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A Spiritual Love Affair

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Now I love you and you love me

(and books are shutter

than books

can be)

And deep in the high that does nothing but fall

(with a shout


around we go all)

There's somebody calling who's we

We're anything brighter than even the sun

(we're everything greater

than books

might mean)

We're every anything more than believe

(with a spin


alive we're alive)

We're wonderful one times one.

EE Cummings

I love this poem. The poet captures the euphoria of love without

dismissing the wonder of the individual. He doesn't rave on and on

about how he was lost before he met his love, or how he might

consider his new mate to be as perfect as Aphrodite. Best of all, he

throws away the clichéd image of 'I was half and now that I have met

you I am whole'. Thank goodness there's no Jerry McGuire character in

this poem saying, " You complete me. "

Allow me to continue before you think me jaded as well as a naysayer

to romantic love. The mathematics of this poem proves elegant and

true. 'we're wonderful one times one'. To me, this is the most

important line and Cummings definitely saved the best for last. He is

saying that one (whole being) times one (whole being) can also

equal 'one' (whole 'we', a whole relationship). This is the essence

of any spiritual partnership (romantic or otherwise).

Looking for Love...

I'd like to introduce you to a different way of looking at romantic

love. Although the term 'spiritual partnership' can apply to many

types of relationships, I will focus on the romantic variety first.

We have been conditioned by our friends, family, fairy tales, the

media, society, music and religion to feel inadequate if we don't

find the perfect 'soul mate' in life. Many of us have cried into our

pillows just wishing we could feel whole, wanting to be made complete

by a 'better half'. I'm here to tell you in the most comforting

way... that's a load of crap.

Being a 'whole' person in the deepest sense of the meaning can only

come from following the path of your true purpose in life, from

following your bliss. You can't place the responsibility for your

happiness on another person, it is not fair to them and it is not

fair to you. That kind of relationship always ends in disappointment.

If you are following your true path, then you will find authentic

power within yourself and the nagging need for someone else (seeking

external power) will disappear. As you continue on your path many

different people will come into your life. All of them are teachers,

all of them a spiritual partners, and some may even be romantic

partners as well. All relationships, romantic or not, hold Cummings'

mathematical possibility of becoming a 'we'.

" When you lose sight of each other as sacred souls on a sacred

journey, then you cannot see the purpose, the reason, behind all

relationships. "

Conversations With God (Book I)

by Neal Walsch

Is it possible to have a spiritual love affair with someone? What

kind of relationship is it? Would it be dull and boring or could it

go beyond anything we have experienced before? How can it be

passionate and exciting? How will it differ from the romance you've

experienced in the past? Is it possible for sexuality within that

partnership to be exciting and sacred?

I am convinced that all romantic relationships will best be served

when they are nourished and sustained with spiritual insights and

principals. Unfortunately ego and fear driven beliefs have tainted

romantic couplings for thousands of years and they no longer work.

Our traditional partnerships have been weakened and destroyed by

needs, expectations, wants, clinging, insecurities, control,

jealousies, and other ego-based imperfections for ages. Today's

divorce rate of 50% says it all. And, of those couples who remain

together or married, how many continue to experience a healthy sense

of meaning and fulfillment in their relationship?

Listed below are some thoughts that may cause you to think and wonder

about how you might enter into and nurture a spiritual partnership...

The foundation of a spiritual relationship must be unconditional love

for the other.

Unconditional love allows for the freedom to be who you are, without

any pretending.

The spiritual couple understands their relationship to God, the rest

of humanity and all living things.

The spiritual couple knows that their finding one another was no

accident. Rather it was part of a plan they prepared before entering

the Earth's plane, reminding each to appreciate the sacredness of

their union.

The spiritual couple always honors and respects Mother Earth.

The spiritual couple will meditate together on a regular basis.

Their meditations will become a sacred ritual, performed daily

because they want to. Not because they have to.

The spiritual couple will find the time to serve humanity in some

meaningful way. This will serve to strengthen their union.

