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Uriel Heals: Can we Create More Karma?

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Can we Create More Karma? By HoffmanIn several readings this week I have had clients tell me that theywere afraid to take steps to end karma with people and situationsbecause they were afraid to create more karma for themselves. Is it OKfor them to end a relationship, to stop a situation from going anyfarther or to assert themselves and protect their needs? Can they dothat and end karma or will they have to experience additional karma? Ourkarma is being presented to us at this time by a number of teachers.This is one of the things we came here to do at this time, to endkarmic cycles so that we can heal our soul group relationships and moveinto another way of being, one that is without karma. So when we arepresented with our karmic cycles and dramas the purpose is to connectto them, understand what they are and to choose differently, applyingforgiveness and unconditional love, so they can end. And we areoperating under different circumstances now. We have spiritualknowledge and understanding, we know when our karma is being activatedand we now have choices that we never had in other lifetimes. How wehandle these situations is what makes the difference. When we applyunconditional love and forgiveness, karma is healed. When we arewilling to acknowledge the divinity in others and recognizing theirhealing journey, we are not creating more karma, we are allowing themto continue with their karma without our participation. It is good that we understand karma's nature and the price we pay, in termsof our own soul growth, when we are unable or unwilling to forgive.Seeing every situation from a soul perspective helps us understandwhere karma is, what is involved and then choose our next steps.Choosing from detachment, forgiveness and unconditional love nevercreates more karma for us. It simply removes us from that element ofour journey and allows us to move into relationships and situationsthat have no karmic ties for us. And it also creates that vibration forthe rest of the world.

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