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Memorial Day:):) A Mermaid's View:):)

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I have been pondering the meaning of what Memorial Day means to me. My first and immediate thoughts were of my grandfather, Dale, of whom I share a birthday with, and who was a very strong driving force in my life. He served as an Army Aircorps, Captian, in WWII. I drove past the cemetery the other day and saw that they had large USA flags flying full mast, and one was above where his memorial is placed. I immediately felt the emotion of pride and so much love and thought about all those that have served, in even senseless wars, which in my undestanding, they ALL are sensless. But being as how our governmental structure is set up, going to war is a decision they seem to make time after time, and individuals

such as my grandfather and other members of my earth family had been called forth to participate on one level of a war, or another. After I pondered what the holiday was created for on this earth plane of existence, I went higher to look and see what "Memorial Day" meant on a different level. I see it as being a day of Re-memberance............. a day to Re-member that We are ALL ONE, that We are all connected, and that there is NO seperation, never was, never will be. We are all shining facets of The ONE:):) We all came here to experience and live according to what we each put on our plans or scripts of life........... We all came here to Re-member, to Be the ONE, that we already Are:):) Some of

us came here to resolve things hanging out there in the energy, while others came here to heal, and bring all the aspects of our selves back together to be a WHOLE, member of the ALL. We all SHINE!!!!!!!!!! Take some time today to sit with yourself and RE-MEMBER, literally. Release things that no longer are required and is no longer condusive or in direct alignment, for where you are going and where you are to be. Take some time to "look" at ways you can re-invent yourself, which will lead to a change in how you see, hear and thus, experience life and your outter world...... Your re-Actions will be different as well:):) In essence, there are NO right or wrongs, betters or worses, higher or lowers. There are no superiors, as we are all the same:):) Come from the still place of love within your heart, and know that all is well:):) In closing, something else came to me today, and it was, WE are NOTHING, and EVERYTHING, ALL at Once. K. Lane

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