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We all have a main staple in our diet, what is your's?

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I would say cottage cheese is my very biggest main staple in my daily diet.

it is low carb and can go with all most anything. use to be I ate raw oats every

morning. just oats raw with milk and splinda. now I notice when I eat oats my

sugar will be higher then I like. so I cut down on what I eat and can't have any

more now then half a cup. I think right behind cottage cheese would be eggs. I

always keep some boiled eggs in the fridge every day. get the hunger pain? well

eat a boiled egg. hits the spot every time. you can do so much with an egg. ever

tried grilling you some onions in the skillet with a bit of olive oil before you

scramble your eggs? it is hard to beat for extra flavor. I really don't miss

bread. never have been a real bread eater with my meals like my Momma was. do

dig hot yeast rolls right out of the oven with some real butter and strawberry

jam! so I don't bake them no more. make you some chicken or turkey salad with

mayo, eggs, pickle relish, onions, celery and spices. let sit a few hours or

over night. now you can eat this like dip on your favorite veggie. I really like

it on a slice of cucumber or bell pepper. hard to beat cottage cheese though. it

is good on veggies as well. cut up some fruit in your cottage cheese and add

some splinda. throw in some walnuts or almonds as well. let this sit a few hours

and it is about as good as it gets. I haven't tried the kale chips yet or making

pancakes with pork rimes and eggs. can't get pass either one yet. not going to

knock them though until I have tried both. I do miss chips and dip. hot on fire

dip that is! I'm married to a Mexican lady who hates anything hot or spicy. she

doesn't even like black pepper. good thing I'm the cook because I love it hot

and more kinds of hot is better! going to mess around with different ways to

make me a new chip for some dip that won't shoot my sugar in to next week. I've

heard of romaine or leaf letis, but not sure yet if that will work for me. I'm

here to tell you for sure those so called low carb crackers and chips you can

now buy my dog wouldn't eat! very nasty to say the least. ever had any sweet

potatoes chips? these to me are very nasty to the taste. I do like turnips and

maybe they could be sliced real thin and baked in the oven until they were

crushy like a chip? I have always ate the same veggies all my life because I

suppose I got tunnel vision like most people. I run across veggies I have no

clue how to cook them or what they taste like or what do you eat them with. now

that I'm eating more veggies, I'm going to step out and try some new veggies on

for size. If I don't cook them right, then what the hay! like a artichoke? what

in the world is this? what about leaks? what is that? ever tried those potatoes

that look like a finger? now here is a way you can eat a few potatoes and not

eat to much. baby or finger will do the trick. do any of you like Brussels

sprouts? my honey loves them. I can't hardly stand to chew them up. I know corn

on the knob is not good for us who are watching the sugar, but some times you

got to step out and eat the for bidden fruit. so get you a fresh corn on the

knob and slice it up like you would a cucumber in to quarter inches slices. then

boil them and roll them around in some real butter. they will keep a while in a

tight container in the fridge and you can have a couple at dinner every day or

so until they are gone. what about water melon and cantaloupe? I love them both,

but high in sugar are they both. who can eat one slice of a real sweet

cantaloupe? not this pig! water melon is simply sugar water just about, but man

is it ever so good around the fourth of July! next time the buddies cook out on

the grill, you wrap your dog up in a huge romaine leaf instead of that bad bun.

you could eat 2 this way. just have one that is a foot long instead! if you buy

the romaine fresh, you will have a big enough wrap for your dog and put the good

stuff around it that you like. ever had veggies on a stick on the grill? I

always let my veggies and meat sit over night in some olive oil and spices

before I put them on the sticks the next day on the grill. you can do it in the

oven if you wish and they are good this way too. get you some button mushrooms,

cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, your favorite fruit and some kind of

meat. here is also where you can use those corn on the knob sliced up like a

cucumber on the sticks as well. once it is done, then pull it off the stick and

spread it out on a romaine leaf, fold it up like a taco or a burrito. you know

the one staple I miss a lot is pinto beans. however beans are way high in carbs.

I use to never eat less then 5 cups of beans at a time and always had two bowls

with half of a skillet of corn bread! now I may cook a cup of pinto beans and

add it to a whole pot of soup. times sure do change. when you get a real bad

sweet tooth going on and you are afraid you might slip and eat a thing you

shouldn't, eat a bit of plain mustard and it will help that tooth go back to

sleep. get you some of those large mushrooms that is the size of a small plate.

make you some scrambled eggs with grilled onions and cream cheese with some baby

shrimp, then put it in the bowl of the huge mushroom and let it heat up in the

oven for just a few minutes, but not to long or it won't be as good. rub that

mushroom down with some melted butter before you put the egg stuff in it. if

toast doesn't mess with your sugar, then set the mushroom on a piece of toast

and do it all together. just do it all kinds of different in what ever

combination you dig. but these huge mushrooms make grate bowls you can eat and

it isn't deep fried and will kill your sugar reading in 2 hours. go to the

health food store and buy the stuff to make up your own cereal using things that

are healthy. just have some one go with you and pick out how ever many items you

want to be in your cereal. nuts, seeds, granola, but be careful with dried fruit

because it is way high in carbs. add cut up fresh is better when you wish to eat

some. get you a blinder or a food processer and start playing around with foods

that are low in carbs. this is what I have done in the past and have created

some dishes that I do enjoy with out guilt. now don't forget to pick you up

maybe six containers of cottage cheese! it is the one staple you have to have on

hand always to do right by your sugar and if you just don't like it? well pull

your head out of the sand and learn to like it!

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