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Hi Five for !!!!!!!!!

rlockw1092@... wrote:

This is from : Temporal Bone, which looks like a study guide for doctors.

Surgical proceduresSimple mastoidectomy - limited removal of mastoid air cellsModified mastoidectomy - removal of external auditory canal wall along with mastoid air cells, but preserving the ossiclesRadical mastoidectomy - removal of EAC wall, mastoid air cells and the ossicles, but attempted preservation of the stapes superstructureProsthetic stapedectomy - Prosthetic materials include stainless steel wire, metallic piston, Teflon, Silastic or plasticTympanoplasty - Plastic procedures to cover perforations in tympanic membraneAnd then check out this site: EPIC Glossary I was impressed - they have a very extensive, easy to use glossary of ear/hearing terms.

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Well, as usual, I'm a coule of days late in reading my e-mails ... but thanks for this info ! It is very helpful.


rlockw1092@... wrote:

This is from : Temporal Bone, which looks like a study guide for doctors.

Surgical proceduresSimple mastoidectomy - limited removal of mastoid air cellsModified mastoidectomy - removal of external auditory canal wall along with mastoid air cells, but preserving the ossiclesRadical mastoidectomy - removal of EAC wall, mastoid air cells and the ossicles, but attempted preservation of the stapes superstructureProsthetic stapedectomy - Prosthetic materials include stainless steel wire, metallic piston, Teflon, Silastic or plasticTympanoplasty - Plastic procedures to cover perforations in tympanic membraneAnd then check out this site: EPIC Glossary I was impressed - they have a very extensive, easy to use glossary of ear/hearing terms.

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  • 2 years later...
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These make sense!?

Winners of alternate word definitions for 2005...................................March 18 2005 at 5:15 PM

AirWad (Login AirWad)from IP address

Once again, The Washington Post published its yearly contest in whichreaders are asked to supply alternate meanings for various words (leave itto the Post to search for new meanings). And the winners are...1. Coffee (n.), a person who is coughed upon.2. Flabbergasted (adj.), appalled over how much weight you have gained.3. Abdicate (v.), to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.4. Esplanade (v.), to attempt an explanation while drunk.5. Willy-nilly (adj.), impotent.6. Negligent (adj.), describes a condition in which you absent-mindedlyanswer the door in your night-gown.7. Lymph (v.), to walk with a lisp.8. Gargoyle (n.), an olive flavored mouthwash.9. Flatulence (n.) the emergency vehicle that picks you up after you are runover by a steamroller.10. Balderdash (n.), a rapidly receding hairline.11. Testicle (n.), a humorous question on an exam.12. Rectitude (n.), the formal, dignified demeanor assumed by a proctologistimmediately before he examines you.13. Oyster (n.), a person who sprinkles his conversation with Yiddishexpressions.14. Pokemon (n), A Jamaican proctologist.15. Frisbeetarianism (n.), The belief that, when you die your Soul goes upon the roof and gets stuck there.16. Circumvent (n.), the opening in the front of boxer shorts.

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  • 5 months later...

In a message dated 9/27/05 10:25:33 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

SSRI medications writes:

> -*I thought bipolar was a form of depression already. Do mental illness

> definitions change daily?*


Of course they do. they are expanded to fit whatever latest brain poison

they are peddling.

Blind Reason

A novel of pharmaceutical intrigue

Think your antidepressant is safe?

Think again.

" All the truth in the world adds up to one big lie. "

~ Bob Dylan ~

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  • 2 years later...
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(Memorial Day Thoughts) I watched on tv the traditional reasons and traditions of this day and then expanded it farther. Of course, by doing this, an even grander perspective of sufferings all around us becomes exposed. Thinking of the definitions of words "life and death" and "war" also "freedom", began a sad truthful expansion of these words: How does one personally define life and death? It is beyond any number. By the root meaning of the Memorial Day view, it is a bullet or a bomb, either it finds you or it misses. Life and death. Yes, we all wish to live long happy healthy lives, fruitful and become old with many many stories to tell our grandchildren. Or so it seems... How many out there, just out of our sight and our knowledge who are miserable, walking face down in the shadows. They wish this life would hurry and be over or they keep on walking convinced that they are already dead. On the other side of the coin

are those with terminal diseases, taking their last breath, wishing for one day more here, just one day more. This is the relative concepts of life and death. In the truthful meaning, A body ceasing to be is not death, just a part of the story ending, and beginning another. Life was/is before now, here in the human experience, and then beyond. Death on the other hand is a different story. There is only one being in the whole universe who can take our life and death is experienced. That powerful force/being is no other than ourself. Yes. We make our choices, choose this and discard that and certainly others can influence us but it is within the self where all of the final decisions are made. To be killed, die, in war on the streets, or old age is not death. To live a life filled with hate, greed, jealousy and the such, this is the bringer of absolute death. Now to the word war: We all know the traditional meaning. One color uniform fighting another.

All around us are others who are having their own personal wars. War equals hate or indifference of views, social structures, etc. Is these scenarios not staring at us constantly? Those ho would judge us, denounce us, simple because of our color, beliefs, even the part of town we live in. They hate. This is primarily because it is so easy, effortless to hate. To understand would take time which few to do. Why expel the effort? This is a sad very sad truth. Some will shout, curse, partake in many acts of hate/war and others will remain silent with only their eyes aspiring to kill or rid their space of us. This is the stigma of it all; Hate and war manifest because of difference, yet how could there be a world without colors. Black and white would get old and boring really quickly. Then, there are the ones who have declared war on themselves. They hate their self, their life, what it represents. Deluded and lost. As mentioned, only we can bring death upon ourself and these

would be the absolute saddest group. It is impossible to even smile sincerely at another if we have no gratitude or positive view of our own self. Yet, if we tried to tell them what they are doing to themselves, I think they would only become more anger filled. Delusion, the silent killer. Now, the word freedom. Going beyond the military and nation definitions, We all possess a most dangerous freedom; the freedom of thought. This alone defines our likes, dislikes, what repulses us, what makes us happy, sad, angry and frustrated. This is the single reason why there is hate and war to begin with. Every word we speak, every action we make, the path we take, it all is the result of what a thought manifested. And to think.. what is a thought? It is nothing (laughing). It has no weight or depth, no substance, invisible, yet it drives us towards virtue or destruction. War and Peace. How few actually realize the power of this invisible force. It is not the events in

our lives which have brought us to where we are right now, but rather the reactions to the events which did. For every action, there is a reaction and our reactions, ie. The decisions, choices, emotions we emitted at the time of the events throughout our lives is solely the blessing or blame to where we are standing now. Thinking out loud- what in this life is truly worth getting mad at, or hating? Is nor self destruction eminent from this? It is inescapable so why roll around in mud pit thoughts to begin with. If and when we can stop, take a breath and honestly conclude that we have done our best or at least tried (just as good). When we see that all others including the animals and nature are extensions of ourselves/ or us of them, Oneness, wouldn't this bring with it a most calm serene life, stability and mindset? Who would not wish such a thing! Yet, how few exert the effort to do so, or at least try. The mind is the ultimate ruler so with this, May it find

or create a kingdom of loving kindness, tolerance, working together in harmony for the good of all beings. Remember, we are a part, an extension of all beings so no ego. May we all stop and breath before speaking or acting. One moment of contemplation may avoid years of regret or sadness. Compassion To All, Randy

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