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Re: some questions please.

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I don't check 1 hour after eating. I should try that some time.

I also watch my carbs with my meals. I rarely eat more than 30 grams. I guess I

go by my A1C which has been running good for a while now.


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Re: some questions please.

Dave - have you ever tested at one hour to see how high you are spiking

when you bolus after you finish eating?

Bolusing 15-20 minutes before eating is usually recommended because it

gives the insulin time to kick in so that it matches the food better. Even

the fast insulin analogues we have today take time to start working, while

insulin that is naturally produced starts working literally a couple of

minutes after we eat (and is done and gone within about ten minutes!).

Having said that, I don't always pre-bolus, but I do often start a meal

with a great blood sugar and spike quite high at one hour and am back down

to almost normal at two. I could probably prevent the high spike by

bolusing before I ate. I'm just not that organized sometimes!


> **



> I've always taken my Humalog immediately after eating. I know the textbook

> method is to take it before eating. Perhaps I'm strange and am not effected

> doing it this way. I literally take it as soon as I finish, often having to

> excuse myself from after dinner conversation or whatever. IF we have

> dessert (it we're at a birthday party for example), I take insulin after

> the dinner, then after the dessert.


> Dave



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Just take your shot wherever you feel comfortable. I don't make a show of it

when in a restaurant of course. I remove the cap and keep the pen out of sight

as much as possible, then because I'm a male with a shirt (a separate component

from the lower half), I can slip up a small part of it and find a spot on my

side. I've never injected through my clothing, but it does sound like it works

okay. As for scaring little children with your big belly Mark, well, if your

pants are thin enough, you can find a place on your upper thigh where you can



~~ Now available: THE ATTACHÉ! -- From Desert Breeze Publishing ~~

Visit: http://www.authordavidbond.com

Upcoming releases:

A TIME TO BUILD -- June, 2012

SWEET MUSIC -- October, 2012

A TIME TO HEAL -- February, 2013

OUT OF THE DESERT -- July, 2013

A TIME TO DANCE -- November, 2013

some questions please.

as you know I seen the diabetes specialist yesterday. he stopped my

Glipizide, but I still take my met Forman 1000 twice a day and now I'm on

the 70, 30, mix novalog flex pen. he has me on 20 units at breakfast and 20

units at dinner. I'm to keep track of my sugar readings 4 times a day and

fax it to him next Tuesday. I found out from my drug store that these pens

only cost right at $300 each. I don't think my insurance is going to cover

them from what I'm hearing right now. he did say with my triglycerides being

1300, he would normally have me taking 50 units twice a day, but when he

checked my sugar at his office my sugar was 140. I've been eating better in

the last 5 weeks then at any time in my adult life and my triglycerides went

up from last March of 500 to 1300 one year later. this doc said only insulin

will bring the 1300 down. now, a q I got is how long after giving my self a

shot do I have until I eat? home really isn't a problem, but what about when

I go out to eat? I hope I can continue using the flex pen because they are

just so easy, but at $300 a pen and they only hold 300 units, well if I was

on 100 units a day as he said a man my size normally will take, then this

means a $300 pen would last me 3 days! I would have to be a R N making $40

per hour to afford this cost a month. I may have to go back to school.

another q is why do I always give my self a shot in my belly? I will admit

this is where most of my fat is, but in the hospital they always give you

your insulin in the arm just like a flue shot. well yesterday I was a

blessed man because the doc gave me 3 flex pens. to me this is a $900 gift.

he did ask me if I have to draw up my own shots using the bottles of insulin

how would a totally blind person do it? now you would think as long as I

have been on this list and all the times you guys have talked about doing

it, why don't I know this answer? I suppose unless it is something you need

to do your self, then you won't pay close attention to what is being said. I

did tell him you guys do it and some of you can't see a lick, so if you can

then no reason why I can't. I like the flex pen, but if I can't afford it

then it is what it is. my sister does sell insurance supplements for the

older folks, so she is looking in to finding a way I might go and get most

of it payed fore. until then I have the 3 pens that if he leaves me on 40

units a day each will last one week. ok, now got another q. he wrote me a

scrip for 360 test strips because he wants me to test more then I have been

doing, but I forgot to tell him I use the prodigy voice. I know the

information you get with the meter says to only use there strips, but will

other strips work? the date on the prodigy are out dated the end of March of

this year. sorry for so many different questions in one post, but if I don't

put it all down here I probably will forget and make a bad decision later. I

trust you guys all most as much and maybe more then a doctor. I know with my

meter to test with I will use the same needle more then one day. I use it

until it won't give me blood. what about the needles that I use in this flex

pen? the doc said throw it away after my shot and don't use it again. he

said they were cheap, but I paid $33 for 100. this isn't a lot but when you

start adding all the rest in the price for everything does go up. I know

that a high triglyceride can cause pancreatitis and I wish no part of that.

he did say if I continue eating right and being careful, then he may not

have to put me on 50 units twice a day. he did say I got some other issues

with my hormons that he needs to address but plans to do that later. I did

like the man even if he is hard to understand. I call him doc E. because no

way I can wrap my tongue around his name. ok, no more questions right now.

you know where I am at this moment and if up the road I have to do my shots

by drawing up my own units, then we will cross that bridge when we get

there. appreciate all you guys and I did tell him about you. he said it was

grate that I had a support group to help me with my questions. one good

thing is for more then a few weeks when I first woke up my reading was close

to 300 and now for more then a week it is now under 200. probably the

glipizide was doing it, but he took me off it. I do wonder why he would

leave me on 1000 mg of met Forman twice a day as well as the insulin? well

suppose he knows what he is about and from my numbers at my last blood test

I have no clue or I'm just thinking bad things happen to others and never

me! what a stupid thing to think, but I've had this attitude for at least 9

years and 5 months. to many trips to the hospital has finally got through to

my thick head that this is serious business! maybe I should use my head to

give my shots? it does seem to be the fattest part and not my belly. thanks.

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does it really matter if you do it 20 minutes before, right before you eat or

right after? I would think as long as it got in your system around eating it

should do what it is suppose to do. wonder what the folks in the restaurant

would think if I lifted my shirt and shot my self in the belly right after I

ordered my meal? probably should better go to the little boy's room and not

scare the hell out of folks trying to eat! I got a pretty big belly and I might

scare the little one's.

some questions please.

as you know I seen the diabetes specialist yesterday. he stopped my

Glipizide, but I still take my met Forman 1000 twice a day and now I'm on

the 70, 30, mix novalog flex pen. he has me on 20 units at breakfast and 20

units at dinner. I'm to keep track of my sugar readings 4 times a day and

fax it to him next Tuesday. I found out from my drug store that these pens

only cost right at $300 each. I don't think my insurance is going to cover

them from what I'm hearing right now. he did say with my triglycerides being

1300, he would normally have me taking 50 units twice a day, but when he

checked my sugar at his office my sugar was 140. I've been eating better in

the last 5 weeks then at any time in my adult life and my triglycerides went

up from last March of 500 to 1300 one year later. this doc said only insulin

will bring the 1300 down. now, a q I got is how long after giving my self a

shot do I have until I eat? home really isn't a problem, but what about when

I go out to eat? I hope I can continue using the flex pen because they are

just so easy, but at $300 a pen and they only hold 300 units, well if I was

on 100 units a day as he said a man my size normally will take, then this

means a $300 pen would last me 3 days! I would have to be a R N making $40

per hour to afford this cost a month. I may have to go back to school.

another q is why do I always give my self a shot in my belly? I will admit

this is where most of my fat is, but in the hospital they always give you

your insulin in the arm just like a flue shot. well yesterday I was a

blessed man because the doc gave me 3 flex pens. to me this is a $900 gift.

he did ask me if I have to draw up my own shots using the bottles of insulin

how would a totally blind person do it? now you would think as long as I

have been on this list and all the times you guys have talked about doing

it, why don't I know this answer? I suppose unless it is something you need

to do your self, then you won't pay close attention to what is being said. I

did tell him you guys do it and some of you can't see a lick, so if you can

then no reason why I can't. I like the flex pen, but if I can't afford it

then it is what it is. my sister does sell insurance supplements for the

older folks, so she is looking in to finding a way I might go and get most

of it payed fore. until then I have the 3 pens that if he leaves me on 40

units a day each will last one week. ok, now got another q. he wrote me a

scrip for 360 test strips because he wants me to test more then I have been

doing, but I forgot to tell him I use the prodigy voice. I know the

information you get with the meter says to only use there strips, but will

other strips work? the date on the prodigy are out dated the end of March of

this year. sorry for so many different questions in one post, but if I don't

put it all down here I probably will forget and make a bad decision later. I

trust you guys all most as much and maybe more then a doctor. I know with my

meter to test with I will use the same needle more then one day. I use it

until it won't give me blood. what about the needles that I use in this flex

pen? the doc said throw it away after my shot and don't use it again. he

said they were cheap, but I paid $33 for 100. this isn't a lot but when you

start adding all the rest in the price for everything does go up. I know

that a high triglyceride can cause pancreatitis and I wish no part of that.

he did say if I continue eating right and being careful, then he may not

have to put me on 50 units twice a day. he did say I got some other issues

with my hormons that he needs to address but plans to do that later. I did

like the man even if he is hard to understand. I call him doc E. because no

way I can wrap my tongue around his name. ok, no more questions right now.

you know where I am at this moment and if up the road I have to do my shots

by drawing up my own units, then we will cross that bridge when we get

there. appreciate all you guys and I did tell him about you. he said it was

grate that I had a support group to help me with my questions. one good

thing is for more then a few weeks when I first woke up my reading was close

to 300 and now for more then a week it is now under 200. probably the

glipizide was doing it, but he took me off it. I do wonder why he would

leave me on 1000 mg of met Forman twice a day as well as the insulin? well

suppose he knows what he is about and from my numbers at my last blood test

I have no clue or I'm just thinking bad things happen to others and never

me! what a stupid thing to think, but I've had this attitude for at least 9

years and 5 months. to many trips to the hospital has finally got through to

my thick head that this is serious business! maybe I should use my head to

give my shots? it does seem to be the fattest part and not my belly. thanks.

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I say don't worry about it, I always inject at the table, know matter

where I am. Even at work lunches etc. You can inject through your shirt

with out any problems.




