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Re: needing advice

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Hi Gail,

Very often skin eruptions are a sign that your kidney organ, which has to

detoxify the body is overloaded and is getting rid of excess waste product

through the skin. How is your digestion? The waste product often

accumulates from poor digestion. If this is the cause often it is due to

incomplete digestion, usually from a lack of hydrochloric acid in the


Dr.Bruce West,MD says in his newsletter Health Alert, that if you do not

have ulcers, you should test your need for Hydrochloric Acid supplementation

by taking 1 Zypan tablet from Standard Process Laboratories, to see if your

digestion improves, resulting in less heartburn, gas, bloating etc. Start

with 1 tablet with meals. If improvement is seen increase to two to three

per meal. During this time give your gut a rest by eating less grains and no

wheat and more vegetables for at least 30 days. Also do not use

ulcer-inducing drugs such as aspirin, non steroidal

anti-inflammatories(NSAID's) and alcohol.

Arnold Gore

Consumers Health Freedom Coalition

needing advice

> I'm needing advice. After I had my baby at the age of

> 40. I started to break out in these small rashes.

> First they would start out in my groin area, then

> after they left they moved to my lower back, then to

> my lower abdomen then to my upper back, they also go

> to my arms. They itch very badly which then they turn

> into sores and leave scars. I've been to doctor after

> doctor and one says it's excema, to yeast infection. I

> was wondering if anyone knew if maybe it's parisites

> or something that doesn't have a name.....they repeat

> it's cycle after its run its course, Ive had this now

> for 3 1/2 yrs. I thought maybe it would go away but it

> doens't....I thought maybe it's harmonal changes in my

> body.....please help....I do not use perfumes or soaps

> with perfumes, all detergents are tide free and I do

> not use clorox....I am very sensitive to

> chemicals...thanks


> Gail


> __________________________________________________


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Gail, I mentioned earlier the product from the company Mannatech called

Ambrose or something like that. Also, you should avoid milk and sugar. That

may be a good start.

needing advice

> I'm needing advice. After I had my baby at the age of

> 40. I started to break out in these small rashes.

> First they would start out in my groin area, then

> after they left they moved to my lower back, then to

> my lower abdomen then to my upper back, they also go

> to my arms. They itch very badly which then they turn

> into sores and leave scars. I've been to doctor after

> doctor and one says it's excema, to yeast infection. I

> was wondering if anyone knew if maybe it's parisites

> or something that doesn't have a name.....they repeat

> it's cycle after its run its course, Ive had this now

> for 3 1/2 yrs. I thought maybe it would go away but it

> doens't....I thought maybe it's harmonal changes in my

> body.....please help....I do not use perfumes or soaps

> with perfumes, all detergents are tide free and I do

> not use clorox....I am very sensitive to

> chemicals...thanks


> Gail


> __________________________________________________


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  • 1 year later...
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I would probably reduce the No-Fenol to 1/4 capsule each dose along

with the GSE. That is what seems to be working best for my son right

now. If that doesn't help, you could go even a little less with the

No-Fenol or just drop it completely.

If your son was not gfcf with the Peptizyde, you may have been seeing

withdrawal. You can take either start with a really low dose and

build up very gradually, or only do that for a few days, then jump to

the recommended dose with all meals/snacks to get through the

adjustment faster (although could be a bit trying for several days!).

I don't know if the AFP is a better choice for your child. Since he

has done well with the fruit-based enzymes in the Zyme, I wouldn't

think it would matter whether you use the Pep with fruit-based

enzymes or the AFP, but you could try it to see if it does make a

difference. Perhaps fewer fruit-based enzymes are better for your


The problems you describe sound like either phenols or a yeast

problem. My son's speech has been greatly improved since taking

enzymes. I would call it a dramatic difference regarding sounding

more natural.

