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Steps to Raising Your Vibration, Part Three By DL Zeta

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Steps to Raising Your Vibration, Part ThreeAs we enter part three, we do so with the foundation of havingcompleted the processes in part two for releasing anything that isstanding in the way of achieving a higher vibration reality. In orderto move into a significantly higher vibration, you will need torelease these barriers to higher consciousness. In part three you aremoving forward with a clear energy and a focused mind that allows youto access an ever more joyful and constant state of communion withyour higher self.In this part of our discussion, we will describe techniques you canuse to raise your vibration at every level of your being. Thisincludes the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.The Physical LevelEat a diet high in living foods. While it is true that you receive agreat amount of life force through your spiritual connection, yourability to utilize life force energy is either helped or hindered bythe food you eat. The vibration and essence of the foods you consumeenters your physical system and influences your thoughts, feelings,beliefs, attitudes and habits. Are you shackling your vibration tothe fear and cruelty of the slaughterhouse or to the fresh air andsunshine of the outdoors and open fields?Get plenty of rest and sleep. How do you begin your day? Are you wellrested and energized or do you have an energetic deficit resultingfrom insufficient rest and sleep? Such deficits tend to limit yourconscious perception and your psychic receptivity. A sleep deficitrapidly depletes your physical system and opens the door toopportunistic infections and other diseases. When you go to bed atnight, consciously make peace with all that is in your life and detachfrom physical reality. This allows you to rest and refresh your bodywhile allowing your consciousness to travel into advanced dream stateswhere you are able to cultivate new levels of spiritual communion.Spend time in nature each day absorbing fresh air and sunlight. Shortperiods of exposure to sunlight help enliven your physical system.This stimulates your pineal gland. It is also beneficial to spendtime walking in nature, communing with the energies there. It iseasier to connect with the energies of your spirit guides and yourhigher self in the woods or near an ocean, lake or stream.Energize your body through practices such as yoga, tai chi, quiqong,pilates, walking, running, and dancing. This raises the flow of chienergy that oxygenates the cells of your body and triggers the releaseof hormones such as serotonin that give you a sense of peace andwell-being.Listen to your body and become attuned to its needs. If you areexperiencing symptoms, pay attention to those symptoms as messagesfrom your subconscious. These messages help bring your awareness tochanges you need to make in order to amp up the flow of life forceinto your physical system. If you aren't certain of the messages youare receiving, you can ask your higher self about various ideas andimages your imagination is bringing to you. Muscle testing is one wayto test each idea and image that comes to you. One form of muscletesting involves connecting the thumbs and forefingers of each handand then interlocking them and trying to pull them apart. If an ideaor image is aligned with your higher good, you will not be able topull your fingers apart. If it is not aligned with your higher good,you will be able to easily pull them apart. Another technique is tosymbolically or literally cradle the thing you are asking about inyour hands while standing up straight. Ask your higher self if thething you are cradling in your hands is for your highest good thenrelax your body. If the answer is yes, you will lean forward. If itis no, you will lean backward. Two books for understanding thesymbolic meaning of symptoms are Permanent Healing by Condronand Heal Your Life by Louise Hay.Nurture your body. All we have said thus far falls into this categoryof nurturing your body. There are other methods in addition to these.We list here some ideas that can help you to further nurture yourphysical body. They include receiving body work and massage,chiropractic, Reiki, and Quantum touch. EFT is another helpfultechnique. If you are experiencing chronic symptoms, you may alsowant to consult a skilled energy worker who can remove any negativeenergies from your energetic field. Your energy field is the templatefor your physical body and the field of possibilities for your life.Clear clutter and create sacred space in your environment. It isdifficult to cultivate a still mind when your living environment iscluttered with the energy of the past. Restore your environment to aplace of order. A clear, uncluttered living environment helps youbegin each day with a clean slate. It is also important to createsacred space somewhere in your home. This can be an altar or a placewhere you meditate and saturate with the energies of your higher self.Making space for spiritual communion in your physical environmentcoalesces your intention to create a stronger connection with yourhigher self which can raise your vibration at the quantum level.The Mental LevelAttuning your conscious mind to your higher self is a process oflearning to shut off conscious thoughts at will. Until you gaincontrol of your mind, you thoughts will keep you tethered to linear,physical reality. We are not saying there is anything "wrong" withphysical reality. As an infinite being, you are able to move freelybetween physical and non-physical reality. This freedom of existencecreates the causes of your greatest joy by allowing you to create therecipe for your present moment from the merging of physical andnon-physical realities. This is the joyful communion of heaven andearth. We offer some methods here for harmonizing your conscious mindand spirit.Learn to still your conscious mind through concentration exercisessuch as holding your attention on a candle flame for 10 minutes eachday while releasing all thoughts. When your mind is busy and rushingin many directions at once, it is difficult to hear the voice of yourinner guidance. Much energy is wasted when you jump into activitiesand pursuits that are not aligned with your highest purpose andvision. By learning to quiet your mind and listen within, you areable to receive visions from your higher self and act impeccablywithin the moment.Have a goal, purpose and activity for everything you seek to do. Thisinsures that you examine