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T P D.

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Well Well Well! wondering what in the world is the subject line of T P D?

been thinking on this for about a month now. it is the name of the first book I

will write in 2023 if I still remain with the kicking and living! well may not

ever write a book. I can't spell worth a flying flip! a fifth grader can spell

better then I and I have a spell checker to boot. any way will let you in on the

meaning of T P D. it stands for The Peace Diet. the key word here of the 3 is

the middle word peace. each letter is very important in my better eating control

and life style change. lets go through the letters of peace and I will give you

my reasons of what each mean to me.

P stands for Prayer. with out Prayer I would never have the proper tools to

doo what I need to do for control of my daily life. to me each day starts and

ends with Prayer. then the second letter is E. this stands for exercise and with

out some form of exercise each day that we live, no life style change will last

long or be a success. the third letter is A, this stands for attitude. our

attitude must be in the right place or none of it like exercise and eating will

work out right. my attitude was shaped and formed through Prayer. The fourth

letter is C and this stands for choices. we have many choices in each day we

live. make a bad choice or more then one to day, then to morrow will as well

suffer. not one day goes by that you or I won't have the need to make lots of

choices and they better be good one's or you will never get your life under good

control. then the last letter is E, which means eating. this is some thing we

all who wish to continue to live has to do each day. we have to do it in a smart

way and use our learning from most of our life knowing we have to eat to live

and not live to eat. eat right to day and to morrow will follow suit and do the


So now you know what I have on my wall and in my head that keeps me pointed

in the right direction, traveling the path of life the way God means for me to

do. the peace Diet and it really is a diet of peace for me. each letter in peace

means a very important meaning that I live by now and to day I weighed again 2

weeks later and now weigh 302. back on 2-29-2012 during my A Fib heart issue I

weighed in at 317 when they checked me in. less then 2 months later using the T

P D life style change I now weigh 15 pounds less! not only have I lost the extra

pounds, but for all most 2 months my attitude is where it has to be in order to

achieve the rest. As I strongly believe my attitude could never be where it has

to be with out first Prayer and P in TPD stands for Prayer. it should be the

first step any of us take when we set out to be a success in what ever we do in

life. Prayer, Exercise, attitude, Choices, and Eating. five little changes that

I have got stuck in my head that isn't as fat as it was 2 months ago. I will

continue to weigh every 2 weeks on a Friday and will as well post the results

for all to see my journey. I plan to make my goal 185 and I plan to achieve this

by no later then June 25'th of 2013. this is the day that my wonderful wife

plans for us to renew our wedding words that we promised one another back in

1988. I suppose she thinks I have for got? have no clue what my weight was on

that day in 88, but pretty sure it was around 275, give or take. A lot less of

the fat pig is what will stand up that day in front of God and all my family and

buddies and say once again why I promise to be a good husband for my honey. so

as it looks to day at 302, I only got 117 pounds left to go in a bit over one

year. 14 months to be exact and by staying focused on the T P D I will make it

and I will renew my wedding promises on June 25 of 2013. hard to believe that

after all the not so good choices I have made in the past 25 years, that God has

left me here in this life to step up to the plate and prove to him that I am

worthy of his love and his forgiveness. they call this Grace and I have

certainly had more then my share. you don't get to be over 300 pounds unless you

have made piles of bad choices along the way. to many days of bad choices will

pile up on you as the years pile on and one day you will feel the results of to

many bad choices that you were in control of. we can't change none of the

yesterday's in our life, but we can most certainly make better choices and right

choices to day because we are in control of our own choices. good luck to you

all and may God richly bless you as he has me and mine!

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