> Hi I have been giving my son zyme for about two months,


> have seen nothing but improvement. I tried Pep and he became very

> noisy and hyper and lots of vocal noise stimming. As a result of

> enduring this for 3-4 weeks, I decided to stop the Pep. I than read

> so much about no-phenol and GSE and decided to give that a try


> with continuing the Zyme. Zyme is given with every meal and no-


> and GSE is given between 7-8pm. has been on this regimen


> about two weeks and he is very hyper, silly, and lots of vocal

> noises, waking up around 6:00AM regardless of what time he goes to

> bed. He is very loud when he wakes up pacing the the floor and


> loud noises, although he is happy it can be very distracting waking

> up to his entertainment. I also give him supplements such as 1 mag

> citrate 400mg, 1 zinc 50mg. I am wondering if I should reduce or

> eliminate the zinc after reading what of the message on zinc today,

> or should I eliminate the no-phenol, gse and try the AFP pep, with

> the zyme. The no-phenol and gse seem to be like giving him speed. I

> give 1/2 cap no-phenol and 3-4 drops of gse. He was alot quieter

> before starting these supplements. My last question is what are


> symptoms for having a problem with yeast. does have a

> phenol problem I believe because he has the dark circle under his

> eyes, inappropriate laughter at time, and hyperactivity. The circle

> are much clearer even before no-phenol and gse. does have

> some language, and he repeat of alot of what you say to him. I


> love to see him have clearer speech and a natural flow of language,

> sometimes it is very robotic. I know this is long but thanks for


> suggestions in advance.

> Concerned Mom

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> Hi I have been giving my son zyme for about two months, and

> have seen nothing but improvement. I tried Pep and he became very

> noisy and hyper and lots of vocal noise stimming. As a result of

> enduring this for 3-4 weeks, I decided to stop the Pep. I than read

> so much about no-phenol and GSE and decided to give that a try along

> with continuing the Zyme. Zyme is given with every meal and


> and GSE is given between 7-8pm.

I would advise giving the No-Fenol and GSE in the morning. It will

cause yeast die off, which makes many kids hyper, and hyper during the

day is much better than hyper at night!

>> 1 zinc 50mg. I am wondering if I should reduce or

> eliminate the zinc after reading what of the message on zinc today,

50 mg zinc is rather high. How old is your son and how much does he

weigh? And do you give this amount of zinc all at the same time, or

do you divide the dose and give it several times each day?

> or should I eliminate the no-phenol, gse and try the AFP pep, with

> the zyme. The no-phenol and gse seem to be like giving him speed. I

> give 1/2 cap no-phenol and 3-4 drops of gse.

You can consider the AFP, it might be better for your child than

regular Peptizyde. But I would say the No-Fenol plus GSE is causing

yeast die off.

He was alot quieter

> before starting these supplements. My last question is what are the

> symptoms for having a problem with yeast.

Similar to phenols, here is my yeast page



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  • 4 years later...
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This may be way off base, but it was recently suggested to me for my tummy

troubles to try bitters. Swedish bitters. It's still very commonly consumed in

Europe and I just bought byself a bottle, but haven't tried it yet. It's worth

a research for her digestion I think.

<kelly@...> wrote: Hi! A couple of months ago, I began

working as a caregiver for a young

woman with severe ME/CFS. She lives in Norway, and the medical

community here has offered all the advice they are able to. She was

diagnosed a year ago... and in just 16 months has gone from vibrant

university studies in Canada to solitude in a dark room. She

continues to worsen and feels her body is just falling apart and she

can't do anything to prevent it.

She is no longer able to eat anything but the enternal nutritional

supplement bag from the hospital. She has started experiencing

constant nausea and is becoming so frightened. Her three cousins and

sister also have M.E. One cousin, who is even worse than she is,

experienced these same symptoms of nausea... and actually lost a great

deal of strength with the vomiting.

Do you have any advice about things she can do to help with nausea,

her constantly dropping blood pressure and muscle spasms? She is

intolerant to almost everything, so we dare not try any supplements

for nausea.

Have any of you tried Empower Plus or Recuperation? Empower Plus is a

supplement for people with brain chemical imbalances, I believe...

Apparently it is used most in Canada for people with psychological

disorders. However, in Norway, they are promoting it among the ME

community. Her sister is doing well with Empower Plus, but her body

has responded poorly to it.

Any advice you can give would be most helpful. The doctors here are

very supportive, but they just aren't sure of what else to do for her.

Maybe there is nothing that can be done, but it just breaks my heart

to see her so scared and her body constantly weakening.

Thank you for your time!

With hope,

in Norway

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Sounds pretty grim. Prayer would be the main treatment at this point.

Marijuana comes to mind for the nausea- and maybe for the anxiety, too? That

seems kind of crazy, but...it came to mind.


Needing advice

Hi! A couple of months ago, I began working as a caregiver for a young

woman with severe ME/CFS. She lives in Norway, and the medical

community here has offered all the advice they are able to. She was

diagnosed a year ago... and in just 16 months has gone from vibrant

university studies in Canada to solitude in a dark room. She

continues to worsen and feels her body is just falling apart and she

can't do anything to prevent it.