> does it really matter if you do it 20 minutes before, right before you

> eat or right after? I would think as long as it got in your system

> around eating it should do what it is suppose to do. wonder what the

> folks in the restaurant would think if I lifted my shirt and shot my

> self in the belly right after I ordered my meal? probably should

> better go to the little boy's room and not scare the hell out of folks

> trying to eat! I got a pretty big belly and I might scare the little

> one's.

> some questions please.


> as you know I seen the diabetes specialist yesterday. he stopped my

> Glipizide, but I still take my met Forman 1000 twice a day and now I'm on

> the 70, 30, mix novalog flex pen. he has me on 20 units at breakfast

> and 20

> units at dinner. I'm to keep track of my sugar readings 4 times a day and

> fax it to him next Tuesday. I found out from my drug store that these pens

> only cost right at $300 each. I don't think my insurance is going to cover

> them from what I'm hearing right now. he did say with my triglycerides

> being

> 1300, he would normally have me taking 50 units twice a day, but when he

> checked my sugar at his office my sugar was 140. I've been eating

> better in

> the last 5 weeks then at any time in my adult life and my

> triglycerides went

> up from last March of 500 to 1300 one year later. this doc said only

> insulin

> will bring the 1300 down. now, a q I got is how long after giving my

> self a

> shot do I have until I eat? home really isn't a problem, but what

> about when

> I go out to eat? I hope I can continue using the flex pen because they are

> just so easy, but at $300 a pen and they only hold 300 units, well if

> I was

> on 100 units a day as he said a man my size normally will take, then this

> means a $300 pen would last me 3 days! I would have to be a R N making $40

> per hour to afford this cost a month. I may have to go back to school.

> another q is why do I always give my self a shot in my belly? I will admit

> this is where most of my fat is, but in the hospital they always give you

> your insulin in the arm just like a flue shot. well yesterday I was a

> blessed man because the doc gave me 3 flex pens. to me this is a $900

> gift.

> he did ask me if I have to draw up my own shots using the bottles of

> insulin

> how would a totally blind person do it? now you would think as long as I

> have been on this list and all the times you guys have talked about doing

> it, why don't I know this answer? I suppose unless it is something you

> need

> to do your self, then you won't pay close attention to what is being

> said. I

> did tell him you guys do it and some of you can't see a lick, so if

> you can

> then no reason why I can't. I like the flex pen, but if I can't afford it

> then it is what it is. my sister does sell insurance supplements for the

> older folks, so she is looking in to finding a way I might go and get most

> of it payed fore. until then I have the 3 pens that if he leaves me on 40

> units a day each will last one week. ok, now got another q. he wrote me a

> scrip for 360 test strips because he wants me to test more then I have

> been

> doing, but I forgot to tell him I use the prodigy voice. I know the

> information you get with the meter says to only use there strips, but will

> other strips work? the date on the prodigy are out dated the end of

> March of

> this year. sorry for so many different questions in one post, but if I

> don't

> put it all down here I probably will forget and make a bad decision

> later. I

> trust you guys all most as much and maybe more then a doctor. I know

> with my

> meter to test with I will use the same needle more then one day. I use it

> until it won't give me blood. what about the needles that I use in

> this flex

> pen? the doc said throw it away after my shot and don't use it again. he

> said they were cheap, but I paid $33 for 100. this isn't a lot but

> when you

> start adding all the rest in the price for everything does go up. I know

> that a high triglyceride can cause pancreatitis and I wish no part of

> that.

> he did say if I continue eating right and being careful, then he may not

> have to put me on 50 units twice a day. he did say I got some other issues

> with my hormons that he needs to address but plans to do that later. I did

> like the man even if he is hard to understand. I call him doc E.

> because no

> way I can wrap my tongue around his name. ok, no more questions right now.

> you know where I am at this moment and if up the road I have to do my

> shots

> by drawing up my own units, then we will cross that bridge when we get

> there. appreciate all you guys and I did tell him about you. he said

> it was

> grate that I had a support group to help me with my questions. one good

> thing is for more then a few weeks when I first woke up my reading was

> close

> to 300 and now for more then a week it is now under 200. probably the

> glipizide was doing it, but he took me off it. I do wonder why he would

> leave me on 1000 mg of met Forman twice a day as well as the insulin? well

> suppose he knows what he is about and from my numbers at my last blood

> test

> I have no clue or I'm just thinking bad things happen to others and never

> me! what a stupid thing to think, but I've had this attitude for at

> least 9

> years and 5 months. to many trips to the hospital has finally got

> through to

> my thick head that this is serious business! maybe I should use my head to

> give my shots? it does seem to be the fattest part and not my belly.

> thanks.



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I use a pump, but occasionally still do a shot if my pump is low on insulin

when I'm out or if my blood sugar is high and I'm not sure if the pump is

working. Like Brett, I do the shot right through my clothing and it's never

been a problem. This is such a common practice with diabetics that they've

actually done studies on whether it increases the changes of infection, and

have found that it doesn't. It's much more sanitary than going to a public

washroom, and discreet enough that most people don't even notice what I'm

doing even when they are sitting at the same table.


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Hi Mark,

I thought I'd chime in. When My wife and I eat out, I try to take

my insulin right before the food is brought, but sometimes I have to wait

until we're done eating. I am totally blind and my wife, who has some

useable sight, says there are some people who watch, but no one has ever

said anything. My belly has also grown the last few years, but I haven't

heard anyone run screaming yet. LOL.

" The girls' idea of exercise is taking a cab to the bus stop to get to

work. " --Henry Rush {Too Close For Comfort}

Re: some questions please.

does it really matter if you do it 20 minutes before, right before you

eat or right after? I would think as long as it got in your system around

eating it should do what it is suppose to do. wonder what the folks in the

restaurant would think if I lifted my shirt and shot my self in the belly

right after I ordered my meal? probably should better go to the little boy's

room and not scare the hell out of folks trying to eat! I got a pretty big

belly and I might scare the little one's.

some questions please.

as you know I seen the diabetes specialist yesterday. he stopped my

Glipizide, but I still take my met Forman 1000 twice a day and now I'm on

the 70, 30, mix novalog flex pen. he has me on 20 units at breakfast and


units at dinner. I'm to keep track of my sugar readings 4 times a day and

fax it to him next Tuesday. I found out from my drug store that these pens

only cost right at $300 each. I don't think my insurance is going to cover

them from what I'm hearing right now. he did say with my triglycerides


1300, he would normally have me taking 50 units twice a day, but when he

checked my sugar at his office my sugar was 140. I've been eating better


the last 5 weeks then at any time in my adult life and my triglycerides


up from last March of 500 to 1300 one year later. this doc said only


will bring the 1300 down. now, a q I got is how long after giving my self


shot do I have until I eat? home really isn't a problem, but what about


I go out to eat? I hope I can continue using the flex pen because they are

just so easy, but at $300 a pen and they only hold 300 units, well if I


on 100 units a day as he said a man my size normally will take, then this

means a $300 pen would last me 3 days! I would have to be a R N making $40

per hour to afford this cost a month. I may have to go back to school.

another q is why do I always give my self a shot in my belly? I will admit

this is where most of my fat is, but in the hospital they always give you

your insulin in the arm just like a flue shot. well yesterday I was a

blessed man because the doc gave me 3 flex pens. to me this is a $900


he did ask me if I have to draw up my own shots using the bottles of


how would a totally blind person do it? now you would think as long as I

have been on this list and all the times you guys have talked about doing

it, why don't I know this answer? I suppose unless it is something you


to do your self, then you won't pay close attention to what is being said.


did tell him you guys do it and some of you can't see a lick, so if you


then no reason why I can't. I like the flex pen, but if I can't afford it

then it is what it is. my sister does sell insurance supplements for the

older folks, so she is looking in to finding a way I might go and get most

of it payed fore. until then I have the 3 pens that if he leaves me on 40

units a day each will last one week. ok, now got another q. he wrote me a

scrip for 360 test strips because he wants me to test more then I have


doing, but I forgot to tell him I use the prodigy voice. I know the

information you get with the meter says to only use there strips, but will

other strips work? the date on the prodigy are out dated the end of March


this year. sorry for so many different questions in one post, but if I


put it all down here I probably will forget and make a bad decision later.


trust you guys all most as much and maybe more then a doctor. I know with


meter to test with I will use the same needle more then one day. I use it

until it won't give me blood. what about the needles that I use in this


pen? the doc said throw it away after my shot and don't use it again. he

said they were cheap, but I paid $33 for 100. this isn't a lot but when


start adding all the rest in the price for everything does go up. I know

that a high triglyceride can cause pancreatitis and I wish no part of


he did say if I continue eating right and being careful, then he may not

have to put me on 50 units twice a day. he did say I got some other issues

with my hormons that he needs to address but plans to do that later. I did

like the man even if he is hard to understand. I call him doc E. because


way I can wrap my tongue around his name. ok, no more questions right now.

you know where I am at this moment and if up the road I have to do my


by drawing up my own units, then we will cross that bridge when we get

there. appreciate all you guys and I did tell him about you. he said it


grate that I had a support group to help me with my questions. one good

thing is for more then a few weeks when I first woke up my reading was


to 300 and now for more then a week it is now under 200. probably the

glipizide was doing it, but he took me off it. I do wonder why he would

leave me on 1000 mg of met Forman twice a day as well as the insulin? well

suppose he knows what he is about and from my numbers at my last blood


I have no clue or I'm just thinking bad things happen to others and never

me! what a stupid thing to think, but I've had this attitude for at least


years and 5 months. to many trips to the hospital has finally got through


my thick head that this is serious business! maybe I should use my head to

give my shots? it does seem to be the fattest part and not my belly.


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I was actually wondering about that. Whether or not it was ok to inject

discretely through a shirt or in the thigh through ones pants when it isn’t

practical or easy to get to a bathroom.


From: blind-diabetics

[mailto:blind-diabetics ] On Behalf Of Brett

Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2012 9:35 PM

To: blind-diabetics

Subject: Re: some questions please.


I say don't worry about it, I always inject at the table, know matter

where I am. Even at work lunches etc. You can inject through your shirt

with out any problems.




> does it really matter if you do it 20 minutes before, right before you

> eat or right after? I would think as long as it got in your system

> around eating it should do what it is suppose to do. wonder what the

> folks in the restaurant would think if I lifted my shirt and shot my

> self in the belly right after I ordered my meal? probably should

> better go to the little boy's room and not scare the hell out of folks

> trying to eat! I got a pretty big belly and I might scare the little

> one's.

