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The Abundance Project by DL Zeta

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From the Journals of DL Zeta

" I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they

ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer. "

-- Jim Carrey

The above quote by Jim Carrey sums up the intention of what I'm

writing here. At some point in the last two years, I realized the

early part of my life had been so rooted in lack, illness, scarcity

consciousness and negativity that the best way to reach a state of

equilibrium and clear-seeing was to allow myself to experience

abundance in a variety of ways.

Spiritual vs. Material Abundance

As I improved my quality of life and upgraded my material possessions,

I felt supported and validated by the positive changes I was making. A

side benefit of this new level of manifesting is that I could see

clearly how what we manifest is just a by-product of our inner growth

and spiritual understanding. It's possible to accumulate wealth

through means other than spiritual abundance. While it may offer many

attractive distractions and opportunities, material abundance without

spiritual abundance is ultimately hollow, empty, depleting and even


My arrival at this understanding came after I had finally accepted

some basic tenents of the universe and began to become a conscious

creator and manifester.

These basic tenents are:

-- I can create anything I want;

-- Desires come into my life quicker when they are aligned with my

spiritual purpose;

-- Whatever images my imagination brings me are real and possible for

me so long as I am willing to allow them;

-- I am infinitely more than a physical being;

-- Reality is much more than a concrete, physical experience;

-- Creating happens quite some time before the desired manifestation

shows up in physical reality

-- Great levels of material success unaccompanied by great levels of

spiritual understanding can result in devastating inner poverty and


As I integrated these tenents into my life, I began to heal lifelong

physical challenges, lifelong emotional turmoil, mental confusion, fog

resulting from both, and the most destructive of all, old core beliefs

fueling a perception that my spiritual connection existed somewhere

outside myself. From this perspective, every thing I dreamed of was

completely beyond my reach: health, unconditional love and the

resources to support my dreams.

From my new perspective, I found that everything I'd ever dreamed of

was possible. My dreams included what most people want deep down: a

meaningful, fulfilled existence; knowing, understanding, loving and

honoring myself; communion and connection with others who love and

honor themselves – in essence, a mutual support network instead of the

more prevalent template of a mutual enabling and manipulation network.

Adventures in Abundance and Manifesting

The changes I'm describing began to take root after I decided to take

the " risk " of living my life in a way that made sense to me –

essentially, I chose to begin living my life in a way that fed my

spirit. I chose to trust that as I did this, all that I needed would

arrive in my life.

As I chose this path, pictures and visions started to arrive. I took

one step, then the next was revealed. " Things " I'd wanted in the past

showed up. Some of them were no longer relevant. After awhile, I

sifted through the " backlog " and began manifesting things that I'd

wanted in more recent times. Resources, information and ideas arrived.

Whenever I asked for something, I received a set of instructions on

how to bring it into my life. I kept a " manifestation box " where I

placed desires written on slips of paper. Over time, many of these

requests arrived in my life.

In the past, I might have judged myself for exploring abundance in

purely physical ways. However, my new " abundance of vision " helped me

to see that, given my own unique personal history, the quickest way to

step into an abundance of spirit was to allow myself to experience

abundance in many different ways. By experiencing abundance in all its

various forms, I was able to discern the difference between qualities

and levels of abundance. I could see that when we arrive at the

ultimate level of abundance -- abundance of spiritual alignment - we

are able to perceive the real " secret. "

Start Where You Are – Without Judgment

The key is to start where you are. If you need to energize the place

where you are abundant in a material sense, begin there. If you need

to manifest health and well-being, begin there. If you are seeking a

soul mate relationship, begin there. Start wherever you are. If you

persist in manifesting your dreams and desires, sooner or later you

will arrive in a place of clear-seeing where your vision expands

beyond physical, material reality.

After awhile, I reached the point where I realized things are fun, but

their satisfaction is fleeting. I began focusing on bringing into my

life those things that helped me carry out my purpose. Then my dreams

expanded. I wanted to live in a holistic world founded on principles

of peace and love.

Obviously, we can't mandate or require others to adopt this same

desire. We can only do what feels right to us and share the results of

our adventures in consciousness with kindred and like-minded souls

just as I'm doing here.

In my own case, I began to suspect there was a further shortcut - to

just be the " me " who's loved, fulfilled, abundant, healthy and living

my dreams. I began to see how I could energize the timeline where this

is a reality by becoming the version of me who is all this. The

version of me lives in a world founded on principles of love and peace.

This is my project for 2008, to become that version of me who has the

abundance of spiritual connection from which all else flows.

Invitation to Abundance

I invite all of you to join me in this Abundance Project. Over the

next few months, I will continue to post my experiences. I invite you

to share yours as well. As more people take the shortcut of energizing

the timeline where they are completely abundant and be-ing all they

desire, we will begin healing the world one person at a time. It is in

this place where you will find the true essence of what you have been

seeking throughout time.

For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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