She is no longer able to eat anything but the enternal nutritional

supplement bag from the hospital. She has started experiencing

constant nausea and is becoming so frightened. Her three cousins and

sister also have M.E. One cousin, who is even worse than she is,

experienced these same symptoms of nausea... and actually lost a great

deal of strength with the vomiting.

Do you have any advice about things she can do to help with nausea,

her constantly dropping blood pressure and muscle spasms? She is

intolerant to almost everything, so we dare not try any supplements

for nausea.

Have any of you tried Empower Plus or Recuperation? Empower Plus is a

supplement for people with brain chemical imbalances, I believe...

Apparently it is used most in Canada for people with psychological

disorders. However, in Norway, they are promoting it among the ME

community. Her sister is doing well with Empower Plus, but her body

has responded poorly to it.

Any advice you can give would be most helpful. The doctors here are

very supportive, but they just aren't sure of what else to do for her.

Maybe there is nothing that can be done, but it just breaks my heart

to see her so scared and her body constantly weakening.

Thank you for your time!

With hope,

in Norway

This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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Not crazy at all. Ask chemo or AIDS patients.

" Adrienne G. " <duckblossm@...> wrote: Sounds pretty grim.

Prayer would be the main treatment at this point.

Marijuana comes to mind for the nausea- and maybe for the anxiety, too? That

seems kind of crazy, but...it came to mind.


Needing advice

Hi! A couple of months ago, I began working as a caregiver for a young

woman with severe ME/CFS. She lives in Norway, and the medical

community here has offered all the advice they are able to. She was

diagnosed a year ago... and in just 16 months has gone from vibrant

university studies in Canada to solitude in a dark room. She

continues to worsen and feels her body is just falling apart and she

can't do anything to prevent it.

She is no longer able to eat anything but the enternal nutritional

supplement bag from the hospital. She has started experiencing

constant nausea and is becoming so frightened. Her three cousins and

sister also have M.E. One cousin, who is even worse than she is,

experienced these same symptoms of nausea... and actually lost a great

deal of strength with the vomiting.

Do you have any advice about things she can do to help with nausea,

her constantly dropping blood pressure and muscle spasms? She is

intolerant to almost everything, so we dare not try any supplements

for nausea.

Have any of you tried Empower Plus or Recuperation? Empower Plus is a

supplement for people with brain chemical imbalances, I believe...

Apparently it is used most in Canada for people with psychological

disorders. However, in Norway, they are promoting it among the ME

community. Her sister is doing well with Empower Plus, but her body

has responded poorly to it.

Any advice you can give would be most helpful. The doctors here are

very supportive, but they just aren't sure of what else to do for her.

Maybe there is nothing that can be done, but it just breaks my heart

to see her so scared and her body constantly weakening.

Thank you for your time!

With hope,

in Norway

This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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Has she been checked for parasite infections? that just comes to mind

automatically if

there are severe food intolerances, gut problems. She could've become allergic


sensitive to foods because they were getting in her bloodstream before they were

completely digested. This may happen if parasites had caused a leaky gut or


permeability problem.

just my two cents.

My thoughts go out to your friend



> Sounds pretty grim. Prayer would be the main treatment at this point.

> Marijuana comes to mind for the nausea- and maybe for the anxiety, too? That


kind of crazy, but...it came to mind.

> Adrienne

> Needing advice



> Hi! A couple of months ago, I began working as a caregiver for a young

> woman with severe ME/CFS. She lives in Norway, and the medical

> community here has offered all the advice they are able to. She was

> diagnosed a year ago... and in just 16 months has gone from vibrant

> university studies in Canada to solitude in a dark room. She

> continues to worsen and feels her body is just falling apart and she

> can't do anything to prevent it.


> She is no longer able to eat anything but the enternal nutritional

> supplement bag from the hospital. She has started experiencing

> constant nausea and is becoming so frightened. Her three cousins and

> sister also have M.E. One cousin, who is even worse than she is,

> experienced these same symptoms of nausea... and actually lost a great

> deal of strength with the vomiting.


> Do you have any advice about things she can do to help with nausea,

> her constantly dropping blood pressure and muscle spasms? She is

> intolerant to almost everything, so we dare not try any supplements

> for nausea.


> Have any of you tried Empower Plus or Recuperation? Empower Plus is a

> supplement for people with brain chemical imbalances, I believe...

> Apparently it is used most in Canada for people with psychological

> disorders. However, in Norway, they are promoting it among the ME

> community. Her sister is doing well with Empower Plus, but her body

> has responded poorly to it.


> Any advice you can give would be most helpful. The doctors here are

> very supportive, but they just aren't sure of what else to do for her.