> some questions please.


> as you know I seen the diabetes specialist yesterday. he stopped my

> Glipizide, but I still take my met Forman 1000 twice a day and now I'm on

> the 70, 30, mix novalog flex pen. he has me on 20 units at breakfast

> and 20

> units at dinner. I'm to keep track of my sugar readings 4 times a day and

> fax it to him next Tuesday. I found out from my drug store that these pens

> only cost right at $300 each. I don't think my insurance is going to cover

> them from what I'm hearing right now. he did say with my triglycerides

> being

> 1300, he would normally have me taking 50 units twice a day, but when he

> checked my sugar at his office my sugar was 140. I've been eating

> better in

> the last 5 weeks then at any time in my adult life and my

> triglycerides went

> up from last March of 500 to 1300 one year later. this doc said only

> insulin

> will bring the 1300 down. now, a q I got is how long after giving my

> self a

> shot do I have until I eat? home really isn't a problem, but what

> about when

> I go out to eat? I hope I can continue using the flex pen because they are

> just so easy, but at $300 a pen and they only hold 300 units, well if

> I was

> on 100 units a day as he said a man my size normally will take, then this

> means a $300 pen would last me 3 days! I would have to be a R N making $40

> per hour to afford this cost a month. I may have to go back to school.

> another q is why do I always give my self a shot in my belly? I will admit

> this is where most of my fat is, but in the hospital they always give you

> your insulin in the arm just like a flue shot. well yesterday I was a

> blessed man because the doc gave me 3 flex pens. to me this is a $900

> gift.

> he did ask me if I have to draw up my own shots using the bottles of

> insulin

> how would a totally blind person do it? now you would think as long as I

> have been on this list and all the times you guys have talked about doing

> it, why don't I know this answer? I suppose unless it is something you

> need

> to do your self, then you won't pay close attention to what is being

> said. I

> did tell him you guys do it and some of you can't see a lick, so if

> you can

> then no reason why I can't. I like the flex pen, but if I can't afford it

> then it is what it is. my sister does sell insurance supplements for the

> older folks, so she is looking in to finding a way I might go and get most

> of it payed fore. until then I have the 3 pens that if he leaves me on 40

> units a day each will last one week. ok, now got another q. he wrote me a

> scrip for 360 test strips because he wants me to test more then I have

> been

> doing, but I forgot to tell him I use the prodigy voice. I know the

> information you get with the meter says to only use there strips, but will

> other strips work? the date on the prodigy are out dated the end of

> March of

> this year. sorry for so many different questions in one post, but if I

> don't

> put it all down here I probably will forget and make a bad decision

> later. I

> trust you guys all most as much and maybe more then a doctor. I know

> with my

> meter to test with I will use the same needle more then one day. I use it

> until it won't give me blood. what about the needles that I use in

> this flex

> pen? the doc said throw it away after my shot and don't use it again. he

> said they were cheap, but I paid $33 for 100. this isn't a lot but

> when you

> start adding all the rest in the price for everything does go up. I know

> that a high triglyceride can cause pancreatitis and I wish no part of

> that.

> he did say if I continue eating right and being careful, then he may not

> have to put me on 50 units twice a day. he did say I got some other issues

> with my hormons that he needs to address but plans to do that later. I did

> like the man even if he is hard to understand. I call him doc E.

> because no

> way I can wrap my tongue around his name. ok, no more questions right now.

> you know where I am at this moment and if up the road I have to do my

> shots

> by drawing up my own units, then we will cross that bridge when we get

> there. appreciate all you guys and I did tell him about you. he said

> it was

> grate that I had a support group to help me with my questions. one good

> thing is for more then a few weeks when I first woke up my reading was

> close

> to 300 and now for more then a week it is now under 200. probably the

> glipizide was doing it, but he took me off it. I do wonder why he would

> leave me on 1000 mg of met Forman twice a day as well as the insulin? well

> suppose he knows what he is about and from my numbers at my last blood

> test

> I have no clue or I'm just thinking bad things happen to others and never

> me! what a stupid thing to think, but I've had this attitude for at

> least 9

> years and 5 months. to many trips to the hospital has finally got

> through to

> my thick head that this is serious business! maybe I should use my head to

> give my shots? it does seem to be the fattest part and not my belly.

> thanks.



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I don't think I've ever gone to the men's room to take my insulin. The seating

leaves something to be desired if taking it in the thigh! No, just don't make a

splash of it and inject in the middle of the dining room. As some have reported,

inject through clothing, providing the material isn't overly thick. I'm thinking

it wouldn't be good to try to inject through heavy dungarees. Or just slip a

corner of your shirt up and stick your side.


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some questions please.


> as you know I seen the diabetes specialist yesterday. he stopped my

> Glipizide, but I still take my met Forman 1000 twice a day and now I'm on

> the 70, 30, mix novalog flex pen. he has me on 20 units at breakfast

> and 20

> units at dinner. I'm to keep track of my sugar readings 4 times a day and

> fax it to him next Tuesday. I found out from my drug store that these pens

> only cost right at $300 each. I don't think my insurance is going to cover

> them from what I'm hearing right now. he did say with my triglycerides

> being

> 1300, he would normally have me taking 50 units twice a day, but when he

> checked my sugar at his office my sugar was 140. I've been eating

> better in

> the last 5 weeks then at any time in my adult life and my

> triglycerides went

> up from last March of 500 to 1300 one year later. this doc said only

> insulin

> will bring the 1300 down. now, a q I got is how long after giving my

> self a

> shot do I have until I eat? home really isn't a problem, but what

> about when

> I go out to eat? I hope I can continue using the flex pen because they are

> just so easy, but at $300 a pen and they only hold 300 units, well if

> I was

> on 100 units a day as he said a man my size normally will take, then this

> means a $300 pen would last me 3 days! I would have to be a R N making $40

> per hour to afford this cost a month. I may have to go back to school.

> another q is why do I always give my self a shot in my belly? I will admit

> this is where most of my fat is, but in the hospital they always give you

> your insulin in the arm just like a flue shot. well yesterday I was a

> blessed man because the doc gave me 3 flex pens. to me this is a $900

> gift.

> he did ask me if I have to draw up my own shots using the bottles of

> insulin

> how would a totally blind person do it? now you would think as long as I

> have been on this list and all the times you guys have talked about doing

> it, why don't I know this answer? I suppose unless it is something you

> need

> to do your self, then you won't pay close attention to what is being

> said. I

> did tell him you guys do it and some of you can't see a lick, so if

> you can

> then no reason why I can't. I like the flex pen, but if I can't afford it

> then it is what it is. my sister does sell insurance supplements for the

> older folks, so she is looking in to finding a way I might go and get most

> of it payed fore. until then I have the 3 pens that if he leaves me on 40

> units a day each will last one week. ok, now got another q. he wrote me a

> scrip for 360 test strips because he wants me to test more then I have

> been

> doing, but I forgot to tell him I use the prodigy voice. I know the

> information you get with the meter says to only use there strips, but will

> other strips work? the date on the prodigy are out dated the end of

> March of

> this year. sorry for so many different questions in one post, but if I

> don't

> put it all down here I probably will forget and make a bad decision

> later. I

> trust you guys all most as much and maybe more then a doctor. I know

> with my

> meter to test with I will use the same needle more then one day. I use it

> until it won't give me blood. what about the needles that I use in

> this flex

> pen? the doc said throw it away after my shot and don't use it again. he

> said they were cheap, but I paid $33 for 100. this isn't a lot but

> when you

> start adding all the rest in the price for everything does go up. I know

> that a high triglyceride can cause pancreatitis and I wish no part of

> that.

> he did say if I continue eating right and being careful, then he may not

> have to put me on 50 units twice a day. he did say I got some other issues

> with my hormons that he needs to address but plans to do that later. I did

> like the man even if he is hard to understand. I call him doc E.

> because no

> way I can wrap my tongue around his name. ok, no more questions right now.

> you know where I am at this moment and if up the road I have to do my

> shots

> by drawing up my own units, then we will cross that bridge when we get

> there. appreciate all you guys and I did tell him about you. he said

> it was

> grate that I had a support group to help me with my questions. one good

> thing is for more then a few weeks when I first woke up my reading was

> close

> to 300 and now for more then a week it is now under 200. probably the

> glipizide was doing it, but he took me off it. I do wonder why he would

> leave me on 1000 mg of met Forman twice a day as well as the insulin? well

> suppose he knows what he is about and from my numbers at my last blood

> test

> I have no clue or I'm just thinking bad things happen to others and never

> me! what a stupid thing to think, but I've had this attitude for at

> least 9

> years and 5 months. to many trips to the hospital has finally got

> through to

> my thick head that this is serious business! maybe I should use my head to

> give my shots? it does seem to be the fattest part and not my belly.

> thanks.



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This gets rather complicated when you start counting carbs verses the amount

of insulin your are taking. Your insulin mixture gives you 12.3 units of

long acting insulin and 6.7 units of fast acting insulin twice a day. The

fast acting insulin last 3-5 hours in your body and the slow acting one asts

about 8-10 hours. (Everyone is different. So if you eat 15 grams of carbs

in the morning and your BG is good at lunch that means the 6.7 units covers

15 grams of carbs. If you eat 30 grams in the morning and your sugar is

high at lunch, that means you either need mor fast acting insulin or you

need to eat less carbs. Now at lunch, you have no fast acacting insulin,

you will need to eat even less carbs at lunch because you have only the

slower acting insulin working and that is not made to cover extra carbs. So

even though you did not eat hardly any carbs at lunch with your hamsburger

and few ries and onions, your sugar went up At dinner, you again got more

fast acting inusulin and apparently whatever you ate was covered by the 6.7


If this confuses you, ask more questions. I hope this helped.