Spiritual partners will not rely on the other to make themselves feel

more loving. They will realize that this must begin within


Spiritual partners take self-responsibility for nurturing the

continuation of love in the partnership, once they have committed

themselves to a long-term relationship.

Rather than watching television, the spiritual couple will raise

their vibrations by listening to cosmic music or watching the planets

and stars together.

The spiritual couple will constantly do things to foster the well-

being of Earth Mother's environment.

Spiritual partners will know exactly what they want to do with their

sexuality. And how they want to use it as an expression of their

passion, joy and love for one another

In a spiritual relationship, there will be no feelings of guilt about

sexuality. The partners will celebrate their love openly and without


Spiritual partners will know that sexuality is one of God's gifts to

us to create feelings of divine oneness.

The spiritual couple realizes that planet Earth's resources are

limited and must be kept in sacred balance. That wisdom will

influence how many children they conceive.

The spiritual couple will become vegetarians and exercise outdoors,

realizing that a healthy body is essential for balancing the mind-

body-spirit complex.

Spiritual couples will avoid anything that is grounded in fear,

violence or the exploitation of sex.

Their sexuality will transcend anything they've experienced in the

past, because the feeling of completeness it produces will be a

reflection and a reminder of their union with God.

Spiritual couples will experience and feel their exchange of

sexuality from all chakra centers rather than the root chakra, which

is grounded in self-gratification and physicality.

Spiritual partners will not care how their mate drives the car,

brushes their teeth, sneezes, talks, dresses, eats or hangs their

clothes. Each realizes that such things are only important to the


The spiritual couple will smudge each other and their home every day

to ensure that negative energy is released from their auras and

living space.

There will be no control within the spiritual partnership. Each will

simply allow the other to be who they are.

Being spiritual partners, the couple will feel free to express their

deepest thoughts, without fear of insult or retribution.

The spiritual couple will not be attached to one another through fear

of losing the other.

The spiritual partnership will be free of fear-based attachments.

This will allow for individual freedom and the building of limitless


Spiritual couples will not expect the other to do certain things

other than being one's self.

The spiritual couple will look back on their relationship and feel as

though it's been one long conversation.

Spiritual partners will be the best of spiritual friends and buddies

at a very deep and intimate level of the soul.

Spiritual partners will talk to their souls on a regular basis.

Spiritual partners will do their best to base all of their decisions

on love rather than fear.

Spiritual partners will not cling to one another because of

insecurities or because each lacks of strong sense of self.

Ego will have no place in spiritual romance. Such partners realize

that it is the relationship ender.

What about Marriage?

In this day and age, divorce rates are high and people are puzzled as

to how the traditional marriages of yesteryear can ever survive

today's fast paced lifestyle. Many couples marry because they are 'in

love'. They have overwhelming attraction to one another and because

they feel romantic love towards one another, they feel that they

should commit their lives to each other. Close ...but these couples

need to take a closer look.

I hear so many husbands say, " She's just not the same as when I

married her, " and I hear so many wives say, " I don't know who I am

anymore, I lost myself somewhere along the way. " Or the husband

says, " It's not fun anymore, this isn't what I thought it would be, "

and the wife says, " He's so stressed out all the time, he doesn't

take time to be loving. " How did two people who seemed to love each

other so much, come to not know each other and then not even know


They became a 'couple' and stopped following their individual paths

of bliss. Perhaps they stopped talking to each other about where they

wanted to go in life. Perhaps they came to look at the bonds of

marriage as prohibitive rather than engaging in an active spiritual

partnership full of growth and cooperation. If the people involved

are willing to trust, cooperate, share and love, spiritual

partnerships can last a lifetime. If personal growth is left behind

for the sake of marriage then uneasiness and an empty relationship

are the results.