> Maybe there is nothing that can be done, but it just breaks my heart

> to see her so scared and her body constantly weakening.


> Thank you for your time!


> With hope,

> in Norway









> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to

give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment discussed here,

please consult

your doctor.


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Hi ,

AS you probably know, there are many young people in the same condition as your

client and her sister. There have been some times that some of them have


Have you contacted any other groups? You might inquire at


w/your questions, and get directions to the 25% group (meaning the percent of

the most severe), There is also an ME-Severe group.

When you were trying supplements, hopefully you knew that it is common to have

" exquisite " sensitivity to anything. Therefore, important for the very purest

form, perhaps a *liquid*, and miniscule dose. The tiny, tiny dose, beyond what

would seem to make any sense whatsoever,can make the difference in tolerance AND

bring a positive response.

In her condition, the darkened room and total quiet and stillness around her is

very crucial. Plus soft, natural fiber material, weight, and even temperature

(as she can convey). They all can lesson the pure torture that even minor


overload can cause. {This may relate to inflammation of the brainstem.}

If she can ever tolerate quiet music, " New Age " , or meditation music can be very

soothing to the whole system. It would be crucial that she have total control of

the volume level. (In a severe state for me, this meant/means almost constantly,

carefully adjusting it).

I'm sure you know how important it is to *keep her hydrated!* and to replace

electrolytes if vomiting.

The other severe patients may have feedback on the contents of the feeding


I thought of a young woman who has been through extremely severe stages, and

learned alot. She has kept a website going through her experiences.

In case you don't know her, I will look for the link and send it.

I'm sooooo glad the doctors are at least supportive, and that she has you with


Thank you!



> Hi! A couple of months ago, I began working as a caregiver for a young

> woman with severe ME/CFS. She lives in Norway, and the medical

> community here has offered all the advice they are able to. She was

> diagnosed a year ago... and in just 16 months has gone from vibrant

> university studies in Canada to solitude in a dark room. She

> continues to worsen and feels her body is just falling apart and she

> can't do anything to prevent it.


> She is no longer able to eat anything but the enternal nutritional

> supplement bag from the hospital. She has started experiencing

> constant nausea and is becoming so frightened. Her three cousins and

> sister also have M.E. One cousin, who is even worse than she is,

> experienced these same symptoms of nausea... and actually lost a great

> deal of strength with the vomiting.


> Do you have any advice about things she can do to help with nausea,

> her constantly dropping blood pressure and muscle spasms? She is

> intolerant to almost everything, so we dare not try any supplements

> for nausea.


> Have any of you tried Empower Plus or Recuperation? Empower Plus is a

> supplement for people with brain chemical imbalances, I believe...

> Apparently it is used most in Canada for people with psychological

> disorders. However, in Norway, they are promoting it among the ME

> community. Her sister is doing well with Empower Plus, but her body

> has responded poorly to it.


> Any advice you can give would be most helpful. The doctors here are

> very supportive, but they just aren't sure of what else to do for her.

> Maybe there is nothing that can be done, but it just breaks my heart

> to see her so scared and her body constantly weakening.


> Thank you for your time!


> With hope,

> in Norway


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We are from Denmark and we have a daughter 14 years old. One year

ago she got the MMR vaccination and was sick the next day. About

three months ago she was diagnosed with ME/CFS.

She mostly lie in the bed and had many symptoms,

But other patients told us that 2/3 of Me/CFS patients got better

on a milk and gluten free diet. A few days after starting the diet

she got better and now she can go for a ride on her horse, and some

other things,. but she is still sick.

She also got some pills from a homøopatic doctor against candida and

perhaps it helps too.

I think that vitamins has helped, these are EPA GLA, magnesium,

Multidophilus, Total Amino, c vitamins, B6, Restora and Carcin.

Perhaps you know all this, but to make sure, I had to write to you.

Our daughter was more sick, when she was on hospital a few days, the

noise and the stress she could not stand, she got much more

symptoms. She is much better at home, she needs her family round

her, specially when she got the symptoms of anxiety.

We have ordered 5HTP, this should be good for sleeping problems and


Have you read about Red Labs and Dr. De Meirleir . Testing and

Treatment (active network)

I think it is very interesting.




Best Wishes Birte.

> Hi! A couple of months ago, I began working as a caregiver for a


> woman with severe ME/CFS. She lives in Norway, and the medical

> community here has offered all the advice they are able to. She


> diagnosed a year ago... and in just 16 months has gone from vibrant

> university studies in Canada to solitude in a dark room. She

> continues to worsen and feels her body is just falling apart and


> can't do anything to prevent it.