From: blind-diabetics

[mailto:blind-diabetics ] On Behalf Of Mark Ruth

Sent: Friday, March 09, 2012 2:45 PM

To: blind-diabetics

Subject: Re: some questions please.

he didn't explain any of this about carbs. I do eat carbs at each meal, but

I'm careful. if you got the extra time you could explain to me what I need

to know. I got the carb counter that the list sent out a while back and this

is what I use to know where I am. thanks.

some questions please.

as you know I seen the diabetes specialist yesterday. he stopped my

Glipizide, but I still take my met Forman 1000 twice a day and now I'm on

the 70, 30, mix novalog flex pen. he has me on 20 units at breakfast and 20

units at dinner. I'm to keep track of my sugar readings 4 times a day and

fax it to him next Tuesday. I found out from my drug store that these pens

only cost right at $300 each. I don't think my insurance is going to cover

them from what I'm hearing right now. he did say with my triglycerides being

1300, he would normally have me taking 50 units twice a day, but when he

checked my sugar at his office my sugar was 140. I've been eating better in

the last 5 weeks then at any time in my adult life and my triglycerides went

up from last March of 500 to 1300 one year later. this doc said only insulin

will bring the 1300 down. now, a q I got is how long after giving my self a

shot do I have until I eat? home really isn't a problem, but what about when

I go out to eat? I hope I can continue using the flex pen because they are

just so easy, but at $300 a pen and they only hold 300 units, well if I was

on 100 units a day as he said a man my size normally will take, then this

means a $300 pen would last me 3 days! I would have to be a R N making $40

per hour to afford this cost a month. I may have to go back to school.

another q is why do I always give my self a shot in my belly? I will admit

this is where most of my fat is, but in the hospital they always give you

your insulin in the arm just like a flue shot. well yesterday I was a

blessed man because the doc gave me 3 flex pens. to me this is a $900 gift.

he did ask me if I have to draw up my own shots using the bottles of insulin

how would a totally blind person do it? now you would think as long as I

have been on this list and all the times you guys have talked about doing

it, why don't I know this answer? I suppose unless it is something you need

to do your self, then you won't pay close attention to what is being said. I

did tell him you guys do it and some of you can't see a lick, so if you can

then no reason why I can't. I like the flex pen, but if I can't afford it

then it is what it is. my sister does sell insurance supplements for the

older folks, so she is looking in to finding a way I might go and get most

of it payed fore. until then I have the 3 pens that if he leaves me on 40

units a day each will last one week. ok, now got another q. he wrote me a

scrip for 360 test strips because he wants me to test more then I have been

doing, but I forgot to tell him I use the prodigy voice. I know the

information you get with the meter says to only use there strips, but will

other strips work? the date on the prodigy are out dated the end of March of

this year. sorry for so many different questions in one post, but if I don't

put it all down here I probably will forget and make a bad decision later. I

trust you guys all most as much and maybe more then a doctor. I know with my

meter to test with I will use the same needle more then one day. I use it

until it won't give me blood. what about the needles that I use in this flex

pen? the doc said throw it away after my shot and don't use it again. he

said they were cheap, but I paid $33 for 100. this isn't a lot but when you

start adding all the rest in the price for everything does go up. I know

that a high triglyceride can cause pancreatitis and I wish no part of that.

he did say if I continue eating right and being careful, then he may not

have to put me on 50 units twice a day. he did say I got some other issues

with my hormons that he needs to address but plans to do that later. I did

like the man even if he is hard to understand. I call him doc E. because no

way I can wrap my tongue around his name. ok, no more questions right now.

you know where I am at this moment and if up the road I have to do my shots

by drawing up my own units, then we will cross that bridge when we get

there. appreciate all you guys and I did tell him about you. he said it was

grate that I had a support group to help me with my questions. one good

thing is for more then a few weeks when I first woke up my reading was close

to 300 and now for more then a week it is now under 200. probably the

glipizide was doing it, but he took me off it. I do wonder why he would

leave me on 1000 mg of met Forman twice a day as well as the insulin? well

suppose he knows what he is about and from my numbers at my last blood test

I have no clue or I'm just thinking bad things happen to others and never

me! what a stupid thing to think, but I've had this attitude for at least 9

years and 5 months. to many trips to the hospital has finally got through to

my thick head that this is serious business! maybe I should use my head to

give my shots? it does seem to be the fattest part and not my belly. thanks.

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Before the pump, I always injected through my clothes.


From: blind-diabetics

[mailto:blind-diabetics ] On Behalf Of Rick Alfaro

Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2012 12:41 PM

To: blind-diabetics

Subject: RE: some questions please.

I was actually wondering about that. Whether or not it was ok to inject

discretely through a shirt or in the thigh through ones pants when it isn’t

practical or easy to get to a bathroom.


From: blind-diabetics



<mailto:blind-diabetics%40yahoogroups.com> ] On Behalf Of Brett

Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2012 9:35 PM

To: blind-diabetics


Subject: Re: some questions please.


I say don't worry about it, I always inject at the table, know matter

where I am. Even at work lunches etc. You can inject through your shirt

with out any problems.




> does it really matter if you do it 20 minutes before, right before you

> eat or right after? I would think as long as it got in your system

> around eating it should do what it is suppose to do. wonder what the

> folks in the restaurant would think if I lifted my shirt and shot my

> self in the belly right after I ordered my meal? probably should

> better go to the little boy's room and not scare the hell out of folks

> trying to eat! I got a pretty big belly and I might scare the little

> one's.

> some questions please.


> as you know I seen the diabetes specialist yesterday. he stopped my

> Glipizide, but I still take my met Forman 1000 twice a day and now I'm on

> the 70, 30, mix novalog flex pen. he has me on 20 units at breakfast

> and 20

> units at dinner. I'm to keep track of my sugar readings 4 times a day and

> fax it to him next Tuesday. I found out from my drug store that these pens

> only cost right at $300 each. I don't think my insurance is going to cover

> them from what I'm hearing right now. he did say with my triglycerides

> being

> 1300, he would normally have me taking 50 units twice a day, but when he

> checked my sugar at his office my sugar was 140. I've been eating

> better in

> the last 5 weeks then at any time in my adult life and my

> triglycerides went

> up from last March of 500 to 1300 one year later. this doc said only

> insulin

> will bring the 1300 down. now, a q I got is how long after giving my

> self a

> shot do I have until I eat? home really isn't a problem, but what

> about when

> I go out to eat? I hope I can continue using the flex pen because they are

> just so easy, but at $300 a pen and they only hold 300 units, well if

> I was

> on 100 units a day as he said a man my size normally will take, then this

> means a $300 pen would last me 3 days! I would have to be a R N making $40

> per hour to afford this cost a month. I may have to go back to school.

> another q is why do I always give my self a shot in my belly? I will admit

> this is where most of my fat is, but in the hospital they always give you

> your insulin in the arm just like a flue shot. well yesterday I was a

> blessed man because the doc gave me 3 flex pens. to me this is a $900

> gift.

> he did ask me if I have to draw up my own shots using the bottles of

> insulin

> how would a totally blind person do it? now you would think as long as I

> have been on this list and all the times you guys have talked about doing

> it, why don't I know this answer? I suppose unless it is something you

> need

> to do your self, then you won't pay close attention to what is being

> said. I

> did tell him you guys do it and some of you can't see a lick, so if

> you can

> then no reason why I can't. I like the flex pen, but if I can't afford it

> then it is what it is. my sister does sell insurance supplements for the

> older folks, so she is looking in to finding a way I might go and get most

> of it payed fore. until then I have the 3 pens that if he leaves me on 40

> units a day each will last one week. ok, now got another q. he wrote me a

> scrip for 360 test strips because he wants me to test more then I have

> been

> doing, but I forgot to tell him I use the prodigy voice. I know the

> information you get with the meter says to only use there strips, but will

> other strips work? the date on the prodigy are out dated the end of

> March of

> this year. sorry for so many different questions in one post, but if I

> don't

> put it all down here I probably will forget and make a bad decision

> later. I

> trust you guys all most as much and maybe more then a doctor. I know

> with my

> meter to test with I will use the same needle more then one day. I use it

> until it won't give me blood. what about the needles that I use in

> this flex

> pen? the doc said throw it away after my shot and don't use it again. he

> said they were cheap, but I paid $33 for 100. this isn't a lot but

> when you

> start adding all the rest in the price for everything does go up. I know

> that a high triglyceride can cause pancreatitis and I wish no part of

> that.

> he did say if I continue eating right and being careful, then he may not

> have to put me on 50 units twice a day. he did say I got some other issues

> with my hormons that he needs to address but plans to do that later. I did

> like the man even if he is hard to understand. I call him doc E.

> because no

> way I can wrap my tongue around his name. ok, no more questions right now.

> you know where I am at this moment and if up the road I have to do my

> shots

> by drawing up my own units, then we will cross that bridge when we get

> there. appreciate all you guys and I did tell him about you. he said

> it was

> grate that I had a support group to help me with my questions. one good

> thing is for more then a few weeks when I first woke up my reading was

> close

> to 300 and now for more then a week it is now under 200. probably the

> glipizide was doing it, but he took me off it. I do wonder why he would

> leave me on 1000 mg of met Forman twice a day as well as the insulin? well

> suppose he knows what he is about and from my numbers at my last blood

> test

> I have no clue or I'm just thinking bad things happen to others and never

> me! what a stupid thing to think, but I've had this attitude for at

> least 9

> years and 5 months. to many trips to the hospital has finally got

> through to

> my thick head that this is serious business! maybe I should use my head to

> give my shots? it does seem to be the fattest part and not my belly.

> thanks.



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Guest guest

Hi, when I use to take insulin, I would would inject myself in the legs, or arm,

if I was wearing a thin pants, or skirt, and a thin blouse.

I even tried getting injected on my shoulder blade while working as a diabetic

counselor at the ADA Camp for Juevinelle Diabetes

" The LORD is my light and my salvation - so why should I be afraid? The Lord is

my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble? "

~Psalm 27:1

~Be Blessed, Sugar

some questions please.


> as you know I seen the diabetes specialist yesterday. he stopped my

> Glipizide, but I still take my met Forman 1000 twice a day and now I'm on

> the 70, 30, mix novalog flex pen. he has me on 20 units at breakfast

> and 20

> units at dinner. I'm to keep track of my sugar readings 4 times a day and

> fax it to him next Tuesday. I found out from my drug store that these pens

> only cost right at $300 each. I don't think my insurance is going to cover

> them from what I'm hearing right now. he did say with my triglycerides

> being

> 1300, he would normally have me taking 50 units twice a day, but when he

> checked my sugar at his office my sugar was 140. I've been eating

> better in

> the last 5 weeks then at any time in my adult life and my

> triglycerides went

> up from last March of 500 to 1300 one year later. this doc said only

> insulin

> will bring the 1300 down. now, a q I got is how long after giving my

> self a

> shot do I have until I eat? home really isn't a problem, but what

> about when

> I go out to eat? I hope I can continue using the flex pen because they are

> just so easy, but at $300 a pen and they only hold 300 units, well if

> I was

> on 100 units a day as he said a man my size normally will take, then this

> means a $300 pen would last me 3 days! I would have to be a R N making $40

> per hour to afford this cost a month. I may have to go back to school.