This past summer I went to a book sale at our local library. There in

a box of various books was a sweet little six volume set

titled, " Mother's Encyclopedia " . I was charmed by way the small

hardback books fit neatly into my hands and decided I'd purchase them

and take them home. The copyright is 1942 and the chapter headings

alone scream of 'leave it to beaver' re-runs. Yes, there are even

chapters called 'The Father's Role " and " The Mother's Role " .

Times have certainly changed. Unfortunately our spiritual

understanding of romantic unions and relationships has been slow to

follow. Many people still have certain expectations of what their

spouse should 'do' and be within the relationship.

M. Scot Peck gives a striking example of this in his book " the Road

Less Traveled " . He recalls a couples group meeting in which he asked

the members to share their thoughts on the purpose and function of

their spouses...

" All of them defined the purpose and function of their husbands and

wives in reference to themselves; all of them failed to perceive that

their own mates might have an existence basically separate from their

own or any kind of destiny apart from their marriage. "

When the group asked him to define his wife's role in his own

marriage, Peck replied, " The purpose and function of Lily, is to grow

and be the most of which she is capable. "

Here are some of my favorite quotes from chapter eight of

Conversations With God, Book I by Neale Walsh. They are meant

to stimulate more thought about bringing spiritual romance into our

lives. Keep in mind this is " God " talking to the author...

" Relationships are constantly challenging; constantly calling you to

create, express, and experience higher and higher aspects of

yourself, grander and grander visions of yourself...

" When human relationships fail... they fail because they were entered

into for the wrong reason. "

" Most people enter into relationships with an eye toward what they

can get out of them, rather than what they can put into them. "

" There can be only one purpose for relationships... and for all of

life: to be and decide Who You Really Are. "

" The purpose of a relationship is to decide what part of yourself

you'd like to see 'show up,' not what part of another you can capture

and hold. "

" It is very romantic to say that you were nothing until that special

other came along, but it is not true. Worse, it puts an incredible

pressure on the other to be all sorts of things he or she is not. "

" It is very romantic to say that now that your special other has

entered your life, you feel complete. Yet the purpose of relationship

is not to have another who might complete you; but to have another

with whom you might share your completeness. "

" Let each person in relationship worry not about the other, but only,

only, only about Self. "

" Yet I tell you this: your focus upon the other - your obsession with

the other is what causes relationships to fail. "

" If you cannot love your Self, you cannot love another. "

" ... You have to prove that you can love them. To do this, they may

ask you to start altering your behavior. So, in order to hold onto

your love, they start altering their behavior... Thus, two people

literally lose themselves in a relationship... The losing of Self in

a relationship is what causes most of the bitterness in such

couplings. "

" The soul has come to the body, and the body to life, for the purpose

of evolution. You are evolving, you are becoming. And you are using

your relationship with everything to decide what you are becoming.

This is the job you came here to do... Your personal relationships

are the most important elements in this process. "

" Your first relationship, therefore, must be with your Self. You must

first learn to honor and cherish and love your Self. "

" The first question in any interactive process with another is: now

Who Am I, and Who Do I Want To Be, in relationship to that? "

Closing thoughts...

Be true to yourself. Spiritual partners will honor the truth in you

and come to your life, as your journey requires. I wish you and your

partner many blessings in your spiritual romance with one another.

May the Light guide both of you to the highest good that can be

achieved through it.

" But let there be spaces in your togetherness,

and let the winds of the heavens dance between you

Love one another, but make not a bond of love:

Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.

Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.

Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf

Sing and dance together and be joyous,

But let each one of you be alone,

Even as the strings of a lute are alone

Though they quiver with the same music.

Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.

For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.

And stand together yet not too near together:

For the pillars of the temple stand apart,

And the oak tree and cypress grow not in each other's shadow. "

Kahlil Gibran

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Guest guest

Wow, thank you so much for this fantastic mail about spiritual partnership!! Its so true:) ~

yes, thank you so much for posting this!!

Lovely.. lovely.. its like the twinflamereunion.. the reunion of the two flames in two bodies, Divine Feminine and Divine masculine.

