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The Morning Blessing 6.12.08

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The Morning Blessing 06.12.08

Dear Cheryl,

Since humans are moving the nature of Life itself into the beauty and symmetry of fifth dimension, how can you make sense of the shifting in your personal life?

First know the awakening process happens experientially as we engage life -- questioning what we see around us, learning to understand the deeper levels of ourselves and inviting Spirit to guide us in every moment. In these ways we stay connected to the Soul rather than the personality. It is a gentle journey of discovery, leading us into greater and greater amounts of awareness (consciousness). What happens over time is that we transition into balance and wholeness; the personality giving way to the Soul. Instead of feeling at war with ourselves and the world, we begin to feel increasingly at peace. Experiences of struggle are replaced with letting go and allowing the force of Divine Grace to create effortless movement and miracles.

Second, realize that Ascension is a series of quite subtle shiftings, not unlike the blossoming of a rose -- it is barely perceptible, and then all of a sudden, there is the bloom. Many believe that ascension will be a momentous, remarkable, earth shaking event that comes all at once. It isn't happening like that this time! We've been there, done that during previous Ascension cycles. This time, rather than wanting everything all at once, human consciousness has agreed to experience the process for the process of ascension and the process of creation are the same processes occurring at different vibrations.


From time immortal the One Life of God has expressed its nature and being in all that is seen and unseen, in all that is dreamed, and all that is supposed.The dawn of every new day spills forth Spirit's blessings of connectednessto this One. I know the Absolute has sequestered itself in the most beautifulof hearts -- mine; its sacred temple of human form. The trueness of me is theLight that shines from this inner temple of Self. I look to a new day and align with the holiness that is seeking me. I visit theaddresses of thought that reveal my highest level of self-awareness and truth. As Spirit's prophecy I become comfortable in the unknown; nothing can be hidden or invisible to this omnipresence. Every domain of my life reflects benevolence of Source. Knowing this is my truth, I trust every choice I make. Intuitively I follow the activity of God within me as it mergeswith the highest octave of heart. I give counsel to each of my desires so thatit is done unto me as I believe. No longer will I be able as a holy instrument to identify with limitations and pain. I celebrate the new emanations of creation that are pulsing through me as a fulfilling nature. Each day is opulent and filledwith opportunity. Opening wider and deeper I wear this month in all her beauty. As I release my word to the Law, I know with certainty my spirit is uplifted and my heart is filled with joy and deep appreciation. Let is be as Divine Will aligns it. And so it is.


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In Lak'ech Ala K'in, Cheryl(translation: In Lak'ech Ala K'in -You Are My Other Self)In Lak'ech Ala K'in - the Living Code of the Heart | Spirit Libraryvisit me at: www.myspace.com/senegaladyMay we learn to benefit the life of Earth with peace, humble in our needs,

and generous in our giving.Joanne SunshowerVote for your city's best dining and nightlife. City's Best 2008.

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