> another q is why do I always give my self a shot in my belly? I will admit

> this is where most of my fat is, but in the hospital they always give you

> your insulin in the arm just like a flue shot. well yesterday I was a

> blessed man because the doc gave me 3 flex pens. to me this is a $900

> gift.

> he did ask me if I have to draw up my own shots using the bottles of

> insulin

> how would a totally blind person do it? now you would think as long as I

> have been on this list and all the times you guys have talked about doing

> it, why don't I know this answer? I suppose unless it is something you

> need

> to do your self, then you won't pay close attention to what is being

> said. I

> did tell him you guys do it and some of you can't see a lick, so if

> you can

> then no reason why I can't. I like the flex pen, but if I can't afford it

> then it is what it is. my sister does sell insurance supplements for the

> older folks, so she is looking in to finding a way I might go and get most

> of it payed fore. until then I have the 3 pens that if he leaves me on 40

> units a day each will last one week. ok, now got another q. he wrote me a

> scrip for 360 test strips because he wants me to test more then I have

> been

> doing, but I forgot to tell him I use the prodigy voice. I know the

> information you get with the meter says to only use there strips, but will

> other strips work? the date on the prodigy are out dated the end of

> March of

> this year. sorry for so many different questions in one post, but if I

> don't

> put it all down here I probably will forget and make a bad decision

> later. I

> trust you guys all most as much and maybe more then a doctor. I know

> with my

> meter to test with I will use the same needle more then one day. I use it

> until it won't give me blood. what about the needles that I use in

> this flex

> pen? the doc said throw it away after my shot and don't use it again. he

> said they were cheap, but I paid $33 for 100. this isn't a lot but

> when you

> start adding all the rest in the price for everything does go up. I know

> that a high triglyceride can cause pancreatitis and I wish no part of

> that.

> he did say if I continue eating right and being careful, then he may not

> have to put me on 50 units twice a day. he did say I got some other issues

> with my hormons that he needs to address but plans to do that later. I did

> like the man even if he is hard to understand. I call him doc E.

> because no

> way I can wrap my tongue around his name. ok, no more questions right now.

> you know where I am at this moment and if up the road I have to do my

> shots

> by drawing up my own units, then we will cross that bridge when we get

> there. appreciate all you guys and I did tell him about you. he said

> it was

> grate that I had a support group to help me with my questions. one good

> thing is for more then a few weeks when I first woke up my reading was

> close

> to 300 and now for more then a week it is now under 200. probably the

> glipizide was doing it, but he took me off it. I do wonder why he would

> leave me on 1000 mg of met Forman twice a day as well as the insulin? well

> suppose he knows what he is about and from my numbers at my last blood

> test

> I have no clue or I'm just thinking bad things happen to others and never

> me! what a stupid thing to think, but I've had this attitude for at

> least 9

> years and 5 months. to many trips to the hospital has finally got

> through to

> my thick head that this is serious business! maybe I should use my head to

> give my shots? it does seem to be the fattest part and not my belly.

> thanks.



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sticking my self in the side will work for me. I can pull that off with out

most folks knowing or caring. this is what is nice about the flex pens.

some questions please.


> as you know I seen the diabetes specialist yesterday. he stopped my

> Glipizide, but I still take my met Forman 1000 twice a day and now I'm on

> the 70, 30, mix novalog flex pen. he has me on 20 units at breakfast

> and 20

> units at dinner. I'm to keep track of my sugar readings 4 times a day and

> fax it to him next Tuesday. I found out from my drug store that these pens

> only cost right at $300 each. I don't think my insurance is going to cover

> them from what I'm hearing right now. he did say with my triglycerides

> being

> 1300, he would normally have me taking 50 units twice a day, but when he

> checked my sugar at his office my sugar was 140. I've been eating

> better in

> the last 5 weeks then at any time in my adult life and my

> triglycerides went

> up from last March of 500 to 1300 one year later. this doc said only

> insulin

> will bring the 1300 down. now, a q I got is how long after giving my

> self a

> shot do I have until I eat? home really isn't a problem, but what

> about when

> I go out to eat? I hope I can continue using the flex pen because they are

> just so easy, but at $300 a pen and they only hold 300 units, well if

> I was

> on 100 units a day as he said a man my size normally will take, then this

> means a $300 pen would last me 3 days! I would have to be a R N making $40

> per hour to afford this cost a month. I may have to go back to school.

> another q is why do I always give my self a shot in my belly? I will admit

> this is where most of my fat is, but in the hospital they always give you

> your insulin in the arm just like a flue shot. well yesterday I was a

> blessed man because the doc gave me 3 flex pens. to me this is a $900

> gift.

> he did ask me if I have to draw up my own shots using the bottles of

> insulin

> how would a totally blind person do it? now you would think as long as I

> have been on this list and all the times you guys have talked about doing

> it, why don't I know this answer? I suppose unless it is something you

> need

> to do your self, then you won't pay close attention to what is being

> said. I

> did tell him you guys do it and some of you can't see a lick, so if

> you can

> then no reason why I can't. I like the flex pen, but if I can't afford it

> then it is what it is. my sister does sell insurance supplements for the

> older folks, so she is looking in to finding a way I might go and get most

> of it payed fore. until then I have the 3 pens that if he leaves me on 40

> units a day each will last one week. ok, now got another q. he wrote me a

> scrip for 360 test strips because he wants me to test more then I have

> been

> doing, but I forgot to tell him I use the prodigy voice. I know the

> information you get with the meter says to only use there strips, but will

> other strips work? the date on the prodigy are out dated the end of

> March of

> this year. sorry for so many different questions in one post, but if I

> don't

> put it all down here I probably will forget and make a bad decision

> later. I

> trust you guys all most as much and maybe more then a doctor. I know

> with my

> meter to test with I will use the same needle more then one day. I use it

> until it won't give me blood. what about the needles that I use in

> this flex

> pen? the doc said throw it away after my shot and don't use it again. he

> said they were cheap, but I paid $33 for 100. this isn't a lot but

> when you

> start adding all the rest in the price for everything does go up. I know

> that a high triglyceride can cause pancreatitis and I wish no part of

> that.

> he did say if I continue eating right and being careful, then he may not

> have to put me on 50 units twice a day. he did say I got some other issues

> with my hormons that he needs to address but plans to do that later. I did

> like the man even if he is hard to understand. I call him doc E.

> because no

> way I can wrap my tongue around his name. ok, no more questions right now.

> you know where I am at this moment and if up the road I have to do my

> shots

> by drawing up my own units, then we will cross that bridge when we get

> there. appreciate all you guys and I did tell him about you. he said

> it was

> grate that I had a support group to help me with my questions. one good

> thing is for more then a few weeks when I first woke up my reading was

> close

> to 300 and now for more then a week it is now under 200. probably the

> glipizide was doing it, but he took me off it. I do wonder why he would

> leave me on 1000 mg of met Forman twice a day as well as the insulin? well

> suppose he knows what he is about and from my numbers at my last blood

> test

> I have no clue or I'm just thinking bad things happen to others and never

> me! what a stupid thing to think, but I've had this attitude for at

> least 9

> years and 5 months. to many trips to the hospital has finally got

> through to

> my thick head that this is serious business! maybe I should use my head to

> give my shots? it does seem to be the fattest part and not my belly.

> thanks.



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Guest guest

I believe you have explained it very well, but I'm going to write it down in

Braille so I can look it over again and again until it is more clear how it all

works. I do better when I have to look at some thing important as this more then

once. seems to me that each of us have to figure out what way works best for our

own bodies. what one can eat, maybe I can't even though we both may be diabetic.


some questions please.

as you know I seen the diabetes specialist yesterday. he stopped my

Glipizide, but I still take my met Forman 1000 twice a day and now I'm on

the 70, 30, mix novalog flex pen. he has me on 20 units at breakfast and 20

units at dinner. I'm to keep track of my sugar readings 4 times a day and

fax it to him next Tuesday. I found out from my drug store that these pens

only cost right at $300 each. I don't think my insurance is going to cover

them from what I'm hearing right now. he did say with my triglycerides being

1300, he would normally have me taking 50 units twice a day, but when he

checked my sugar at his office my sugar was 140. I've been eating better in

the last 5 weeks then at any time in my adult life and my triglycerides went

up from last March of 500 to 1300 one year later. this doc said only insulin

will bring the 1300 down. now, a q I got is how long after giving my self a

shot do I have until I eat? home really isn't a problem, but what about when

I go out to eat? I hope I can continue using the flex pen because they are

just so easy, but at $300 a pen and they only hold 300 units, well if I was

on 100 units a day as he said a man my size normally will take, then this

means a $300 pen would last me 3 days! I would have to be a R N making $40

per hour to afford this cost a month. I may have to go back to school.

another q is why do I always give my self a shot in my belly? I will admit

this is where most of my fat is, but in the hospital they always give you

your insulin in the arm just like a flue shot. well yesterday I was a

blessed man because the doc gave me 3 flex pens. to me this is a $900 gift.

he did ask me if I have to draw up my own shots using the bottles of insulin

how would a totally blind person do it? now you would think as long as I

have been on this list and all the times you guys have talked about doing

it, why don't I know this answer? I suppose unless it is something you need

to do your self, then you won't pay close attention to what is being said. I

did tell him you guys do it and some of you can't see a lick, so if you can

then no reason why I can't. I like the flex pen, but if I can't afford it

then it is what it is. my sister does sell insurance supplements for the

older folks, so she is looking in to finding a way I might go and get most

of it payed fore. until then I have the 3 pens that if he leaves me on 40

units a day each will last one week. ok, now got another q. he wrote me a

scrip for 360 test strips because he wants me to test more then I have been

doing, but I forgot to tell him I use the prodigy voice. I know the

information you get with the meter says to only use there strips, but will

other strips work? the date on the prodigy are out dated the end of March of

this year. sorry for so many different questions in one post, but if I don't

put it all down here I probably will forget and make a bad decision later. I

trust you guys all most as much and maybe more then a doctor. I know with my

meter to test with I will use the same needle more then one day. I use it

until it won't give me blood. what about the needles that I use in this flex

pen? the doc said throw it away after my shot and don't use it again. he

said they were cheap, but I paid $33 for 100. this isn't a lot but when you

start adding all the rest in the price for everything does go up. I know

that a high triglyceride can cause pancreatitis and I wish no part of that.

he did say if I continue eating right and being careful, then he may not

have to put me on 50 units twice a day. he did say I got some other issues

with my hormons that he needs to address but plans to do that later. I did

like the man even if he is hard to understand. I call him doc E. because no

way I can wrap my tongue around his name. ok, no more questions right now.

you know where I am at this moment and if up the road I have to do my shots

by drawing up my own units, then we will cross that bridge when we get

there. appreciate all you guys and I did tell him about you. he said it was

grate that I had a support group to help me with my questions. one good

thing is for more then a few weeks when I first woke up my reading was close

to 300 and now for more then a week it is now under 200. probably the

glipizide was doing it, but he took me off it. I do wonder why he would

leave me on 1000 mg of met Forman twice a day as well as the insulin? well

suppose he knows what he is about and from my numbers at my last blood test

I have no clue or I'm just thinking bad things happen to others and never

me! what a stupid thing to think, but I've had this attitude for at least 9

years and 5 months. to many trips to the hospital has finally got through to

my thick head that this is serious business! maybe I should use my head to

give my shots? it does seem to be the fattest part and not my belly. thanks.