The reunion is for service, they have come together to do something for humanity!!~~

And its so different from all kinds of realtionships..its on a spiritual level, and the conection is very strong. Its so full ofjoy..

well. you can read more about this on:


Thanks, again!! Wishing you a fantastic day!!



<-----Original Message----->

From: Enlightenment Chapel, Inc. [ ]

Sent: 5/5/2008 8:58:38 PM

Subject: [] A Spiritual Love Affair

Now I love you and you love me

(and books are shutter

than books

can be)

And deep in the high that does nothing but fall

(with a shout


around we go all)

There's somebody calling who's we

We're anything brighter than even the sun

(we're everything greater

than books

might mean)

We're every anything more than believe

(with a spin


alive we're alive)

We're wonderful one times one.

EE Cummings

I love this poem. The poet captures the euphoria of love without

dismissing the wonder of the individual. He doesn't rave on and on

about how he was lost before he met his love, or how he might

consider his new mate to be as perfect as Aphrodite. Best of all, he

throws away the clichéd image of 'I was half and now that I have met

you I am whole'. Thank goodness there's no Jerry McGuire character in

this poem saying, "You complete me."

Allow me to continue before you think me jaded as well as a naysayer

to romantic love. The mathematics of this poem proves elegant and

true. 'we're wonderful one times one'. To me, this is the most

important line and Cummings definitely saved the best for last. He is

saying that one (whole being) times one (whole being) can also

equal 'one' (whole 'we', a whole relationship). This is the essence

of any spiritual partnership (romantic or otherwise).

Looking for Love...

I'd like to introduce you to a different way of looking at romantic

love. Although the term 'spiritual partnership' can apply to many

types of relationships, I will focus on the romantic variety first.

We have been conditioned by our friends, family, fairy tales, the

media, society, music and religion to feel inadequate if we don't

find the perfect 'soul mate' in life. Many of us have cried into our

pillows just wishing we could feel whole, wanting to be made complete

by a 'better half'. I'm here to tell you in the most comforting

way... that's a load of crap.

Being a 'whole' person in the deepest sense of the meaning can only

come from following the path of your true purpose in life, from

following your bliss. You can't place the responsibility for your

happiness on another person, it is not fair to them and it is not

fair to you. That kind of relationship always ends in disappointment.

If you are following your true path, then you will find authentic

power within yourself and the nagging need for someone else (seeking

external power) will disappear. As you continue on your path many

different people will come into your life. All of them are teachers,

all of them a spiritual partners, and some may even be romantic

partners as well. All relationships, romantic or not, hold Cummings'

mathematical possibility of becoming a 'we'.

"When you lose sight of each other as sacred souls on a sacred

journey, then you cannot see the purpose, the reason, behind all


Conversations With God (Book I)

by Neal Walsch

Is it possible to have a spiritual love affair with someone? What

kind of relationship is it? Would it be dull and boring or could it

go beyond anything we have experienced before? How can it be

passionate and exciting? How will it differ from the romance you've

experienced in the past? Is it possible for sexuality within that

partnership to be exciting and sacred?

I am convinced that all romantic relationships will best be served

when they are nourished and sustained with spiritual insights and

principals. Unfortunately ego and fear driven beliefs have tainted

romantic couplings for thousands of years and they no longer work.

Our traditional partnerships have been weakened and destroyed by

needs, expectations, wants, clinging, insecurities, control,

jealousies, and other ego-based imperfections for ages. Today's

divorce rate of 50% says it all. And, of those couples who remain

together or married, how many continue to experience a healthy sense

of meaning and fulfillment in their relationship?

Listed below are some thoughts that may cause you to think and wonder

about how you might enter into and nurture a spiritual partnership...

The foundation of a spiritual relationship must be unconditional love

for the other.

Unconditional love allows for the freedom to be who you are, without

any pretending.

The spiritual couple understands their relationship to God, the rest

of humanity and all living things.

