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GUIDELINES FOR DISCERNMENT - New Realities Magazine - July 1987


1. There will always be useful information for everyone. Beware of the

channel that gives you useful information for only a few, or tells you

that it's only for a special group or a sequestered number. It must be

useful for ALL humanity, every single Human. This is an area of

discernment allowing you to know you are hearing the truth.

2. The message should be uplifting. Watch for an empowering message

- NOT ONE OF FEAR, not one that drags you down - not one that makes you

want to take fearful action or hide - but an enabling message! This is

a staple of God energy. It must be there. It should inspire the

listener and reader. Every recorded angel appearance before a Human

Being has begun with " Fear not! "

3. Spirit (God) will never, ever channel a message that asks you to

give up your free will. Never! For your free will is what your

experience on Earth is all about as you sit in your " chairs of gold " (a

metaphor created in Kryon Book Six). Free will! FREE CHOICE is what

drives your future.

4. Spirit will never give you a message - ever - that asks you to

violate the integrity of what you believe. You are honored in your

thought processes. Spirit will never trick you or " talk you " into

anything. The message must never violate your integrity. You must feel

comfortable with it, and it must ring true to your heart.

5. Spirit will never represent a channeler as being the only

source. Watch for this, for there are many channels of Spirit and they

all coordinate their information to create a bigger picture, especially

in this New Age. They will NEVER represent themselves as the ONLY

source of information.

6. Watch for the fact that the information is normally new

information. Beware of the channel that simply re-hashes the old, for

they are not channeling anything but the ego of the Human Being. New

information is necessary, combined with " core information, " it is the

entire reason for the channel. Think about it.

7. Watch for the fact that channeled information should have

spiritual solutions presented. Solutions to life challenges on Earth,

via new information, is the purpose of channeling.

Offered in Love,

Lee Carroll -- Sally SpencerFacilitator/Astrologerwww.Devi3.byregion.netWhatever you perceive, it's love you receive.

-- " Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark. " Rabindranath TagoreDownload Our Toolbar:http://.OurOrganizationToolbar.com

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