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Guest guest

you can do a needle thru the clothes but you may end up with blood on the

clothes. believe you have to treat it so the clothes dont stain. karen

some questions please.


> as you know I seen the diabetes specialist yesterday. he stopped my

> Glipizide, but I still take my met Forman 1000 twice a day and now I'm on

> the 70, 30, mix novalog flex pen. he has me on 20 units at breakfast

> and 20

> units at dinner. I'm to keep track of my sugar readings 4 times a day and

> fax it to him next Tuesday. I found out from my drug store that these pens

> only cost right at $300 each. I don't think my insurance is going to cover

> them from what I'm hearing right now. he did say with my triglycerides

> being

> 1300, he would normally have me taking 50 units twice a day, but when he

> checked my sugar at his office my sugar was 140. I've been eating

> better in

> the last 5 weeks then at any time in my adult life and my

> triglycerides went

> up from last March of 500 to 1300 one year later. this doc said only

> insulin

> will bring the 1300 down. now, a q I got is how long after giving my

> self a

> shot do I have until I eat? home really isn't a problem, but what

> about when

> I go out to eat? I hope I can continue using the flex pen because they are

> just so easy, but at $300 a pen and they only hold 300 units, well if

> I was

> on 100 units a day as he said a man my size normally will take, then this

> means a $300 pen would last me 3 days! I would have to be a R N making $40

> per hour to afford this cost a month. I may have to go back to school.

> another q is why do I always give my self a shot in my belly? I will admit

> this is where most of my fat is, but in the hospital they always give you

> your insulin in the arm just like a flue shot. well yesterday I was a

> blessed man because the doc gave me 3 flex pens. to me this is a $900

> gift.

> he did ask me if I have to draw up my own shots using the bottles of

> insulin

> how would a totally blind person do it? now you would think as long as I

> have been on this list and all the times you guys have talked about doing

> it, why don't I know this answer? I suppose unless it is something you

> need

> to do your self, then you won't pay close attention to what is being

> said. I

> did tell him you guys do it and some of you can't see a lick, so if

> you can

> then no reason why I can't. I like the flex pen, but if I can't afford it

> then it is what it is. my sister does sell insurance supplements for the

> older folks, so she is looking in to finding a way I might go and get most

> of it payed fore. until then I have the 3 pens that if he leaves me on 40

> units a day each will last one week. ok, now got another q. he wrote me a

> scrip for 360 test strips because he wants me to test more then I have

> been

> doing, but I forgot to tell him I use the prodigy voice. I know the

> information you get with the meter says to only use there strips, but will

> other strips work? the date on the prodigy are out dated the end of

> March of

> this year. sorry for so many different questions in one post, but if I

> don't

> put it all down here I probably will forget and make a bad decision

> later. I

> trust you guys all most as much and maybe more then a doctor. I know

> with my

> meter to test with I will use the same needle more then one day. I use it

> until it won't give me blood. what about the needles that I use in

> this flex

> pen? the doc said throw it away after my shot and don't use it again. he

> said they were cheap, but I paid $33 for 100. this isn't a lot but

> when you

> start adding all the rest in the price for everything does go up. I know

> that a high triglyceride can cause pancreatitis and I wish no part of

> that.

> he did say if I continue eating right and being careful, then he may not

> have to put me on 50 units twice a day. he did say I got some other issues

> with my hormons that he needs to address but plans to do that later. I did

> like the man even if he is hard to understand. I call him doc E.

> because no

> way I can wrap my tongue around his name. ok, no more questions right now.

> you know where I am at this moment and if up the road I have to do my

> shots

> by drawing up my own units, then we will cross that bridge when we get

> there. appreciate all you guys and I did tell him about you. he said

> it was

> grate that I had a support group to help me with my questions. one good

> thing is for more then a few weeks when I first woke up my reading was

> close

> to 300 and now for more then a week it is now under 200. probably the

> glipizide was doing it, but he took me off it. I do wonder why he would

> leave me on 1000 mg of met Forman twice a day as well as the insulin? well

> suppose he knows what he is about and from my numbers at my last blood

> test

> I have no clue or I'm just thinking bad things happen to others and never

> me! what a stupid thing to think, but I've had this attitude for at

> least 9

> years and 5 months. to many trips to the hospital has finally got

> through to

> my thick head that this is serious business! maybe I should use my head to

> give my shots? it does seem to be the fattest part and not my belly.

> thanks.



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Hi mark:

I can't answer all of your questions I am afraid. I am also on 1000 of met

formin and insulin tweice a day. I am using the pens

that I have to load the cartriges in myself. In each box there are five

cartriges. I am taking the 25 mix of humalog. In the

morning I take sixty and in the evening I take thirty. I am now taking about

one half of the amount of insulin I used to take when

using humilin R and humilin N. the N was the long acting and the R was the

short acting. I was using seringes at the time. There

is a neat little thing you can get to help you measure your insulin into the

saringe that is called a count-a-dose. I believe you

can get one from independant living aids and also maxi aids. They will only

measure fifty units at a time. I hope this helps a


yesterday is history. Tomorrow a mystery. Today is a gift, that is why it is

called the present.

some questions please.

as you know I seen the diabetes specialist yesterday. he stopped my

Glipizide, but I still take my met Forman 1000 twice a day

and now I'm on the 70, 30, mix novalog flex pen. he has me on 20 units at

breakfast and 20 units at dinner. I'm to keep track of my

sugar readings 4 times a day and fax it to him next Tuesday. I found out from my

drug store that these pens only cost right at $300

each. I don't think my insurance is going to cover them from what I'm hearing

right now. he did say with my triglycerides being

1300, he would normally have me taking 50 units twice a day, but when he checked

my sugar at his office my sugar was 140. I've been

eating better in the last 5 weeks then at any time in my adult life and my

triglycerides went up from last March of 500 to 1300 one

year later. this doc said only insulin will bring the 1300 down. now, a q I got

is how long after giving my self a shot do I have

until I eat? home really isn't a problem, but what about when I go out to eat? I

hope I can continue using the flex pen because they

are just so easy, but at $300 a pen and they only hold 300 units, well if I was

on 100 units a day as he said a man my size normally

will take, then this means a $300 pen would last me 3 days! I would have to be a

R N making $40 per hour to afford this cost a

month. I may have to go back to school. another q is why do I always give my

self a shot in my belly? I will admit this is where

most of my fat is, but in the hospital they always give you your insulin in the

arm just like a flue shot. well yesterday I was a

blessed man because the doc gave me 3 flex pens. to me this is a $900 gift. he

did ask me if I have to draw up my own shots using

the bottles of insulin how would a totally blind person do it? now you would

think as long as I have been on this list and all the

times you guys have talked about doing it, why don't I know this answer? I

suppose unless it is something you need to do your self,

then you won't pay close attention to what is being said. I did tell him you

guys do it and some of you can't see a lick, so if you

can then no reason why I can't. I like the flex pen, but if I can't afford it

then it is what it is. my sister does sell insurance

supplements for the older folks, so she is looking in to finding a way I might

go and get most of it payed fore. until then I have

the 3 pens that if he leaves me on 40 units a day each will last one week. ok,

now got another q. he wrote me a scrip for 360 test

strips because he wants me to test more then I have been doing, but I forgot to

tell him I use the prodigy voice. I know the

information you get with the meter says to only use there strips, but will other

strips work? the date on the prodigy are out dated

the end of March of this year. sorry for so many different questions in one

post, but if I don't put it all down here I probably

will forget and make a bad decision later. I trust you guys all most as much and

maybe more then a doctor. I know with my meter to

test with I will use the same needle more then one day. I use it until it won't

give me blood. what about the needles that I use in

this flex pen? the doc said throw it away after my shot and don't use it again.

he said they were cheap, but I paid $33 for 100.

this isn't a lot but when you start adding all the rest in the price for

everything does go up. I know that a high triglyceride can

cause pancreatitis and I wish no part of that. he did say if I continue eating

right and being careful, then he may not have to put

me on 50 units twice a day. he did say I got some other issues with my hormons

that he needs to address but plans to do that later.

I did like the man even if he is hard to understand. I call him doc E. because

no way I can wrap my tongue around his name. ok, no

more questions right now. you know where I am at this moment and if up the road

I have to do my shots by drawing up my own units,

then we will cross that bridge when we get there. appreciate all you guys and I

did tell him about you. he said it was grate that I

had a support group to help me with my questions. one good thing is for more

then a few weeks when I first woke up my reading was

close to 300 and now for more then a week it is now under 200. probably the

glipizide was doing it, but he took me off it. I do

wonder why he would leave me on 1000 mg of met Forman twice a day as well as the

insulin? well suppose he knows what he is about and

from my numbers at my last blood test I have no clue or I'm just thinking bad

things happen to others and never me! what a stupid

thing to think, but I've had this attitude for at least 9 years and 5 months. to

many trips to the hospital has finally got through

to my thick head that this is serious business! maybe I should use my head to

give my shots? it does seem to be the fattest part and

not my belly. thanks.