The spiritual couple knows that their finding one another was no

accident. Rather it was part of a plan they prepared before entering

the Earth's plane, reminding each to appreciate the sacredness of

their union.

The spiritual couple always honors and respects Mother Earth.

The spiritual couple will meditate together on a regular basis.

Their meditations will become a sacred ritual, performed daily

because they want to. Not because they have to.

The spiritual couple will find the time to serve humanity in some

meaningful way. This will serve to strengthen their union.

Spiritual partners will not rely on the other to make themselves feel

more loving. They will realize that this must begin within


Spiritual partners take self-responsibility for nurturing the

continuation of love in the partnership, once they have committed

themselves to a long-term relationship.

Rather than watching television, the spiritual couple will raise

their vibrations by listening to cosmic music or watching the planets

and stars together.

The spiritual couple will constantly do things to foster the well-

being of Earth Mother's environment.

Spiritual partners will know exactly what they want to do with their

sexuality. And how they want to use it as an expression of their

passion, joy and love for one another

In a spiritual relationship, there will be no feelings of guilt about

sexuality. The partners will celebrate their love openly and without


Spiritual partners will know that sexuality is one of God's gifts to

us to create feelings of divine oneness.

The spiritual couple realizes that planet Earth's resources are

limited and must be kept in sacred balance. That wisdom will

influence how many children they conceive.

The spiritual couple will become vegetarians and exercise outdoors,

realizing that a healthy body is essential for balancing the mind-

body-spirit complex.

Spiritual couples will avoid anything that is grounded in fear,

violence or the exploitation of sex.

Their sexuality will transcend anything they've experienced in the

past, because the feeling of completeness it produces will be a

reflection and a reminder of their union with God.

Spiritual couples will experience and feel their exchange of

sexuality from all chakra centers rather than the root chakra, which

is grounded in self-gratification and physicality.

Spiritual partners will not care how their mate drives the car,

brushes their teeth, sneezes, talks, dresses, eats or hangs their

clothes. Each realizes that such things are only important to the


The spiritual couple will smudge each other and their home every day

to ensure that negative energy is released from their auras and

living space.

There will be no control within the spiritual partnership. Each will

simply allow the other to be who they are.

Being spiritual partners, the couple will feel free to express their

deepest thoughts, without fear of insult or retribution.

The spiritual couple will not be attached to one another through fear

of losing the other.

The spiritual partnership will be free of fear-based attachments.

This will allow for individual freedom and the building of limitless


Spiritual couples will not expect the other to do certain things

other than being one's self.

The spiritual couple will look back on their relationship and feel as

though it's been one long conversation.

Spiritual partners will be the best of spiritual friends and buddies

at a very deep and intimate level of the soul.

Spiritual partners will talk to their souls on a regular basis.

Spiritual partners will do their best to base all of their decisions

on love rather than fear.

Spiritual partners will not cling to one another because of

insecurities or because each lacks of strong sense of self.

Ego will have no place in spiritual romance. Such partners realize

that it is the relationship ender.

What about Marriage?

In this day and age, divorce rates are high and people are puzzled as

to how the traditional marriages of yesteryear can ever survive

today's fast paced lifestyle. Many couples marry because they are 'in

love'. They have overwhelming attraction to one another and because

they feel romantic love towards one another, they feel that they

should commit their lives to each other. Close ...but these couples

need to take a closer look.

I hear so many husbands say, "She's just not the same as when I

married her," and I hear so many wives say, "I don't know who I am

anymore, I lost myself somewhere along the way." Or the husband

says, "It's not fun anymore, this isn't what I thought it would be,"

and the wife says, "He's so stressed out all the time, he doesn't

take time to be loving." How did two people who seemed to love each

other so much, come to not know each other and then not even know


They became a 'couple' and stopped following their individual paths

of bliss. Perhaps they stopped talking to each other about where they

wanted to go in life. Perhaps they came to look at the bonds of

marriage as prohibitive rather than engaging in an active spiritual

partnership full of growth and cooperation. If the people involved

are willing to trust, cooperate, share and love, spiritual

partnerships can last a lifetime. If personal growth is left behind

for the sake of marriage then uneasiness and an empty relationship

are the results.


