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Raise Your Vibration, Part 2 By DL Zeta

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Raise Your Vibration, Part 2Release Everything that Lowers Your VibrationThe process of raising your vibration is essentially ajourney of coming into alignment with your higher selfand infusing your consciousness with greater amountsof life force energy. We offer here a two-partapproach for developing this alignment and greatercommunion.  This two-part approach involves releasingeverything that lowers your vibration and beyond this,consciously raising your vibration through varioustechniques and practices.Today will focus on releasing those things that loweryour vibration. The first step is in gaining awarenessof those things that pull down your energy and yourvibration. You can begin to gain awareness by spendingtime closely observing your self.  What are youcreating?  How are you creating? What are theintentions behind your creations?  What are yourdominant thoughts and feeling states? Is your physicalbeing vibrant and energetic or plagued by healthchallenges? Are your habits serving your growth orlimiting you? Are you sabotaging your dreams or pavingthe way for them to "show up" in your life easily andeffortlessly?If you are not creating what you want -- if you areexperiencing low-vibrational realities – there areaspects of your self you can begin examining.  Theseare your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, attitudes andhabits.  All of these are interrelated and worktogether, but for our purposes here, we will examineeach one independently to see how it functions andcontributes to the creation of your overall reality.Step One: Examine Your ThoughtsThe first thing is to gain control of your thoughts.It is your thoughts that drive your ability to changeyour beliefs so we want to begin here.  First, observeyour thoughts and practice detaching from them.Understand you are the thinker of your thoughts butyou are not your thoughts.  Your conscious mind thatit is spinning out these thoughts is just a fractionof your overall existence.As you gain awareness of your thoughts, observe whatthey are creating in terms of your reality.  Is yourmind scattered and hurried, stumbling over importantdetails?  Or is it calm and open to subtle cues andinformation from your guides and your environment?  Ifyour mind is scattered, you will need to pull backyour energy from all the places where it is enmeshed.Do you have unfinished and unhealed energy from yourpast that is constantly pulling your focus into thepast?  If so, you will need to bring about completionof issues lingering in past time periods so your focuscan be centered in your present moment. If you needhelp with this process, see the message titledEntering the Portal of Time Travel to ReleaseEnergetic Bookmarks.It is also important that you practice each daygaining skill at stilling your thoughts.Concentrating on a candle flame every day for 10minutes while releasing all thoughts will allow you tobuild muscle in this. Observing your thoughts is anongoing process you want to practice from now on togain awareness of any issues you need to addresswithin the moment.Step Two: Examine Your EmotionsUnresolved emotional disturbances can pose anotherobstacle to raising your vibration.  The emotionallevel of your consciousness is sandwiched between yourconscious and subconscious minds, serving as thebridge (or barrier) to your ability to access higherconsciousness. Accessing your subconscious on aregular basis paves the way for daily communion withyour higher self.  This communion is one of yourgreatest resources.You can think of your emotions as a gatekeeper, in asense.  Until you have healed negative and troubledemotions, you are unable to reliably access yoursubconscious mind.  You can gain awareness of anypoints in your consciousness where energy is beingheld inside troubled emotions by writing a simpleautobiography, paying attention to memories that holdstrong energy.  Once again, the process to releasedescribed in Entering the Portal of Time Travel toRelease Energetic Bookmarks can be helpful to clearingtroubled emotions and cultivating a peaceful, serenestate of being.Step Three: Examine Your BeliefsYour beliefs about what is possible for you determinethe realities you are able to access.  If, forexample, you hold beliefs that you do not deserve toexperience a loving and positive existence, you willexperience an unloving and negative reality.  As youexpand your beliefs about what you deserve, therealities you are able to experience expandaccordingly.Often when a person expands and grows rapidly, it isbecause they have sufficiently developed theirunderstandings of how things work. This enables themto "see-through" any old limiting beliefs that havebeen holding them back.Your beliefs extend into all areas of your life. Youhold beliefs about who you are, what you deserve, whatyou are capable of and what you are not capable of.The template for your reality and your accompanyingfield of possibilities derive from your beliefs inthese areas.Some beliefs are the result of childhood programmingand indoctrination into limiting belief systems.  Asyou expand your conscious awareness (see steps in Part3) you begin to see-through these old beliefs.Step Four: Examine Your AttitudesIn the past you may have manifested unpleasantexperiences in your quest to grow and understand.Some of you have re-created different versions of thesame situation so you could understand it from manydifferent perspectives.  An example of this might berepeated seeming "failures" with relationships, careermoves or health challenges.  If you continue tomanifest abusive relationships, you might be temptedto develop an attitude that relationships don't workin your life.  You might even refuse to get involvedever again.  An alternative to developing this kind ofattitude is a thorough examination of the situationsleading to the attitude and an effort to gain theunderstandings you were working toward by creatingthese experiences.  It is just as easy to develop anattitude of determination to learn from life'sexperiences and transform them into the wisdom andunderstandings that open new doors for your self andothers.Step Five: Examine Your HabitsDaily habits are just the foot soldiers of yourthoughts, emotions, beliefs and attitudes.  For ourpurposes here, we will examine how they operate.Generally when you change a belief or attitude that isdriving a habit, the accompanying habit changesnaturally over time.  Nevertheless, when you choose tobring about a conscious shift in your attitudes andbeliefs, you may want begin an examination of yourcurrent habits and change any that are not alignedwith your new belief.  This can hasten thetransformation process.  If you choose to believe youare capable of being healthy and fit, for example, youmay want to examine your habits and make sure they arein alignment with this perspective.  If your habit isto spend long hours in front of the TV eating junkfood, you will probably want to transform this habitto more accurately reflect your new belief in yourself as a healthy and fit person.  You might choose tospend a period of time each day practicing Pilates orwalking in nature. You may also choose to eliminatesugars from your diet and eat more fresh fruits andvegetables.Step Six: Examine, Detoxify and Cleanse Your PhysicalBodyAs you transform your thoughts, emotions, beliefs,attitudes and habits, you will want to bring yourattention to your physical system.  Toxic emotions andenergies of the past live on in the cells and tissuesof your body until they are released. Thoughtforms ofholding onto the past often manifest in disorders ofdigestion and elimination. The condition of the coloncan impact all other parts of the body as well asoverall health. Release can be brought about throughfasting, colon cleanses and other methods ofdetoxification.  If you have taken pharmaceuticals inthe past or have lived an emotionally turbulentexistence, you may want to undertake this processinitially under the supervision of a healthpractitioner.  When you begin detoxing at the physicallevel, this eventually triggers releases at all otherlevels -- emotional, mental and spiritual.For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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