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Hi all:

For some reason we are having trouble getting the preloaded pen so I am using

the pen that you get in a box and then you have to get

the box which contains five little viles that you load in to the pen. Does

anyone else have trouble with these?

yesterday is history. Tomorrow a mystery. Today is a gift, that is why it is

called the present.

some questions please.

as you know I seen the diabetes specialist yesterday. he stopped my

Glipizide, but I still take my met Forman 1000 twice a day and now I'm on

the 70, 30, mix novalog flex pen. he has me on 20 units at breakfast and 20

units at dinner. I'm to keep track of my sugar readings 4 times a day and

fax it to him next Tuesday. I found out from my drug store that these pens

only cost right at $300 each. I don't think my insurance is going to cover

them from what I'm hearing right now. he did say with my triglycerides being

1300, he would normally have me taking 50 units twice a day, but when he

checked my sugar at his office my sugar was 140. I've been eating better in

the last 5 weeks then at any time in my adult life and my triglycerides went

up from last March of 500 to 1300 one year later. this doc said only insulin

will bring the 1300 down. now, a q I got is how long after giving my self a

shot do I have until I eat? home really isn't a problem, but what about when

I go out to eat? I hope I can continue using the flex pen because they are

just so easy, but at $300 a pen and they only hold 300 units, well if I was

on 100 units a day as he said a man my size normally will take, then this

means a $300 pen would last me 3 days! I would have to be a R N making $40

per hour to afford this cost a month. I may have to go back to school.

another q is why do I always give my self a shot in my belly? I will admit

this is where most of my fat is, but in the hospital they always give you

your insulin in the arm just like a flue shot. well yesterday I was a

blessed man because the doc gave me 3 flex pens. to me this is a $900 gift.

he did ask me if I have to draw up my own shots using the bottles of insulin

how would a totally blind person do it? now you would think as long as I

have been on this list and all the times you guys have talked about doing

it, why don't I know this answer? I suppose unless it is something you need

to do your self, then you won't pay close attention to what is being said. I

did tell him you guys do it and some of you can't see a lick, so if you can

then no reason why I can't. I like the flex pen, but if I can't afford it

then it is what it is. my sister does sell insurance supplements for the

older folks, so she is looking in to finding a way I might go and get most

of it payed fore. until then I have the 3 pens that if he leaves me on 40

units a day each will last one week. ok, now got another q. he wrote me a

scrip for 360 test strips because he wants me to test more then I have been

doing, but I forgot to tell him I use the prodigy voice. I know the

information you get with the meter says to only use there strips, but will

other strips work? the date on the prodigy are out dated the end of March of

this year. sorry for so many different questions in one post, but if I don't

put it all down here I probably will forget and make a bad decision later. I

trust you guys all most as much and maybe more then a doctor. I know with my

meter to test with I will use the same needle more then one day. I use it

until it won't give me blood. what about the needles that I use in this flex

pen? the doc said throw it away after my shot and don't use it again. he

said they were cheap, but I paid $33 for 100. this isn't a lot but when you

start adding all the rest in the price for everything does go up. I know

that a high triglyceride can cause pancreatitis and I wish no part of that.

he did say if I continue eating right and being careful, then he may not

have to put me on 50 units twice a day. he did say I got some other issues

with my hormons that he needs to address but plans to do that later. I did

like the man even if he is hard to understand. I call him doc E. because no

way I can wrap my tongue around his name. ok, no more questions right now.

you know where I am at this moment and if up the road I have to do my shots

by drawing up my own units, then we will cross that bridge when we get

there. appreciate all you guys and I did tell him about you. he said it was

grate that I had a support group to help me with my questions. one good

thing is for more then a few weeks when I first woke up my reading was close

to 300 and now for more then a week it is now under 200. probably the

glipizide was doing it, but he took me off it. I do wonder why he would

leave me on 1000 mg of met Forman twice a day as well as the insulin? well

suppose he knows what he is about and from my numbers at my last blood test

I have no clue or I'm just thinking bad things happen to others and never

me! what a stupid thing to think, but I've had this attitude for at least 9

years and 5 months. to many trips to the hospital has finally got through to

my thick head that this is serious business! maybe I should use my head to

give my shots? it does seem to be the fattest part and not my belly. thanks.

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Yes. My diabetic nurse also told me that I have twenty minutes after I take my

insulin to eat.

yesterday is history. Tomorrow a mystery. Today is a gift, that is why it is

called the present.

some questions please.

as you know I seen the diabetes specialist yesterday. he stopped my

Glipizide, but I still take my met Forman 1000 twice a day and now I'm on

the 70, 30, mix novalog flex pen. he has me on 20 units at breakfast and 20

units at dinner. I'm to keep track of my sugar readings 4 times a day and

fax it to him next Tuesday. I found out from my drug store that these pens

only cost right at $300 each. I don't think my insurance is going to cover

them from what I'm hearing right now. he did say with my triglycerides being

1300, he would normally have me taking 50 units twice a day, but when he

checked my sugar at his office my sugar was 140. I've been eating better in

the last 5 weeks then at any time in my adult life and my triglycerides went

up from last March of 500 to 1300 one year later. this doc said only insulin

will bring the 1300 down. now, a q I got is how long after giving my self a

shot do I have until I eat? home really isn't a problem, but what about when

I go out to eat? I hope I can continue using the flex pen because they are

just so easy, but at $300 a pen and they only hold 300 units, well if I was

on 100 units a day as he said a man my size normally will take, then this

means a $300 pen would last me 3 days! I would have to be a R N making $40

per hour to afford this cost a month. I may have to go back to school.

another q is why do I always give my self a shot in my belly? I will admit

this is where most of my fat is, but in the hospital they always give you

your insulin in the arm just like a flue shot. well yesterday I was a

blessed man because the doc gave me 3 flex pens. to me this is a $900 gift.

he did ask me if I have to draw up my own shots using the bottles of insulin

how would a totally blind person do it? now you would think as long as I

have been on this list and all the times you guys have talked about doing

it, why don't I know this answer? I suppose unless it is something you need

to do your self, then you won't pay close attention to what is being said. I

did tell him you guys do it and some of you can't see a lick, so if you can

then no reason why I can't. I like the flex pen, but if I can't afford it

then it is what it is. my sister does sell insurance supplements for the

older folks, so she is looking in to finding a way I might go and get most

of it payed fore. until then I have the 3 pens that if he leaves me on 40

units a day each will last one week. ok, now got another q. he wrote me a

scrip for 360 test strips because he wants me to test more then I have been

doing, but I forgot to tell him I use the prodigy voice. I know the

information you get with the meter says to only use there strips, but will

other strips work? the date on the prodigy are out dated the end of March of

this year. sorry for so many different questions in one post, but if I don't

put it all down here I probably will forget and make a bad decision later. I

trust you guys all most as much and maybe more then a doctor. I know with my

meter to test with I will use the same needle more then one day. I use it

until it won't give me blood. what about the needles that I use in this flex

pen? the doc said throw it away after my shot and don't use it again. he

said they were cheap, but I paid $33 for 100. this isn't a lot but when you

start adding all the rest in the price for everything does go up. I know

that a high triglyceride can cause pancreatitis and I wish no part of that.

he did say if I continue eating right and being careful, then he may not

have to put me on 50 units twice a day. he did say I got some other issues

with my hormons that he needs to address but plans to do that later. I did

like the man even if he is hard to understand. I call him doc E. because no

way I can wrap my tongue around his name. ok, no more questions right now.

you know where I am at this moment and if up the road I have to do my shots

by drawing up my own units, then we will cross that bridge when we get

there. appreciate all you guys and I did tell him about you. he said it was

grate that I had a support group to help me with my questions. one good

thing is for more then a few weeks when I first woke up my reading was close

to 300 and now for more then a week it is now under 200. probably the

glipizide was doing it, but he took me off it. I do wonder why he would

leave me on 1000 mg of met Forman twice a day as well as the insulin? well

suppose he knows what he is about and from my numbers at my last blood test

I have no clue or I'm just thinking bad things happen to others and never

me! what a stupid thing to think, but I've had this attitude for at least 9

years and 5 months. to many trips to the hospital has finally got through to

my thick head that this is serious business! maybe I should use my head to

give my shots? it does seem to be the fattest part and not my belly. thanks.

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Guest guest

Thanks, . I wondered what a Count-A-Dose was. Also I like your little

saying on your signature. It is really true.


some questions please.



> as you know I seen the diabetes specialist yesterday. he stopped my

> Glipizide, but I still take my met Forman 1000 twice a day

> and now I'm on the 70, 30, mix novalog flex pen. he has me on 20 units at

> breakfast and 20 units at dinner. I'm to keep track of my

> sugar readings 4 times a day and fax it to him next Tuesday. I found out

> from my drug store that these pens only cost right at $300

> each. I don't think my insurance is going to cover them from what I'm

> hearing right now. he did say with my triglycerides being

> 1300, he would normally have me taking 50 units twice a day, but when he

> checked my sugar at his office my sugar was 140. I've been

> eating better in the last 5 weeks then at any time in my adult life and my

> triglycerides went up from last March of 500 to 1300 one

> year later. this doc said only insulin will bring the 1300 down. now, a q

> I got is how long after giving my self a shot do I have

> until I eat? home really isn't a problem, but what about when I go out to

> eat? I hope I can continue using the flex pen because they

> are just so easy, but at $300 a pen and they only hold 300 units, well if

> I was on 100 units a day as he said a man my size normally

> will take, then this means a $300 pen would last me 3 days! I would have

> to be a R N making $40 per hour to afford this cost a

> month. I may have to go back to school. another q is why do I always give

> my self a shot in my belly? I will admit this is where

> most of my fat is, but in the hospital they always give you your insulin

> in the arm just like a flue shot. well yesterday I was a

> blessed man because the doc gave me 3 flex pens. to me this is a $900

> gift. he did ask me if I have to draw up my own shots using

> the bottles of insulin how would a totally blind person do it? now you

> would think as long as I have been on this list and all the

> times you guys have talked about doing it, why don't I know this answer? I

> suppose unless it is something you need to do your self,

> then you won't pay close attention to what is being said. I did tell him

> you guys do it and some of you can't see a lick, so if you

> can then no reason why I can't. I like the flex pen, but if I can't afford

> it then it is what it is. my sister does sell insurance

> supplements for the older folks, so she is looking in to finding a way I

> might go and get most of it payed fore. until then I have

> the 3 pens that if he leaves me on 40 units a day each will last one week.