This past summer I went to a book sale at our local library. There in

a box of various books was a sweet little six volume set

titled, "Mother's Encyclopedia". I was charmed by way the small

hardback books fit neatly into my hands and decided I'd purchase them

and take them home. The copyright is 1942 and the chapter headings

alone scream of 'leave it to beaver' re-runs. Yes, there are even

chapters called 'The Father's Role" and "The Mother's Role".

Times have certainly changed. Unfortunately our spiritual

understanding of romantic unions and relationships has been slow to

follow. Many people still have certain expectations of what their

spouse should 'do' and be within the relationship.

M. Scot Peck gives a striking example of this in his book "the Road

Less Traveled". He recalls a couples group meeting in which he asked

the members to share their thoughts on the purpose and function of

their spouses...

"All of them defined the purpose and function of their husbands and

wives in reference to themselves; all of them failed to perceive that

their own mates might have an existence basically separate from their

own or any kind of destiny apart from their marriage."

When the group asked him to define his wife's role in his own

marriage, Peck replied, "The purpose and function of Lily, is to grow

and be the most of which she is capable."

Here are some of my favorite quotes from chapter eight of

Conversations With God, Book I by Neale Walsh. They are meant

to stimulate more thought about bringing spiritual romance into our

lives. Keep in mind this is "God" talking to the author...

"Relationships are constantly challenging; constantly calling you to

create, express, and experience higher and higher aspects of

yourself, grander and grander visions of yourself...

"When human relationships fail... they fail because they were entered

into for the wrong reason."

"Most people enter into relationships with an eye toward what they

can get out of them, rather than what they can put into them."

"There can be only one purpose for relationships... and for all of

life: to be and decide Who You Really Are."

"The purpose of a relationship is to decide what part of yourself

you'd like to see 'show up,' not what part of another you can capture

and hold."

"It is very romantic to say that you were nothing until that special

other came along, but it is not true. Worse, it puts an incredible

pressure on the other to be all sorts of things he or she is not."

"It is very romantic to say that now that your special other has

entered your life, you feel complete. Yet the purpose of relationship

is not to have another who might complete you; but to have another

with whom you might share your completeness."

"Let each person in relationship worry not about the other, but only,

only, only about Self."

"Yet I tell you this: your focus upon the other - your obsession with

the other is what causes relationships to fail."

"If you cannot love your Self, you cannot love another."

"... You have to prove that you can love them. To do this, they may

ask you to start altering your behavior. So, in order to hold onto

your love, they start altering their behavior... Thus, two people

literally lose themselves in a relationship... The losing of Self in

a relationship is what causes most of the bitterness in such


"The soul has come to the body, and the body to life, for the purpose

of evolution. You are evolving, you are becoming. And you are using

your relationship with everything to decide what you are becoming.

This is the job you came here to do... Your personal relationships

are the most important elements in this process."

"Your first relationship, therefore, must be with your Self. You must

first learn to honor and cherish and love your Self."

"The first question in any interactive process with another is: now

Who Am I, and Who Do I Want To Be, in relationship to that?"

Closing thoughts...

Be true to yourself. Spiritual partners will honor the truth in you

and come to your life, as your journey requires. I wish you and your

partner many blessings in your spiritual romance with one another.

May the Light guide both of you to the highest good that can be

achieved through it.

"But let there be spaces in your togetherness,

and let the winds of the heavens dance between you

Love one another, but make not a bond of love:

Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.

Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.

Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf

Sing and dance together and be joyous,

But let each one of you be alone,

Even as the strings of a lute are alone

Though they quiver with the same music.

Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.

For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.

And stand together yet not too near together:

For the pillars of the temple stand apart,

And the oak tree and cypress grow not in each other's shadow."

Kahlil Gibran

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