> She is no longer able to eat anything but the enternal nutritional

> supplement bag from the hospital. She has started experiencing

> constant nausea and is becoming so frightened. Her three cousins


> sister also have M.E. One cousin, who is even worse than she is,

> experienced these same symptoms of nausea... and actually lost a


> deal of strength with the vomiting.


> Do you have any advice about things she can do to help with nausea,

> her constantly dropping blood pressure and muscle spasms? She is

> intolerant to almost everything, so we dare not try any supplements

> for nausea.


> Have any of you tried Empower Plus or Recuperation? Empower Plus

is a

> supplement for people with brain chemical imbalances, I believe...

> Apparently it is used most in Canada for people with psychological

> disorders. However, in Norway, they are promoting it among the ME

> community. Her sister is doing well with Empower Plus, but her


> has responded poorly to it.


> Any advice you can give would be most helpful. The doctors here


> very supportive, but they just aren't sure of what else to do for


> Maybe there is nothing that can be done, but it just breaks my


> to see her so scared and her body constantly weakening.


> Thank you for your time!


> With hope,

> in Norway


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She should also try cholestyramine on the off chance that these

symptoms *might* be caused by biotoxins. And if she can tolerate

alpha-lipoic acid, NAC, milk-thistle extract, and DLPA (helps with

both muscular aches and also detoxifies the effects of some

mycotoxins) she should try them.

just some shots in the dark but they are all cheap, I don't think they

would hurt, and they might help.

I am NOT A DOCTOR nor have I ever played one on TV.

I am just a fellow traveler who suspects that much CFS is actually

caused by mold toxins, i.e. chronic, low level exposure.. but that

society is in denial on this because of the implications for our

lives, schools, businesses.. etc. (we would have to clean it up!!!)

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I found that SAMe helped me sleep in a way that was remarkable..

clearly, something was broken there.. When i take it, I sleep well..

when i stop, slowly, this subtle but quite noticable improvement goes


Cholestyramine also helps me sleep if I am getting mold exposure.. a

lot... In the past i would get up in the middle of the night, feeling

anxious from the mold, and take it.. then feel better and drift back

to sleep..

Some common molds in the aspergillus genera recently were found to

produce ergot alkaloids.. (LSD-like substances) in amounts comparable

to ergot itself.. perhaps this explains why they can seriously impact

the ability to sleep..

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Another possibility is the genetic issues Rich and Jill and Sue T and

others are talking about.

I also have a lot of Danish ancestry, and believe that the genetic

problems with detoxification are important to understand.

And Birte – even though your daughter had the MMR as the trigger for

ME/CFS, she still could have other problems such as Lyme Disease, which

originated in Germany. For example, the MMR might have triggered a

glutathione crisis, allowing Lyme to become active.


Re: Needing advice



We are from Denmark and we have a daughter 14 years old. One year

ago she got the MMR vaccination and was sick the next day. About

three months ago she was diagnosed with ME/CFS.

She mostly lie in the bed and had many symptoms,

But other patients told us that 2/3 of Me/CFS patients got better

on a milk and gluten free diet. A few days after starting the diet

she got better and now she can go for a ride on her horse, and some

other things,. but she is still sick.

She also got some pills from a homøopatic doctor against candida and

perhaps it helps too.

I think that vitamins has helped, these are EPA GLA, magnesium,

Multidophilus, Total Amino, c vitamins, B6, Restora and Carcin.

Perhaps you know all this, but to make sure, I had to write to you.

Our daughter was more sick, when she was on hospital a few days, the

noise and the stress she could not stand, she got much more

symptoms. She is much better at home, she needs her family round

her, specially when she got the symptoms of anxiety.

We have ordered 5HTP, this should be good for sleeping problems and


Have you read about Red Labs and Dr. De Meirleir . Testing and

Treatment (active network)

I think it is very interesting.




http://www.redlabsu <http://www.redlabsusa.com/hometext.png>


http://www.cfs- <http://www.cfs-healing.info/treatment-results.htm>


Best Wishes Birte.

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I have used (until a couple of weeks ago) DLPA daily for about 20 years, and

after a couple of bad results for people I have never reccommended it to anyone,

even though I felt it was the foundation for whatever functionality I had. The

side effects are very unpleasant at best, and one friend I gave it to with CFS,

had intolerable heart symptoms.

I am so glad to be mostly off of it at last. I thought it was going to be a

lifetime deal.