> ok, now got another q. he wrote me a scrip for 360 test

> strips because he wants me to test more then I have been doing, but I

> forgot to tell him I use the prodigy voice. I know the

> information you get with the meter says to only use there strips, but will

> other strips work? the date on the prodigy are out dated

> the end of March of this year. sorry for so many different questions in

> one post, but if I don't put it all down here I probably

> will forget and make a bad decision later. I trust you guys all most as

> much and maybe more then a doctor. I know with my meter to

> test with I will use the same needle more then one day. I use it until it

> won't give me blood. what about the needles that I use in

> this flex pen? the doc said throw it away after my shot and don't use it

> again. he said they were cheap, but I paid $33 for 100.

> this isn't a lot but when you start adding all the rest in the price for

> everything does go up. I know that a high triglyceride can

> cause pancreatitis and I wish no part of that. he did say if I continue

> eating right and being careful, then he may not have to put

> me on 50 units twice a day. he did say I got some other issues with my

> hormons that he needs to address but plans to do that later.

> I did like the man even if he is hard to understand. I call him doc E.

> because no way I can wrap my tongue around his name. ok, no

> more questions right now. you know where I am at this moment and if up the

> road I have to do my shots by drawing up my own units,

> then we will cross that bridge when we get there. appreciate all you guys

> and I did tell him about you. he said it was grate that I

> had a support group to help me with my questions. one good thing is for

> more then a few weeks when I first woke up my reading was

> close to 300 and now for more then a week it is now under 200. probably

> the glipizide was doing it, but he took me off it. I do

> wonder why he would leave me on 1000 mg of met Forman twice a day as well

> as the insulin? well suppose he knows what he is about and

> from my numbers at my last blood test I have no clue or I'm just thinking

> bad things happen to others and never me! what a stupid

> thing to think, but I've had this attitude for at least 9 years and 5

> months. to many trips to the hospital has finally got through

> to my thick head that this is serious business! maybe I should use my head

> to give my shots? it does seem to be the fattest part and

> not my belly. thanks.



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yes it does help and I appreciate you taking the time to tell me about it. I

will make a note of this stuff and have it for future use maybe. thanks.

some questions please.

as you know I seen the diabetes specialist yesterday. he stopped my Glipizide,

but I still take my met Forman 1000 twice a day

and now I'm on the 70, 30, mix novalog flex pen. he has me on 20 units at

breakfast and 20 units at dinner. I'm to keep track of my

sugar readings 4 times a day and fax it to him next Tuesday. I found out from

my drug store that these pens only cost right at $300

each. I don't think my insurance is going to cover them from what I'm hearing

right now. he did say with my triglycerides being

1300, he would normally have me taking 50 units twice a day, but when he

checked my sugar at his office my sugar was 140. I've been

eating better in the last 5 weeks then at any time in my adult life and my

triglycerides went up from last March of 500 to 1300 one

year later. this doc said only insulin will bring the 1300 down. now, a q I

got is how long after giving my self a shot do I have

until I eat? home really isn't a problem, but what about when I go out to eat?

I hope I can continue using the flex pen because they

are just so easy, but at $300 a pen and they only hold 300 units, well if I

was on 100 units a day as he said a man my size normally

will take, then this means a $300 pen would last me 3 days! I would have to be

a R N making $40 per hour to afford this cost a

month. I may have to go back to school. another q is why do I always give my

self a shot in my belly? I will admit this is where

most of my fat is, but in the hospital they always give you your insulin in

the arm just like a flue shot. well yesterday I was a

blessed man because the doc gave me 3 flex pens. to me this is a $900 gift. he

did ask me if I have to draw up my own shots using

the bottles of insulin how would a totally blind person do it? now you would

think as long as I have been on this list and all the

times you guys have talked about doing it, why don't I know this answer? I

suppose unless it is something you need to do your self,

then you won't pay close attention to what is being said. I did tell him you

guys do it and some of you can't see a lick, so if you

can then no reason why I can't. I like the flex pen, but if I can't afford it

then it is what it is. my sister does sell insurance

supplements for the older folks, so she is looking in to finding a way I might

go and get most of it payed fore. until then I have

the 3 pens that if he leaves me on 40 units a day each will last one week. ok,

now got another q. he wrote me a scrip for 360 test

strips because he wants me to test more then I have been doing, but I forgot

to tell him I use the prodigy voice. I know the

information you get with the meter says to only use there strips, but will

other strips work? the date on the prodigy are out dated

the end of March of this year. sorry for so many different questions in one

post, but if I don't put it all down here I probably

will forget and make a bad decision later. I trust you guys all most as much

and maybe more then a doctor. I know with my meter to

test with I will use the same needle more then one day. I use it until it

won't give me blood. what about the needles that I use in

this flex pen? the doc said throw it away after my shot and don't use it

again. he said they were cheap, but I paid $33 for 100.

this isn't a lot but when you start adding all the rest in the price for

everything does go up. I know that a high triglyceride can

cause pancreatitis and I wish no part of that. he did say if I continue eating

right and being careful, then he may not have to put

me on 50 units twice a day. he did say I got some other issues with my hormons

that he needs to address but plans to do that later.

I did like the man even if he is hard to understand. I call him doc E. because

no way I can wrap my tongue around his name. ok, no

more questions right now. you know where I am at this moment and if up the

road I have to do my shots by drawing up my own units,

then we will cross that bridge when we get there. appreciate all you guys and

I did tell him about you. he said it was grate that I

had a support group to help me with my questions. one good thing is for more

then a few weeks when I first woke up my reading was

close to 300 and now for more then a week it is now under 200. probably the

glipizide was doing it, but he took me off it. I do

wonder why he would leave me on 1000 mg of met Forman twice a day as well as

the insulin? well suppose he knows what he is about and

from my numbers at my last blood test I have no clue or I'm just thinking bad

things happen to others and never me! what a stupid

thing to think, but I've had this attitude for at least 9 years and 5 months.

to many trips to the hospital has finally got through

to my thick head that this is serious business! maybe I should use my head to

give my shots? it does seem to be the fattest part and

not my belly. thanks.

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I'm pretty sure Canadians can only get pens which use replaceable cartridges. At

one time, I was getting pens from a Canadian pharmacy, which is how I know this.

The pens sold in the US pharmacies are disposable, requiring no refilling or



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some questions please.

as you know I seen the diabetes specialist yesterday. he stopped my

Glipizide, but I still take my met Forman 1000 twice a day and now I'm on

the 70, 30, mix novalog flex pen. he has me on 20 units at breakfast and 20

units at dinner. I'm to keep track of my sugar readings 4 times a day and

fax it to him next Tuesday. I found out from my drug store that these pens

only cost right at $300 each. I don't think my insurance is going to cover

them from what I'm hearing right now. he did say with my triglycerides being

1300, he would normally have me taking 50 units twice a day, but when he

checked my sugar at his office my sugar was 140. I've been eating better in

the last 5 weeks then at any time in my adult life and my triglycerides went

up from last March of 500 to 1300 one year later. this doc said only insulin

will bring the 1300 down. now, a q I got is how long after giving my self a

shot do I have until I eat? home really isn't a problem, but what about when

I go out to eat? I hope I can continue using the flex pen because they are

just so easy, but at $300 a pen and they only hold 300 units, well if I was

on 100 units a day as he said a man my size normally will take, then this

means a $300 pen would last me 3 days! I would have to be a R N making $40

per hour to afford this cost a month. I may have to go back to school.

another q is why do I always give my self a shot in my belly? I will admit

this is where most of my fat is, but in the hospital they always give you

your insulin in the arm just like a flue shot. well yesterday I was a

blessed man because the doc gave me 3 flex pens. to me this is a $900 gift.

he did ask me if I have to draw up my own shots using the bottles of insulin

how would a totally blind person do it? now you would think as long as I

have been on this list and all the times you guys have talked about doing

it, why don't I know this answer? I suppose unless it is something you need

to do your self, then you won't pay close attention to what is being said. I

did tell him you guys do it and some of you can't see a lick, so if you can

then no reason why I can't. I like the flex pen, but if I can't afford it

then it is what it is. my sister does sell insurance supplements for the

older folks, so she is looking in to finding a way I might go and get most

of it payed fore. until then I have the 3 pens that if he leaves me on 40

units a day each will last one week. ok, now got another q. he wrote me a

scrip for 360 test strips because he wants me to test more then I have been

doing, but I forgot to tell him I use the prodigy voice. I know the

information you get with the meter says to only use there strips, but will

other strips work? the date on the prodigy are out dated the end of March of

this year. sorry for so many different questions in one post, but if I don't

put it all down here I probably will forget and make a bad decision later. I

trust you guys all most as much and maybe more then a doctor. I know with my

meter to test with I will use the same needle more then one day. I use it

until it won't give me blood. what about the needles that I use in this flex

pen? the doc said throw it away after my shot and don't use it again. he

said they were cheap, but I paid $33 for 100. this isn't a lot but when you

start adding all the rest in the price for everything does go up. I know

that a high triglyceride can cause pancreatitis and I wish no part of that.

he did say if I continue eating right and being careful, then he may not

have to put me on 50 units twice a day. he did say I got some other issues

with my hormons that he needs to address but plans to do that later. I did

like the man even if he is hard to understand. I call him doc E. because no

way I can wrap my tongue around his name. ok, no more questions right now.

you know where I am at this moment and if up the road I have to do my shots

by drawing up my own units, then we will cross that bridge when we get

there. appreciate all you guys and I did tell him about you. he said it was

grate that I had a support group to help me with my questions. one good

thing is for more then a few weeks when I first woke up my reading was close

to 300 and now for more then a week it is now under 200. probably the

glipizide was doing it, but he took me off it. I do wonder why he would

leave me on 1000 mg of met Forman twice a day as well as the insulin? well

suppose he knows what he is about and from my numbers at my last blood test

I have no clue or I'm just thinking bad things happen to others and never

me! what a stupid thing to think, but I've had this attitude for at least 9

years and 5 months. to many trips to the hospital has finally got through to

my thick head that this is serious business! maybe I should use my head to

give my shots? it does seem to be the fattest part and not my belly. thanks.

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