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Entering the Portal of Clear-Seeing By DL Zeta

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Entering the Portal of Clear-Seeing

In every moment of your world there are clues embedded in every part

of your reality. These clues point to what is real. If you pay

attention to these " signs and symbols, " they will teach you how to see

through that which is illusory. When you are able to see through the

illusion, you are ready to enter the Portal of Clear-Seeing.

Inside this portal, your vision " burns through " the illusion, enabling

you to make choices and decisions based on inner truths rather than

the shifting sands of physical reality. Understand, we do not ask you

to disregard physical reality, but rather to learn to read it

correctly, observing the deeper truths represented within it.

Part of clear seeing is holding in awareness that " linear reality " is

only part of the complete picture and as such, points to deeper

" unseen realities. Inner " seeing " is the ability to take information

from the physical senses and distill its true essence and meaning.

When you distill the true meaning of the world around you and your

relationship to it, you gain access to these deeper realities within

your self. So it is, when you learn to observe and interpret your

physical reality, your awareness and spiritual understanding expands.

Through the lens of awareness, symbols and their meaning unlock the

door to the deeper meanings of your existence.

Seeing through the Illusion

You can begin to " see through " the illusion by examining each image

and experience in your physical reality. If there is a person who

" rubs you the wrong way, " consider what it is about this person you

find troublesome. Once you determine the attribute of this person

that is disturbing to you, you have a clue to something within

yourself that you find disturbing. If there is a person in your life

who you observe to have an underlying anger, consider how you may have

some underlying anger as well. This is one of the true gifts of inner

seeing, to be able to draw from your outer perceptions kernels of

truth that reveal the atmosphere of your inner landscape.

Each Experience Unlocks Deeper Levels of Understanding

In the case of an illness, you can look at the symptoms to understand

its meaning. If you experience blockages of flow in your heart area,

this is a sign you need to open your heart. Cancer at its root has to

do with inadequate amounts of oxygen to the cells, representing a need

for greater flow of life force energy in the life. Unresolved

emotional issues, particularly aged anger and a lack of self-love, are

often instrumental in shutting down the flow of life force energy to

the physical system. Accidents generally have to do with a lack of

attention to details. The specific area that needs attention is

represented by the part of the body affected.

Other life circumstances can be read to understand their meaning. The

ending of a relationship can occur when one or both people undergo an

internal (energetic) change. It can also signify the completion of a

spiritual contract. The loss of a job can signal it is time to begin a

new phase of one's life and discover a livelihood more closely aligned

with one's spiritual purpose.

Learning to Read the Symbols of Your Nightly Dreams

Another way to see through the illusion is to interpret the symbols of

your nightly dreams. Every part of a dream is symbolic and can be

understand at several levels.

A dream where you are in your car trying to outrun someone is symbolic

of trying to deny and escape parts of yourself. (Everyone and

everything in your dream symbolizes some aspect or characteristic of

your self). If you crash your car during this escape, this indicates

that denying some part of yourself is negatively impacting your

health. (A car or other personal vehicle represents the physical

body). Learning to understand the symbols of your dreams can help you

become fluent in the language of your spirit and offers many insights

to your spiritual progression and your life experience.

By learning to interpret the signs and symbols of your waking and

dreaming worlds, you are able to enter the Portal of Clear-Seeing.

Inside this portal, you are able to see through the illusion to the

still clarity of your inner world.

For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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