Re: Re: Needing advice

She should also try cholestyramine on the off chance that these

symptoms *might* be caused by biotoxins. And if she can tolerate

alpha-lipoic acid, NAC, milk-thistle extract, and DLPA (helps with

both muscular aches and also detoxifies the effects of some

mycotoxins) she should try them.

just some shots in the dark but they are all cheap, I don't think they

would hurt, and they might help.

I am NOT A DOCTOR nor have I ever played one on TV.

I am just a fellow traveler who suspects that much CFS is actually

caused by mold toxins, i.e. chronic, low level exposure.. but that

society is in denial on this because of the implications for our

lives, schools, businesses.. etc. (we would have to clean it up!!!)

This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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If she responded to the GFCF diet, she may benefit from the Specific

Carbohydrate Diet, as some autistic kids have:


Also, some say the problem with the MMR vaccine is the live measles

virus in it that can cause problems in the gut. So maybe the

homeopath can address the Measles virus somehow.

The mercury, too, could be something to work on. For this I like

Andy Cutler these days:


> >Hi

> .

> We are from Denmark and we have a daughter 14 years old. One year

> ago she got the MMR vaccination and was sick the next day. About

> three months ago she was diagnosed with ME/CFS.

> She mostly lie in the bed and had many symptoms,

> But other patients told us that 2/3 of Me/CFS patients got better

> on a milk and gluten free diet. A few days after starting the diet

> she got better and now she can go for a ride on her horse, and some

> other things,. but she is still sick.

> She also got some pills from a homøopatic doctor against candida


> perhaps it helps too.

> I think that vitamins has helped, these are EPA GLA, magnesium,

> Multidophilus, Total Amino, c vitamins, B6, Restora and Carcin.

> Perhaps you know all this, but to make sure, I had to write to you.

> Our daughter was more sick, when she was on hospital a few days,


> noise and the stress she could not stand, she got much more

> symptoms. She is much better at home, she needs her family round

> her, specially when she got the symptoms of anxiety.

> We have ordered 5HTP, this should be good for sleeping problems


> anxiety.

> Have you read about Red Labs and Dr. De Meirleir . Testing and

> Treatment (active network)

> I think it is very interesting.


> http://www.mefmaction.net/default.aspx?page=demeirleirpatients


> http://www.redlabsusa.com/hometext.png


> http://www.cfs-healing.info/treatment-results.htm


> Best Wishes Birte.


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  • 1 year later...

I have PPMS and LDN is a great help to me


[low dose naltrexone] Needing advice

Hi everyone it's Vicki from Calif.

I met a gal at one of our MS support groups and we need some advice/help so , Crystal who ever put on your thinking hats we need your help...

She has Primary Progressive MS went to her doctor last week he said she was borderline Lymes???? Two years ago she had the I Genex test for Lymes. Has anyone heard of this test and if so is it accurate? I made the recommendation to her to get re tested, which test is the best?

Do you guys think LDN will help in Primary Progressive, I know on Sams site the survey from 3/07 said out of 308 people it helped 41 - 13%. I know the percentage is high as far as stopping the progression. I know the LDN will be good to stop the progression now but what changes has a person with PP MS had. Her problems are her speach, very slow, stumbles with words her walking is assisted with a walker, balance and coordination is off.

Do you think LDN will help for Lymes? If it is Lymes what protocol is the best in treating, she has done the anti-biotic protocol not much luck.

We are just trying to get the best treatment for her. Her doctor mentioned one of the cemo treatments. He has prescribed LDN but isn't sure this is best for her, his thinking is that it doesn't help that much with PP MS.

What do you guys think????? I told her the LDN would be best in preventing her from getting any worse

appreciate your help



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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Sally,

I was also dx'ed after pregnancy and had the same concerns about

nursing/meds. There is one natural medicine that has worked for me. It's

called ThyroCalm and it's an extremely concentrated concoction of the usual

hyperT herbs, lemon balm, bugleweed, lycopus. You have to have it

prescribed by a naturopath. The one problem, and it's a big one, is that

it's very expensive and my state doesn't reimburse for naturopathic


I didn't know about ThyroCalm when I was first diagnosed, so I tried the

usual tincture but it really had very little impact on my thyroid levels.

So, I ended up taking the PTU while nursing (apparently PTU is better than

Tapezole). I had my baby's liver and thyroid levels tested before and after

starting the drug and there was no impact on either.

Good luck with your decision-making.