and bring the light of your consciousawareness to every undertaking. As you learn to consciously communewith your spirit and your higher self (and through your higher self,all other aspects of your being), you are able to undertake activitiesthat naturally direct your thoughts toward higher consciousness andspiritual communion.Meditation is another technique that helps you release your consciousthoughts and commune with your higher self. As you reach out tocommune with high vibrational aspects of your being, you bring more ofthis energy into your day-to-day life. Within this space of quietreceptivity, ideas, guidance and elevated feeling states are able todownload into your consciousness.Journaling is a technique that allows you to gain awareness of thetexture and energy of your thoughts. As you use your mind to exploreaspects of your being, you discover who you are, you discover yourgreatest joy and passion. Inside the pages of your journal, youcreate a space that allows you to meet and share notes with otheraspects of your being. Simply writing down your intuitiveperceptions, the visions your imagination brings you and yourintentions toward manifesting will change your life.Reading books that carry a high vibration. Reading a book thatcontains elevated ideas and information has the power to trigger yourown storehouse of inner knowledge. A single passage within a singlebook can unlock unlimited potential to higher consciousness andtransform your life.Attending a spiritual conference or workshop allows you to immerseyour conscious mind in high vibrational energies for a period of timeand entrain your conscious mind to new ideas and ways of being.Watching spiritual movies -- there are many new opportunities in yourworld to view spiritual stories depicting the life journeys of otherswho have made great leaps within their own consciousness. Otherstories relate information and sharing in movie form which allows yourconscious mind to enter a receptive dreamlike state while positiveideas and information are being downloaded into your consciousness.Engage in creative pursuits such as writing, painting, sculpting,singing, dancing and any other activity that allows you to bring thejoy and beauty of your spirit into communion with your conscious mindand your daily life.Creating affirmations that align your intentions with the positivechanges and new directions aligned with the desires of your soul.The Emotional LevelAs you release the causes for turbulent and trapped emotional energiesin your life (see Raise Your Vibration, Part Two) you are able tobegin actively cultivating elevated feeling states that align youremotions with peak states of higher consciousness and vision.Aligning your emotions with states of joy, peace, and love allows youto access higher awareness within the moment and cultivate peak statesof consciousness. We offer here some steps to cultivating elevatedemotional states.Listening to classical and New Age music that contains frequencies oftranscendental and elevated inner states.Spending time with positive and uplifting people. Sharing with otherswho radiate frequencies of elevated emotional states is an upliftingand powerful experience. If you don't know anyone who fits thisdescription, continue to cultivate these feeling states withinyourself and others who reside in these frequencies will naturallyshow up.Honor yourself. Many of you have learned to see through oldprogramming that generates negative self talk and heavy emotions. Nowyou are ready to cultivate and practice positive self talk thatrecognizes and honors the infinite nature of your being and yourconnection to all that is. This honoring raises your vibration andyour feeling states, which allows you to access ever higher states ofawareness.Transcendental breathwork -- daily practice of transcendental breathwork cleanses and clears the emotions, freeing you to access morejoyful and peaceful feeling states.Gratitude -- expressing gratitude for everything in your life bringsyour emotions into alignment with feeling states of inner peace andwell-being. When you express gratitude, you acknowledge thateverything in your life is happening perfectly. This has the power totransform all feelings and circumstances into the seeds of joy, peaceand love.Service to others. When you assist others in reaching their highestvision, you naturally feel good. World service includes takingpositive steps toward animal welfare, responsible stewardship of theenvironment, alleviating suffering and injustice, educating, teaching,healing, and sharing in whatever direction your spirit inspires youtoward within the moment.Engaging in daily activities that allow you to experience greater loveand compassion for your self and others. Cultivate those scenarios inyour life that allow you to experience greater love and compassion.These are two qualities that expand exponentially through the Law ofIncrease, allowing you to experience more ever more the same.The Spiritual LevelAll we have described will help to cultivate your communion with yourhigher self by raising your vibrational frequency. We will offer herea few more steps you can take to cultivate direct communion with yourhigher self and spirit.Open to spiritual guidance. There are many forms of spiritualguidance. You may find as you set your intention and focus towardcommunion with your spirit guides and your higher self thatinspiration and ideas arrive in many different forms. As you attuneto these messages, your awareness expands to include moments ofpsychic receptivity, and to notice signs and symbols in yourenvironment. You may even experience physical sensations as if aninvisible hand were reaching out to touch you. You might find yourselfspontaneously entering altered states of consciousness or experiencingdownloads of ideas and information.Some techniques that can help build this bridge to higherconsciousness include dreamwork, channeling, automatic writing,creating spiritually inspired art and visionary writing,self-hypnosis, particularly NLP, meditation, energy work anddeveloping your intuition.Your efforts in these areas we have described can lead you to furtherinsights and breakthroughs. There is no right or wrong approach.Whenever you takes steps to raise your vibration, the universe stepscloser to you. Over time, the steps you take to bring yourself intogreater communion with your higher self will allow you to step morefully into a joyful dance of peace and beauty with all that is.For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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