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your opinion on cinnamon?

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for the past 2 days my sugars are now running in the 90's. everything has

been the same as it has been over the past 2 weeks plus for me. carb intake the

same at all my meals, eat at the same times and one hour every day on the bike.

the only thing different is I started taking 2 cinnamon pills in the morning and

again in the evening. I have read and heard if you are watching your carb intake

and exercising that cinnamon can as well help to control your blood sugar. I'm

still on 20 units of a morning and 17 at dinner. the doc did say to fax my

numbers in if they changed up or down from where they was last week. I'm

thinking if they remain in the 90's for a few more days I will fax them in so he

can see what is happening. I will let him know I started taking cinnamon, but as

most docs will tell us it has no real proof of doing any good or not. I think it

has made a difference because nothing else in my life has changed. I know other

T 2's that eat right and take cinnamon and do well with keeping there A1C's down

in the safe range. just wanted to know what you guys thought about cinnamon for

helping to control blood sugar or is it just one more way to make money for us

who believe it works?

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