On Thu, 10 Apr 2008 03:50:57 -0000, " sally_l_h " <ahultgren@...>


> hi all,


> i just joined this group and am hoping you all can help me. i was

> diagnosed w/ hyperT a year ago but was nursing and so didn't want to

> go on any meds. doctor was willing to monitor me w/ out taking

> meds. then i got pregnant and the hyperT resolved itself during the

> pregnancy. baby was born in dec. 07 and my hyperT has returned!


> so i am in the same boat now as i was a year ago only w/ a younger

> nursling. i still don't want to take PTU even though it is " safe. "

> i am wondering if any one is treating their hyperT w/ a more natural

> remedy that has been working for them.


> , i saw you mention niacin in another email. i'd like to learn

> more about that.


> any help or advice is most welcome! i look forward to hearing from

> you all.


> thank you,


> sally

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Hey, Sally!? Welcome to the board....

The main things that has helped me are Acetyl L-Carnitine, balancing my

calcium/magnesium intake, and dietary changes.? You can google the Carnitine.?

The advice I followed on the cal/mag ratio came from 's site ithyroid.com.

Hope that helps you some,

Kim : )

needing advice

hi all,

i just joined this group and am hoping you all can help me. i was

diagnosed w/ hyperT a year ago but was nursing and so didn't want to

go on any meds. doctor was willing to monitor me w/ out taking

meds. then i got pregnant and the hyperT resolved itself during the

pregnancy. baby was born in dec. 07 and my hyperT has returned!

so i am in the same boat now as i was a year ago only w/ a younger

nursling. i still don't want to take PTU even though it is " safe. "

i am wondering if any one is treating their hyperT w/ a more natural

remedy that has been working for them.

, i saw you mention niacin in another email. i'd like to learn

more about that.

any help or advice is most welcome! i look forward to hearing from

you all.

thank you,


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  • 1 month later...
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Just remember where the healing really comes from hon.

In Lak'ech Ala K'in, Cheryl(translation: In Lak'ech Ala K'in -You Are My Other Self)In Lak'ech Ala K'in - the Living Code of the Heart | Spirit Libraryvisit me at: www.myspace.com/senegaladyMay we learn to benefit the life of Earth with peace, humble in our needs,

and generous in our giving.Joanne Sunshower

In a message dated 5/28/2008 6:43:12 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, iampeacewalker@... writes:

Hello Dear Family,I have reached a point in my life where I find myself,in such doubt.It is the self doubt thing has reared its head and I find fear.I have gone through several life changing events in the last 10 years.Each event brought me stronger in my Faith and stronger in my healing abilities.As I sit here today trying to figure out what happened, I feelthe strength in my Faith...this is way cool for me, as I am now very aware of how some of these changes have truly assisted me.Last Christmas I was asked to do a Soul Portrait for someone.I at that point began to feel fear...I was not sure if I could still do the work.Well completed and mailed the portrait...it took months for me to send it. The self doubt thing hit, my way of dealing with the self doubt is to bury myself deep in work, landscaping in the hot Florida sun.Being here caretaking my Mom and working way to many hours.I lost my faith in me.I am a bit secluded living in a 55 and older community and most do not have any idea what a Spiritualist is, let alone understand new thought.So I just work and share with just a few some of the things I have learned.Today I was asked to do a Hands Of Light Healing.I accepted not setting a time or a date.SO here I sit writing to this prescious family, asking for advice or help.This twisted sister, is really in fear and the self doubt just keeps yelling." how twisted is that?"I welcome any thoughts suggestions and prayers.Blessings,Peace------------------------------------Humanity Healing,Healing the heart of Humanity,one soul at the time. <*> To change settings online go to: /join(! ID required)<*>To download our new ToolBar http://.OurOrganizationToolbar.com <*>www..netFAIR USE NOTICE: This page contains copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This website distributes this material without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. We believe this constitutes a fair use of any such copyrighted material as provided for in 17 U.S.C § 107.

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Hi Peacie, love. I think the doubt comes not from the healing in general, but in yourself. Remember that you are not separated from the source. Maybe there's some forgiveness you need of yourself? I have complete and total faith in you and the beautiful and compassionate (twisted) sister you've been to this group. You're always offering a peace of yourself unconditionally. That's the mark of a remarkable and spiritually able person. "The beginning of wisdom is found in doubting; by doubting we come to the question, and by seeking we may come upon the truth."

