " then I would. But not mine. Nothing is ever her fault. It

is mine and

> never BADAs either. 

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I agree. My therapist has asked me numerous times, " Why do you think you are a

good mother to your kids when you had no role model? " But, you know, I don't

really consider whether I'm a good mother or a bad mother. I'm just a mom and I

do what I feel is in the best interest of my kids at ALL times. Have issues

come up for me? Absolutely. And thankfully I can take those issues to my

therapist and she can help me with them. I have relied a lot on my own

insticts, but I also chose to a) go to therapy and get BETTER and get over some

of my hangups and issues (which is ongoing and I'll go as long as I have to), B)

be brutally honest with myself in regards to my own issues and protect my kids

from that, and c) I chose to educate myself by reading books on positive

parenting, attachment parenting, etc. ...

I don't think my childhood abuse really hit me until I had kids. I would love

to teach classes on positive parenting. When I get my degree, I'm going to try

to find a way to get involved in that. It is so effective. It's discipline

that is about teaching instead of punishing. I love it and am so glad that I

have chosen it.

Re: Did you BPD parent do this?

I think that's a good description of what being a " non " is; we have personal

insight, we can be objective about our own behaviors and we try to be as unlike

our bpd parent as possible.



> This is what makes us non's right? The ability not to do to our kids what

was done to us. I have in fact gone to the extreme probably too much to protect

my kids from hurt. I think in reaction to what I experienced growing up. And to

what is still done. I couldn't imagine putting blame on my children if I could

take it for them. My NADA actually blamed me for not attending to my father when

he was dying even though she and my BADA lived 20 minutes away. I lived 8 hours

away. I had a 4 year old with autism hospitalized and my now ex BP couldn't stay

with her alone. I actually had the audacity to suggest that she or my BADA could

have checked on him. When I did, she unleashed on me. Saying why didn't I come

up and help? I thought to myself how could a mother do that to their child? I

could never do that to my children. In fact, if I could make them feel better by

assuming such : " blame " then I would. But not mine. Nothing is ever her fault. It

is mine and

> never BADAs either.Â

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This seeming need to be cruel (on the part of our parents) seems to me to be a

sign of more severe mental illness than just borderline pd. This isn't a

momentary irritation, what we are reading about here in post after post are

patterns of cruelty meant to do damage.

It makes me wonder if these individuals deeply resent or possibly even hate

their child, yet realize (on some level) that openly admitting hating their own

child would make him or her a " bad parent " in the eyes of others.

So perhaps nada denies and represses her true feelings and instead sublimates

them, projecting the " badness " onto her child, but nada's true feelings seep

out, finding expression in the form of

ongoing mental cruelty.

Nada probably even feels justified in her cruelty and harshness because she

perceives this particular child as " bad. " Nada convinces herself that she is

just being a good parent when she humiliates, shames, and denigrates her " bad "

child in public.

I think that needs to be a Big Screaming Red Flag of concern to other adults:

take note of any parent who frequently or constantly bad-mouths their own child

to others, particularly if they do this in the child's presence. Also notice if

a parent frequently relays to the child bad opinions of the child

(supposedly)from others.

These behaviors are the very definition of mental cruelty/emotional cruelty,

they are highly destructive to the child's emotional health, and signs that the

parent is profoundly mentally ill and harbors covert hostility, resentment and

possibly even hatred toward the targeted child.

It seems to me that such unfortunate children are in danger of becoming

suicidally depressed, and need to be rescued from such toxic and pervasive

emotional abuse.



Good for you hummingbird for having the cojones to protect your children, like a

mother bear!! I think most animal mothers are better mothers than our bpd

mothers were, frankly.



> They are truly nuts.


> I have a mild physical disability and my mother put me in ballet one time.

Well, it was more obvious that I had a disability (you can't tell so much now

that I'm grown) when I was wearing tights and a tutu and my legs and feet were

showing. Anyway, I hardly ever went to the practices and for whatever reason, I

still got to be in this one recital (which was the only extra curricular

activity I did in my entire life). Apparently some man in the audience (whether

this is true, who knows) made a comment and said, " Who put THAT child up there.

She shouldn't be there " -- referring to me. I was about 6 years old at the most

and I remember it well. My mother told me about it and then told everyone we

know and talked about it for YEARS. It just continually made me feel horrible.


> I now have a disabled child and never EVER would I let him know it if I

overheard something like that. Of course, we'd probably have a hard time

explaining why his mommy was in jail because I'd be the living sh** out of any

grown man that said that about my son, but whatever. :)

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I think that is awesome, you will have such a positive effect on the lives of

countless children if you teach classes to prospective or young parents about

positive/attachment parenting techniques. I think education is the answer, in

the long term. When both adults and children recognize what mentally healthy

behaviors look like and sound like and feel like, then the negative and toxic

behaviors of mental illness will be more recognizable/obvious, and some kind of

intervention can take place. That is my fantasy or hope for the future. Go for

it! Teach those classes! That rocks!




