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Messages from the Future: Your Future Self As Your Guide and Mentor, Part 1 By DL Zeta

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Messages from the Future: Your Future Self As Your Guide and Mentor,Part 1 By DL ZetaAs you expand your beliefs and perception to take in more of who youare, you gain access to one of your most important assets: your futureself. This may be your self in the future of your present lifetime, orin a future life (We will point out here that you are the future selfof all your younger "selves").While it is true that all your selves exist simultaneously in oneinfinite moment of now, your focus or movement through your variouslifetimes, each with its complement of "identity selves," can beperceived (and perhaps from a conscious perspective, more easilyunderstood) through the lens of linear progression. For purposes ofclarity, we refer to those selves holding fewer understandings as"past selves" and those with a greater number of understandings thanyour present moment as "future selves."From this perspective, when we speak of progression, we are describingthe development of understandings throughout your various existencesand reality experiences. In your past, you have experienced realitieswith fewer understandings than you have now. In what you think of asyour future, you have greater insight and understanding into who youare and the purpose of your spiritual journey throughout time.Inviting Your Future Self as a GuideWhen we speak of future selves, we refer to selves that exist in othertime/space realities that hold understandings which you have not yetattained. By this definition, your future self is capable of assistingand guiding you in consciousness.In the future there is a "you" that has obtained masteryconsciousness. To the extent that you are in resonance with this"mastery self," you are able to receive its assistance and guidance.(We offer insights on creating this resonance in the discussion titledSteps to Raising Your Vibration, Parts 1-3). You have other futureselves that exist at all points along the spectrum between yourpresent level of consciousness and your mastery self. Those nearestyour present moment are in closest resonance with you and thereforeeasier to access.Your present rate of spiritual development determines the extent towhich your future selves are able to assist you. If you are rapidlygrowing and expanding, it is likely this growth trajectory willmultiply exponentially, paving the way for future selves in the next2-5 years to serve as guides for your present-moment self. If you arerapidly expanding your consciousness, your near-future selves will bespiritually adept at traveling back in consciousness to assist you andto serve as a wise and uplifting presence. Aligning in this way opensthe door to quantum spiritual growth. It is quantum spiritual growththat brings you into closer resonance with your "mastery self,"further igniting the fires of transformation in your life. The moreyou are a vibrational match for your mastery self, the more this selfis able to assist and guide you.Messages from the Future SeriesIn this series, we will look at your relationship with your futureself from a number of different perspectives. We will:*explain the role your relationship with your future self plays inyour present moment and help you understand how it can play a greaterrole in your future.*outline ways you will need to expand your beliefs to allow this wiseand loving aspect of yourself to play a greater role in your life.One of the most important aspects of expanding your relationship withyour future self is accepting who you really are within your presentmoment. You are wise and infinite being. Your conscious mindrepresents a small percentage of your overall be-ing. Many stillidentify themselves as their conscious mind or ego. It is importantto learn to step through the door of the ego into the infinite natureof your being.*discuss ways in which you can greatly contribute to the growth andability of your future self. In other words, there are steps you cantake to create the causes of an advanced future self capable oftraveling back through time and assisting you.*explain the process of becoming a wise and loving mentor to your"past selves." One of the most important steps you can take to beginlearning about future selves and the special form of guidance theyoffer is to become a future self.*describe ways in which you can begin to work with your future selfwithin your present moment to begin raising the vibration of yourpresent lifetime. Because your future self has walked the path thatstretches before you, it can help you focus your mind and energies toembrace rather than resist the times to come.*describe the way in which your "mastery self" works with its manypast selves, assisting and guiding them in their journey of becoming.One of the main functions of a newly-evolved "mastery self" is tocreate completion in all areas in which its understandings areincomplete. One way in which the mastery self brings about thiscompletion is by working with its orchestra of "past selves." Thosepast selves that are most receptive and awake are the mastery self'sgreatest assets in this effort.*describe ways in which you can work with your future self to helpseed the future of the New Earth. Your future selves exist at allpoints within the unfolding of the New Earth. As your ability tocommunicate with your future selves grows stronger, you will receiveideas and information that will allow you to take steps within yourpresent moment to help seed the new and greatly expanded times tocome. We will offer some insights into this process that allow you tobecome a brighter light in your present time frame, lighting the pathfor many others.For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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