Pierre AbelardNow that you know there's a question, it's time to find your truth. This family is here for you during your self-transformation. Doubt is healthy, but don't let it dim your light sweetie. And what a light you have! Love you always,Stef>> Hello Dear Family,> I have reached a point in my life where I find myself,> in such doubt.> It is the self doubt thing has reared its head and I find fear.> I have gone through several life changing events in the last 10 years.> Each event brought me stronger in my Faith and stronger in my healing > abilities.> As I sit here today trying to figure out what happened, I feel> the strength in my Faith...this is way cool for me, as I am now very > aware of how some of these changes have truly assisted me.> Last Christmas I was asked to do a Soul Portrait for someone.> I at that point began to feel fear...I was not sure if I could still do > the work.> Well completed and mailed the portrait...it took months for me to send > it. The self doubt thing hit, my way of dealing with the self doubt is > to bury myself deep in work, landscaping in the hot Florida sun.> Being here caretaking my Mom and working way to many hours.> I lost my faith in me.> I am a bit secluded living in a 55 and older community and most do not > have any idea what a Spiritualist is, let alone understand new thought.> So I just work and share with just a few some of the things I have > learned.> Today I was asked to do a Hands Of Light Healing.> I accepted not setting a time or a date.> SO here I sit writing to this prescious family, asking for advice or > help.> This twisted sister, is really in fear and the self doubt just keeps > yelling." how twisted is that?"> I welcome any thoughts suggestions and prayers.> Blessings,> Peace>

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I Love You All !!It is remarkable and I thank you very much. There is an energy surge happening within me and the strength I am feeling, Holy Crap!! Bless you all I say with a huge smile, and now joyful in heart. Truth is, the only limitation I have is the ability to have limitations. Senagalady Yes, it is the Creators love and energy that heals. We are Blessed to be the vehicles that allow that energy to flow through us to others. Been working to hard and forgot about me. The surge of energy I feel from you, has allowed me to get back on track and even though we are taught,It is not about you.......well, sometimes it has to be. My self doubt created a swift but gentle kick to my rear. Thank you for the reminders! Thank you Stefie, Senagalady and the whole family. What a boost this is.

Love, Peacie

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"Truth is, the only limitation I have is the ability to have limitations."See? Told you you are quite a bright light my dear! And you never fail to make me smile. Those gentle (swift) kicks in the rear by the universe are bittersweet! LOL! Love you Peace,Stef>> I Love You All !!> It is remarkable and I thank you very much.> There is an energy surge happening within me and the strength I am feeling,> Holy Crap!!> Bless you all I say with a huge smile, and now joyful in heart.> Truth is, the only limitation I have is the ability to have limitations.> Senagalady> Yes, it is the Creators love and energy that heals.> We are Blessed to be the vehicles that allow that energy to flow through us to others.> Been working to hard and forgot about me.> The surge of energy I feel from you, has allowed me to get back on track and even though we are taught,It is not about you.......well, sometimes it has to be.> My self doubt created a swift but gentle kick to my rear.> Thank you for the reminders!> Thank you Stefie, Senagalady and the whole family.> What a boost this is.> Love,> Peacie>

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Dearest Sister, Nothing ventured, nothing gained. From me to you, your all that and a slice of cake, too. Now, stop thinking about yourself, and the what ifs and where as's. Heal that body, mind and spirit you have accepted the request for, and the next, and the next and stay out of your head. "Quiet Mind, Open Heart" Be that, which have chosen to be, Blessed. Much Love MarkPeace <iampeacewalker@...> wrote: Hello Dear Family,I have reached a point in my life where I find myself,in

such doubt.It is the self doubt thing has reared its head and I find fear.I have gone through several life changing events in the last 10 years.Each event brought me stronger in my Faith and stronger in my healing abilities.As I sit here today trying to figure out what happened, I feelthe strength in my Faith...this is way cool for me, as I am now very aware of how some of these changes have truly assisted me.Last Christmas I was asked to do a Soul Portrait for someone.I at that point began to feel fear...I was not sure if I could still do the work.Well completed and mailed the portrait...it took months for me to send it. The self doubt thing hit, my way of dealing with the self doubt is to bury myself deep in work, landscaping in the hot Florida sun.Being here caretaking my Mom and working way to many hours.I lost my faith in me.I am a bit secluded living in a 55 and older community and most do not have

any idea what a Spiritualist is, let alone understand new thought.So I just work and share with just a few some of the things I have learned.Today I was asked to do a Hands Of Light Healing.I accepted not setting a time or a date.SO here I sit writing to this prescious family, asking for advice or help.This twisted sister, is really in fear and the self doubt just keeps yelling." how twisted is that?"I welcome any thoughts suggestions and prayers.Blessings,Peace

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