> I agree. My therapist has asked me numerous times, " Why do you think you are

a good mother to your kids when you had no role model? " But, you know, I don't

really consider whether I'm a good mother or a bad mother. I'm just a mom and I

do what I feel is in the best interest of my kids at ALL times. Have issues

come up for me? Absolutely. And thankfully I can take those issues to my

therapist and she can help me with them. I have relied a lot on my own

insticts, but I also chose to a) go to therapy and get BETTER and get over some

of my hangups and issues (which is ongoing and I'll go as long as I have to), B)

be brutally honest with myself in regards to my own issues and protect my kids

from that, and c) I chose to educate myself by reading books on positive

parenting, attachment parenting, etc. ...


> I don't think my childhood abuse really hit me until I had kids. I would love

to teach classes on positive parenting. When I get my degree, I'm going to try

to find a way to get involved in that. It is so effective. It's discipline

that is about teaching instead of punishing. I love it and am so glad that I

have chosen it.


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I think I could spot a BPD parent a mile away!

Re: Did you BPD parent do this?

I think that is awesome, you will have such a positive effect on the lives of

countless children if you teach classes to prospective or young parents about

positive/attachment parenting techniques. I think education is the answer, in

the long term. When both adults and children recognize what mentally healthy

behaviors look like and sound like and feel like, then the negative and toxic

behaviors of mental illness will be more recognizable/obvious, and some kind of

intervention can take place. That is my fantasy or hope for the future. Go for

it! Teach those classes! That rocks!




> I agree. My therapist has asked me numerous times, " Why do you think you are a

good mother to your kids when you had no role model? " But, you know, I don't

really consider whether I'm a good mother or a bad mother. I'm just a mom and I

do what I feel is in the best interest of my kids at ALL times. Have issues come

up for me? Absolutely. And thankfully I can take those issues to my therapist

and she can help me with them. I have relied a lot on my own insticts, but I

also chose to a) go to therapy and get BETTER and get over some of my hangups

and issues (which is ongoing and I'll go as long as I have to), B) be brutally

honest with myself in regards to my own issues and protect my kids from that,

and c) I chose to educate myself by reading books on positive parenting,

attachment parenting, etc. ...


> I don't think my childhood abuse really hit me until I had kids. I would love

to teach classes on positive parenting. When I get my degree, I'm going to try

to find a way to get involved in that. It is so effective. It's discipline that

is about teaching instead of punishing. I love it and am so glad that I have

chosen it.


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You're so not alone.

Nada would do that often. My dad traveled frequently for work...usually she

would torment me and rage at me until I was a crying mess, or I'd be fighting

with her about whatever the accusation of the day was. Then she'd all of a

sudden just calm right down, call my dad (or her friend or whoever) and go into

how I was " out of control " ...then she'd tell the story of what happened, but

never the truth. She'd exaggerate or lie or twist things and I'd be sitting

there thinking " That's not what happened! " When I was younger, I'd start crying

and screaming for the other person to hear " She's lying! That's not what

happened! " but she just used it as proof against me... " See? She's out of

control...why would I make this up? To make myself look like a bad mother? "

Eventually I learned to not let the other person hear me cry.



> Subject: Did you BPD parent do this?

> To: WTOAdultChildren1

> Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2010, 8:35 PM


> Am I alone in this?


> My nada used to get on the phone and talk to neighbors,

> other relatives, or my father and talk bad about me.

> Especially if I had done something wrong or " weird. " She

> would do it in front of me and the conversation would be

> very mean with her using words about like I was " weird " and

> had " brain damage " and she " didn't know what to do with such

> a bad child. "   Then she'd get off the phone and say

> things like, " Are you happy that MY friend think you're

> weird?  Do you like that people think you're idiot. "

> And sometimes it would go on for hours and hours and hours.







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This behavior is pretty much the same as " gaslighting " , which is a tactic

intended to make the targeted individual appear to be insane and irrational so

nobody will believe them.

Its highly sadistic, to ruin another person's credibility like that, and

children have absolutely no means of countering false accusations by an adult.

And it shuts off possible avenues of exit or help.

It takes a neutral third party observing the situation to determine what's

really going on, and most of us KO's get attacked when we're alone with our


Seems to me that nadas are also very adept at choosing their audience when they

need one: a codependent spouse or relative or friend over whom they have

control. Some nadas apparently have minions and flying monkeys just as

compliant as the ones the Wicked Witch of the West had, seems to me.

Its insidious and horrifying to engage in deliberate, calculated character

assassination on a child, and its also like the most pure and concentrated form

of bullying.

Good lord, and we all survived this. Its amazing.



> >

> > Subject: Did you BPD parent do this?

> > To: WTOAdultChildren1

> > Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2010, 8:35 PM

> >

> > Am I alone in this?

> >

> > My nada used to get on the phone and talk to neighbors,

> > other relatives, or my father and talk bad about me.

> > Especially if I had done something wrong or " weird. " She

> > would do it in front of me and the conversation would be

> > very mean with her using words about like I was " weird " and

> > had " brain damage " and she " didn't know what to do with such

> > a bad child. "   Then she'd get off the phone and say

> > things like, " Are you happy that MY friend think you're

> > weird?  Do you like that people think you're idiot. "

> > And sometimes it would go on for hours and hours and hours.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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